Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 9, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 9, 2015

Paul & Will are rolling around in bed, going for round 2 or maybe 3, while out in the hall Sonny has arrived, starts to knock, changes his mind, flashes back to Paul giving him the baseball, and knocks. Inside, this halts Paul & Will, with Will being worried, Paul insisting the person will go away, Will claiming now he has to go, Paul trying to talk him out of it. Out in the hall, Derrick has come along, Sonny explaining he just wanted to give Paul something (both thinking Paul is not there). Sonny asks Derrick to let him in, Derrick is hesitant, then agrees, only if he goes in with him. Sonny says fine, he just wants to leave something, will only take a few seconds. Derrick knocks on the door, then opens it with his master key, opens the door, both guys looking surprised.
LOL, as if Days would have Sonny learn so quickly of his husband's infidelity. No, Paul is in a bathrobe, we hear water running, Paul claims he was about to take a shower. Derrick apologizes a lot, leaves, Sonny returns the ball, but Paul wants him to keep it. Small talk about the "homer ball". Sonny leaves.
In the shower, Will is all soaped up, hot water running on him, seeming to realize what he has done. He comes out dressed, Paul is talking of seeing each other again, Will says no, Paul wants a reason, Will says it is complicated. They get into a conversation about Paul admitting to the world he is gay, Will is telling him he should, that he could be helping a great many people. Will leaves, and out in the hall, quickly puts his wedding ring back on, muttering "What have I done".

Over at the apartment, Lucas and Adrienne are having a really nice conversation, she is telling him she has never told anyone about her & Justin, Lucas is a bit self-deprecating, but Adrienne says he makes her laugh, it is a good thing. He mentions all his wives, she lists them, calling them doozies....Carrie, Nicole, Chloe, Sami. They chat over tea, Sonny returns, surprised Janet is not back with Arianna, but Janet has called, is on her way back.
Sonny admits to Adrienne he went to return the ball to Paul, but Paul wants him to keep it. He also mentions that Paul has definitely moved on.

Over at Daniel's, a few closeup scenes of Daniel & Nicole in bed, making love, and then a conversation wherein Daniel tells her that he accepts her as she is, how she is, won't try and change her, and won't try to save her either. No longer the superhero coming in to rescue her. He is trusting her that it is all over with Eric. There is to be complete honesty between them, no lies, half-truth, secrets. Nicole listens, takes his hand, clasping it to her heart, saying "got it". He jokingly is telling her not to spread the word yet that they are together, he has to let a few people know. She laughs, has to get to work, he promises to get together with her tonight for that much dreaded "date".

Serena is teasing Eric about some long ago IOU she found that he had signed, something about losing a contest, owing her a picture. They go to his apartment, so she can look thru the pictures. As they sit on the sofa, they kiss, and kiss again, Serena is getting really passionate, but Eric pulls away, he can't do this. She wonders if he really is over Nicole. He assures her it is not Nicole, she looks thru an album, chooses a picture of a macaw (or parrot??) and since he owes her interest, wants it framed. They shake on it, she leaves. He picks up the African basket, flashes back to being in bed with Serena, about to go to the savannah to catch the early morning light, she urging him to be safe. Back in the present, Eric murmurs that he has changed since back then, but Serena is still exactly the same.

Serena has rushed back to her hotel room, opened the safe, taken out the brown envelope, pulling papers out. Since she is holding them "landscape" view, they appear to be pictures.

At the hospital, Melanie has come upon the sobbing Theresa, holding the rattle. When she sees Melanie, she gets defensive, smart aleky, gives her the form. Melanie quietly asks if Theresa ever had a child, and Theresa blows up at her...but then sadly talks about the mother forgetting the rattle, and the baby might want it, need it. She is getting pretty worked up, but then gets on her high horse again, and flounces out.
Melanie is in the square, staring rather pensively into space, when Maggie comes up, senses something, Melanie admitting she was thinking of the baby she lost, who would now be almost as old as parker. Maggie says Victor is taking her to the skating competition in Chicago, so has to rush home.

Melanie goes home, where Daniel tells her about now being with Nicole, who will be around a lot, and while Melanie is welcome to stay there as long as she wants, he felt she should understand. Melanie does, stammers about "if Nicole make him happy" that is all that matters, and he should remember that.....when it comes to Melanie, as well.

At the Kmansion, Maggie talks to Brady a bit, who is feeling much better now, and no, did not go to a meeting. They talk a bit with Maggie giving a piece of advice. We addicts tend to jump into things, whatever you are going to be doing...take it slow. She leaves, Brady talks to himself, agreeing, that yes, he only has been sober a couple of months, needs to take it slow.
He goes to the hospital, looking for Melanie, and gets told up by Theresa. She tells him that he tells her to stay away from him, but she works there, so has to be there, and to go see his great friend Melanie Jonas elsewhere. He agrees, she is right. And then, both get into a royal ranting session, with Theresa, as usual, putting words in people's mouths they did not say, but Brady giving it back. He referred to her as toxic earlier, and now talks of how he was an addict, told her he was, and she took advantage. Plied him with alcohol, drugs, urged him even when he said no, to have one more. All so she could get what she wanted, and how good it was that she wasn't pregnant, because that would have been horrible. This way, he doesn't have to have anything to do with her....ever.

Nicole is at work, is talking to a friend, gets a call from some guy, wanting to remain anonymous, has info for her. Nicole hangs up on her friend, (cell phone) goes back to talk to the guy, who beats around the bush a bit, exasperating Nicole, who tells him to just spit it out. He says he has a scoop for her, a woman recently arrived in town, everyone thinks she is just amazing. But she is a liar. Nicole is taking notes, but tells the guy that should be big news, a beautiful woman who is a liar. So, who is she? The voice replies "Serena Mason". Cue Nicole's eyes opening wide.
I will have to watch the entire episode as I only caught the flashback of Eric and Serena, who were apparently in bed in their missionary quarters in the Congo. All I can say is, that was some pretty posh digs for charity work! :confused:
Thanks for the summary. I wasn't able to catch the entire episode. I'm glad that Will started to feel regret about the romp with Paul, but I just feel so bad for Sonny. I also enjoyed the Adrienne and Lucas scenes--very nice.

Daniel & Nicole together is just fantastic. I love it. Finally Nicole can have some happiness, and Daniel too, for that matter. As for Serena, I hope Nicole tells the guy she WON'T look into it. Why should she care about Eric's well-being or get involved in his personal life, after the way he and his family treat her? Nicole is better off away from that boring, sanctimonious twit.

Serena/Eric/Melanie/Theresa/Maggie/Brady--boring. I tuned it out. Why is Melanie on everyday? Can't we get a break from her?
So, a few comments :

First of all, and I feel I can't stress that enough : Can we have more Melanie ? Pretty, pretty please ? :sarcasm:

Second of all : Can we see Serena taking out the envelope from the safe at least a hundred more times ? So that it becomes as interesting as Jordan looking at all her fake IDs ? :sarcasm:

As far as the rest of the show :

Adrienne and Lucas : Nice scenes, though right now, they're pretty pointless. I still can't believe the vets are reduced to such appearances. But I do like seeing them both on my screen, so I'll take them, even though they could be used in a much, much better way.

Will : Still a first class jerk. I now officially feel about him the way I felt about his mother : I hate him !

Paul : I'm still interested in his character.

Sonny : I feel sorry for him. Then again, why does he keep sending mixed signals to Paul ? He shouldn't have acted the way he did. Paul has the right to move on, like Sonny told him to.

But, as usual, stupid timing on the "Will is in the shower" thing, when a second before, he was kissing Paul. :rolleyes:

Serena and Eric, Melanie and Brady, Theresa and Brady, Maggie : I don't care ! I'm just annoyed, both by Melanie, and by all these stupid storylines.

Nicole and Daniel : Nice scenes. But I hate the fact that Nicole didn't tell Daniel that the same goes for him and Jennifer : If Nicole feels he's not over Jen Jen, Nicole should have told him : We're done in that case too. I felt Daniel was a little too judgmental, while Nicole was too submissive. I still like them, though. I just hope Nicole will tell Daniel about the phone call. And that Daniel will listen to her and actually try to help her.
Thank you, Poirot and JS. I felt the same way watching Paul and Will today.

Will is now officially on my list of characters that I don't like due to Days writing horrible story lines for them. Married a year, and he has been turned into an irresponsible person, liar, and cheater. I was also disgusted by the scenes of Will and Paul in bed. Even though I did not want to see the bed scenes of Daniel / Nicole and Eric / Serena, at least none of the participants were cheating on a spouse.

I felt bad for Paul with him not being able to continue his baseball career or being with the person he loves. At the same time, why have him jump into bed with someone he has only spoken with a few times on a professional level?

The only person I feel bad for now in this mess of a tale is Sonny.

Am I the only one here who was bored by the Lucas and Adrienne scenes? Looks like a long slow set up. Pardon me while I take a snooze.

I admit that I had to grab the tissues during Theresa's emotional scenes over the rattle. I hope Days continues to soften this character. I really want to like her (unlike some others).

The thought of Brady and Melanie together has a definite ICK factor for me.

Oh man, I wish I was going to the skating championships with Maggie and Victor.

So is Serena only using Eric for information/pictures for some kind of proof , or does she actually still care for him?
I liked the tie that is developing between Theresa and Melanie over their lost babies. Melanie seemed to have an insight into what is bothering Theresa. Nice use of history.

Enjoyed Maggie's comment that she couldn't keep Victor waiting or she would never hear the end of it -- I can relate to that!
Daysdegrassi said:
I hope Nicole tells the guy she WON'T look into it. Why should she care about Eric's well-being or get involved in his personal life,...

Nicole is a journalist and, as such, should follow up on the tip about Serena.

TheWriter said:
I just hope Nicole will tell Daniel about the phone call.

She has no obligation to tell Daniel about it, since it involves her job. If Daniel gets in a snit about it, that's his problem. Everything in Nicole's life shouldn't revolve around him.
Brady wanting to seemingly lay most or all of the blame for his latest shenanigans at Theresa's feet. News flash buddy, being an addict does not negate the fact that you ultimately are responsible for yourself and the decisions you make. What did Kristen ever see in this weakling?

Daniel accepts Nicole...until she does the next thing he doesn't agree with, especially if it involves going after Serena.
She has no obligation to tell Daniel about it, since it involves her job. If Daniel gets in a snit about it, that's his problem. Everything in Nicole's life shouldn't revolve around him.

KathyLu, you made me think, and you are absolutely right. I stand corrected. :) I agree. After all, Dan the Man will not consult Nicole regarding his patients, now, will he ? Even if the patient (I hope not) is Jennifer, down the road.
I think Brady DID say he took responsibility for his addiction and for his decisions......but he was pointing out that Theresa (and this was all true) kept urging him on, plying him with liquor, and drugs. Always amazed me why she never seemed drunk or high, when she was also drinking or doing drugs, but then......well, Theresa was out to snag herself a rich guy. That was her aim........and she did it. Except then she blew it when she whacked John, and said Brady did it. Brady mentioned that, too.
Theresa herself has made a lot of terrible decisions.......and did the same back in L.A. I do think the actress does a great job, but Theresa has been very devious since the day she arrived in Salem. She has caused problems for JJ, Jennifer, Daniel, Brady, and even Vargas. (Let's not forget she asked him to get her cocaine, he did, but it was found on him. Then she stole all his money so he had none for bail. )

But Brady doesn't know, (and neither does Jeannie T) that she WAS really pregnant. Brady is going to be retracting his words if and when that comes out.
But the thing is Poirot, Brady eventually came down from every one of those "highs" that Theresa "pushed" on him and yet he didn't distance himself from her. That is why I say, he can't blame Theresa when he had points of lucidness where he could've put an end to it all and dumped Theresa before things escalated the way they did. Not once during his sober hours did he stop to think that maybe Theresa was a hindrance to his sobriety/drug free life.
Brady did not want to be drug free.....he was enjoying his addictions. But When he DID decide that no matter what...he was going sober, he did so. (This was when John was in the hospital.) He was appalled at himself, how he had no memory of what went on, and how could he have done that to his father. And he DID realize that Theresa was an enabler, encouraged him to drink & do drugs....she could manage him, get him to do whatever she wanted....such as marry her.
I just cannot get into this Daniel/Nicole thing. I agree with TheWriter as well. Why is his past with Jennifer not brought up or the fact that he may not be over her? This whole thing is just so strange. Nicole is coming off as needy and desperate and constantly having to apologize for being herself and then Daniel just doesn't seem into it at all. The past two days just left me feeling gross. I wanted to give them a chance but apparently it's not meant to be. I don't see this lasting long at all. Soon enough Nicole will be knee deep in this Serena crap and Daniel will drop her like yesterday's trash because he will assume she's still obsessed with Eric. I know some people called this "romance" between them but it came across as desperation from Nicole and Daniel basically just using her for sex.

I must say I'm slowly coming around to feeling some sympathy for Theresa. As much as I hate Melanie, I liked their scenes together and wouldn't mind a frenemy approach to their relationship. I think perhaps Melanie will realize Theresa wasn't lying about thinking she was pregnant.

Will is a DOG. I am interested to see his initial interaction with Sonny after cheating on him. I'm sure once this whole mess comes out Will will somehow blame Sonny for having an emotional affair with Paul and that it was all Sonny's fault because he didn't tell Will about his past with Paul. Let's see, where have we seen this before? Oh, right, when Sami cheated on Rafe with EJ but it was Rafe's fault because of his feelings for and a couple kisses with Carrie. :rolleyes: