Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 7, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 7, 2020

John is seeing Marlena's face, only it is Gina murmuring the words of love and encouragement, asking him to make love to her right here and now. John is caressing her face, but then realizes this is not Marlena, pushes her away. We get a long confrontation, wherein Gina is trying to get him to remember her, their time under the sea (flashbacks here) it all comes back to John, he realizes she is Gina. Yep, I am Princes Gina Von Amberg. She is insisting John still loves her, wants her she knows it, can feel it. No, John pushes her away, he is still groggy, but he only loves Marlena. They argue, Gina gets mad, John is trying to get out the door, she prevents him, finally saying she is glad she did it, she killed Marlena.

Will has told Ben he is innocent of causing the accident, it was Maggie. Ben has told Will about the escape plan. Ben is glad they got to be friends here, as is Will, and that Will forgave him. He tells Will to join them (him & Clyde) in the escape, after all why should he stay there for something he did not do. Will declines, they do a brotherly hug, Clyde appears “girls, stop that, I need to talk to my son” Ben informs Clyde Will knows of the plan, Clyde not happy, but Ben trusts Will.

And over to Steveano, who has been pushed away by Marlena, after kissing her passionately. He finally takes some time doing it, but tells about how he is not Steve Johnson, just using his body, how Dr. Rolf fixed his eye (removing the patch) & talking of doing all this just to possess his queen of the night. Marlena tells him she doesn't care what kind of body he inhabits, how much younger it is, she hates him, he will never possess her.

Kristen returns to her room, finds Chad & Abby there, along with the Stevano portrait. Since she met face to face with Stefano, is he now using Steve's face. Kristen denies it all, no, not Steve Johnson's body, her not recognizing him at first only meant people change over the years. Chad & Abby comes up with all kinds of things, how Kristen wore the Nicole mask (with Kristen claiming both she & Nicole have same body type, which made me laugh), how different personalities can be in same person, (referring to split personality disorder.) Kristen denies it all, Chad says he thinks she is still hiding something.......but he & Abby leave, telling Kristen she can keep portrait as souvenir.

Will is in his bunk, reading, guard comes in for bed check. Will answers here, claims Ben sleeping, is sick. Guard enters, pulls blankets back, finds pillows. Notifies an escape is in progress, leaves. Scene goes to Clyde & Ben out by a fence, attempting to cut through it.

Rafe is with Kate (I am assuming in Prague) telling her how they think Hope is Gina, Rolf did it to her once before, Roman is out looking for Hope, and also that Steve is not himself, acting so strange, they think he is not Steve any more. Kate has been asking questions, decides to spill, and informs Rafe that Stefano is inhabiting Steve's body, yes she has known for a while now.

Kristen talks to the portrait, Chad is on to you, doesn't believe me. The jig is up.

Steveano knows Marlena always has wondered about being with a DiMera, even at the opera. Marlena (really Hattie) says I was in that cage. Steveano brags it was gilded in gold. Suddenly Marlena is on him, kissing, tearing at his clothes, and just as suddenly she pulls away, she can't do this, just can't. It's Roman, always has been Roman, the man of her dreams.

John is pushing Gina away, he loves Marlena, he is going to make Gina pay for killing her. Gina is furious, she pulls a knife, actually a dagger, which used to belong to some baroness. She holds John at bay, says she will have to kill him. The door bursts open, there stands Marlena.......get away from him you “bleep” !
I got back home from the RV trip on Wednesday so I get to start watching again. I had hoped this Gina/Stefano garbage would be over but maybe soon. Yeah, I loved how Kate just wants to gloss over the fact she has known for months about Gina and Stefano. As if it's not important.

I haven't gotten to watch, so did we know it was Hattie? I didn't think so but then watching today closed captioning said Hattie as Marlena. I thought she was acting a little weird for Marlena. Of course it also said Kristen when Rafe was talking to Kate!! I hope all this garbage is gonna be over with. I hope Marlena takes Gina/Hope down!!!

And Ben has to get out of jail. Executions don't happen anywhere near that fast.
It is obvious in the show since it has to be Hattie with Steveano, since Marlena bursts in on Gina & John.

And besides, when "Marlena" breaks away from Steveano, saying It's Roman, it's always been Roman, Steveano points his finger at her.....YOU are not Marlena, he says.

So yes, all the truths about Gina/Hope & Steve/Stefano are front and center. Now the question long til we get the "real thing" back with them both?
I think it was supposed to be a big shock to the viewers at the end of today when Hattie pushed Steve-ano away and said she's always loved Roman, then when Marena threw open the door to John and Gina's dungeon room. Meanwhile, even if it hadn't been for the closed captioning blowing it at the beginning, we all knew Marlena was acting more like Hattie as soon as she started to babble when originally tied to Gina's throne.
I wonder how long Stephen Nichols (Steve) had to rehearse saying those lines about being reunited as the King and Queen of the Night and all of the rest of the garbage he was spewing before he could say it with a straight face. It was horrible, but not as bad as the Gina garbage. Even the way she just swung that dagger to face Marlena was stupid. ACK!!! I cannot wait until this is over (yes, I said "cannot" as sarcasm). I don't know what is going to happen with Ben - this can't be good for him, but maybe that means that they will find the real killer so he can come out of hiding sooner, rather than later, and be exonerated and the charges will be dropped for escaping, because, well. . .

And, maybe Hattie will decide that things are too crazy in Salem and after she has done her good deed, and Marlena is safely home, she will be ready to go - PLEASE.
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I don't know what is going to happen with Ben - this can't be good for him, but maybe that means that they will find the real killer so he can come out of hiding sooner, rather than later, and be exonerated and the charges will be dropped for escaping, because, well
Remember the time when Sami was going to be executed and saved at the last possible moment?
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There are those who have thought perhaps that was how Ben would get saved...the injection begun, with someone rushing in, like Lucas did for Sami back then.

However, if it is learned that David's father is perhaps someone known to Salemites, and who has kept that fact hidden, then Ben would have been imprisoned unjustly, thus would face no charges for escaping.....I think Dr. Baker needs to chime in on this.

Personally, today, I thought both Gina & Steveano were out of line, were entirely too ridiculous in telling someone their beloved spouse was dead, murdered, and then expecting there and then to be making love. Asinine! And I also pictured the actors rolling their eyes at the idea, telling each other......they have to be kidding.
And I also pictured the actors rolling their eyes at the idea, telling each other......they have to be kidding.
I know everyone's gotta work - but come on, this is the sort of thing that would have me walking off the set.

Then again, I find it hard to believe this got written in the first place! It's dreadful to the max. (My husband's eyes nearly rolled out of his head when I explained it to him after he got a glimpse of John/"Hope" yesterday.)
Thanks, Poirot.

Will Ben and Clyde both escape? Or will just one get away?

Good scenes with Abby, Chad and Kristen.

I enjoyed the flashbacks scenes with John and Gina on the submarine.

I laughed the whole time when I watching Hattie and Stevano.
I was shocked when
Hattie grabbed him and started kissing him. She really must love Roman to stop. I
was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to tell him who she really was. He finally
figured it out himself.

Kate told Rafe that Steve was feral before he was with Kayla. I'm surprised
she told
Rafe about Stevano.

Great ending with Marlena saving the day.
I'm getting close to catching up. I watched this episode today. While watching the scenes with Steve-ano/"Marlena," and John/Gina, I kept getting the feeling this was intended to be a comedy, only it wasn't funny. As some man I know says, "It's ri-dic-a-lous."

Equally silly is the notion that a person on death row would be allowed to go out in what looks to be a recreation area outside, at night, with his criminal dad, when nobody else is around. Even if one guard was paid off, it seems unlikely that there would be a situation where this could even be possible.