Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 8, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 8, 2019

Replays of all the closing scenes from yesterday, Mar. 7, 2019. Except for Diana, who is checking her safe, breathing a sigh of relief that the green envelope is still there. She closes the safe, knock at door (not really) as Diana has an entire series of opening the door to a crying John, who says Marlena is dead........hit by a truck, airplane crash, struck by lightning, the chute did not open, and more and more. All with Diana comforting the sobbing John, while smiling over his shoulder, there, there, all will be o.k.

Meanwhile, Marlena has joined John at the Pub, no results yet from the DNA test, Marlena wants to drink to Leo not being John's son, but he won't. Will comes in, hears the name Leo, inquires, John says he was sorry for the way he appeared when Will, Marlena & Leo were arguing. Will is o.k with it. He tells how he & Sonny got into Diana's room to try and find something, Leo coming in, they hid, Leo went straight to safe, was not successful, left. So they are right that she has something on him. They talk, John has cracked a few safes, being super-spy, as Marlena calls him, will go and try. (Diana has gone out for fresh air, clear her brain, try to get good idea to do away with Marlena).

Claire has called Eve with info, wants to meet in person. Makes excuse to Tripp that restaurant called to have her cover for another employee. Tripp offers to go, no dice, besides, Haley would be more comfortable with you.

Jennifer has really tried to make Jack see what he is doing is not right, to no avail. There are a couple of “voters” who stop and praise him. Eve has made some excuses to take care of something (meeting Claire) so has gone. Jen tries again, then some disgruntled nurse comes up, telling Jack how wonderful he is, Haley Chen needs to be deported, blah, blah, despite being a good nurse. Seems her brother could not get into the nursing program, working now at box store. She ignores Jen's comment that maybe her brother wasn't qualified, continues to praise Jack, who has her vote. She leaves, Jen tries again, but Jack tells her he is not the man she used to know, get it thru her head. Eve returns, purposely kisses Jack, tells Jen he cannot give the press any more of his time.

Earlier, she met with Claire, who spilled the beans about Haley being at their loft. Claire worries a tiny bit about doing this, Eve convinces her she has to take care of herself first, and Haley being gone will do that. Claire returns to the loft, claiming restaurant was slow, so they said she could leave, but she brought some food. They all sit and chatter, eat, laugh a bit.

And now for filler material, as Sonny plans to learn to safe crack Diana's, will practice on the house safe. He bumps into Leo, who has brought up some kind of lessons in safecracking on his phone. Sonny takes Leo's phone, Leo grabs it back. Sonny suggests they stop all this, just get a divorce. Leo says no, he would not give up being Mr. Sonny Kiriakis, the mansion, while Will & Sonny rot in jail. Sonny offers big alimony. Nope, Leo says not to worry, he will show up there for regular conjugal visits, then leaves.

Sonny practices on the Kiriakis safe, it does not go well. Will calls with the news that John can safe crack is on his way there to do so.

Diana shows up at hospital, makes up story about being reporter to that same nurse Jack talked to in the square. She wants into Marlena's office to get info from records on Haley Chen. Nurse says no, Marlena well respected, she won't do that. As Diana starts to leave, the nurse decides to let her in Marlena's office, alone, and leave her there. Diana is happy, immediately gets on Marlena's computer, (which must not be password protected) and then into Marlena's personal medical history. She thus learns Marlena is extremely allergic to penicillin. Cue another fantasy of sobbing John coming to tell her Marlena is dead.

John is in Diana's room, has opened the safe, found the green envelope. He begins to open it. Outside the door, Leo has arrived, evidently has keys to get into the room.
Why do they insist on replaying so much!!! Could've started with Claire on the phone. Irritating.

Sonny blabbing on the phone about getting Leo without making sure no one is around. Apparently and shockingly Leo didn't hear him but still!!

Diana's fantasies - I know they were supposed to be funny but they didn't tickle my fancy. At the hospital I thought she wanted to change test results then realized she doesn't know about test. I didn't know Marlena was allergic to penicillin. Hate to say it but I would think it would be easy to slip her some.

Claire. It is sad that they have ruined Belle and Shawn's only child. She tried to burn Ciara alive, which I still can't believe they are going there, she can't be trusted and she's basically just an awful person. It's sad. She is a legacy child. Bo's grandchild. Just sad.
Thanks, Poirot. I just glanced at this before the show started to see if I wanted to see it today. But, apparently, I saw most of it yesterday. Glad that John cracked the safe, but once again wonder at the top security offered at the hospital, letting anyone in any office with no ID, etc. And, why didn't Marlena lock her computer - especially with all of her notes on her patients.

One HIPAA lawsuit and she would be done. Well, I guess not since she already violated her obligations when she talked about Ben. Never mind, but she should've locked her computer. And people generally don't have their own medical history on their computers, so she got into the hospital system, which she could have done on any computer, it didn't have to be Marlena's. It would be great to find out that Marlena records her sessions and that there is a camera in her office, which we know will not be the case.

And, I am hoping that Leo doesn't talk John into giving him the envelope, maybe using the Daddy/Son card (I don't think Leo knows yet, does he?).
I didn't know Marlena was allergic to penicillin.
Back in 1998 that was part of a plot in which Kristen gave Marlena some candy laced with penicillin, but toddler Belle ate it instead. She collapsed and was found/saved by Roman. They discovered that Belle also had a penicillin allergy and when they got home, Marlena gave Belle a medic alert bracelet to wear that noted her penicillin allergy.
No, Leo doesn't know anything. Marlena just was given the results towards the end of the show, which she did not open.
What bugs me more than anything is the ease with which some will get hold of medical records, and medicines. Jordan had a whole slew of those hypos, and now am guessing that Diana will probably get her hands on some kind of penicillin pills.
Inasmuch as the show itself, sans commercials, is only 37 minutes long, including credits at end, the 10 minutes of replay at the beginning cuts it all to 27 minutes of show. Substract the filler nonsense (Sonny's practicing safecracking) down to 15 min. Not much new for a Friday.
Diana's daydreams were initially funny, if it had been just one, maybe two. got too outlandish, and was not funny at all.....tho I honestly give Drake Hogestyn (John) a great deal bunch of kudos for his having to be crying and sobbing over and over and over.
Claire: Is there a woman alive who wouldn't provoke clueless Claire's jealousy about Trippy? If his old first-grade teacher appeared in Salem and gave him a peck on the cheek, the YouTube flop would probably freak out. And she's such a inept schemer. When Lani and Eli or ICE storm the loft and drag Haley away, what other person could be the snitch? Even Trippy could figure this out.

Diana: This woman has one sick imagination. It's surprising that she didn't also imagine Marlena being killed in the following ways:
  • eaten by Horton the Tiger;
  • struck by a meteorite;
  • drowning in her bathtub;
  • struck by lightning.
Jack: He's sinking to new depths every day. Now he has no interest in finding out about his old self? That's a real slap in the face for his family. This nonsense brings to mind the time that Dr. Rolf erased John's memory and downloaded it all onto DVDs. Later, RoboJohn had no interest in regaining his memory.

John: Add John to Salem's criminal classes for illegally entering Diana's hotel room and then breaking into her safe. That said, Bo Brady must be pleased that the art of professional breaking and entering is alive and well in Salem.
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Do you think that the writers/producers, whatever are giving us this version of Jack because he was brought back because of fan demands and whoever kept firing him or writing bad stories for him are shoving this Jack down our throats, like, "You wanted him back. We hope you are enjoying him." And maybe he and Jennifer are NOT end game?
oh, they are....they just did not want Jack coming on as he did last complete opposite
Thanks, Poirot.

They repeated a lot from Thursday's show.

Interesting to see Sherry the nurse again.

I thought John and Marlena said they would get results the
next day.
I thought they meant the Salem day.. I guess they meant "our" day.

It was funny when John told Diana that Marlena died from eating
a strawberry since that's John/Marlena special treat.

Why did the safe Sonny was practicing on have a dial and buttons?
Maybe I never noticed it before when Victor or Brady was using it.

What happened to Diana's coat? We saw her wear it on the square,
but she wasn't wearing it when she got off the elevator.
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Sonny and Will should've gotten Gabi to crack Diana's safe. Remember when she cracked a safe (Victor's?) saying she learned it from another inmate while in prison.

Yes. I kept waiting for Gabi to walk iin the room and say "Sonny what are you doing?" Then after he explained the situation she would roll her eyes and say "Let me show you how it's done." LOL

As far as the rest of the episode went it was a big meh as far as I was concerned. Diana's fantasies were mildly amusing. My personal favorite was Marlena being gored during the running of the bulls in Pamplona. LOL The appeal of that event totally escapes me but I digress. But other then that they went on too long.

All I have to say about the immigration story at this point is that it makes me glad that the show does NOT tackle real world issues more often.