Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 15, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 15, 2019

It is still Valentine's Day in Salem, Eric finding Rex having botched the cake he made for the dinner for him & Sarah. Yep, put it on broil as he was running late, and geee, it burnt! So now, instead of sending Eric out to get some dessert, he asks Eric to set the table, put the flowers he bought in a vase, tend to the coq au vin he has been making from a Julia Child recipe, and he runs out. (don't roll your eyes too much).

Jordan sits on a park bench, recalling Chad telling her of killing Ben. She is pretty upset...along comes Rex, who, seeing she looks distressed, offers to help, he's a doctor. Instead he listens to her sorry tale, of how her younger brother was killed, they were so close, had a horrible father who beat them all, when mom died she took her brother and went on the run for years, hiding from Clyde. But then, Ben began slowly becoming more like Clyde. (evidently the names mean nothing to Rex). He gets a call from Kayla, telling him of Kate in hospital, and takes off.

At the hospital, Kayla has checked on Kate, Rafe still there, leaves the room. Rafe mutters something to Kate about “since when do you give up like that”, she is awake, says she doesn't. And tells of Jordan, the hypo in the neck, etc. Rafe calls Kayla back in, she is glad to now know what she is dealing with, is ordering more tests.

Over at DiMansion, Chad & Abby are fussing over their baby, Aunt Kayla came personally to check her, she is fine, Kayla leaves. Abby wants to talk to Chad, goes over all that has happened, her breakdowns, her anger, his promise to put Charlotte b ck in her arms, he did. Chad cannot forgive himself for taking Charlotte away in the first place. Abby talks of how she insisted Stefan was the father, cannot blame him, but it meant so much Chad was willing to give up his legacy for her. They go back and forth, despite her anger, she never stopped loving him, nor he her. She wants them to be a team again, a family, be together. So does he, kissing.....

Rex explained to Jordan why he has to leave, his mom in hospital with overdose. Jordan recalls all she did when she brought Kate to her room, gave another hypo, knocking Kate out, emptying the pill bottle, leaving it on floor...all looking like suicide attempt. She says Kate, you should have died. A shame you did not.

Ben is tending to Ciara, along comes Hope & Ted, she has her gun on Ben,....get away from my daughter. Ciara steps in front of Ben, don't shoot him......he saved me. And soon Ciara has told the tale, it was first Hope does not believe her. But Ciara explains it all, plus Chad being there, Jordan having taken Charlotte, too. Hope hugs her daughter, calls someone to learn Charlotte is there, fine. Hope now tells Ben she is sorry, very sorry, for not believing him. He tells her don't worry about it, if I was in your position, I wouldn't have believed me either. Ciara coughs, they all realize she needs to be at hospital, smoke inhalation. Ben hugs Ciara, kisses her forehead. Hope asks if she can walk, she thinks so, but Ben picks her up, carries her, is taking no chances.

Next, Ciara in hospital bed, Hope at her side. Ben comes, didn't know Hope still there, she says come in anyway, she has to go check at station. She tells Ben to stay with Ciara.

Rafe is leaving Kate's room when Rex rushes in, glad Kate is o.k. He calls Sarah to say he is at hospital, someone drugged his mom, she should go ahead and enjoy the dinner with Eric, don't let the food go to waste. As Rafe goes out into corridor, a nurse coming that way, ducks back til he is gone. Yep, tis Jordan in scrubs.

Hope is about to go to the station, Ted convinces her to not be a cop right now, Eli is perfectly capable, stay here, be a mom. He is right, she just is all confused. He suddenly kisses her, she pushes him away....don't ever do that again. Oooh, look who has appeared. Yep, it is Rafe, everyone rather surprised.

In Ciara's room, she & Ben talk seriously about themselves, he is upset he did not help Jordan, he should have recognized what was going on. They talk of their argument, how Ciara knew she wanted Ben, so came back early, both wanting to be together. He murmurs that he never thought he'd be able to say, how lucky he is. They kiss. In comes Jordan, hitting Ben on back on head, he falls back, she hits him again, down he goes, unconscious on the floor.
I skipped over a nonsensical conversation between Eric & Sarah, wherein he was telling her of some other Valentine's day, where evidently Doctor Dan was eating donuts Jen had made, and was about to take the last one, when Eric came up, saying sorry, this one is mine. Sarah & Eric were laughing, Eric saying he wasn't just talking of the donuts, and also that he & Jen work best as good friends. Sarah hope when he is ready to move on, knowing he still mourns Nicole, he will find a really wonderful girl. Filler.....and silly talk. To me.
I was surprised Hope didn't choke on her apology to Ben. I'm happy Ben and Ciara are reconciling. I am waiting for the I love yous though.

I am not a Chad/Abigail fan so not happy they are reconciling. I was hoping she would be strong, stand her ground and say you're not treating me like that and getting away with it. Oh well apparently the powers that be think they are a super couple.

Please stop with the Eric/Sarah stuff. He was looking at her like she's the one when she was saying to keep his heart open.

Jordan had a car accident. Is that what happened, frontal lobe injury? There was a Criminal Minds and the unsub had a car accident and injury and it made her kill people.

I figured Jordan was gonna run into Ben at the hospital, but smack him over the head? Didn't see that coming and it's amazing how easily people get knocked out on soaps. Please someone come in!!!

Did Rafe see the kiss? How dumb is Ted?
Hope had left Ben inside, telling him to stay with Ciara..... & Jordan is wearing looks like hospital employee. I hope Ciara screams for help immediately. Jordan seemed bent on going after Kate....but entered Ciara's room. And not even surprised to see her supposedly dead brother, who is alive, so she smacks him???
But still, you'd think they'd have an officer at the door, on the lookout for Jordan (after being given her picture). Stupid writing again.
Typical Salem -- a Salem cop at the door would be almost a guarantee that Jordan would get in. She'd probably inject him/her with some magic potion and enter Ciara's room to do her worst. Recall the time a cop was put at prisoner Andre's door. Andre escaped and the cop was tied to the bed.

Hope's Little Helper: Hope goes on an emergency call, but takes shyster Ted and not a couple of uniformed cops? Only in Salem. Speaking of Ted, if he'd delayed kissing Hope even a few moments, Rafe might have made him the hospital's next all-star patient along with Ciara and Kate.

Take some cooking lessons: Rexy broiled his cake? This idiot should head over to the Pub and learn how to make garbage can nachos or how to thaw out Wanchai Ferry. Anything more sophisticated would be wasted on the likes of big-mouth Sarah.

Fireproof?: The absence of fire trucks and/or flames coming from the cabin suggests that this place is essentially fireproof. Perhaps, it's so damp and dank that no fire can last very long.

The pigs are flying again: Hope actually apologized to Ben. I had thought this would take some time, but if Hope wants to start an apology tour, she might want to apologize to the people of Salem for its wretched police force or to Mother Finnegar for the sad fate of her son, Arnold.

Poor judge of character: Ted actually told Kate that she was the strongest women he knows. Just how many women does he know?
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Think you are right about the cabin being fireproof......since Chad was only using a rug or blanket and managed to beat out the flames.........
Is Jordan thinking she is saving Ciara from Ben.......when just a while ago she was going to kill her, blame Ben? Or does she still want to kill Ciara so Ben will be blamed? It bugs me no end she was not startled to see Ben.
Do they just have writers who only know how to write for buffoons? First we had the usual falling into cakes garbage they wrote for Jack, and now this asinine Rex being such an idiot about this stupid dinner for Sarah. He is the most immature, clueless, worthless, cartoon of a character and we are supposed to believe he is a doctor? Yikes!

I was glad to see Hope start her apology tour today, although I hope we get more.

You're right @macgyverswife about Jordan not being surprised to see her dead brother. I don't think she will get very far and someone will catch her (I hope), and then they will start getting all the facts out so Ben can be cleared, since that is obviously the way they are going.
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There was so much non-excitement today. All so darn predictable. The cabin fire died out with Chad's "magic" blanket I guess. I wish Eric would just take a long walk away from Salem. Lordy I'm so sick of his moon eyes and the oh wishy washy routines with just about everyone he is talking to. Always the "talk about it" - give us a break from him and Sarah. Now.. if Rex would walk in on saintly Eric and her doing the big nasty on the kitchen table, that would redeem the writers!

Hope's "oh sorry" to Ben was totally lifeless -- she needs a very long one on one session with Dr. Marlena.
Eric’s corny story from the time he interrupted Jen’s date and snatched the doughnut from that guy lol. I was hoping they never brought that up again. Does anyone take more shots to the head than Ben? He must be on the verge of brain damage by now.
She tells Ben to stay with Ciara.
If this follows the story of Hope/Aiden, Hope and Ben will be hitting the sheets in no time.

Did anyone else catch whose recipe Eric said the Pub used for that pie? I thought he kept saying "my grandma" but that would make no sense - does the Pub sell Evans recipe pies?
Thanks Poirot.

I thought Eric meant Grandma Caroline made pies and they sell at the pub.
Since she's not there, maybe they use her recipes.

Are we supposed to believe Rex, a doctor, put the oven on broil to cook the
cake fast?

Does the cabin have magical powers and puts itself out when it catches fire?
Too bad it can't fix the inside by itself.

Chad and Abby are at the Horton house not the DiMera mansion.

Did everyone write on their calendar Hope apologized to Ben today?
What was the significance of showing Jordan’s feet? At the beginning of the scene the camera was on her feet and showed she had a tattoo on her left leg near her ankle. Not sure why they showed that. The camera then went up and she revealed the scar in the back of her head.
THE ANSWER WOULD BE A SPOILER...SO CANNOT reply here. sorry this laptop seems to easily go all caps......