Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 31, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 31, 2017

More of the same conversation between Nicole & Brady, who eventually offers to leave, but ends up staying as she wants him to. Knock, knock, tis Hillary, bringing along hubby, Scooter. Intros, Tate cries, who is that. Brady tend to him, returns, they say it was their son. Scooter is a math professor, on sabbatical, writing a book, asks Brady what software program he uses for his chemical engineering work, Brady claims confidentiality agreement. Hillary is telling Nik that he doesn't spend much time writing, is always on the internet, social networks, and especially porn. Scooter says Nicole is familiar, she says lots of people look similar to someone else, tells Brady to get drinks for all. Later, Hillary is having so much of a good time, doesn't want the party to end, tells them to come over for dinner. Nope, not with the kids. O.K. they will bring the dinner over to "Bridget and Freddies". Hillary drags Scooter off, but not before he again thinks Nicole looks familiar.

Eric is still waiting for Jen, when Victor appears, and gives Eric a verbal dressing down. He is really very nasty, spewing a lot of venom, says that while Eric may believe in a forgiving God, there are a slew of folks in Salem who won't forgive him. He makes cracks about Eric having a date, saying he will probably having dinner, a couple of drinks, go for a spin, be sure and warn the young lady to buckle up.

Meanwhile, Jen has met up with Maggie, wanted to tell her about going out with Eric, who is back now. Maggie is taken aback a bit, but understanding. Jen shows up at the meeting spot, no Eric. She waits, then goes to the Horton Center where Eric is at his desk. He dumps her, no other words for it, tells her was a mistake, he is moving on with his life, someone reminded him how much he had hurt her before, so she is not going to be in his now. He leaves.

Victor sits with the scowling Deimos, asks who beat him up, figures it was Hernandez, nope, was Chad DiMera. Vic notes that Deimos did not pick on just Chad, but his family, and that is why he retaliated. Deimos really doesn't see it, Chloe comes in, wishes she had been around to watch. It gets mentioned Brady is with Nicole, up in Canada, he is having a fit, Vic leaves...(see above, with Eric), Chloe babbles about her child, Deimos spits out the baby is not hers, is Nicole's.Chloe gets in a few digs, is glad he is out of Nik's life, she chose the right man.

Maggie now meets with Chloe, who tells her Brady left with Tate to be with Nicole, admits she feels better about that, trusts Brady to keep Holly safe. Maggie lets her know this is all her own doing, that she did not want Nicole with Deimos, and she isn't, won't ever be again, but Chloe still persisted, suggests joint custody. Chloe balks, Maggie gives reason, Chloe contemplates.

At DiMansion, Abby is reaming out Chad for beating up Deimos, figures he is going to retaliate. Chad said Deimos promised no more violence, Abby can't believe that Chad took Deimos's word. on that. She is yelling at him, he is yelling back, wanted to show Deimos he won't to be pushed around. She wants to go see Gabi, Chad declines, she insists.

At the hospital, Andre is visiting Gabi, who is not happy about it, he talks of Chad being his brother, therefore Abby & Thomas are family, he cares about them. Gabi assures him she knows Chad is married, and both she & Chad know he is with his family. Andre warns her in his sly way, she tells him to get out of her room.

Abby & Chad arrive, exchange pleasantries, Gabi will be released, Abby gets a business call, has to go home, insists Chad stay. He is reluctant, but does, tells Gabi he came to see her when she was unconscious, explained why he went to Abby first, as he knew in his heart, she would catch that vial. (excuse me, as I am really rolling eyes here). He says goodbye, she knows, she also says goodbye. After he is gone, she is going thru some pics on her tablet, comes across one of her & Chad, and now we get a bunch of flashbacks of them kissing, declaring their love.

Andre has appeared at DiMansion, Abby busily at work on her laptop. Chit chat about her going to see Gabi, came home, Chad still there. Andre is surprised, sort of makes insinuations, but Abby is not worried. Gabi almost died, they needed some time to say goodbye, so she left them there.

Maggie comes home, talks with Victor, heard Brady took Tate, went to Nicole. Vic knew, Brady came to say goodbye. Maggie is not too happy Victor did not tell her.

Nicole tells Brady about Scooter being a porn watcher on the internet, probably recognizes her as Misty Circle. Brady figures if he did see the film, Scooter was not looking at her face. He is not worried, she should not be either.

Chad comes home, says Gabi is fine, is being released. Abby thinks that they have been through so much, so many problems to overcome, she thinks they need to do something for themselves. Like what. Well, we never did get that 2nd honeymoon we talked about, and she thinks it would be nice for them to renew their vows. Sure, why not? Good idea, we will do that. Hug.
Thanks Poirot. The show sounds predictable to me but will watch it again. Sure hope new writer has some magic up his sleeves this time.
It might not be "magic," but the episode did conjure up some notable moments:

1) Deimos as a purveyor of Victor-like snark, calling Brady a "mealy-mouthed pretty boy";
2) Victor as a high priest of Daniel worship, telling the hapless sourpuss that most of Dr. McScruffy's acolytes still bear a grudge (It was good to see Victor out of that armchair.);
3) Andre in the unlikely role of the protector of family sanctity, telling Gabi to keep her sweaty paws off Chad;
4) Hillary saying that "nothing gets past her," meaning that she'd be a poor fit on the Salem P.D. where most things get by most people most of the time.
5) Scooter being a professor, which could have prompted the following reply from Brady: "Really. Bridget was once married to a professor, and he was a creepy pervert."
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To all..........this definitely was a "snoozer" of an episode - at least to me it was. And just an FYI, we ARE getting a new headwriter, but his work will not appear until mid summer. What we are seeing now are still the work and story of the Higley/Quan head writing team.

Victor & Maggie need to erect one of those angel statues dedicated to Daniel, They can then go and light candles, talk to it, etc. He verbally beats up Eric because Daniel is dead, and of course Victor is so "into" family, but when Sonny is kidnapped, beat up, and it is directly related to what Diemos did, Vic doesn't lift a finger. Or wag his tongue.

Maybe Vic & Maggie can have a wing of the hospital renamed The Daniel Jonas surgical wing. Does Vic really think there are that many people in town so devoted to Daniel they will treat Eric badly? I only count 3. Vic, Maggie & Nicole.
Abby, stay put of mama Jennifer's closet! Just say no to neck ties on women!
Maggie and Chloe talking in the pub, well Maggie was talking and Chloe was whining in my opinion, was anyone else waiting for Chloe to stomp her feet and yell " nicole is a big doodoohead. She has everything now, poor little ol me has nothing."
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Didn't Maggie already have a talk with Eric in which she told him Daniel wouldn't want him to quit living his life, etc.? I was hoping maybe she would tell Victor to back off.

I was surprised Chloe showed up to talk at Deimos yet again. What was her point? Maybe I will understand it when I watch.
Thanks, Poirot.

I think someone goofed when Nicole called Brady by his real name. Closed captioning had it too.
They probably couldn't go back and fix it. I kept wondering why Hillary the cop didn't catch it.

I thought it was strange Hillary said it was ok for her husband to watch porn. Sorry, not a good
idea and she better make sure he's not watching the kiddie kind.

I hope Maggie won't tell Victor Jennifer was the one Eric was going out with. Victor would run right
over and say things to her like he did to Eric. I was surprised to hear Maggie hasn't been sleeping
since she saw Eric.

Sad to see Eric throw Jennifer's picture away.

I hope Chloe was really listening to Maggie and take her advice.

I laughed when Brady told Nicole that kidnapping was becoming a common occurrence in Salem :)
Victor is a hypocrite. Deimos kills his SON and gets a free pass, Eric kills Maggie's egg baby BY ACCIDENT and Victor rants about that. Seriously, take a seat Victor.

Edited to add: I'd have loved to have seen Nicole and Chloe shun men for a while, and shack up together to raise Holly and Parker together. Not in a romantic way, just in a friends and co-parents kind of way.
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He verbally beats up Eric because Daniel is dead, and of course Victor is so "into" family, but when Sonny is kidnapped, beat up, and it is directly related to what Diemos did, Vic doesn't lift a finger. Or wag his tongue.
Not to mention that Victor is a former drug-runner, art stealer, and all-around bad guy. I'm really over Victor.
I really want to believe Victor is up to something but no more. Dena ruined him too. Attacking Eric for what was an accident but Deimos can get off scott free for killing Bo?

Chad is also completely ruined. I need Abby to leave him for a while. And I hate how Abby doesn't even mention JJ to Gabi. JJ is constantly looking out for her but Gabi is all about Chad and everyone is ok with it? Why not just have her and Ari move into the DiMansion too? She can bunk with Kate.

Jen was really cute today. I didn't care for what Maggie told Chloe but at least she was tolerable.

The show truly doesn't know what to do with Chloe. What a colossal waste of Nadia Bjorlin's (Chloe) talent. I'd take her mentoring Claire again over this. Big mistake destroying her friendship with Brady.
Victor is increasingly becoming Salem's version of Uncle Charlie (played by William Demarest, how's that for a bit of obscure pop culture trivia?) from the classic sixties sitcom "My Three Sons." The caricature of the crochety old man who does nothing but give tongue lashings.) I'm looking forward to the day where he literally yells "Hey you kids get off my lawn!" and refuse to give the hapless tykes their ball back. How the might have fallen huh?

I wanted to stand up and cheer for Gabi refusing to be intimidated by Andre, who clearly saw her as an easy target. I think in spite of himself he was even a little impressed.

On the other hand even I have to admit that the Chad and Gabi scenes were once again just wash, dry and repeat. It really feels like we're watching just three people play Spin the Bottle. I mean what's the point?

Bridget (Nicole), Freddie (Brady), Gladys (Hillary) and Abner (Scooter, that's really not much better is it? LOL): This is another example of prolonging a story that has exceeded its shelf life in my opinion. I really don't see why needed the kooky neighbors I really don't and that's all I have to say about that.

By the way for those who wondering my nicknames for Hilary and her hubby are an homage to Gladys Kravitiz the nosy neighbor and her indifferent husband from "Bewitched."
There really wasn't anything to like with this episode.

Well really, the only line I liked was when Andre said "Again??" after Abby told him Chad was talking with Gabi for closure. They really weren't together that long and in my opinion I don't see love but lust.

Chad is also completely ruined. I need Abby to leave him for a while. And I hate how Abby doesn't even mention JJ to Gabi. JJ is constantly looking out for her but Gabi is all about Chad and everyone is ok with it?

I can't agree more!!!

I don't even want to talk about the Victor/Eric scene! Puke!
Victor needs to lay off of Eric if he can't even lay into Deimos and kick him out of his house. Not only is he okay with his brother being responsible for holding his son Bo prisoner which led to his death, drugging his other son Philip to obtain information about Chloe's pregnancy, and actions that led to Sonny being kidnapped and beat up, he also put a hit out on Melissa when she was a teenager which caused her to be on the run for several months. I felt so bad for both Eric and Jennifer today. Both were so cute anticipating their date.

I got the impression that while Chloe was still not happy about Nicole having the baby in Canada, she did seem relieved that Brady is now with her and helping Nicole with Holly. She also told Maggie that at least Nicole is with a better man now. After her talk with Maggie, she seemed to be contemplating sharing custody with Nicole now that Deimos is out of the picture, which may be a way to end this terrible kidnapping story. The only thing is, I don't think Deimos will stay away if Brady and Nicole come out of hiding.

I do not like this Scooter person at all. What kind of name is Scooter anyway for a grown man? Why did they have to bring this porn loving idiot into the picture when nosy Hillary was enough of a neighbor. Nicole doesn't need this reminder of her past.

I wish at this point Abby would walk away from Chad. I can understand Chad and Gabi having feelings for one another as they fell in love when they thought Abby was dead, but Chad should never have had Abby move back in the mansion to resume their married life until he had completely sorted out his feelings for the two women.
I thought it was strange Hillary said it was ok for her husband to watch porn. Sorry, not a good
idea and she better make sure he's not watching the kiddie kind.
Considering Nicole was a drugged teenager when she was forced to do the Misty Circle video, it might qualify as underage porn (depending on how old she was).