Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 27, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 27, 2018

Jennifer rushes into Brady’s apartment with the news that Kevin, the Child Services Inspector is the one who planted the drugs, paid off by someone……she figures someone who loves Brady and did not want him to lose his son. He is puzzled, she says Victor, who else. Brady is a bit taken aback, Jen is determined to prove it, her son lost his job trying to help Theresa out of that pickle. Brady gives her a list of those employees of Victor’s who could or would be capable of pulling it off. Before she leaves, she mentions knowing Marlena asked him & Eric to walk her down the aisle, Brady says he said yes, Jen hopes he & Eric will be able to mend fences, Brady thinks letting the past go is the best thing to do. Hug from Jen, she leaves, calls Kevin to tell him she is sending him a bunch of pictures, let her know if he recognizes anyone.

Victor is talking to his henchman, telling him Jennifer is on to Child Services guy, who spilled about being paid off. Wants him to lay low, the guy says O.K. boss, as Maggie comes walking in. Victor clams up, she asks who his visitor is, Vic is short….Business, but then has to admit the guy works for him. Maggie is asking questions, Vic cuts her off, she does get properly introduced tho, to Arturo. She is going to bring them tea, Vic refuses, Arturo is just leaving. After he is gone, Maggie asks what the guy does, Victor again is clamming up, she realizes he is up to no good, says she thought that was over, he says their conversation on this matter is over, she gets up, walks out, saying guess it is.

She goes to the Pub to meet Jen, who has her tablet open with Arturo’s picture on it. Maggie asks why she has the pic, she just saw this guy at the house. Jen has her confirm she just saw this man at the Kmansion, puts the tablet away, cannot tell Maggie why she has the pic on her tablet. Later, Maggie is gone, she calls Kevin, asking him if he recognized anyone in the pictures she sent.

Kayla & Steve are still in 7th heaven over his sight being back, and are doing a lot of nuzzling and kissing on his hospital bed. He knows she never gave up, this is all due to her. In comes Hope & Rafe, they get the good news, are all happy for Steve, and while there, evidently tell the tale of Ben Weston, Ciara, the fire, etc. Steve asks if it is confirmed or they have evidence that Ben was the culprit, Rafe says no, but Hope interrupts, of course he did. They tell of Ciara hiring Ben’s lawyer, nothing they can do about that, she is grateful he saved her, etc. but they don’t trust Ben, are watching out for Ciara.

At the loft, Tripp gets off phone with his dad, happy for the good news the surgery worked, Claire comes in, he tells her, she is happy, big hug. Just in time for Ciara to come walking thru the door. Both quickly tell of Tripp’s good news, Ciara is happy for him. Claire has to go to the mag, unless Ciara wants the job back, nope, it’s yours. Claire goes to a bedroom, closes the door, Tripp & Ciara talk, he is glad she is back, they talk a bit about Ben , he wonders if she has feelings feelings for him. Ciara really doesn’t answer, just says he saved her, took care of her, she would not be here. Tripp comments if Hope & Rafe had not got there in time to save her from the fire, she would not be here either. They talk a bit, he promises not to put any pressure on her, one day at a time, etc., then leaves to go see his dad. Claire comes out, heard some of that, does her own apologies to Ciara, they talk of how did not really deal with being raped by Chase, but has gone to therapy. She thought it was behind her, but it wasn’t. The pain, hurt, the shame. Claire says you should not be shamed. Ciara thinks she is past it all now, but maybe she isn’t yet. Claire hugs her, has to leave, mentions the p.r. person at the mag said Claire should do more on social media, tell about herself. She wonders if she can post how she got her BFF back. Smiles.

Eve comes walking thru the park, on the phone, sees the sleeping man on the bench, starts yakking at him to get up, leave, she needs the bench! She pokes and prods, the guy turns around, she is in shock as she realizes it is Ben Weston. She hangs up on the person, and verbally lights into Ben. She could not believe it when she heard he was out, person has to be insane to let him out. Ben is mumbling, stumbling around for words, he is sorry, wanted to talk to her. Eve yells at him continually, berating him for what he did, will not accept his apologies. (lots of scenes, all very good, very good indeed). At one point she mentions him putting an end to a beautiful wife (tho I think my CC was wrong, she might have said life, not wife). He is sorry, he liked Paige, Eve forbids him to say her name, she wants him to tell her how he did it, how he killed her beautiful Paige. She is raging, he is not going to leave this park alive (he said he could not tell her how he did it, said he was better now, etc. etc. she was not having any of it). She puts her purse and bag on the bench, is yelling, then pushes him onto the ground, jumps onto him, is choking him, he is trying to pull her hands away. Hope comes thru the arch, stands and watches, does nothing. Eve is screaming, crying, yelling, grabs her metal thermos cup, is about to pummel Ben with it. Hope just stands there watching. Rafe comes along, sees what is going on, looks at Hope, then pulls Eve off Ben. She is crying, berating Ben, finally Hope moves coming over to Eve, holding her, telling her that is not the way to deal with this, by killing Ben. Rafe tells Ben he should go, Ben leaves. Eve has pulled herself (and her clothes) together, grabs her stuff and leaves. Rafe wants to know what the heck happened here. He came in, Hope was just standing there. He says she was going to let Eve kill Ben. She starts yammering about how horrible to lose a child, and she doesn’t want to lose another, like she lost Zack, she gets upset. Rafe promises they will watch out for Ciara.

Maggie goes to visit Brady, see how he is doing. He says Eve has been a rock, keeping him sane, sober. Theresa lets him video chat with Tate, it helps a lot. He then tells how he & Theresa had almost worked it all out, until Victor decided to have someone plant drugs.

Eve has gone to see Victor, pours herself a drink, he can see she is upset. Yes, she has had a bad day. Well, about to get worse. Jennifer Horton knows the Child Services guy planted the drugs, he sang, she is on the trail. Eve says she thought Victor said he covered their tracks. He has, told his man to lay low, sent him out of town. But Jennifer will keep digging . Eve sits down, not to worry, she can take care of Jennifer Rose Horton. “Really, is that a fact”, says the grinning Jen who has come into the room.

Tripp comes to see his dad, Kayla leaves to see some patients, they talk a bit, Ciara is brought up, as well as Ben. Steve says that no matter what is said, it is his opinion that a person like Ben does not change.

Ciara is at the frig, knock at the door. She hobbles over, opens it. There stands Ben.
Thanks, Poirot.

And there it is. The first clue of all is not what it seems. When a respected character is weary or confident of a person or situation, very rarely are they wrong. In this case, Steve said, "No matter what is said, it is his opinion that a person like Ben doesn't change". Be ready for Ben to be exposed and that he hasn't changed OR him changing into a bad person again will be a result of not taking his pills.

Just my opinion and speculation of what's to come. There is no drama in having a bad person change to good. Makes for boring storylines.
I think, in Ben's case, it is all the misery he is going thru as a result of the hatred folks have for a serial killer. The actor has tweeted, is still filming (show for January 2019) and said something to the effect that redemption is a long road.
Heck, the police commissioner is willing to stand and watch someone trying to kill Ben, does nothing. If it had been anyone else but Ben.......she would have been on the person in a flash. She wants Ben dead, and is not willing or able to see him as having NOW done no wrong. She is not grateful he saved her daughter, cared for her, not one iota. She is determined to have him be guilty of instead trying to kill her daughter. And she would love for him to dead, as she currently cannot send him to prison.
Right now, Ben has good cause to have Eve arrested for assault, but he won't.
Heck, if Ben went into a monastery and became a monk or priest......Hope would still want him hanged by the neck til he was dead, or electrocuted, or lethal injection, maybe all 3 at once.
Thanks for the summary. I can understand Eve losing it when she sees the man is Ben, but what is with her yelling and poking and prodding at him before she even knows who he is? Eve is a nasty person. I also can understand Hope being filled with fear for Ciara but she's soon going to catch up with Eve in the "nasty" contest. I never have liked Eve. Too bad Hope is now becoming so unlikable to me also.

Muzz and Poirot, I think you are both right. I'm all for Ben being redeemed but in real life, I doubt there is any way someone with his history could ever find redemption in the eyes of the public, especially not among people who were connected to his victims. He would have to move far away and change his name, in order to live any kind of normal life.
While it's not the same, I think of John Hinkley, who shot President Reagan (among others). He was put into a mental institution for decades, then eventually given short visits to his mother's house. Those visits were gradually lengthened. Eventually, in 2016, he was released from the facility to live with his 90 year old mother, but there are a ton of conditions and he's constantly monitored.

Ben killed four (well, three) people, is considered "healed", given a prescription for medication and set loose on society, all willy nilly.
Hope herself killed a man, and figures she had good cause. She is not in prison. Abby killed a man, another case of now on meds, mentally ill, etc. Not in prison. Andre killed people, not in prison. There are probably more, Salemites rarely spend time in jail for murder, and if they do, it is short. Wonder if Ted will start sending letters to Hope???

Is hard to understand how the the sanitarium can release him, ordering his prescription be refilled, yet, knowing he has no income, job, transportation, money. I do agree about moving somewhere else, changing name......and sister Jordan would help with the latter, she certainly has done it enough times for them both.

Maybe what would help Ben would be for it to be discovered he was hypnotized, drugged, made to think he did those murders.........but they were done by Clyde. !!! Well, except for the whole deal with Abby, the baby & midwife. No getting out of that one. Unless the midwife is still alive! But there is still what he did to Chad/Abby and kidnapping Thomas. Then again, if he was drugged and brainwashed into doing it???? I mean Clyde DID change those DNA results, did he not?
Eve: She should see Marlena immediately and schedule a session for dealing with her grief. Of course, if she's ever found out to be part of the drug-planting conspiracy, she'd have to see the Doc while out on bail.

Hope: She ought to turn in her badge immediately. Real police officers don't just stand there while a crime is being committed even in Salem. And what if Eve had somehow killed Ben and ended up charged with murder or manslaughter? How would high-and-might Hope feel then.

Ben: He ought to try sleeping deep inside Salem Park. The modern-day version of Benchie is just too close to the habitual paths of those who hold him in low regard. And since Eve won't be charged with assaulting him, he might consider a civil lawsuit. Ted could file a suit against Brady's current true love for civil battery and then do his best to stack the jury with young women like Ciara who would be sympathetic toward his client.

Ciara: If she tries convincing people that Ben has changed, she probably won't have much luck. Sami's constant refrain of "EJ has changed" thoroughly ruined the concept of personal redemption in Salem.

Steve: He had some great scenes relating to his regaining his eyesight. The writers really should give this fan favorite some more compelling plots.
While I thought Kassie dePaiva (Eve) did a wonderful job facing bothered me in way because that beautiful daughter she spoke of, who had her whole life in front of her, had a mother who actually & easily had an affair with that daughter's boyfriend. The sex was not just once, but several times, only ending because the boyfriend's mother caught them " in flagrante delicto". Rather embarrassing all round. I don't think Paige had forgiven her, before she was killed.
Thanks, Poirot.

Good scenes with Eve when she was talking to Ben. It's been awhile
since we heard her say Paigey.

Interesting comment Steve said to Tripp about Ben changing. Didn't Steve
change after he got together with Kayla?

Nice to see Steve and Kayla two days in a row.

The Salem PD needs to hire Jen Jen. She cracked the case who planted the
drugs in record time
Steve says that no matter what is said, it is his opinion that a person like Ben does not change.
Tripp tried to kill your wife. Watch yourself Patch.


Eve=misplaced anger. We never saw enough of her connection to Paige to care.
Salemites rarely spend time in jail for murder
Yet Paige's father is in jail for...counterfeiting? I forget the charge. But it was about a dozen steps below murder.
And what if Eve had somehow killed Ben and ended up charged with murder or manslaughter? How would high-and-might Hope feel then.
She'd feel pretty low, since Eve would replace her as Police Commissioner.
There is no drama in having a bad person change to good.
False. That is full of drama in and of itself. Besides, "Bad" and "Good" characters are for fairy tales and fables - compelling soap characters are shades of grey.
The Ben/Eve scenes were tremendous. I always liked Ben. I liked Ben and Abigail and then he started killing people so that ended. I really like the actor and he killed it today with Eve just screaming at him. The look on his face - fear and anguish. But Eve is a piece of work. Just yelling at the guy sleeping on the bench. I assume she thought it was a homeless person and that's how she treats him? Even if not just demanding the bench! He was there first!! Go find another bench. Oh that's right, there isn't one. :rotfl:

Hope is another piece of work. What an awesome police commissioner. Just stand there as a woman is attempting to murder a man cause hey ya know he deserves it. She needs to step down. She has killed before. Killed and covered it up. Besides this, using all the resources to find her missing adult daughter even after that adult daughter called and said she was fine but not coming home right now. I am not a Hope fan. I didn't watch during the Bo/Hope heydays. Actually the only time I liked her was when she was with Aidan and moving on from Bo. I don't understand why Rafe loves her.

I was on vacation and didn't see any for 2 weeks, so I missed all the lead up to Steve getting his sight back. Glad he has it back. I was thinking he could get 2 bionic eyes but then he wouldn't be Patch. And Tripp's new hairstyle is throwing me.:)
Let's see now....Steve was a real bad dude......look at him now. and as said....some are combos it seems. Kate is evil with a sort of decent outer layer she hides behind. Vivian was the same.....EJ also was evil through & through, but poured a bit of charm over the front of his shirt, sort of blinding many to his true self. yep..shades of grey, some very dark grey....