Days of Our Lives - Fri. Jan. 31, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 31, 2014

Replay of Nick & Rafe together, Rafe falling. Jordan appears, helps Rafe up, chastizes Nick for not helping Rafe get up. Nick says Rafe would have refused, Rafe agrees. Nick makes a couple more veiled comments, then leaves. Jordan guesses that must be Nick Fallon. She goes with Rafe to the Club.

Kate meets with EJ at the Club, he is worried about Nick, she is not, brushing it all off, but admitting that Nick asked for a job. EJ mentions Sami off to Chicago on business again, he thinks Nick poses a problem. Rafe & Jordan come in, EJ leaves. Small talk. Kate leaves. She has a text from Nick to meet him, mutters that she has to take care of Nick first, then Jordan, as she is sure Sheryl will give her some kind of info eventually.

Rafe & Jordan engage in rather playful small talk, exchanging bad superbowl party stories. They nuzzle and kiss a bit, but she has to go back to work. She mentions a super bowl party at Rafe's, asking if there is one. Oh, he can arrange that. She laughs and takes off. He smiles.

Abby is in the storage room, having several flashbacks of her time in there with EJ. She leaves, goes out, runs into Nick, who does more of his double meaning comments, seeming all nice, but noting that Abby seemed shocked to see him at the church. She says he was supposed to be in NY, he thinks it was more than that, wondering if it was the scar (which honest, I could no longer see). No he doesn't remember, but who knows when it might suddenly all come back to him. She has to hurry back to work, and runs into EJ. But, she takes off for the lounge/waiting room. He follows, just telling her that they will probably be running into each other a lot, small town, and that it should get easier.

Daniel & Nicole are at her super duper computer, seemingly with the power of the NCIS computers. He isn't too sure they should continue with this investigation into Dr. Chyka, let the police handle it. Nope, and Nicole finally tells Daniel of Eric telling her he loved her, and she telling him the same, when both thought they were going to die. He almost lost his chance to prove himself innocent. Computer beeps, and a program within was able to trace Chyka's last cell phone call to this remote location. Nicole is taking off to go there, they argue, then Daniel is going too. He calls Maggie to watch his apt., he has a bike being delivered for Parker. Sure, Maggie has a key, will do.

Brady is talking with Victor about work, Maggie comes in, he ignores her, Vic asks what is going on, Brady tries to sluff it off, but Maggie says she will tell if he doesn't. Brady admits he had some drinks, got drunk. He leaves to let Vic & Maggie talk alone, goes up to his room, takes out a bottle, but decides he doesn't need it. He goes down, eavesdrops as Maggie has informed Vic about Brady showing up to AA meeting drunk. Vic isn't too worried, but figures he will have staff at the Titan suites watching him, etc. Maggie gets the call from Daniel, leaves her keys on the table, Brady takes the key to Daniel's apt., since he also heard her talking to him and he will be gone.

Eric is still talking with Timothy, going on and on about not being able to forgive Kristen, seeking guidance, wondering if that goes against him. Timothy sounds like a shrink, I swear, but keeps asking questions about how Eric feels about this or that. They talk about whether Eric would get reinstated, or if he has decided in his heart he should relinquish his vows, perhaps being with Nicole. Eventually, Timothy says something about there being a 3rd choice that perhaps Eric has not considered.

Dr. Chyka is gathering items together, opens a safe behind a picture hanging on the wall. Takes out a gun and stack of money, puts the files and date book inside, along with the money, closes it, but has kept the gun.
Nick is at the apt. with small packed suitcase. Daniel arrives, she has rented a car under an assumed name. He does not have to go with her. Oh, yes he does. they leave.

Kate arrives at the Pub to meet the smiling Nick, won't sit down, no point. He brags about having invented a totally moisture proof makeup, giving her his tablet. Guaranteed to withstand blood, sweat and tears, though they should not mention the first or last in ads. She might be agreeable to have him consulting on a free lance basis. Nope, he wants a job, she says no. But he is adamant, the whole works, salary, benefits, etc. She says she might agree to just give him one lab assistant.
Oh, he doesn't need that, has already hired one. She laughs, he could not possibly have an assistant........and at that point, someone comes up to stand along side Nick's chair.
"Greetings" says the ever smiling Percy, the birdwatcher.
Thanks for the summary!
So... afterall, Nick has an assistant : Percy!
And, EJ : Salem is a small town - :rotfl: It has 2 churches, 2 hospitals, at least 3 international companies (Titan, Dimera Ent. & Mad World)... I live in a town where I don't even know my neighbors and we only have 1 hospital - no int'l companies (mind you we have more than 2 churches).

replaced word....JS
Okay.... Why did Nicole rent a car under an assumed name?? And just how does one do that??? Granted I live in a fairly big city...Phoenix, but whenever I pick up the car they need my drivers license.....but that part aside is this just to make it more difficult for Salem PD to find them when they are in trouble and need help?? Questions Questions.....

Now it time would move a little faster so I could get home to watch the show on my DVR......
If Kate thinks she is going to get something steamy on Jordan and get Rafe back, I think she is in for a big surprise. If Jordan is this evil woman why isn’t Sheryl afraid of her, they talk, laugh together! When Rafe finds out what Kate is up too, she will lose either way!

I’ve said this before there will never be another Rafe/Sami, but I’m enjoying Rafe/Jordan’s relationship, there feelings for each other seem to be genuine, both enjoying each others friendship, and they have more in common then Rafe did with Sami. I’m willing to accept them as a couple! I was hoping Jordan was going to take Rafe's cane hit Nick with it! Today they were cute, massaging his neck and shoulder, and talking football I think Rafe’s favorite topic!

If they go with Nicole/Eric it’s going to be a toss-up who will be the most boring couple on DAYS, Eric/Nicole or junior/Sami! It just might be a tie. I really like Daniel/Nicole!

Brady isn’t worth talking about!

Does Abby have a rope tied around Ej’s waist and reels him in to see her all the time. Ej just can’t help himself, and good for Abby walking away from Ej today, she does have some self-control being so young and all. But when Ej was by himself he wasn’t thinking about his sweet Samanther! It was more like that sweet hot thing (Abby) that just left!

I hope when this Nick thing is resolved that we have a murder mystery on our hands, because there are enough people that hate him.

No Sami sure makes for a happier and relaxing show!
Tricky Nicky is clearly overreaching. Who would want Kate, EJ, and Rafe to all regard you as a problem? If Kate's special brownies don't get Salem's psycho first, it could easily be a DiMera thug or Rafe's fists. As for Percy, if he's signing on with Nick, the least awful thing that could befall him is that DiMera influence at the UCIS (formerly the INS) gets him deported back to Piccadilly Circus. This foolish Brit may eventually wish that he'd stuck to birdwatching and playing Santa Claus. Another person who has made the wrong enemies is Dr. Chyka. With the always-shrewd doctor-detective and the determined Nicole on his trail, his best option is to immediately flee to that haven for scoundrels, DiMera-friendly Alamania.
As for Percy, if he's signing on with Nick, the least awful thing that could befall him is that DiMera influence at the INS gets him deported back to Piccadilly Circus
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I can hear Susan Banks Crumb saying to a shopkeep: "I'll have one of them grilled frankfurters with some piccadilly and mustard, please"
And, EJ : Salem is a small town - :rotfl: It has 2 churches, 2 hospitals, at least 3 international companies (Titan, Dimera Ent. & Mad World)... I live in a town where I don't even know my neighbors and we only have 1 hospital - no int'l companies (mind you we have more than 2 churches).

replaced word....JS

I suppose when you live in LosAngeles, every other town-city is SMALL! My folks lived in a small town--600-700.
Salem IS a small town. Everyone lives AROUND the Town square, they walk everywhere. Evidently, you do need a car to get to DiMansion, as various folks have mentioned it. Those International Corp. headquarters all use a tiny table in the Square. But there is no cold weather, no ice, snow, pouring rain. All the corporate heads run their companies via cell phones from home, where all the files constantly are stored. Laptops are mostly in the square. Even Jennifer has more files at home than ever sit on her desk in that tiny office she never visits, except maybe once a month. Now we only have heard mention of two Catholic churches, but am betting there are churches belonging to other denomination.Heck, even those in high school or college do all their studying and homework in the Square.
But, only one shopping area (reminds me of where I live, only Salem has more stores).
However, my town (I don't live there, as I am wayyyy out in the country) only has one hospital, and like kt, no international corporations. LOL
It seemed like Nick was teasing Abby and being extra creepy around his own cousin. Like if he KNEW she was with EJ and I feel he thinks she was part of the scheme. So i feel Percy was the one spying on everyone in town and taking the pictures of Abby and EJ. I hope Kate doesn't give in and she fights back. Just Nick today with Abby seemed very weird like Michael Myers (from the horror movie Halloween) going after his sister.

Brady scenes really I'm like meh right now. Okay you like getting drunk. We get that so do I on occasion but theres no storyline in there. Other then eventually Victor may take his job away not being able to perform his duties. Brady reminds me of Lucas with his alcoholism in the late 90s dropping Will and always in bed passed out drunk.

You'd think Lucas would be the man to help Brady sober up cause Lucas has been in the same place Brady has been in and Maggie wouldn't understand as much as Lucas would relate to Brady.
I don't understand Kate's motives as respects investigating Jordan. She and Rafe are history, so why is she spending so much time trying to figure out Jordan, just let them be.

It won't be long before Abby and EJ are together again, it will not get easier for them to be apart, as much as they try to convince themselves otherwise.

I don't know how Daniel and Nicole think they are going to deal with Dr. Chyka if they track him down, they don't even have a weapon. They are not equipped to protect themselves at all. I hope Daniel remembers to pack his cape.

Brady is losing more respect each day, now stooping so low as to steal the key to Daniel's apartment. Why does he need to hide out there, when he could easily rent a room somewhere? Doesn't he think that Maggie will still find a way to get into the apartment, especially with the bike delivery? He is out of control. Titan has big worries, no telling what he will do.

I'm not a fan of Brother Timothy's, but if his tactics are going to ultimately help Eric, then I guess I can put up with his "tough love," so to speak. I have no idea what the third choice would be, unless it is for Eric to leave the church and be free to have a relationship with Nicole but also serve the underprivileged in another capacity.:confused:

Looks like the "Percy theory" is more than just a theory, that he could have been the one who saved Nick and has been helping him all this time. Nothing has been proven yet. Nick probably told him some fable and made himself a victim. Percy as Nick's assistant...wonder if he knows shorthand?
Don't worry Wilde Woman, Daniel packed this:

Kate tells Nick it's not possible for her to give him a job with benefits to which he hilariously replies - "Oh, you think so cause lately impossible has been my middle name" :rotfl:

And his water references - water under the bridge, waterproof makeup, and of course the makeup that won't run when exposed to blood, sweat, tears :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Kate has to see what's going on right? :rotfl:

Was EJ giving Abby the flirty eyes today? And he look downright smitten when she walked out of that waiting room. Sami is surely to come home one day soon and find him in a corner like this000204F4.gif

"GREETINGS!" :rotfl:
Ha,ha, Just Samantha...don't forget that neck thing he wears (amulet?) never seems to leave his body. I fear that he won't be able to find Chyka due to his 5:00 shadow! I really think Daniel is handsome, but he is too scruffy all the time. He needs a good haircut and shave, and then we will have something to work with.:)