Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 26, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Today's Episode prominently features background music. Good luck telling if it's a soundtrack or if the characters can hear it.

Pub with Country Music - Stephanie arrives late to a dinner with Jada and Rafe. They talk about the drugs/Bistro which plague the town and how it relates to their jobs. Rafe wants to get a round of pink Cosmos. Later, they have beers and Stephanie talks about working with two exes, one from Seattle. Jada reminds the viewers that she also once resided in Seattle. Later as Rafe goes to get more drinks, Jada talks about what a good guy he is, not like her horrible cheating ex. She found a big charge from a jewelry store and discovered his cheating. Stephanie gets a call she has to take (see below).

Cook-Horton Apartment featuring jazz - Sarah comes home and Xander has cooked even though she forgot the haggis. He is motivated to please her. Later as they are eating, they discuss her salary. It makes her uncomfortable since the last time they were broke it led him to crime. She's comfortable no matter what he thinks about her salary. He vows to be respectable for Victoria. Later, they are sipping wine and they discuss how Victoria looks like them. Sarah talks about losing Mickey and how they have this perfect, healthy child who represents their love at the time.

Marlena's Office - Alex has a last-minute appointment. He tells her he and Jeannie T made love despite his plan not to fall in love. He tells Marlena about the slip and taking care of her with Brady after the slip. He felt in the way with Brady and Jeannie T because of their history. He couldn't let Jeannie T leave because he feels magic tingly feelings for her. He contrasts it with Stephanie. (He needs Jeannie, he wanted Stephanie.) Marlena tells him he's in love. He can't believe it. He's so afraid of losing her. He considers asking her to marry him. Marlena asks how Jeannie T feels, and wonders if this is triggered by the horrible loss he experienced recently. (Justin not being his "real father".) He agrees to wait to propose. Later as the session ends, they giggle about his being in love.

Hospital Nurse's Station - Jeannie T comes in and says "hi" and "bye" to Aunt Kayla. Kayla won't let her leave. They talk about her slip and her aborted trip to California. She tells Kayla she stayed for Alex, then babbles about how self-aware she and Alex both are. (Kudos to Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) for acting like Kayla could understand this drivel.) She was torn for a second when Brady saved her, but she realized she needs Alex.

Kayla doesn't know her former almost-stepson and almost son-in-law well, but she believes people can change. She admits she initially used Alex as a tool to make Brady jealous, then as a device to keep her from feeling lonely. She never thought she'd develop real feelings and now feels guilt over something she's done to Alex. She doesn't clarify or reveal anything or move the plot forward at all. Kayla talks about amends (she's read about the 12 steps) and Jeannie T vows to make amends with those she's hurt. She reiterates this in the next scene.

Office - Everett tries to put the pieces together about the drug story. He talks (to himself) about Harris and Ava, Stefan and Ava, Stephanie's publicity job. He flashes back to telling Stephaie "no pressure". Then he says, out loud, "no pressure." (Good luck making heads or tails out of this scene.) Later, he calls Stephanie to ask about her reviewing his follow-up piece, and after some blah blah, she invites him to join her friends at the Pub. He accepts.

Pub without Music - Rafe mispronounces "geocaching" as they talk about the event. Everett almost enters the pub, but sees Stephanie with Jada and Rafe and leaves, ditching her with a text. Stephanie reports this to Jada and Rafe, Jada was really looking forward to meeting him. Later, they are leaving and talking about how much fun they had. Jada is so disappointed they didn't get to meet Stephanie's guy. Jada can see how much Stephanie likes this guy.

Cook-Horton Apartment still featuring slow jazz - Sarah and Xander are drinking various liquors as they discuss their building friendship. He's a great father, cook, and roommate. She's also a great roommate. They talk about the wedding cup and Robert Burns. He recites some poetry and she gets romantically excited. They kiss and she offers to take him to the bedroom. He declines. He's afraid of screwing things up again like he did in the past. Because of Victoria, the stakes are higher. She's glad he's thinking clearly. She loves him...for being the voice of reason. They hug, allowing Sarah a pensive one-shot.

Salem Inn - Everett gets a call from Stephanie and invites her to come over.

Hospital by the Elevators - Alex and Jeannie T meet, each was thinking about the other.

Pub with regular background music - Jada and Rafe are getting hints they should leave. They're going to Rafe's place.

Salem Inn - Stephanie arrives. Everett must confess to her.

Cook-Horton Apartment with regular background music - The long embrace continues as they vow to go to their own bedrooms. Sarah does. Xander gets a call from a mechanical voice. Someone must be eliminated. END
Nice job, Jason, thank you!

Nameless: This was one of the many "filler" episodes they churn out. Too much filler lately, not enough thriller.

I can't imagine anyone is recruiting Xander to take out Clyde, so echo Nara's sentiments, let it be Konstantin.

Xander is finally in a good place, I hope he does not take the offer, even it means a big payday. However, Xander WAS just talking to Sarah about her income/getting a raise. How convenient.

Kinda cute when Xander was called "Chef Cook." But let's not make this a thing, it does not bear repeating.

What the heck WAS that weird jazz music, anyway, in the background of Xander and Sarah's scenes? It was not even good jazz, quite distracting/too loud.

So will Everett tell Stephanie about his awful marriage to Jada? Jada has painted him with quite the bad brush. Will he admit that he was a no-good cheater? But did he cheat on Jada with Stephanie?

Do people really have therapy sessions to find out they are in love? Alex can afford it (for now), but really?
I wish it was Konstantin, but it is probably Clyde wanting Harris eliminated. I suspect that Ava told Harris everything off screen yesterday and then staged the slap. Xander is not going back to doing hits, even to protect Victoria, but I could see him telling Harris and them setting up a fake out. I feel like this is the final Xander test, does he tell Sarah or lie to her again? Turning down sex was definite character growth, but telling her when he is approached to do something shady will be the biggie.
Thank you Jason for writing today's show up. What a terrible episode it was.

There are a few things that I enjoyed in theory today. Friendship between people, the Jada, Rafe, Stephanie gathering with no snarky mean words. True, it didn't move anything along but it's nice to see people having friends in Salem. That sisters talk to each other, that Kim and Kayla spoke to each other, one hoping the other could be there when she couldn't be for her child. That was nice.

The writers must have forgotten that while Xander has a really rotten bad-to-the-core side, he was one of the worst contract killers. And while he did work with Clyde and Orpheus in the past, I guess we get to wind him back to that well worn plot hole again.

Will Monday bring something thrilling and exciting?? One can only hope. And hope can be dashed to the ground and trampled on. Will we hear the confession of Everett next week or will it be dragged out only to know he doesn't like meeting new people?? Or some such silliness. Only the future knows.
I also liked Jada and Stephanie deciding not to drink alcohol. Gee, what a concept! Just because it's a pub, does not mean one has to drink all the time.

If ONLY Jada had been looking up when Everett was at the door.

Funny thought: Chad and Everett in the same room is Chad Everett :)

Since we are seeing the work of the sub writers during the writers' strike, it seems they did not want to step on any toes, thus "filler" stuff. If they start a new story, and then the writers end the strike suddenly, and of course, end whatever the subs started abruptly, and not in the way it was supposed to go......anyway, probably why nothing is moving, changing, etc.
Today was filler capped by nonsense:

— learning more about Alex and Gwennie T. than any sane reason would ever want;
— dull talk involving Jada, Rafe, and Stephanie;
— the Xander-Sarah mutual admiration society.

The nonsense was the final scene. Even in his worst old days Xander wasn’t a contract killer— he put people in cages and crawl spaces or was involved in drug and illegal diamond sales. The only plus was learning that Xander can recite poetry.
Thanks, Jason.

Poor Marlena. She had to listen to Alex go on and on about being in love for the first time.

And Alex wants to propose to Theresa so he won't lose her. Wait until Alex finds out Theresa lied to him.

Poor Kayla. She had to listen to Theresa go on and about not being a good person.

Nice to see people at the pub talking to friends instead of having fist fights.

I hope Rafe gave the waitress a big tip since he and Jada stayed after closing.

How much will Everett tell Stephanie? Will he mention Jada's name? Stephanie already knows from Jada that her husband
bought jewelry with the credit card she didn't get.

Of course, someone calls Xander just when he and Sarah are making up. Is it a trick someone is playing on him? What
will Xander do? Stay tuned.
The nonsense was the final scene. Even in his worst old days Xander wasn’t a contract killer— he put people in cages and crawl spaces or was involved in drug and illegal diamond sales. The only plus was learning that Xander can recite poetry.
Xander is a terrible hitman. He failed to kill Susan, Lucas, Sami, Kate and Ted.
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