Days of Our Lives - Fri. Jan. 24, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 24, 2014

The time for Arianna's christening has finally arrived, although one wonders how there is time for all the little meetings and conversations that occur. Marlena meets up with Eric at the hospital, glad he is giving her a ride. She remarks that he & Nicole must have been able to really bond during their ordeal. Flashback to the love declarations while tied to the pole. Eric tells her not to try and shrink him. She asks if this is his first time going back to St. Lukes, he says he has been attentding mass at Holy Cross.

Sami comes across Gabi & Kate in the square, with Gabi being her usual nearly hysterical self, sure that Julie knows all, yada, yada. Kate has been trying to get her to stay calm, now Sami joins in, giving her all the reasons why there is no cause for worry. Gabi begins babbling about Abby going to talk to Hope, Sami is going to call EJ, but Gabi says she already talked to him, don't bother him.

EJ is talking to Abby, talking of this being Arianna's day, and at least wait until after the christening before she talks to Hope, as Abby is determined to do so. She agrees.
At their home Jennifer & JJ leave to attend the event, with JJ telling his mother that if Theresa is there, tries to get Jen's goat, leave her to him. Jen knows Theresa has to work today, not to worry.

Roman is at the Pub, where a very proud, elated but very dirty Caroline is bragging about cleaning the broiler and something else all by herself, first time since Nick left. Roman is happy for her, but reminds her this is Arianna's christening day. Uh, oh, she forgot, and knows it is on her calendary. Not to worry, time yet to clean up and we can go.

Lucas greets Rafe, both looking fab in their suits and ties, and folks, Rafe may still have the cane, but is walking better than ever.The two guys chit chat, Rafe getting a message that Jordan has to work, cannot come. Rafe asks if Sheryl is coming, NOPE, he just met her, new employee. They tease back and forthy a bit, then go to the church.
Julie & Hope arrive at the church, spot Abby & EJ, tho Abby has to take Arianna to his father. Hope is telling Julie to cool it, talks to EJ a bit, but he lets her know that this is Arianna's day, and they should all remember that. Jen arrives, sits next to Julie who starts up again about Nick, Hope shushes her. When Father Eric arrives, Julie starts up about last time and the video, and again Hope has to shut her up.

Gabi has arrived with Kate & Sami, and goes to help Will get Ari dressed. Sami compliments Rafe on how well he is walking, asking where his bossy girlfriend, Jordan is. he questions that, she says Jordan is a Type A, really bossy. He thinks that was good, probably why he is walking again. She agrees. Privately Kate thanks her for the crack.

Will & Gabi are in the dressing room, and that absolutely adorable baby is even more so today. She looks absolutely beautiful, Will takes a picture, she is trying to grab his phone. They all go out, Gabi hugs her brother, he says he talked to mom a few minutes ago, Will says they just sent her a picture. Everyone goes in, and truly a lovely ceremony. Father Matt asks what name do you give this child? Arianna Grace Horton, replies Will. And what do you want from the church for this child? Baptism, replies Gabi.
As Father Matt holds Ari over the font bowl, scoops out some water, he pours on the squirming baby, lol. As the water falls back into the font, Gabi is beset with a flashback of Nick in the river. Will clasps her hand, she calms down. Both Abby & Sonny make heartfelt speeches about loving this baby, wanting to be a part of her life, role models, taking care of her. Sonny, especially talks of her first steps, school, accomplishments, and even having children of her own.
Everyone is smiling it is over, with Will saying "Let's eat" and inviting everyone over for the spread at DiMansion, thanking his mom & EJ. However, Jennifer goes back to work, taking JJ who has to study. She teases Grampa Lucas a bit, and he also has to get back to work. Sami wants EJ to make one last try at talking to Abby, so he gets her to another room, where he exudes a bit of his charm. She says something about him sleeping with her to shut her up, he says that was not the case, and he already told her that. What he wants to know is why she slept with him. That startles Abby, who is at a loss. EJ does one of his "face getting closer and closer to hers" which unsettles Abby, who is still claiming that Nick is her cousin, family, and she will talk to Hope. This despite EJ saying all she knows is what she has been told. She flees, EJ comes out, shaking his head slightly "no" at Sami, Gabi & Kate.

Father Matt talks to Eric a bit about being back, Eric says it felt good, it is like home, and asks for a few minutes with him privately. Father Matt agrees.

Everyone is sort of milling around, Abby tells Hope she has been wanting to talk to her, but her eyes are drawn to the double doors leading into the church. They open, a dimly lit figure is now closing the doors. Sami, Gabi with shocked looks. Gabi says Oh, my God, as the figure turns, says, Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? , as he looks around. It is Nick. Alive and well.
Oh my Godness....DAYS is so soapy good!

Line Of The Day! Kate to EJ "You shut Abby up once, just do it again"...Oh Yes he will!

EJ has mad game...I can't wait to hear Abby's answer as to why she slept with him...She might say, she could resist his charm!

Kate and Sami tell EJ to do whatever he did to shut up Abigail again...I hope they don't get upset with EJ when they find out just HOW he is has managed to keep Ms.Deveraux quiet!

If EJ sexy, hot tall of glass water of a man was in my face like that he were with Abby...I would have been on him like a "dog in heat" we would definitely christened our bodies in that church!
Should Eric be driving after nearly dying from gas poisoning? Shouldn’t Marlena be giving him a ride?
Always happy for a Lucas and Rafe scene :)
I wish Rafe would tell Samantha to mind her own business – I don’t see how anything he does is any of her concern.
Eric wants to talk to Father Matt privately! Does this mean he is going to tell him he doesn’t want to be reinstated?
How many times did someone have to calm down Gabi today?
So no Allie, Johnny or Sydney for the christening?
It will be interesting to see if the Nick scene is real or imagined.
Thanks Poirot!
Sami and Lucas sitting together fawning over their granddaughter :love:......May not care for the grandmother but I can appreciate the history these two share and seeing them together like that just felt RIGHT.

I hope it's really Nick because I miss the character. You just know Nick will have something spectacular planned for Sami, Kate, and Gabi.
If Nick is really alive, Stefano won't be impressed with his surviving being hit on the head with a rock and dumped into the icy Salem River. He'd point out that he's survived death under far worse circumstances almost too many times for anyone to count, and would emphatically state that he's the one and only "Phoenix." It was interesting to see that Caroline decided to clean the broiler at the Pub. This is a first. The big question is whether the customers will notice a difference in the food. Will those Brady Burgers still have that distinctive flavor? Finally, if Nick has survived it might be regarded as a Salem miracle, but an almost as amazing, and undisputedly real, miracle occurred after the christening -- Jennifer went back to work! Anne Milbauer will be so surprised that she'll need a stiff drink. Finally, it was good to see that Father Matt was able to preside at an upbeat event, after having to deal with such downers as Father Eric's suspension and Ciara terrorizing the St. Luke's playground.
Let me say again.....It is mid-January. In the midwest. Even without this polar vortex, it is freezing cold. Yesterday, I had to go to town. I was wearing, a turtleneck, a v neck sweater over it, and a fleech jacket over that. Plus the winter jacket. I had knee socks, heavy slacks, and boots. Let's not forget the warm gloves and cap.
I am in church every Sunday, and sometimes there are baptisms. NO ONE dresses sleeveless, wide scoop necks, etc. etc.
And have to tell you that church is usually pretty chilly.
I realize that Salem has no snow, so the women can run around in those dumb spike heels, instead of winter boots, but it just is getting too bizarre, the clothing choices.
Good point, but if Sami had to put on all those winter clothes, she'd get confused, and then demand that EJ provide her with a ladies maid, just like the ones she's seen on Downton Abbey. As for Abigail, all those layers would slow things down the next time she's overcome by her insatiable lust for Sami's fiancé. If Jennifer had to go the multiple layers route, she'd complain that it's too much bother and use it as an excuse not to go to work at University Hospital.
Abby's bun was different today than it was when she was at the DiMansion. At the DiMansion it was wrapped like the big poufy buns Carrie wore in Sex and the City all the time. Today, it was just coil wrapped.

How did you guys feel about Sami's dress...It looks a bit bridal!

While Sami's dress was pretty, I didn't like it for the christening. You're right, it did have an informal bride kind of vibe to it.
I get my expectations up and then they fall flat watching the show….I like Rafe/Lucas together, I think Rafe’s little speech today with Lucas about Jordan/Sheryl got to Lucas, because he is lying.

I like that the Brady’s still love Rafe, sitting with the family, did any of the Brady’s say hi to EJ or Sami.

I feel there was another missed opportunity with Rafe/Jordan today, what would it have hurt to have her at a family function if they are to become a couple!

The DiMera’s are so loved in Salem that no one was going to the DiMansion for lunch. Everyone had excuses! No one works in Salem but everyone had to get back to there job! LOL

I liked Rafe/Gabi little exchange at the end, hugging and crying about their sister, this is what families do!

I don’t think Nick’s return is a dream, because Julie and Hope were happy to see him. Now the blackmail will begin.

Ari was adorable today!

@DrBaker.....Ej dresses the part hes not going to get cold and sick he has Sami and Abby to keep happy!
I don’t think Nick’s return is a dream, because Julie and Hope were happy to see him. Now the blackmail will begin.
Even in a daydream, they'd be happy to see him, not horrified like the others. But once again, I'm excited for Monday to see if "it's real...or Memorex"! (a reference to an old commercial for cassette tapes)
LOL........@Dr. Baker.....the gals don't have to dress in these layers like me (I don't dress that way for church, or going out to dinner) but you CAN dress sensibly for cold weather in the midwest. And that means higher necks and long sleeves.....among other things. Skirt knee length. Stockings.
I can't wait for this episode to be up online later. I do believe this is the start of Nick's real return, especially since he came in basically after the christening speeches. I think it would be more probable Gabi or someone had a daydream during them. I hope the week's preview focuses on this, then we'll know if Nick is back before Monday. Overall seems like a nice episode. Lots of nice Salem citizen bonding moments.

Edit: Because I just saw Cryin's post. I SUSPECTED IT. Blake Berris (Nick) was kind of hinting this was his real return episode this week. Oh let the fallout begin.