Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 1, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 1, 2015

In Italy, Marlena & Melanie restlessly walk around, wondering how Brady & Theresa are faring. They soon arrive, but Theresa is in panic mode because the authorities have the baby. A man comes in, he represents the government, and the police, says the baby is fine, as soon as the DNA & blood tests are done, he will be there. They have gone over all the files, Clint's body, have confirmed that he was shot with his own gun during a struggle. Brady & Melanie are off the hook, as well as Theresa. However, they have no information to go in in regard to Kristen DiMera. Marlena asks if she is being charged with murder. Well, as it turns out, without a body, there is no indication or proof a crime has been committed, so all are free to go.
They will issue special permission for Brady & Melanie, who entered the country illegally, have tickets and seats for all 4, Theresa will have to hold the baby, and they will papers for him.

Back in Salem, Nicole sits at her desk, recalling overhearing Serena talking to Eric, so calls him, asking him to come to her office. He does, mentions he has something for her.
She talks a bit to him about her problems with Daniel, he wants her to be as happy with Daniel as he is with Serena. He leaves (having given her a picture of herself). She ponders him caring so much about Serena, decides she needs air, and leaves.

Caroline reads something about Will in the paper, goes to see him. He tells her he screwed up badly, is trying to make it up. She gives him grandmotherly advice about working it out, he mentions he & Sonny are talking about going to couples therapy. She says quit talking & do it. He agrees he will do so.

Victor is on the phone ordering someone to DO it or he will get someone who can. Maggie comes in, why has Vic been up all night on the phone, yelling and giving orders? He is reluctant, and in walks Daniel, who figures Victor knows what is going on. He tells Maggie all about Brady, Melanie being in Italy, plus Theresa & Marlena as well. Victor manages to get a call thru to Brady, via the police phone, thus Maggie & Daniel are assured Melanie is fine. Brady will not say why they are all there in Italy, Daniel & Maggie leave, so Victor tells Brady he is making sure the State Dept. sees to it they get out o.k. Everyone will keep a lid on all events (including Kristen's death) until they all arrive home safely.

Chad is about to go in the study, recalls his conversation with Abby, kissing her, etc. He opens the door, and there is Stefano, sitting on the sofa, had to come to tell him this in person. Your sister is dead. Chad can't believe this.
Stefano warns him that he may hear things about his sister, all kinds of things. Do not believe anything unless I tell it to you. Only me. Suddenly, frantic knocking on the study door, it is Abby, she has to talk to him. She cannot see Stefano. Chad goes out, tells her he is very busy cannot talk, she claims it is important, will only take a minute and pushes past him into the room. Chad is astounded, Stefano is gone. He keeps looking around as Abby yammers about wanting to make it clear to him about her feelings about it, and what happened yesterday. However, Chad is clearly distracted, looking around.
And in a smaller room, Stefano stands, gets a call from Victor, who offers his sympathy, knows what it is like to lose a child. Stefano is completely silent. Victor says that after EJ, this is just too much. Stefano is still silent. Victor will leave him to grieve, and hangs up, then mutters that Stefano never grieves, he avenges.

Serena has come to Xander's room, he answers the door in a towel, skin still glistening wet from the shower, muscles rippling. LOL. Long conversation, but it amounts to..our business is done, when are you leaving town. Well, he just might not. She warns him that she has made arrangements, and if anything happens to either her or Eric, he is going down. She leaves. A bit later, Victor call Xander to come over now. When Xander arrives, Vic asks how the project is going....almost concluded says Xander. Good. I know you planned on leaving then, but, Brady has run into some difficulties, and I want you to stay. Your "skills" will be needed. Xander quickly agrees to stay as long as Vic & Brady need him.

The foursome in Italy are being seated on the plane. Brady, Theresa & the baby, in adjoining seats. Marlena sits with Melanie, telling her that Brady & Theresa would not have that baby if it wasn't for her. Theresa rocks her fussy son, telling him she is not keeping the name of Christopher for him, too close to Kristen and she never wants to hear that name again. Theresa is obviously too worked up, Brady takes the baby, soothes him, and he is soon sleeping. Melanie comments to Marlena that Brady is only 10 feet away, yet it feels like a thousand miles.

At his apt., Daniel & Maggie are on speaker phone with Melanie, being assured she is fine, as is everyone else, will be home soon. Maggie leaves, Eric arrives, wants to talk about Nicole. Daniel admits that he is at fault, that he gets worried about something Melanie does, takes frustations out on Nicole and he has to stop doing that. The truth is, he loves her, loves her and wants it all to work for them.

Serena is in the square, telling herself she has to get away from Xander with Eric. She checks her computers, mentions Hawaii would be great, far away, no passport problems, makes a call, says she is Serena Mason, is interested in the job. Oh, that would be perfect. Behind her, Nicole hears every word, sits down when Serena hangs up, saying something about her finally leaving town, ERic will be sorry to see you go. When Serena says Eric is coming, too.....Nicole laughs. Oh, no he isn't,. Serena accuses Nicole of still having a things for Eric, but Nicole smiles, no, it isn't about me, this is about you and what you are doing, and we both know what.
Another episode with poor editing and pacing. I thought it was funny that the Italian government guy specifically said he had 2 seats up front for the parents and then when we saw the airplane, Marlena and Melanie were seated across from Brady and Jeannie T. How did the foursome in Italy get new outfits when none of them had luggage???

I'm already annoyed by Brady and Jeannie T with an innocent baby. And it still bothers me that Marlena is acting like a stranger around Brady and the baby. You'd think she'd be gushing over her grandson.

Nice to see Stefano in the same room as Chad. I think Marlena had better watch her back.

Not much else enjoyable today though it's clear Eric and Nicole still care for one another and I liked Xander's face lighting up when Victor called him.
Okay, so please someone tell me if I have this correct.

In Salem, o
pen the door to leave, someone is there. When the doorbell is rung or someone knocks, you have to be in a state of undress; sweat or shower, dripping is a must.

Unless you have a butler, then when the bell is rung, he is dressed, but you don't have to be when the visitor finds you.

I'll get to this show later today. Why doesn't Brady have a passport? He knew he was going to Italy, the pilot knew???
Brady had a passport when he got on the plane (going to Italy). But after he left the plane, he didn't take luggage or anything, just the clothes on his back. The plane had trouble after the pilot ditched Li'l Toddler Mel in the field, at the base of the mountain.
I had to force myself to sit through this entire episode. It was so boring and makes little sense. I don't even know how they managed to squeeze in Caroline and Will half way through the show. Not good for a Friday sendoff.
So Xander has joined the answer-the-door-in-a-towel club? Hopefully, the next members won't be Harold and Henderson. As for Toddler Mel and smart-mouth Jeannie T., they're lucky that there isn't anything in the Italian Penal Code covering being an insufferable pest. As for poor, weeping Stefano, how will he react when he learns that it was his beloved Queen of the Night who was involved in Kristen's swan dive out the castle window (the most important fall since Nicole went down the Town Square steps)? Will his apparent blind love for his idiot step-daughter trump his longtime devotion to his "Queen?" Finally, enough with the endless Bluebird-Xander-Sourpuss-Love Doctor "love-rectangle." For the sake of the long-suffering viewers, Bluebird can't get to Honolulu fast enough, Xander should crawl back under his rock, Nicole should concentrate on finding a decent guy, Eric should get a job in the Vatican Archives, and Dr. McScruffy should take one of his surfing R&R trips.
I was under-whelmed watching the show today. It didn't seem sweeps worthy.

I figured Marlena was still in shock from seeing Kristen, fighting with her, and then the flight out the window. Top that off with the confusion of seeing Melanie, Brady, Theresa, and the baby. I'm surprised that Marlena wasn't a babbling idiot.

Yep, the plane seating was weird after what the policeman said about seats in the front for the parents.

What the heck was Days doing with inserting that Caroline and Will nonsense? For that matter, the rest of the show was junk for me, too. I love seeing Nicole, but please can't they give her a decent story line? I'd rather she was the one who went to Italy with Brady. It would've made more sense than whiny Melanie.
I am sure Marlena will be on Stefano's bad side. But it does truly bug me no end that it is o.k. for the DiMeras to wreak havoc with anyone for any reason, but no one should ever retaliate. I thought it extremely rude of Stefano not to at least say thank you to Victor, when he made his condolence call. Victor did nothing.
Marlena did not intend to hurt Kristen in any way, but Kristen certainly DID intend to kill Marlena.
Kristen stole a fetus from a pregnant woman, had it implanted in herself. And how did that work when Kristen was supposedly never able to carry a child? If that ability was there with Mandrake, why not go the in vitro route?
But Stefano, no matter how much Kristen hurt anyone, will still seek to avenge her death, Oh, I am sure he will have Chad doing it all. Ugh.
Also, Stefano told Chad that he is his last surviving child. Isn't Kristen's brother Peter still alive? Who writes this stuff?!?

I'm all for an ensemble show but today was a little much. There was no need for Caroline and Will or McScruffy and his egg mama for that matter.
I have a sneaking suspicion (because of one of the Kristen flashbacks) that perhaps Stefano fathered Kristen, which is why he became guardians for both Kristen & Peter after both their parents died.
I agree that it was nonsense for the Will/Caroline segment, totally useless scene. Of course any scene with Will is a waste of time.

I felt sorry for Melanie today as she is absorbing the Mother, Father, Baby picture. She is clearly hurting inside and battling with doing the right thing.

Today's spoiled brat mouth almighty award goes to....THERESA. Her hostile, nasty behavior never stops. I'm so hoping motherhood mellows her A LOT.
And yes, Theresa's over the top snarking at the cops, the man who represented the government......well, some years back there was a book called "The Ugly American". Theresa was a perfect example of that. She was in a foreign country, involved in circumstances concerning a dead body, and actually, 2 missing people (Mandrake & Kristen), and she was disrespectful of that fact, no matter how innocent she was.
Theresa should just go ahead and rename the baby Dollar Bill because that's all she sees when she looks at him. Already talking about flying on Brady's jet. Dollar Bill Black has a nice ring to it.

Daniel tells Eric, of all people, that he loves Nicole, but every other second he's accusing Nicole of not being over the man. Why would he have this conversation with the man he believes Nicole to be hung up on????

Aren't plots suppose to build to explosive climax during sweeps? I see no building! Why don't I see plot building to explosive climax? Where's the heart stopping drama? Has DAYS forgotten how to do or the purpose of sweeps?
What an strange episode after the ones on Wed and Thurs

Interesting to learn since there isn't a body, everyone can go home
and In Italy you can have the "speedy Gonzales" DNA test.

I laughed when Victor said by himself about Theresa and the baby.
He knew the whole time.

I'm sure Theresa will be a mother that has a nanny and lots of
money to spend on herself :)

I wonder if the Italian police took everyone shopping since they
all had different clothes on.....Shhhh. don't tell anyone.

So, Daniel loves Nicole. He doesn't act like he does.
Thank you to all who write these summaries because it seems whenever I actually have time to watch the show it turns in to nap time for Me.
I did catch a few parts but the summary always fills in the gaps.
What exactly did Nicole plan on telling Eric that he would actually believe was not her just being jealous? I am glad she kept her mouth shut.
I have no idea how Xander kept that towel on.
I am interested in what Victor has in store for him.
I doubt Caroline's talk will change Will's course of action.
So Daniel admits he loves Nicole and that he wants it to work. Maybe he should be telling her that.
Eric giving Nicole the picture was nice.
I am glad Theresa did not get a personality transplant now that she has her baby. I like her spunk and I like the potential storyline between her and Brady if she continues to be written true to character. Her attitude does not mean she can/will not love and care for her baby.
I wonder what his new name will be.
Yay Stefano!
I have a sneaking suspicion (because of one of the Kristen flashbacks) that perhaps Stefano fathered Kristen, which is why he became guardians for both Kristen & Peter after both their parents died.

That's been hinted at before (though dropped). I too wept for the lack of mention of poor, rotting in prison Peter.

A...I'm already annoyed by Brady and Jeannie T with an innocent baby. ...

Me too. Are we supposed to forget the vitriol that Jeannie T's been spewing to everyone for months without provocation? I'm sick of this show's pushing stupid biological bonding storylines. They're stupid and were played out in 1972. Now, Jeannie T and Brady struggling to bond with the child and considering all of their options for giving this baby the right life - that could be good, character-driven stuff. (Hence, we won't be seeing it this summer.)

Chad mourning Kristen? Illogical. Chad regretting not getting to know Kristen, perhaps commiserating with Abigail (re: mourning her villainous relative, Nick)? That could be good. (So we shan't see that, either.)

Will and Caroline were tacked on, but I did enjoy their scenes.

Episodes like today's--where Maggie gushes over the eggspawn--make me sick. Makes me wish that booze bottle had actually done its job back in '03.

I actually liked Nicole & Eric's scene!! Stop the presses!! But then she had to spoil it all by doing something stupid (like saying she's on to Serena when she's not).

...When the doorbell is rung or someone knocks, you have to be in a state of undress; sweat or shower, dripping is a must. ...

Well, I hate this trope as much as the next viewer. (Though Xander cuts a nicer form in my opinion than that oompa-loompa guy.) But in this case, Xander did it on purpose because he wants Serena. So it made sense. But Daniel answering the door in a towel when he didn't know who it was is idiotic.

Speaking of our lovely Bluebird, are we to believe she has real romantic feelings for Eric now? Because a month or so ago she was ready to skip out of town without a second thought for our sour-faced photog (beyond keeping him from harm).
I liked that Marlena let Brady and Theresa have the time on the plane alone with the baby. I thought it was nice that she kept her distance.

As for Maggie "gushing" over Melanie - I thought she was equally concerned for Brady. Of course, she would be concerned about her granddaughter. Can we move passed this eggbaby stuff - it is getting really old.
Thanks for the summary. The editing was terrible! What was the point of Chad & Abby being on today, or Caroline and Will? Well, at least Caroline got airtime.

The rest of the show was actually pretty good, material-wise. I'm glad to see that this storyline is really moving along to its end.
Wonderful summary. My only notes after viewing- at least the paperwork loose ends for the baby and the foreign interlopers were addressed. I hate that Caroline is encouraging Will, but she is completely oblivious to the details of his smarmy-ness. And that is probably a good thing for Caroline.