Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 11, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 11, 2019

Abby arrives at the empty club, sees the set table, and a note from Chad. This is actually a dinner for her and her family, he gives a lot of explanations and apologies. JJ arrives, along with Jennifer, Abby is not very receptive. Both had hoped that they could get past the problems, all 3 of them have dinner together. Jack's voice says, wait, I thought this was a party of 4! All are surprised, but seems Chad came to see him, asked him to go. Jack was reluctant, Chad offered him $10,000. This does not go over well with the rest of the family, but Jack later explains he felt he could not continue to mooch off Eve.

Haley is explaining to Melinda that no one knows she is there, or their connection, she told Kayla Johnson nothing. Eventually we get to understand Haley is Melinda's little sister, but there is some problem. Melinda moans about all she gave up to help Haley, but Haley says she knows, it is why she tried to commit suicide. They talk, (I have no idea what the problem is), Haley has to continue to keep her mouth shut, she mentions JJ, the guy who found her and brought her back. Melinda realizes this is Abigail Deveraux's brother. More chatter about not telling him anything, etc. etc. etc. Melinda is saying Haley has to move out, that she will help her with the rent.

Chloe is at Eric's apt., indignant that Sarah took Holly without her permission, & they both get into arguing. Eric stops it, tells Chloe he made a decision, he is not going to go for custody. Holly needs a stable environment, is doing well with Chloe, but he wants to be able to spend time with her. Chloe thanks him, says he can spend as much time as he wants, just ask her first. They part as friends.

Brady is at Maggie's, giving her a hard time for Sarah taking Holly, Maggie not knowing, blah, blah. Maggie explains being on her exercise machine, did not know until Sarah was gone. They talk of Brady & Chloe, but Brady says more or less that ship has sailed, they are good friends. Chloe arrives, asks Maggie to get Parker, she has Holly in the car, Henderson is watching her, wants to take both home. Maggie goes off, Chloe tells Brady about Eric not going for custody, Brady is happy for her, hugs.

Chad goes to visit Eve, tells of Stefan being arrested, ousted as CEO, that is now his job, and he offer her a job,......senior VP, has contract all drawn up. She takes a look, gasps at the generous salary, but sees the job is with the Paris office. Nope, she doesn't want to leave Salem, has plans with Jack. Banter back and forth, Chad points out advantages, but leaves the contract, tells her to think about it.

The Deveraux clan finally sit down to eat, tis awkward, Jack is a bit lost, but wanting to know about their family life, etc. It is rather quiet at first, no one hardly saying anything, til finally Jennifer brings up going to London to see JJ after they had dropped him off at boarding school. Everyone gets animated, with JJ talking of not being happy they came, Jen commenting he had been goofing off there, Abby bringing up a few things, how they tried to find a restaurant, only were able to get a fish & chips joint, worse fish and chips ever. JJ tried to pretend he was sick when they went to see some Shakespeare play that Jack wanted to see. Only Shakespeare in town, Romeo & Juliet. Jack is looking back and forth as everyone else is talking and laughing, remembering at same time. Turns out the play was in modern dress, but the old time dialogue. At one point, Jen starts to recite one bit of dialogue, which triggers something in Jack, he recalls it, starts reciting the rest of it. No, he doesn't remember the moment, just the speech popped into his head. They toast Shakespeare. JJ wants to leave (he obviously has been concerned about Haley, keeps checking his phone) , when he is gone, Abby tells Jack he should ask JJ about him & Eve. Jack tells Abby she should be wary of a guy who throws money about like Chad does. Abby defends Chad, but as she leaves, turns back and kisses Jack on the cheek.

With them gone, Jen asks when is the wedding. What wedding? You and Eve. He laughs, they are not getting married. Oh, she said you were. Jack practically spits out his water all over the table. LOL. He says something to her about having been a terrible husband all the time. No, not all the time, but some of the time. He asks how they managed to overcome it all. She smiles, talking of how they built this wonderful life, this great family. He asks how.........she starts the speech from Shakespeare again,...on a sea of tears.........(sorry, I cannot do the whole thing).

Eve picks up the contract, reading it again.

Chad returns home, pours a drink, tells Stefano's portrait he just spent a great deal of your money getting rid of Eve Donovan. Hope it is worth it. He looks up as Abby appears in the doorway.

Eric makes some kind dinner, a special kind of sauce. Sarah agreed to stay, they laugh and talk, she gets glasses from cupboard, turns, bumps into Eric, with sauce splashing on his shirt. She is sorry, he notes she has some on her blouse, actually tossing a spoonful at her. Her mouth drops, they laugh, and later have changed clothes (I think she is wearing a shirt of his). They are still laughing, but both commenting on how the other was there for them at a time it was needed. And just as it seems they might kiss, knock, knock at door. Eric goes to answer, for some reason, Sarah sits unconcerned, never looking, as Eric opens the door, and there stands a smiling Rex!
I am glad Chloe and Eric were able to come to an understanding. Yay for Sarah shutting up for 5 minutes. Also, I am so tired of hearing “Lucas dumped Chloe” :rolleyes: I can’t understand why the show continues to portray the situation that way. I’m super glad Rex is back. That will definitely drive smoke from Sarah’s head justifiably. I’m disappointed that Eric wasn’t more upset with Sarah for basically kidnapping Holly.

Maggie didn’t even tell Brady about Xander. Maggie and Victor are no good for Brady. He needs to stick with John and Marlena.

Haley should’ve been brought on canvas by Trask not the other way around. Hope that storyline moves extremely fast. I have no patience with that one.

I know anyone talking to a painting should be creepy and strange, but when Chad & Stefan do it, it just seems unnatural. Does anyone remember when Stefano’s self portrait debuted? I don’t remember it being a part of the early 2000s DiMera set.

The Deverauxs were excellent. They definitely made the right decision bringing Jack back. It should’ve been done a lot sooner in my opinion.
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Eve picks up the contract, reading it again.
I could believe she did a great job previously, unfortunately this is just another cheap DiMera ploy.
I think she is wearing a shirt of his
Thank goodness, that yellow number was causing me retinal damage.

Even though the memory they shared doesn't fit any established timeline, and even though JJ looked like the show is going with a vampire story, I loved the Devereaux Dinner a whole lot.
Melinda and Haley: sisters today, but probably mother and daughter tomorrow. :)

Jack doesn't want to continue to mooch off Eve, but he accepted $10,000 from his ex son-in-law to have dinner with his own family. What a prince. sarcasm.jpg
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Sarah looked good in the blue shirt. I'm glad we're not going to see any more fight posturing between Chloe and Sarah.

Very fake and stagey how Sarah wasn't looking at the door when Eric answered it.

It's too bad they didn't make Haley and Melinda aunt/niece - stronger story potential. I can buy them as sisters though so it's good. I'm not sure I'm super interested in their secret either way though.
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Melinda and Haley: sisters today, but probably mother and daughter tomorrow. :)

That was my guess too, but if that's the only secret they're keeping, it would seem a little odd, since it isn't usual to try to hide things like that nowadays. I hope there's more to it, IF Melinda is Haley's mother.

Melinda is a vicious, most unpleasant person. She'd be a worse villain than the others. She scares me just by giving her evil look.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot.
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Makes you wonder how Haley got a job at the background checks? Melinda said Haley has to move out of her apt. (Melinda'S) AND no one can know they are connected, as Melinda has some kind of plan in the works.
Heard a rumor, which, if true, makes it all the more unbelievable.
That said, I really enjoyed the Deveraux family gettogether, I think most folks will. And for the record, Jack never said he took the money, only that Chad offered it to get him to go.
I so agree with Jason D. about usually nosy Sarah Horton seeming so blase' when Eric answered the door. Eric opened that door yesterday to Chloe, and Sarah was right there, wasn't she? Anyone who says one word to Eric, there is Sarah right there. But now she seems "uninterested"? Give me a break!
Makes you wonder how Haley got a job at the background checks?
Background checks at University Hospital? Dracula in his tux and cape could probably show up and be immediately hired to work in the blood bank. As for other characters:

Chad: He didn't get high marks yesterday with his absurd interview of Ben, and today wasn't any better. Couldn't he have found something better on which to write his no-show note to Abigail -- it looked like lined notepaper torn out of a spiral notebook. Stefano surely would have used fine engraved stationery. And firing Ben and then offering Eve a high-paying job is really ridiculous. Sure Ben is the one-time necktie strangler, but he's been declared cured by leading Salem's headshrinkers, including Dr. Marlena Evans. Eve, on the other hand, is just as bad as she always was.

Eve: Pity the poor Parisians if she actually shows up in their city, she'd be one of the most unwelcome visitors since the German Army arrived in June 1940.

The Dysfunctional Deverauxs: Their family dinner was well done, and Matt Ashford (Jack) is doing a fine job playing an amnesiac. That said, Abigail shouldn't insult the kitchen staff by not touching her food. If this meal had been hosted by Maggie at the K-mansion, the offended Kiriakis family chef might just have sent Xander to encourage the former Ms. Perfect to clean her plate.
Have I mentioned I REALLY like this version of Jack!!! Loved that family scene. It was the best part of today's episode.

I won't miss Sarah's bright yellow top, but I have to say that if anyone deliberately splashed tomato sauce on my clothing I would NOT find it amusing.
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Matt Ashford (Jack) is doing a fine job playing an amnesiac
I agree. I wonder if he watched Chandler Massey's amnesiac Will last year and thought, "I want to do that, too." This is a new take on Jack. It's somewhat fun.
Background checks at University Hospital? Dracula in his tux and cape could probably show up and be immediately hired to work in the blood bank.
Thanks, Poirot.

I was surprised Chad wasn't there at Doug's Place. He ran up the stairs
so fast on Thurs show I thought that's where he was going.

I enjoyed the Deveraux family dinner and when Abby left she kissed her dad.

Good for Eric for not seeking custody of Holly. But I think Sarah was upset.
Was she using Holly to get closer to Eric?

Great ending with Rex at Eric's door.
I enjoyed this episode. I pretty much can't stand the sight of Melinda Trask and don't find Haley very interesting, but I am curious and look forward to learning the secret and more about their connection.

I'm no fan of Sarah either, and don't see any sparks between her and Eric. However, I was fascinated by watching them eat the spaghetti. It may have been the first time on this show that I've ever seen people actually put food in their mouths. These two looked like they were wolfing it down. I think Sarah may have put a whole meatball in her mouth! Now whether they swallowed or not is a different matter.

I can't express how relieved and pleasantly surprised I was that Chad set up Abigail's family to meet with her, rather than meeting her and trying to romance her, which is what it had appeared was happening. I guess I'm not terribly romantic, but if I had been treated like she had, and if the hurt and anger were still fresh, the last thing I'd want would be to have the man set up a romantic dinner for me. It would make me even angrier. As it turned out, I think Abby may have softened a little bit. I liked the dinner scenes a lot and I'm so pleased with the way Jack is being portrayed thus far.
Melinda and Haley: sisters today, but probably mother and daughter tomorrow.
That was my immediate reaction too. As soon as she said "sister" I was reminded of a family I knew back when I was in high school. The mother was quite elderly and the two "sisters" were a generation apart. The older sister clearly was raising the younger one, but everyone went along with the story that they were sisters.