Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jul. 15, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Townhouse: Sami is reading the news. It's about Lucas. (She's reading The Intruder.) Marlena counsels her. Again, Lucas is a sociopath they've all misjudged for years, blah blah. Sami talks about Belle and EJ, more pity party, blah blah blah. Marlena aches for both her daughters.

Interrogation Room: Lucas doesn't want Kate to see him. She's hired the best defense attorney in the Midwest. He plans to plead guilty. He's tired of blaming his victims and covering things up. Lucas wants to protect the kids from a trial; Kate points out that confessing to the kidnapping will make Chad's murder case, thus harming the children with a trial.

DiMansion: Roman enters to see EJ (not Johnny). He apologises for rushing to judgment by believing that the rapist kidnapper had kidnapped his daughter this time when in fact it was Lucas. They talk about Roman dumping EJ's ex, and how long she knew.

Salem Inn: Chloe answers the door. Brady was knocking for five minutes. Her flustered demeanour and a closed door signal she's cheating. Belle spent the night. Brady lays in to his sister about the slimy EJ, cracks jokes about DiMera evils, realises he's missed a lot in the five days he's been gone. Belle explains. Brady points out that Sami will retaliate; Belle needs to tell Shawn-D herself.

Brady House: Steve is putting together a stroller, Kayla has a baby monitor, Shawn-D isn't sure what to do. The baby cries, Kayla goes to check on him. Shawn-D is grateful for the help, because Steve is happy to provide love to Bo's grandson even though Belle sees him as an obstacle. As they build the stroller with a 9AM beer, they recap Jan's antics and disappearance (still no word). Shawn-D will have to protect his son from his mother. Kayla returns, relates her experiences with the knife-wielding surprise stepson of her own, and how she now loves him like a son (another rewrite). Sami arrives, receives consolations, has to tell Shawn-D something before her meltdown. She spills it, over the protestations of their aunt. She pretends to be sorry, which an arriving Belle calls baloney. Belle points out that Sami's tale is meant only to hurt her, not to help Shawn-D. Kayla evicts the rapist, then she and Steve leave so Shawn-D and Belle can talk.

Police station: Lucas continues his downtrodden sulking (really when was any Salem criminal this penitent?) and Kate wants him to play this smart. A uniform enters to take him to the arraignment, and in the main workroom, EJ slinks in and lays into Kate after Lucas leaves. They trade barbs. The upshot is EJ will seek revenge at some later date.

Salem Inn: NEWS FLASH Rachel is staying with Tate and Jeannie T. Chloe thinks Belle and Shawn-D will work things out like Jeannie T and Brady did; Brady thinks the marriage may be over for good. Then they get frisky.

Townhouse: Roman and Marlena recap. Later, Marlena has tried to prevent Hurricane Sami by calling Belle. Kate arrives, she needs Marlena's help.

Brady House: Belle is sorry about how Shawn-D found out, wants to explain. He doesn't want to hear it. He recaps how he ended up with Jan in bed, and how Belle has been playing the victim in everything.

Police Station Workroom: The uniform tells Lucas his plea was a crock.

DiMansion Living Area: Sami gazes at the portrait of Stefano. EJ is glad she's back. She tells him off, is sick of bouncing between Lucas and EJ for the last two decades, is saying goodbye to Johnny before leaving Salem. She can't list (literally) the times he has hurt her. She's done. She leaves, EJ reacts and looks at the off-screen portrait. END
There are so many questions....
how can a baby conceived in December born in June be ready to live at home already?
on the awfulness scale how come Lucas now is above EJ in the treatment of Sami?
NOW Shawn finds his brain.....
I love how Sami can turn absolutely EVERYTHING to be about how hurt she was/is. wonder how long she will be gone this time.... I don't see the ratings so I don't know if she does actually bring a crowd with her when she returns..... But thank God she is gone.....
I can say two nice things about this show. Good for Shawn and Sami looked great in that dress.

Otherwise I can't believe this episode. It made me want to scream and I've never been so angry watching an episode. It's unreal to me that all of this started with a sad Sami reconnecting with Lucas and the potential of them being together in a good way and ended with Sami hurting Shawn on the way out the door.

I'm super close to saying good riddance.
All the acting was pretty good...but then.......Shawn refuses to understand how his catering to his baby mama would upset his wife. Belle is refusing to see that no matter how the child was conceived........(& /Shawn DID think it was his wife) this is Shawn's son, he is not neglecting his obligation to him. Belle needs to look at all her family....Marlena has taken in Paul, Kayla has done the same with Tripp, Jen has attempted to do so with Gwen, Brady is taking responsibility for Rachel AND Tate, & the list goes on.

And then, of course, there is the world of Sami, cuz we all know everything revolves around her. Much to everyone's annoyance. So, she cheats on HER husband, not once, but twice, and in fact is going to marry Lucas.........but gets angry because she learns her EX was having sex with another woman, who happened to be Sami's half sister. So angry, she takes it upon herself to inform her sister's husband, you know, the one who fathered a child with his wife's mortal enemy, who had done many horrible things to his wife & her family......just neglecting to mention to his wife, that he & the female (who was impersonating Belle) had already had sex when she walked in on them in bed. Gosh, talk of tangled webs, it is hard to even begin to understand it all.

The only advantage of all this mess is that Sami leaves town, supposedly for good, hopefully for all the viewers, never to return!

Somehow, after all his claims that he was gonna plead guilty, I got the impression Lucas did not do so. Did Kate get to him. I wanted to tape her mouth shut. Maybe Sami can kidnap her, and take her away with her forever????
I thought Alison Sweeney (Sami) did a great job today in that goodbye scene with EJ. The look on her face when he walked in, and the way she explained why she was done were great. She’s a tremendous soap actress who makes even melodrama seem anchored in reality. But her character makes me want to throw things at the TV. She’s so self-involved. She has such a convenient memory (like screaming at Nicole for sleeping with Xander when she was cheating with Lucas). The short stints make it worse because all of that is never tempered with downtime. She comes in, screeches for a couple of weeks, and is gone.
Sami absolutely loved putting the screws to Belle. She ran back to EJ and found Belle there, so i can't really blame her for being upset. Running to Shawn and telling him about it was just plain childish.

I would like to get ahold of Belle and Shawn and knock their heads together. Shawn was raped by a psychopath who then claimed the baby was his. OK. Now we know who the baby-daddy is, but Shawn and Belle don't. We do know they are acting like a couple of idiots trying to one-up each other. The poor infant is blameless in this, and I pity him because of who his parents are. He will need a stable, loving home with mature parents, and Shawn and belle ain't them!

I don't feel sorry for Lucas. He is an idiot of the nth degree! Did he not think his dastardly deed would be discovered? Good grief! I suppose with Kate as his mother, he learned from the best. While on that subject, kudos to Roman for kicking Kate to the curb!
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem.

Is it too early to do a happy dance because Sami is leaving Salem? She also said she's sick of it with Lucas and
EJ. So are we.

I liked Sami's dress too.

I'm disappointed Belle didn't slap Sami.

I can't believe baby Shawn is out of the hospital.

Roman apologized to EJ. Is the world coming to the end?

I enjoyed the scenes with Belle and Brady. He called her Tink.

Did we miss something with Brady and Chloe? I was surprised they are sleeping together.
I suppose with Kate as his mother, he learned from the best
Lucas's only real problem is that he's penitent. If he were EJ, he'd smarm and make it everyone else's fault. If he were Kate, he'd shrug it off and everyone would forget it. If he were Bo Brady, he'd be made commissioner.
Did we miss something with Brady and Chloe? I was surprised they are sleeping together.
It happened a while back. It was like one episode and then we heard nothing for weeks about it.

It was so typical Sami that she ran to Shawn to tell him about Belle and EJ. I did however, like her telling EJ off at the end and hopefully she means it. I just wish she would have threw the rape and Johnny's conception in his face, having Johnny show up to hear that. I know, the suits want to forget the rape happened but we fans will not forget.

Bye, Sami. Don't let the door hit you on the way out of town. Try not to hurry back anytime soon. We won't miss you and I don't think anyone in Salem will, either.
Well I'm glad Sami said goodbye and came to her senses. I don't feel sorry for her, but I'm glad she realized how foolish it was chasing after the same 2 guys for almost 20 years, with a bit of Rafe thrown in. So silly and such an old storyline. I only wish Brooke Logan from B&B came to the same realization. Couldn't bring myself to care for the rest of the show.