Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 23, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 23, 2010
Episode #11381 Taped 5/18 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Daniel sits with Carly in the waiting room, Bo is stable - Abe & Roman talk of notifying Caroline & Hope. Roman says no, since Bo is stable, they would only come down here, sit and lose a night’s sleep. They can be called in the morning. Abe & Roman realize this had to be personal, wonder it if is tied into the muggings, Bo fits that profile, but the MO is different. Roman reminds Abe serial criminals will escalate. Again they wonder who could possibly hate Bo that much to have done such a thing.
Inside Bo’s room, Hope is taking her sweet time, telling the unconscious Bo that she loved him so very much. She kisses him lightly, then makes sure that, with her gloves on, she wipes the lipstick from his mouth, gets a hypo, tell him that the air bubble will not make him suffer as long as she’d like, but he will be just as dead. She injects his tube, as he opens his eyes, asks what she is doing. Hope hears voices and takes off.

Victor calls Maggie, has the plans for the Mickey Horton foundation all mapped out, wants to show her, just needs a couple things from her. He knows it is late, but Maggie says it is o.k., to come on over. Vivian comes into the room with a bottle of Greek brandy, trying to get Victor to stay home and relax, but he is leaving. She knows he is going to Maggie’s, then brings out some plan for the foundation she claims to have worked on to save Victor the trouble. He looks it over, pronounces it garbage, knows she did not do it, had someone else, tells her to mind her own business and leaves.
Vivian next is sitting with Gus, drinking her martini, bemoaning how she may be married to her “soulmate”, but spends her nights alone. Gus thinks maybe they should go back home, Vivian talks of different things she has accomplished in her life, but married to the love of her life, he prefers that cow of a redhead. Gus reminds her she is on 4th martini……she tells him to “put another nickel in the machine….make the music soft and sad” (lyrics from Sinatra’s One For My Baby). Gus tries to bolster Vivian’s ego a bit, she is a bit maudlin, but Gus persists, telling her it is time to remember exactly who she is, what she is made of. She talks of going to Chicago, to some Greek store, getting Victor all his favorite things, like Musaka. Gus tells her not to get mad, get even.

Victor shows up at Maggie’s but she doesn’t want to talk about the Mickey Horton foundation plans. She mentions Vivian, knows his wife is not happy Victor is working with her. Victor says he & Maggie are just friends, and that life with Vivian is like living in a gangster movie, mentioning the one with Jimmy Cagney where he shoved a grapefruit in the woman’s face (lol, oh, it has been a few years, but I remember that scene well, they use it in “best Hollywood scenes documentaries, Ha). Maggie thinks that perhaps, in the future, Victor should just see her attorney about these plans. He gets a call, learning Bo has been hurt, and both rush off to the hospital.

Hope has rushed home, finding the baby sitter with Ciara on the sofa, asleep. Seems Ciara did not want to go to bed til her mommy was home. Hope sits down next to Ciara, telling her softly how much she loves her, talking of when her brother Zack died, how her daddy did not care, only cared about his daughter with Billie. And how he acted when Ciara was kidnapped, ignoring her. Her cell rings, she sees it is Carly, doesn’t answer, figuring Bo has told Carly what Hope did, and now they are coming for her. She strokes Ciara’s hair, is sorry for this. And next we her in bed, sort of tossing and turning, but eventually tucking her pillow under her head, saying “this is good-bye”.

Nicole is looking around her room, bemoaning how shabby it seems (looks like they spruced up the sleazy motel room a bit, lol), talks of having a $200 sexy nighty, (she holds it up) but sleeping alone. She gets a call from someone, claiming to have a story about dirty cops, meet him down at the pier. She agrees, and takes off, we see it is Rafe using a disguised voice. As soon as she is gone, he is in her room, looking for whatever her big secret is. He turns up empty, but finally runs across a small black book, filled with numbers and letters, obviously code of some kind. Rafe figures the expert FBI code guys will break this in about 3 seconds, when he hears a jangle of keys.

Nicole has gone to the deserted pier, finds no one. She calls EJ, warning him to keep his end of the bargain, then goes back to her place, enters, realizes someone has been there. The open window is a huge hint. LOL. She immediately goes to the drawer, finds her coded book still there, breathes a sigh of relief, all is well. And down in his office, Rafe is on the phone wanting to know as soon as that code is broken. Seems he took pictures of the page/pages. J

And over at DiMansion, Sami & EJ talk of her decision to stay at the mansion, she knows he is surprised, talks again of EJ being a changed man. EJ gets contemplative, talking of bad things he has done, how when he first came to Salem, it was for revenge against the Brady family, but he fell for her at first sight. She tells him she remembers how she felt in witness protection, and now cannot fathom her doing what she did, not telling him she was pregnant, as she doesn’t have those feeling now. Sydney wakes up crying, EJ goes to get her back to sleep, Sami thinks it is amazing how he can do that, he claims she is just more used to him. She goes to spend a bit of time with the sleeping Sydney, he assures her that Sydney has bonded with her, after all, she is her mother.
He gets the call from Nicole, as Sami returns. EJ talks of Nicole being jealous of the life Sami, EJ & the children are enjoying at the mansion. She noticed a new dress in Sydney’s closet, EJ says it was to be a surprise, tells of hiring a photographer to come tomorrow for a family portrait, that he bought outfits for Johnny & Allie, too, even a suit for Will.- Sami is surprised Will agreed, then EJ adds he even bought something for her, to go with everyone else. Now Sami asks if he bought something for himself, he says no, that it was to be a family portrait for Sami, something she has wanted to do. She smiles, telling him he is the father of two of the children. EJ grins, comments that he thinks he has something to wear that will go with them all.

Carly has been telling Daniel how, during her residency, she was one tough cookie, did not let anything faze her, and then she rotated to ER, car accident came in, gas tanks had exploded, burn victims, how horrible it all was, and how she fell apart then. She talks of what could have happened with Bo. Daniel assures her Bo is o.k., it did not happen to him, Daniel got there first. They go into Bo’s room, sees him awake, say something about calling Hope, and Bo starts to say Hope was…….and begins going into convulsions. Daniel calls for crash cart, we later see Daniel with paddles, trying to get Bo stabilized, and at last we see Carly sitting by Bo’s bedside, he has breathing tubes down his throat. He comes to, starts choking on the tubes, Carly tries to explain they are there to help him breathe, but Bo will have no part of it, and tho we don’t see it, within a second or two, the tubes are gone. She asks who did this to you.

That sounds like an action packed show. Go Rafe, search warrent or not, please get the goods on EJ. Thanks Barb for the write-up
sami sami

it so nice of you ignore your other father of two of the children:mad:
sami sami

it so nice of you ignore your other father of two of the children:mad:

Now wouldn't that have been a pretty family picture. Sami sitting in the middle, Lucas, Will and Allie on one side of her, EJ, Johnny and Sydney on the other side. We could also have Stefano standing with EJ and Kate standing with Lucas (since they are each grandparents). Then we could throw Bill Horton, Marlena and John into the picture. Oh and Susan needs to come back so she can be in the family portrait as well.

While we are at it, Caroline and Marlena's parents could also be in the picture as they are the great-grandparents of half the children.
Gotta say that the Sami/EJ scenes must have been very difficult for Ali Sweeney. And EJ is all apologetic for the nasty things he has done ever since he met Sami, not that he mentions a single one. Sami assures him they have gotten past all that. Gad, she is so cheery, but admittedly EJ is contemplative. When she mentions about keeping her pregnancy a secret, he talks of how very angry he was back then.

Honestly, tho, was very difficult to watch those scenes, only because Stepford Sami was so very apparent. sigghhhh.
In the sceen with EJ once again he assures Sami that Sydney has bonded with her, after all, she is her mother. This sure raises the hair on the back of my neck once again. Sami's insecurity about bonding with Sydney keeps raising that question in my confused mind that maybe Sydney isn't Sami's daughter. I just can't get my mind around that thought but the writers keep bringing this bonding issue up. If she is not the one thing that keeps burning in my mind is where did Dr. Baker keep Nicole's baby all that time and how could he be sure Sami would come to his clinic to deliver? If it should be true Sydney is not Sami's, it has the feeling of Stephano all over it as he was following Nicole back then. Someone please put me out of my misery.
If she is not the one thing that keeps burning in my mind is where did Dr. Baker keep Nicole's baby all that time and how could he be sure Sami would come to his clinic to deliver?

If I remember correctly, Dr. Baker didn't make sure that Sami would come to his clinic and deliver her baby. Nicole was visiting the convent and left the card for Dr. Baker's clinic there. Then when Sami went into labor, the nun (I can't remember her name) remembered the conversation and took Sami to the clinic. are correct, her name was Sister Theresa.
If I remember correctly, Dr. Baker didn't make sure that Sami would come to his clinic and deliver her baby. Nicole was visiting the convent and left the card for Dr. Baker's clinic there. Then when Sami went into labor, the nun (I can't remember her name) remembered the conversation and took Sami to the clinic.

So Nicole left the card with Sister Theresa so when Sami went into to labor she would be taken to Dr. Baker's clinic. Then Dr. Baker wasn't aware Sami would be coming to the clinic, which gets back to my original issue, if he switched Sami's baby with Nicole's baby (before Nicole got to the clinic) where was Nicole's baby all this time? Just tell me to shut up I will!
It is interesting that the subject keeps coming up from the witers about Sami being Sydney's mom. Either they are trying to convince us of that fact or keeping the question in our heads what if?
Thanks for the day ahead Barb~
Thank You

Thank you for watching Barb "Stepford Sami"...That is a new one for me. I am a fan of both the actors(they both bring their "A" game in almost all of the scenes). They make the show watchable. Thank you for writing about it, it lets me know when I can delete the show and when I can watch it. You are truly a special woman...Can you please expain to me why the gas comes up each time when trying to kill someone. They never have any orginal ideas...