Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 16, 2024


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Western Wisconsin
38 minutes

Square - Stephanie is watching people geocache and donate money. Wendy and Tripp come up to her, they are participating in the event, learn they have raised thousands. Later, Tripp and Wendy have found some clues and tell each other they like hanging out together as they eat a cookie.

Spectator (ahem) "Offices" - Leo is looking at a clipboard while Everett works on a story. Leo says the spellchecker keeps autocorrecting "geocaching" to "geocatching". Everett is writing about the fire. Leo is glad everyone was safe, especially Thomas and Charlotte. He laments the loss of their history and belongings, but states that acquiring things is not the way to happiness. This causes Everett to stop working for a minute in shock. They get back to talking about the fire. Leo thinks it was started by someone who's jealous of how lovey-dovey the Hortons are. He tells Everett he has no plans since his boyfriend is in prison. Everett has plans. Leo likes Stephanie, asks if he can tag along? When he learns it's a double date, he backs out. He'll give the geo-c-a-c-h-i-n-g event a try. He leaves.

Donovan - Kiriakis Apartment - Jeannie T is acting sexy and flashing back to finding the ring. Alex is occupied with his phone and asks for a minute. Later, he is ready and is sorry it took so long. She got him a scarf for a gift that matches her dress. They express affection with their tongues. Alex says they should get to the Bistro. Jeannie T mutters about that being a perfect place to propose, Alex (a few feet away) asks her what she said, she lies.

Peterson Apartment - Sloan and Eric have gifts for each other. He got her a necklace that says "Jude" and she got him a negligée for her to wear. She wants to get intimate, Eric takes Jude for a walk.

DiMansion, Holly's Room - Nicole is thankful to EJ for helping bring Holly home. She's still in a coma and there's some medical equipment in the room. Sarah Horton, per EJ, is helping coordinate staffing and communication with the Italian doctors. EJ and Nicole kiss. Later, downstairs, she tells him she learned some Italian since it's a second language for him. She says she loves him in Italian. They kiss again. She thanks him again for bringing Holly home. He admits he missed them both.

Rafe's Office - Goldman hopes she's never forced to use her weapon again. Jada comes in and gives her her bagged weapon. Rafe tells her she can return to active duty. Goldman leaves. Rafe hopes she has someone to be with on Valentine's Day. Jada isn't sure if Goldman's seeing anyone. Rafe hopes she does, she needs someone to lean on. Jada gives Rafe a Valentine's Day present, an antique sheriff's badge. He got her a bracelet (and put it in a candy box) with, "Nevertheless, she persisted," etched on it. They smooch.

Rafe's Office - Jada and Rafe end their work day so they can head to their double date. Jada looks forward to meeting Stephanie's boyfriend. Rafe has met him on reporter business, thinks he's a cool guy. Jada notes her ex was a sleaze but also a reporter.

Square - Stephanie snaps a picture of Jude, Eric, and Sloan. They go to check out window displays. Goldman walks by in uniform and glances around. We get a shot of the poster again. Later, Stephanie calls Everett.

Spectator Cube Farm in someone's Living Room - Everett gets a call on his company phone. He lost track of time and is late meeting Stephanie. He has some work to finish, then will meet her.

Square - Sloan and Eric are at a table with Jude's buggy next to them. They hear Leo exclaim that he loves this game. Eric calls him over, wants to see what he found. Sloan shoots daggers at him. Leo comes over and says "hi" to Jude. Sloan tells him the baby's sleeping. Leo says, "No he's not, look at the way he's looking at me! Like he's known me since the day he was born." More eye-daggers from Sloan.

Leo's found some cool prizes and tries to encourage them to participate. Sloan slaps his hand when he tries to get her phone to show her. Leo says it's Valentine's Day and she should be happy. She continues to glare. He likens her facial expression to Dr Evil's henchwoman from the Austin Powersnmovies. He leaves. Eric thinks Leo is a weasel, but harmless. Sloan smirks.

Bistro - Jeannie T and Alex have dinner with mocktails. Later, they talk about how she and Brady will be picking up Tate tomorrow. Jeannie T will be withholding some of the bad news of the town from him, but can't wait to tell him about Holly breathing on her own. Alex says she'll have some good news too, as he fondles her left hand's ring finger.

DiMansion Living Room - Nicole asks EJ about the fire. EJ says it was arson and the prevailing prosecuting/investigating theory is that it's connected to the person who got the drugs onto the street that Holly consumed. He has a Valentine's Day gift for her. It's a Japanese healing bowl. She laments she has no gift for him. Her presence is enough.

Square - Tripp and Wendy continue to find cached items. (Seriously folks, they're just all wandering around the Square.) They find a box that has Tom & Alice facts in it, one is supposed to be false, but they're all true (assuming Tripp misread one of the lines, they are). Wendy wants to know more about some of these facts, but is angry she lost the quiz. They continue their hunt. Goldman follows them.

Peterson Apartment - Eric, Sloan, and Doll-in-Blanket have returned. Jude will be put to bed. Sloan will slink into something more comfortable.

Square Private Area - Tripp points something out for Wendy. It's a gift box but it's not a ring. She got him a gift, too: expensive cufflinks like James Bond wears. They press their lips together as Goldman watches.

Bistro - Alex says there's just one more thing to do. Jeannie T watches his every move as he asks for the check and pays the bill. She gets impatient and asks him to do it already, and her answer is "YES!!" Alex looks (I'm guessing here) confused.

Pub - Stephanie and Rafe and Jada are seated. Rafe shows off his gift. Jada goes to the Ladies Room as Everett enters (suspend disbelief she didn't see him). Everett is glad to see his "best girl, my love". He kisses Stephanie.

Square Private Area - Wendy is wearing her earrings, but the cufflinks will have to wait. Goldman approaches them and tells them that she needs to get them to safety because someone is making a move on them.

DiMansion, Holly's Room (set-spotters, is this set new?) - Nicole puts the healing bowl by Holly's bedside. EJ enters. The medical staff will arrive in the morning. Nicole says Holly must come back to them.

Peterson Apartment - Sloan is in her negligée. (And has apparently had a spray tan.) Eric is conked out on the couch. Sloan makes a call and plans to meet someone.

Bistro - Jeannie T says she knows about the ring. Alex is sorry. Jeannie T figures out she's not getting a proposal and gets angry. She has nothing to say to him, scurries out (knocking over a chair) and shouts to the crowd to have a Happy Valentine's Day.

Pub - Rafe is showing off his badge which Everett admires. Jada comes up behind them and drops the bomb: Everett is Bobby! END
The Tom & Alice facts were:

Alice's famous donut recipe and "Salem's finest woman (confirmed by captions)" got stoned; the Salem Clinic was once run out of the Horton's home; Tom was a beat poet named Norm de Plume; the Hortons were the most beloved couple ever.

Call me a stickler - but I don't think any of the women who got stoned on the spiked donuts were Salem's finest (Kayla comes closest, if I recall, she was there?). Unless I'm forgetting something from the 1980s (although that would be a bit of a reach for a story) and Alice was once stoned on-screen?
Yes, Adrienne was there, and Nicole, too.

Edited to add: I found the summary. Hope wasn't there, but showed up later.

So, if Goldman is just now being put back on duty, does that mean she was not one of the officers who conducted the search of Xander's apartment? And where is she taking Wendy and Tripp? I don't think Rafe knows anything about that plan.

Everett didn't seem to know Jada. Does he have a twin or multiple personality disorder?
Great job, Jason!

I wanted to slap Theresa for acting like a fool. Does she really want to marry Alex? She hasn't known him that long, and if the truth comes out about his heritage, she won't be married to the rich guy in town any longer.

Did anyone else find it odd that Alex paid with cash? I always do so I don't rack up credit card debt, but if Tate can lay down a platinum card from Brady, why didn't Alex? Just an observation.

Tripp and Wendy had no reason to not believe Officer Goldman, but we know it was a ruse to kidnap them. Don't we? But if she is in on the plan, why did she shoot the #1 goon? Am I missing something here?

Leo was funny, as always. I liked it when he said something to the effect that Jude knew him from the day he was born, wink wink.

Sloan did not deserve anything, but I will say that if I had a child, I would not want to wear a necklace with their name on it; rather, a locket with their picture in it. Her disdain for motherhood is showing more and more, and I hope Eric catches her saying to herself, or to Jude, that she hates being a mother. When she was "the lady in red" and wanting alone time with Eric and saw Jude in bed with him, she looked like she wanted to scream. Assume she was calling Melinda to meet her so she could vent.

I also hope Everett does not have a multiple personality disorder. We could see that he had no clue who Jada nor Bobby was. So back to the doppelganger theory OR he has a twin he does not know exists. BUT, Jada mentioned that Bobby was also a reporter/journalist. I hope the mystery is over soon. Such a memorable Valentine's Day they will have.

I liked Rafe and Jada's gift exchange.

Really liking Nicole and EJ this time around, but it stinks that we know she will be off the show in a few months.

At least Holly can breathe on her own. Maybe that magic bowl's vibrations will wake up Holly.
Thanks Jason.

How can Tripp and Wendy play this geo-caching event game? Wendy set up the website and all the tracking and hits so she knows where all the canisters are located. Does seem a bit rigged.

I agree WW, I wouldn't want a necklace with my kid's name as a gift. Bthen again I'm not a fan of neck jewelry. Eric could have gotten her a sleep t-shirt that said "Jude's Momma". She'd have loved that. :rotfl:

Now onward to Monday's episode.
Maybe it'll be something new and exciting, like he's a robot who happens to be a dead ringer for Bobby?? :rotfl:

Since we've already done clones (the 4 Marlena clones Stefano created and sent out into the world), maybe the writers figured this was something not yet done on the soaps. :rolleyes:

Look how convincing it was on 70's TV :rotfl:

I was very surprised and happy to see Nicole. She and EJ are happy so that won't last. The bowl was a very thoughtful gift.

How does Eric love Sloan? She doesn't give 2 hoots about that baby. All she wants is Eric in bed. Is he that good? Who is she meeting? Almost think Leo.

Rafe seems to fall in love with everyone he dates. I like Rafe. I'd like to see him happy but I don't think Jada is it. I wasn't familiar with "nevertheless, she persisted." I wasn't expecting her to finally see Everett, but he looks very confused.

Alex was kind of mean, taking her hand and rubbing her finger. But guess she shouldn't snoop.

My sister-in-law and brother-in-law geocache a lot. They love it.

Not sure I trust Goldman. Is she taking Tripp for Clyde?