Days of Our Lives - Fri., March 1, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 1, 2019

Missed 1st 10 minutes. Haley has gone to Kayla, admitted her illegal status, and the use of fake name to get the job. She is resigning, brought all her patient notes. Kayla is very sympathetic and understanding, listens, tells Haley she should not think of leaving. Haley tells of having told JJ, who told his dad, then lied to her. Kayla notes JJ is a good person with a big heart, Haley agrees, talks of how he helped her, goes over the suicide attempt, and the why of it, and how JJ looked after her, even after her sister abandoned her. Kayla will talk to administration, see what they can do to help her stay, she is a good nurse. Haley thanks and hugs.

Jen comes to JJ's apt. , talks over all that happened. JJ very upset about Jack betraying his confidence, Jen agreeing Jack is not the same man they loved, doesn't know if he will ever be him again. She talks of the accident, being Dr. Rolf's pet project for years, how could he be the same? JJ comments that Will did. Eli & Lani arrive, looking for Haley, who is not there, JJ has no idea where she is, she moved out. They tell him if he does see her, really, the best thing for her would be to come down to station, turn herself in.

Jack is beating himself up over his betrayal of JJ, of outing Melinda in public, should have done it in private, everyone would be better off. But Eve does her usual blathering of how all Haley's own doing, and Melinda's, and how Jack will be great mayor........convincing him to think positively. He does, talks of being mayor, then into the Senate, maybe even Governor. She likes the way he thinks, big kissing and make out.......pounding on door. Tis Melinda, rants at them both, says she got call from the party, they have cut her loose. She figures Jack will be announcing his candidacy, she never thought she would say this, but she is voting for Abe Carver. Out she goes.

Jen comes and reads Jack a riot act over how he let JJ down. Eve tries interjecting, Jen tells her to shut up. She really lets Jack have it, both barrels, storms out. .

Tripp catches Claire with something in hand, she quickly puts into her jewelry box, claiming it is his birthday gift. She tells him of Haley being illegal, in the news, read it yourself. He feels bad, her green eyes monster begins to rear it's ugly head, Tripp talks of being a friend, feeling bad for her, probably be deported. Claire has no sympathy, he comments she has done underhanded things....citing rigging the Bella Mag contest. They yak back and forth about it.

Ben is with Ciara, who is being discharged, but they are in her hospital room. He is berating himself over what he nearly did to Jordan, they have a long conversation about how Clyde caused the problems, Jordan always being Ben's rock, and she snapped. He is afraid he will do the same, the animal is still inside him, he thought it was gone. Ciara tries her best to make him see how he has been protecting her, but he is adamant. Jordan caused their mother's death, did it on purpose, forgot until just last year. What if I started that first fire, and forgot....and will remember in the future. Ciara insists he did not, despite thinking he heard his father saying to hurt Ciara. He went for his meds instead.

Eve is all excited, they have to file, draw up petitions, get signatures. She calls party headquarters, they have received slew of calls about Melinda not being trustworthy, and how brave Jack was to confront her. Now she is looking to find the best campaign manager they can....Jack has been standing silent while she babbles. He touches her shoulder, we already have, right here. She is floored. You mean that?

JJ has been trying to reach Haley, who refuses to answer for him. Jen suggested he text her, but he isn't sure someone else might see it. He dashes out, has to find her. He dashes out of the elevator, sees Haley, who doesn't want to have anything to do with him. He blurts out the police were at his place, they are looking for her to take her in. She is shocked.

Despite Ciara talking of helping him, being there for him, standing up for him, Ben is scared. He thinks he has to go somewhere else, where he won't be able to hurt anyone.

Claire finally shuts up about Haley, has to go get dressed for work. Tripp ponders, taps the jewelry box opens it. Claire returns in uniform, is leaving, they will see each other later. Wait. Tripp holds up the lighter......Is this my birthday gift?
Hmm did Haley drop an anvil when she said Melinda is not her mother. Didn't Eli and Lani have to walk right past Haley to get to Kayla's office?

I was never really a Jack fan but I am really not a Jack fan now. He is awful. Time to get those memories back!!

Ugh still sticking with Claire starting that first fire. I can't believe she left the box out there! Will Tripp deduce or will he think she started smoking?

Ciara has to help Ben!! Convince him he's ok now!
my daughter will drag her jewelry box out to the living room from time to time, but she has 4 jewelry boxes. Her good jewelry stays in her room, the one she drags out has the little twirling ballerina and a music box feature, she plays the music for her Barbies to dance to. :rolleyes:
I don't know of a single adult female who keeps their jewelry box in the living room.......They might bring it out perhaps to sort thru/discard/find something/organize......but leaving it .......nope.
Seems odd....That lighter could have been better kept in Claire's purse and fell out. Sheesh!
A few dumb questions about today's episode.

Why does scheming Eve think that Jack is a viable candidate for mayor? In addition to being a total amnesiac, there's plenty of dirt in what Jenny described as his "selfish, and self-serving" past.

Are there no other qualified people to run for mayor? Roman would be a perfect choice -- he's a long-time Salemite who runs a pub, a long-ago big-city political power base for Irish politicians. (In mid-19th century New York City there was a joke that the best way to get the alderman to leave a City Council meeting would be to shout, "Your saloon's on fire!")

It's nice that people like Kayla and JJ are so sympathetic to Haley, but why don't they do something useful like getting her a good immigration attorney?

Why doesn't JJ take Haley over to the DiMansion to hide? History shows that Lani and Eli will never find anyone who's hiding there.

Why was clueless Claire so certain that Trippy wouldn't look in her jewelry box? As his attempt to frame Ben shows, he can be a sneaky little weasel.
Thanks, Poirot.

I thought it was odd Claire took the jewelry box out of her room just to look at the
lighter. Why didn't she take it back to her room when she changed clothes?

The FBI and ICE must be overworked since asked the Salem PD to pick up Haley.
Don't they know the Salem PD doesn't always get their man/woman?

I can't wait to hear Claire's excuse why the lighter was in her jewelry box. Maybe
she can tell him she started smoking
I finally got to watch this episode. I was glad to see Jack has shaved. I am not happy to say I almost can't watch him as long as he's hanging out with Eve. Besides, the idea of him running for mayor seems absurd to me. Who moves into a town where they don't know one soul (due to amnesia, no less) and in a month or so of arriving, runs for mayor? It's silly.
LOL, Kat.

The thing is, it is Eve, pushing, pushing, pushing. This whole line of "clean slate" is hog wash. Jack has no idea of the problems of the town, knows no one in it, but a lot of folks know him from the past. This is not an advantage, it is a disadvantage. Especially for him. And to see Eve successfully pulling the strings on her puppet, Jack, is disgusting. Every word he says comes originally from her. She does not let him just speak or react on his own.
Why isn't Jack curious about where he was the last 5 years, what happened to him and why? And certainly, why isn't investigative reporter, Jennifer, digging into that? I have so looked forward to Jack returning, and o.k. he has amnesia. But the storyline is a lousy one, and that is because of Eve's hold over him.
I would guess he would be confused, lost, but with people and especially family, who have come forward and embraced him........he stays glued to Eve. Ugh.
Kat, haha, you are so right, it's Salem, what more could we expect?

Poirot, you put your finger on what is so disturbing about Jack's story. He doesn't even seem to be curious about his past or what's happened to him. Granted, I haven't spent a lot of time around amnesiacs (none, to be exact), but it doesn't seem realistic to me that he doesn't have any urge to find out more about himself and his life.

He seems content to drift along and let Eve pull whatever strings suit her schemes, which is even more troubling because there's some indication he realizes she is scheming and using him. Was he even serious when he was fantasizing about moving on up from mayor to senator to governor? For a moment there I was hoping he was saying that in sarcasm and was about to turn it on her, but no, she was lapping it up and he went right along. :sick:
I know that so many of you were so happy to see Jack back, and although I have never really cared about his character, especially since all I remember is the bumbling falling into cakes buffoon, I am sorry that his return is so disastrous. I know we all know that he and Jennifer will find each other again, and at times, it seems like he knows that Eve is manipulating him, but if he is playing along, it is going too far. Again, the shoddy writing and the advance filming makes it impossible for them to correct/shorten this storyline, which is dreadful. He did mention being Harper's son the other day. Does he remember, or is he just reciting the history he is being told? And, other than Eve, who would even vote for this stranger??? Even Melinda Trask said she would vote for Abe, so the whole campaign is ridiculous.
It's similar to what they did with Will. He didn't want to be told about his past, he got mad when anyone tried especially if it was Sonny trying. Really the only difference is is that Paul was a good guy and Eve is pond scum.