Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 7, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 7, 2017

And Salem continues to try and remember what went on during hell night at the Martin House. Sonny tells Paul of his memory of standing over Deimos's body, Paul tries to reason it doesn't mean a thing, Sonny thinks he is the one who killed Deimos, not JJ. Victor walks in, overhears a bit, asks Paul to leave, and he talks with Sonny. Although not saying so directly, he more or less is telling Sonny to keep his mouth shut, and assuring him JJ will get off, Justin will see to that, and Vic wants his family safe.

Jen & Abby are with JJ, trying to boost his morale, Abby trying to remember more, but unable. JJ notices her wedding ring, the info comes out, she got married to Dario. This does not set well with JJ, who asks...what, did you marry on your lunch hour. Abby says yes. JJ asks if it came with fries. LOL. Jennifer is very upset. Abby comments she & Dario love each other, Jen wants to talk with her alone, they leave as Gabi comes in.

(Lots of jumping around today, so bear with me) Earlier, Chad is looking at a pic of him & Abby, staring at it, hides it as Gabi comes in, a tale of getting the kids to sleep. Gabi & Chad seem rather awkward with each other, talk in generalities, she leaves to do a couple of errands.

Jen & Abby walk in the park, arguing about Abby marrying Dario. Abby reports how immigration was on his case, but Jen doesn't think they had to rush the way they did. Now she learns Chad & Gabi came in...comments it all gets worse and worse. Abby did not even get a chance to process what happened between her & Chad. She just wants Abby to be happy, hug, love you, Jen leaves. Chad meanders in from behind the gate (glad Rafe's tent, etc. is gone, lol) and without looking at each other, both mention the kiss, the exchange of vows, and now remember hearing footsteps, seeing Deimos running down the hall, going after him. Chad told Abby to stay put, she didn't. He chases after Abby at one point. Both go down to the cop shop.

Lucas meets up with Adrienne in the square, I think. Small talk, Lucas figures with Justin on the case, JJ is sure to get off. His phone rings, tis Austin & Billie conference call. He is shocked at what he is hearing, tells Adrienne that Kate is married. She shrugs, so what. But to Andre DiMera. Next, Lucas has found Kate & Andre at the Club, enjoying a martini. Lucas is going ballistic over the idea she would actually marry this guy, Andre enjoys the exchanges. She is flippant, explains about the board wanting to dump all the DiMera companies, unless a DiMera headed it up. Since they did not trust Andre, they married. Tis all business. Lucas rants some more (I loved these scenes) as he reminds her what Andre did to him, and storms off, saying something about disowning her or something.

Kate reminds Andre they have to leave, interview with Country Club mag.

Adrienne has gone to the Kmansion, sees Paul who keeps her from going in, as Sonny is talking with Victor. He doesn't reveal what Sonny has remembered. She goes into the living room, Sonny is gone. She leaves, Paul comes in, Victor tells him he knows Paul is only one not drugged, and that he already has given a statement to the cops. He wants Paul to forget what he heard Sonny say a bit ago.

Sonny has gone to the Martin house, slipped under the police tape, and just stares at the room, again flashing back to standing and seeing Deimos on the floor, knife in his chest.

Kate & Andre are being interviewed by the reporter at DiMansion. As she asks questions, Kate & Andre snark back & forth, both wanting credit for business dealings and decisions. (Made me laugh). Even though she is CEO, Andre trying to intimate he is the brains, Kate won't let that slide by. He is signing some papers, she grabs the pen, as she is CEO, she has to sign. The reporter is taking pictures, and the same snide snarks exchanged. The reporter remarks she thought they were newly weds. They are, just enjoying it all. Andre asks if they will be on the cover. The reporter says "perhaps", must say the mag has never had a couple quite like you, and takes off. Now Andre grabs Kate, sort of dancing with no music, as they do their insulting of each other a bit more.

Gabi talks with JJ, tells him she has tried to remember more, even got Marlena to hypnotize her, no luck. She knows he will be o.k., Justin will get him off. JJ really seems to be insisting to everyone he did kill the man. Gabi lets him know she cares about him, always will, knows he is with Lani, but will always care. They come out of the room, as Paul arrives at Raines request. They go into the interrogation room, Raines says security camera in garden has proved he was knocked out, only one not drugged. Asks if he remembers anything else. Nope, he did not witness the murder so has nothing to say. They come out as Abby & Chad arrive, with their statements of remembering a bit more.

Chad tells Gabi they will talk later, and they do, walking in park, he tells of renewing vows with Abby, kiss, then seeing Deimos. Nothing more between them. Gabi figures it is o.k. she danced with JJ, meant nothing. They will just forget about the night, put it in the past.

Jen is back, the room is full of mostly those at the party. JJ is still insisting that he had to be the one who killed Deimos. Could not be anyone else. Paul, Adrienne & Justin try to tell him not to give up, no knows who killed Deimos. Sonny comes striding in. No, that is not true, it was me. I killed Deimos.
Thank you, Poirot.

Oh Lordy, but this was boring except for Kate's and Andre's antics during their interview. Those two had me cracking up. Definitely the high point of the show for me.

But why the close up of the camera going into the interviewer's bag?

I also kept staring at Gabi's outfit. Couldn't wardrobe pick a better fitting garment !?!? That built in bra was NOT working. Geez, haven't they heard of using tape like other actresses use when wearing a backless number?

Speaking of Gabi, did I miss her moving into the DiMansion?
JJ did have the best line today with, did fries come with the ceremony? Funny. Abigail is just so out there. I cannot believe she is actually married to that smarmy Dario. This has to end soon. Please before he gets her to sleep with him. I am kinda rooting for JJ and Gabi. She clearly has feelings for him still and there is too much history (that is never mentioned) between her and Chad. And clearly he is now going to want Abby again.

Have they said if they checked the knife for prints? I don't remember anything. I don't know who I want it to be that killed Deimos, but I am hoping they don't take the weenie way out and make it the waiter. But they did show him also drinking the drugged champagne for a reason. I think it would great if it was Helena. She hasn't actually been dead all these years. :rotfl:
Like yesterday, a few comments about featured Salemites.

Overmatched Lucas: He should have known better than to get into a snark contest with Kate and Andre. When he heard about Kate's unlikely marriage, he should have just gone home and had that Shirley Temple they mentioned.

Overwrought Jenny: Yes, she certainly does have a lot to fret about -- her son charged with murder and her daughter married to the town sleaze. To vent, she should rush right over to TBD, confront Dario, and unleash one of her patented rants.

Over-the-top Sonny: Oh wow, Big Boy is so sure that he murdered Deimos that despite the total lack of definitive evidence, he ignored Victor's good advice and ran over to Rainesland to confess. It would serve him right if, after listening to his story, Raines said, "Get lost kid. We have work to do here."

On-point Justin: Justin isn't always the best lawyer, but he was 100% right today when he said there was no case against JJ. He was involuntarily intoxicated, meaning that he can convincingly effectively argue that he wasn't capable of forming the requisite intent to commit a crime. Add in the large number of others who might have killed Deimos and it's a certainty that D.A. Melinda Trask would have her head handed to her if she took this case to court.

Outraged Giselle: How is Mrs. van Hopper going to react when she sees a feature article on Andre and Kate in her favorite magazine, Country Club Monthly? Even a kiss from her hero, Roman, might not be enough to soothe her frazzled feelings.
While the episode seemed to drag some, was glad they threw in the humor, very happy they found something for Lucas to do........and I thought he did a good job of chewing out this latest outrage of Kate's. Her benign protests of the temp marriage were weak at best. But the insults trades with Andre were hysterical, he even mentioned her being a hooker. One upmanship being played between them both. That reporter ...was she recording it all, perhaps?

Are JJ & Sonny going to now argue over who takes the honor of having killed Deimos? Is this a twist on Murder on the Orient Express, where instead of a dozen people being the killer as all stabbed the victim, in Salem a dozen people will be taking it on themselves to claim they did it? And it will be NONE of them. Lol
Perhaps she is just "visiting" for a couple days as they all recoup from the island and the drugging.
She is still wearing that too short, too tight, ill fitting dress that she wore to the party......
Maybe I missed something, too. I thought she stayed at Chad's for a day or two, then said she was taking Ari home.

This is how I remembered it too but I could easily have missed something.

I haven't watched today's episode yet but I've been enjoying Kate and Andre lately so I imagine this will be entertaining for me.
Adrienne's comment about Kate: "Lucas, your mom getting married isn't exactly a rare occurrence."
Lucas about André/Kate's marriage: "I can't believe you married the man who beat me up in drag! Thank you, my life is complete!"

I love the Austin/Billie mention, but why no Philip? Is he even less in the loop than Lucas? And why the hate for Lucas from Kate? She truly is despicable as a human being.

A nephew is not a distant relative.

The rest of the episode was a snooze.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad Sonny went to the police station instead of taking Victor's advice and
staying out of it. I wonder if everyone is going to remember finding Deimos
on the floor?

Will Jennifer tell JJ why Abigail got married?

JJ had a good line about the french fries, but I enjoyed Lucas's remarks. The best
one was about Kate marrying the man that beat him up in drag :)

Jason posted while I was typing.

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