Days of Our Lives Fri., June 28, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, June 28, 2019

JJ shocked to see Haley at his door, thinking she has come back and now they can go on the run together. No, she is back to stay. Seems Melinda & her ex-husband were donors to some Senator at one time, so Melinda contacted him, he pulled strings, Haley can stay. She still is not legal, green card may take years yet. JJ is happy, they both exchange a lot of I love you, don't want to be without you, kissing, and off to the nearby bed.

Hope runs into fake Nicole in the square, mentions knowing she is sick, did not show for work, yada, Nicole is short with her, despite Hope's questions about Ted, manages to brush her off again, going to room to rest. She takes Ted's phone, which evidently is now charged, makes a lot of nasty remarks, but knows she cannot send those to Hope, instead writes a loving Ted knows he & Hope are not meant to be together, so he is leaving town for good. Fake Nik is laughing, sends it, fixes herself a drink.

Xander is leaving message for Kristen, assuring her yes, he killed them.....and of course Sarah is at the open door........who did you kill. He claims false news articles, not people, where is Rex, she says emergency surgery. He talks her into having some champagne with him, notes she has not opened his wedding gift, she does, is surprised at the necklace, he puts it around her neck. (always love how the characters have some lower neckline, conveniently empty, perfect for putting on new necklace gifts)

He suggests they have dinner she has agreed, they sip the champagne, she gets text from Rex who is out of surgery, she is to meet him at the club for dinner.

Claire is on the warpath, seeing Tripp & Ciara nearly naked on the sofa. She accuses them of having sex, no........then about to. Tripp turns off the alarm, opens the door, says the alarm must have gone off because of the candles. Clare is ranting big time, and just about to say it wasn't Ben who went crazy.......when she gets a text from Eve, warning her that she thinks Ben is on to her, that he & Ciara are working together. This shuts Claire up, she changes her tune, Tripp & Ciara get dressed, Ciara trying to push her buttons, talking of Theo, and then Tripp, they still had a connection, Ben even thought so when he took care of her after her accident. Claire remains calm, talking sensibly, she is fine, she will be moving out, will pack her things. Her back is to them as she stands in front of the knives holder, draws one out. Tripp comes up, starts to say something to her, she whips around, pushing him down, holding the knife to his throat, yelling at him, berating him. Ciara tries to get Claire to put it down, saying it's me you hate, not him. I'm the one you are mad at, look at me. But Claire is intent on keeping that knife to Tripp's throat.

Ted worries because Kate doesn't come to, gets water, pours a bit it her mouth, Kate chokes, wakes up, choking. She sputters, thought Ted dead, and they exchange info. She tells of listening outside the door, Xander said he killed Ted, and Ted relates finding the Holly file in his office, they ponder the “Holly is alive” thing, he tells how Nicole did not want anyone to know, and how odd Nik was acting. Kate thinks maybe Nicole was hiding Kristen in her room, Ted protests Kristen dead, Kate says she was dead before and turned up alive. When she listened at door, did not sound like Nicole. She is convinced she heard Kristen's voice. Xander comes in with a bag of food, Kate not exactly grateful, wants to know who knocked her on the head. Xander doesn't say, thanks Ted for the necklace, leaves. Kate wants to know what that was all about, Ted explains about buying for Hope, who refused to take it. Bought him time.

Marlena runs into Ben, can see he is bothered by something, tho he is not saying what, except he is worried about Ciara, she is putting herself in danger. Marlena suggests they go to Pub, he talk to her. When they are there, Ben still reluctant, Ciara determined to get person who set fires to confess. Marlena surprised he thinks he knows who did, no, he doesn't want to tell her, she would be hurt. She convinces him to tell, he says Claire. She is shocked, even tho knows Claire upset. He explains about the ringtone, hearing it when Claire served him & Ciara. She gets him to spill about working with Tripp, figures the plan is a bad one, they better get over there. They leave in a hurry.

Hope sits at the club, where she gets the message from “Ted”. She is puzzled, but sends a simple text back...”Good-bye, Ted”. Behind her Sarah has walked in, sat down at a table. Fake Nicole gets her message, smiles, sips her drink. Hope gets up to leave, spots Sarah, starts to say hello....sees the necklace. Where did you get that necklace?

Marlena & Ben arrive at the loft, Ben pushes door open, calling for Ciara. No one there. They look down at floor, in shock!
The show is just starting here, but saw Claire start to go crazy at Ciara and Tripp. Please tell me, writers, why you decided to have Ciara and Tripp both look towards the table where the phone was set to be recording all of this??? Like Claire wouldn't notice???? Yes, stupid plan is correct.
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Trippy: He must not have eaten his Wheaties this morning. How else could Claire manage to put a knife to his throat?

Eve: She's clearly on the road to perdition: Haley's back in town legally thanks to Melinda's pull, her little helper Claire has gone bonkers, and the case against Ben is sure to go down the drain.

Kristen: She too is on the road to ruin. Xander is double-crossing her and now her bizarre impersonation of Nicole has aroused the suspicions of Hope. Once Hope gets hold of something, she won't quit (ask Ben) and she won't rest until she sorts out the oddities in "Nicole's" behavior.

Xander: He's bringing new meaning to the term "two-faced." First, he's charming Sarah and the next he's putting on his tough-guy face for champagne-guzzling Kate and Ted. In any case, cheating Rexy had better keep a close eye on his new bride lest she stray right into Xander's bed

Shawn: He must not communicate well with the Pub employees. Soon after he angrily banned Ben from the premises, Ciara's true love is sitting at a table having a heart-to-heart with Marlena.
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Thank you, Poirot.

Thank goodness we're getting some movement on several story lines

I'm glad that Haley is back. Hopefully she won't be relegated to propping up Eve and Jack again.

Speaking of Eve, I'm so sick of both her and Kristen.

Days needs to bring back the real Nicole. I know the actress is supposed to be Kristen in disguise, but I can't stand the whole crappy plot.
But Claire is intent on keeping that knife to Tripp's throat.
Well by Days logic, this should make her the new hero and him the new Chief of Staff.
Fake Nicole gets her message, smiles, sips her drink. Hope gets up to leave, spots Sarah, starts to say hello....sees the necklace. Where did you get that necklace?
I like Ted. And just like that, her concern for him makes me like Hope.
Once Hope gets hold of something, she won't quit (ask Ben)
Kristen could also ask her dad.
They sure are sending Claire off the deep end! I thought she only liked fire, guess knives are cool too. This character will have to be redeemed! She is Shawn and Belle's child! Hope's grandchild! I still kind of think it's crazy they went this route.

Really Sarah? Not only are you drinking champagne and dining with Xander but you accept the necklace!! I know writer wise it was so Hope would see and question it but I can't believe Rex will be ok with her accepting a necklace from a man who has his sites on her and that she slept with!!
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice of Xander to bring Ted and Kate food. Will he take them somewhere
for bathroom breaks?

Sarah believed Xander's lie about "killing both" was just about a news story.

Kate realized she heard Kristen's voice, but Ted says how could she since
Kristen is dead... Wasn't Xander and Nicole supposed to be dead?

I know it's Salem, but I hope Haley isn't still legally married to Tripp.

Eve will probably be in trouble texting Claire.

Marlena thought it would be a good idea to have a doctor-patient talk with
Ben in the pub.

Marlena was correct the plan to catch Claire "not a good idea"

Is Tripp alive? Where or where is Claire and Ciara? We have to stay
tuned until next time to find out.
Thank you Poirot.

First....thank you writers for some reality!!! A former public official got some strings pulled in their favor because of campaign donations? Say it ain’t so!

But, I will say I am happy for it in this case. I’m loving the JJ and Haley connection.

Can someone get Hope a wardrobe change? That sparkly jacket isn’t matching the story line.

I will admit here and nowhere else that I love the Nicole/Kristen. Ari Zucker (Nicole) must be having so much fun with this. Maniacal to the nth!

Now Claire. I love Olivia Rose Keegan's (Claire) acting for this arc but I hate the arc. Tripp and Ciara were cruel. I get why but still cruel. I don’t want Tripp to die. I like his character and he’s Patch’s son.

Eagerly awaiting Monday
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Or an annulment....which possibly may happen since there was no consummation, and it WAS a sham marriage. Imagine that legal eagle Justin will have that done in 10 seconds. LOL (Tho Melinda is also a sharp attorney)
Honestly I think Ciara has always been a jerk to Claire but like Abby she can do no wrong. Theo wanted Ciara but she didn't want him. He moves on with Claire and here comes Ciara again. Then she joins the stupid modeling contest just to beat Claire. Everyone else treats Claire like she's part of someone else's family. Didn't Hope even encourage Ciara to go after Theo?
Thanks for the summary Poirot. I have been on vacation all week (watching whales in the San Juan Islands) and watched the whole week in one viewing. It was most interesting ... and much more enjoyable to see the stories all at once. Maybe I should do that each week.
Being an incurable romantic, I'm loving the couples - except for Rex and Sarah - they need to GO AWAY! For the first time in a very long time I am looking forward to next week's story continuations.:clap::):love:

Eve: She's clearly on the road to perdition:
I hope! I hope! I hope! I hope!