Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 22, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 22, 2019

Oh, my gosh, now that is a way to end Friday. But.......first....Ben comes to see Ciara, beautiful bouquet in hand. Ciara thanks him, sees he doesn't seem to be o.k. He is upset, nearly killed his sister, who always took care of him, watched out for me. Yes, he knows the things she did, and was attacking Ciara, but he wanted her dead. He thought that part of him was gone, but it seems not. He worries about Ciara, but right now, wants to go see Jordan. He knows she is in custody, but will try anyway.

Eve continues to eavesdrop on Melinda and Haley, gets all the info about them being sisters, etc. and runs off. She goes to their room, asks Jack about the wedding, small, over quick, etc. Now she tells her news, and tells him he has to bust her. Jack refuses, promised his son, won't go back on his word, he really sticks to his guns. But Eve changes her tactics, wheedles, convincing him finally that he would be protecting his son. She even brings up losing her own child, and pushes, prods til Jack concedes.

Haley returns to the apartment, gets the same wedding report from JJ, he is making a sandwich, had no lunch. He talks of missing his sister, she mentions having lunch courtesy of Tripp, JJ gets a bit jealous, and thing they are kissing on the sofa.

Claire comes to the restaurant just as Tripp returns with the key lime pie, wondering what happened to Haley. Claire starts asking tons of questions, (yes, the green eyed monster is apparent), but Tripp notes she is just the nurse who took care of his arm, Claire eats the pie, then decides she is going to take a piece to Ciara. Tripp's shift is over, he is going along. She doesn't want him to hear her apologizing to Ciara again, but he insists he wants to be there.

Hope is talking to Rafe, when Ted comes in with news they both should hear. Abe has apparently appointed Ted temp he will be prosecuting Jordan. Hope has already arranged for Rafe to take her statement, Ted is anxious, figuring she will go to prison, but Hope & Rafe both point out her attorney will plead her temp insanity. Ted says then it would be just a couple months in Bayview and she would be out.

Rafe goes to talk to her (don't FF these scenes), she is so happy it is Rafe. She talks again of protecting everyone from Ben, was trying to “save” Ciara, she was kissing Ben, he was gaining her confidence, and then he would kill her, like before when he started the fire. Rafe denies that, they have no evidence at all that he did so. Jordan goes on. He killed 4 people. Jordan goes on and on, at first denying she injected Kate, who was not in any danger, but then admitting it, Kate was stopping her from taking supplies for Ciara & Charlotte. She was helping people, it is what she does, how she helped Rafe to walk again.

Rafe comments that she looks the same, but doesn't seem to be the same person, mentions her telling Rex she had an accident and things went downhill. Yes, she was in hospital a long time, long recovery, but the accident brought up things she had buried, from another accident.

She talks of the garden they had, how she had to pick the dead flowers off, so more would grow. Sometimes the flowers were not dead, but her mom said they were too big, preventing the rain and sunshine from reaching the lower, new ones. Then Clyde came into their lives, and hated everything her mom loved. Mowed the garden down. She says “and he left his mark on me”. Ben came along, she thought he would be happy to have a son, but if Ben even dropped an apple core on the floor, off came his belt.

So, when her mom was pregnant again, she knew what would happen to the baby. And as she was driving her to the doctor one day, she saw this huge white maple. She saw what she had to do. She saved them, her mom and the baby. Rafe comments no, you caused their deaths. She is crying, asking him to understand, he has to understand. He holds her, as Hope & Ted come in. Next,, she is gone, a conversation between Ted, Hope & Rafe, who has reported all Jordan related. Ted makes some comment about wishing the Westons had never come to town, just as Ben comes in. They tell Ben that Jordan is going to Bayview, Ted has talked to her attorney, and to the judge. Rafe comes out with Jordan, who sees Ben. He says he is sorry for hurting her, she tells him it is o.k. It is who you are, who you will always be, leaves with Rafe.

Tripp & Claire come to visit Ciara, Claire gives her the slice of key lime pie, then does her sort of half hearted apology for how she acted before Ciara went to see Theo. She says it all worked out tho, Ciara is with Ben now, she & Tripp are back together. Yes, it was all her idea, she is sorry, but really wants them to be friends again. Ciara seems not all that enthused, but agrees, only warning her that if she does one more thing to her. They all talk of Jordan, how she set that 2nd fire, Ben rescuing Ciara. Tripp wonders ….....what if Jordan set the first fire. They all ponder, then, well, if not her, who did it. Claire gets a strange look on her face, and goes into a memory. She enters the cabin, Ciara is asleep on the bed, leg in the makeshift cast. She walks around, spies a lighter on the floor. She picks it up, opens it, flicks it, holding the flame in front of her face. Back to reality & the hospital room. Claire is silent, just looking at Ciara.
Hmmm, we all have our, I thought the Possession and Salem Stalker stories were horrible, but......still here. Worse is Patch being gone with the most stupid of excuses.....but that is just me.
Rewriting stories to extricate an actor/actress from the show is absolutely insulting to loyal fans. Claire has long been an albatross on the show. She never brought even so called "good" drama to her stories. Now she is mentally ill? How about she had been nothing but a spoiled brat in every interaction on the show? Self-centered, bratty, petulant etc. BUT NOW we are going to try to paint her as mentally ill? Poor parenting is more like it. Dr. Phil should school her on his show. He has a real way with entitled bratty kids. I have never felt one ounce of empathy for her character.

Why couldn't she go in her room to check how many Youtube hits she has and never come back out?
So not only did Claire somehow figure out where Ciara was all that time she was missing after the motorcycle accident, but she set fire to the cabin to presumably kill her (unless we hear some really crazy explanation, like Jordan had her under mind control).
They will have to do a lot of back story to even make this plausible. How on earth did Claire find out where Ciara was?? Why would she do it? Because she wanted Tripp that bad? I am not liking it. I figured they would make it be Jordan. I am disappointed her storyline went this route too. I like the actress. I would swear though that she had confessed before about killing her mother.

And I'm sorry. Did I actually hear Hope say to Ben "they helped you" about Bayview?? Wow hell must be freezing over.
Rewriting stories to extricate an actor/actress from the show is absolutely insulting to loyal fans. Claire has long been an albatross on the show. She never brought even so called "good" drama to her stories. Now she is mentally ill? How about she had been nothing but a spoiled brat in every interaction on the show? Self-centered, bratty, petulant etc. BUT NOW we are going to try to paint her as mentally ill? Poor parenting is more like it. Dr. Phil should school her on his show. He has a real way with entitled bratty kids. I have never felt one ounce of empathy for her character.

Why couldn't she go in her room to check how many Youtube hits she has and never come back out?

Fractured thinking was on ample display today.

Jack: He thinks that JJ could have legal problems because he helped Haley? He ought to read up on immigration law and practice. (If he did, it would put him one up on Salem's attorneys who always seem to be woefully ignorant of the law.)

Eve: Has she ever considered that she could face a serious backlash if she went after the hapless Haley. Actually, JJ's mixed-up friend presents a sympathetic story: brought to the U.S. as a small child who then worked hard and became a nurse. This is a far cry from the profile of the Noodle and his thugs. It would make for a good scene if conniving Eve found herself besieged by angry, demonstrating Salem U. students holding signs like: "Deport Eve, not Haley," "Salem U. Protests Cruel Eve Donovan," or "Heartless Eve Must Go."

Abe: With the charmless Melinda as his opponent, he should win in a walk, but now he shoots himself in the foot by making a known shyster like Ted interim D.A. Instead of giving the Salem justice system the housecleaning it badly needs, Abe has steered it in the direction of the Salem sewer system.

The Writers: They've made Claire the one who started the first cabin fire? Are they kidding?? Don't they have any concept of having a character behave in a way that's consistent with his/her longtime personality and background?? There's absolutely nothing in the vapid, YouTube wannabe's past that would suggest that she'd suddenly try to kill a friend in a particularly awful way. Claire is also a longstanding Days character. Viewers have been watching her ups and downs since she was a tiny tot. Having her attempt a murder is certainly a jarring development for those who remember her as Shawn and Belle's beloved little girl. What's next: Julie murders Doug after they disagree a about cruise destination, Roman kills JJ because he patronizes Doug's Place instead of the Pub, or Marlena murders Kayla after she gets an award that Doc Evans had hoped to win?
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Well, at the end of today's episode we saw Claire with the lighter. We have NOT yet seen her actually light the fire. It is still possible that Jordan is also somewhere on the scene. OK, maybe that is a stretch, BUT they do love to leave us with a cliffhanger on Friday and then reverse gears come Monday. Just sayin'
Thanks, Poirot.

Interesting to learn about Jordan and her deliberately running into the
tree to
protect the baby. Did we discuss that ions ago that she did it on purpose?

Claire must have found a sign on the highway "Ben took Ciara this way" :)

Did anyone else notice Ted looked sleazier today since he's the DA?

I think Jordan made Ben feel worse after she talked to him.

Eve is mean, mean, mean. She told Jack he needs to protect JJ before
anything bad happens with Haley. Then she mentioned he tried
to kill himself last year.

I enjoyed the Rafe/Jordan scenes.