Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 19, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 19, 2017

Abby sits and talks with Dario, she has agreed to marry him to keep him from being deported, he says they have to talk to an agent, convince him. They talk over strategy, he pulls out a ring box, gets down on one knee, she pooh, poohs his proposal, tells him stop trying to be funny. She says, o.k., let's go see this guy.

Chad & Gabi are being menaced by the guy with the knife, who evidently wants the amulet. Chad offers money, Gabi's necklace, the guy is not having any of that. Finally, Chad takes the amulet box from his pocket, hands it over, the guy takes off. He moans about just losing 20 million dollars, but Gabi says no, and pulls the amulet out of her purse. (Sorry, this was all so ridiculous.) She is still a bit shook up, he hugs her, in walks Eli, who views the tossed, messed up bed, Chad and Gabi stutter and explain about the thief with the knife. Eli came to see if Gabi wanted something to eat, she will meet him downstairs. He leaves, she gets Chad to let her keep the amulet in her purse again, and leaves.

She sits with Eli at a table in front of that flower bedecked wall, where he nicely breaks it off with her. He knows she is still in love with Chad, he thought maybe there might be a chance for them, but with Abby filing for divorce, Chad is free, no obstacle. Hope you two will be happy. He leaves, she goes back to tell Chad about Eli breaking it off, still thinks the amulet is a curse, etc.Chad talks of getting out of town quickly, as the thief will soon find out the box is empty. (They figure he works for Deimos)

Kate sits in the square with Andre, as they hash over Chad's going after the amulet. Andre is against it, Kate for it, money is money. They soon get into the Abby divorce, Kate feeling Gabi is better for Chad, but Andre disagrees, they argue, she accuses Hope of meddling in Chad's life, he says unlike her meddling, but she considers herself to be looking out for Chad's best interests, and more blah, blah of the same stuff. He is leaving, she is asking if they still have a classic movie viewing date tonight at the house. Of course.

Abby & Dario sit in the office of the Federal agent who has lots of questions, figures sudden engagements right after someone is being deported are suspicious, viewed as a sham. Dario & Abby go thru all the assurances, get dismissed for now, more questions later. Dario takes the opportunity to plant a big kiss on Abby in front of the agent.

Kate comes upon Dario in the square and when she hears about him possibly being deported, is going to get him the best lawyer, yada, yada. Dario stops her, doesn't need one, already has one. She gets him to 'fess up, that his lawyer told him all he has to do is fill out the paperwork again correctly, he would be fine. But Dario remembered about couples marrying to get a green card, so, thought it was worth a shot. Kate promises not to tell, reminds him that will leave Chad free to be with Gabi, he may not like that, but it is a tradeoff.

Claire, Theo, Wyatt & Ciara are at the apartment, Claire on her phone as usual. Ciara learns Aunt Maggie has opened the Horton cabin, they talk of going fishing. Theo thinks they all should go, Wyatt wants a weekend alone there with Ciara.

There is talk of getting something for breakfast (gosh these teens cannot pour a bowl of cereal, boil an egg, or use a toaster, can they?). Oops, Wyatt left his ATM card at home, Ciara offers to pay for his. Theo is simmering, about to blow. Ciara doesn't like that, tells Claire & Wyatt to go get whatever, she wants to talk to Theo. With them gone, she wants to know why Theo is acting the way he is.

With just a tiny bit more prodding, Theo blurts out that Wyatt is not who she thinks he is, is really conning her. She protests, he insists. Claire and Wyatt return, Theo blurts out that he is the one who had Wyatt write to her on the internet, told him all the things she liked, so they would be compatible. Wyatt is not the person she thinks, is just conning her. Ciara is frowning.
So now we know Dario is full of beans. I would think that Rafe would still check into helping out his brother even if he said he doesn't want it and he would discover it is easily solved. Of course that would negate the stupid Abby marrying him storyline. Kate loving it so she can get Chad and Gabi together for whatever reason.

At least Gabi was kind of limping after Eli dumped her and she went back to Chad because when she left she seemed to be walking just fine.

Theo is so absolutely annoying. Ciara already looking devastated make no sense to me. She and Wyatt were still having a good time. He can't be faking everything. I don't know, I guess I just don't want to believe that he's a totally bad guy. But Theo. :angry:I hope Claire dumps him now.
Wyatt has already bummed money from Ciara a few times, and seems to want to get her into bed as well. All these same likes......that is not actually what he likes, just what Theo told him. I wonder if he even knows how to fish. LOL
Theo is so absolutely annoying. Ciara already looking devastated make no sense to me. She and Wyatt were still having a good time. He can't be faking everything. I don't know, I guess I just don't want to believe that he's a totally bad guy.
The Wyatt plot would make more sense if the viewers had been told more about him. Right now, it's established that he's got a perpetually-empty wallet, thinks a summer job is a bad idea, and uses term papers written by others. This makes him less than ideal, but hardly a monster. Has he got other girlfriends all over campus or is he the second coming of date-rapist Ford Decker, EJ, Nick Fallon, Aiden Jennings, or Dario Hernandez? If he was like any of these lemons in the Salem garden of love Theo's angst would make more sense, In any case, the teen set should stay far, far away from the Horton cabin unless they want the fright of their lives. The Horton Cabin Raccoon Team has had the place to themselves for so long that truly ugly things will happen to any Salemite trespassers.
Nice scene with Claire and Ciara after Claire talked to Grandma Marlena
about Uncle Brady. I'm glad the two of them are being nice to each other
instead of fighting.

So, Gabi had the amulet in her purse. Was this the reason why she tripped?
The reason why Eli broke up with her? I wouldn't want to be close to Chad
since he has it now.

So Dario is lying more than we first thought. He can fill out new paperwork and
probably get his citizenship. Why hasn't anyone asked about Eduardo and if
he is or isn't a citizen when he was born?

When Dario told Abby they would be married a few years, I thought she would
change her mind.

Some funny stuff with Kate and Andre. He can't eat scones because it causes
heartburn. Bummer.
Wyatt has already bummed money from Ciara a few times, and seems to want to get her into bed as well. All these same likes......that is not actually what he likes, just what Theo told him. I wonder if he even knows how to fish. LOL

I'm starting to wonder if Wyatt actually knows what a fish is. LOL

Now on to what I like to refer to as "The Odyssey" in honor of the epic poem by Homer or what the show calls "Greece." I actually don't mind the story but I'm kind of annoyed that they are playing Gabi, who is in every way a thoroughly modern young woman, as someone who believes in "curses." I can kind of buy it with Andre and his old world mentality, but Gabi? Not so much.
But Dario remembered about couples marrying to get a green card, so, thought it was worth a shot. Kate promises not to tell, reminds him that will leave Chad free to be with Gabi, he may not like that, but it is a tradeoff.
I want this scum out of Salem NOW. :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::angry::angry: What kind of idiot tries something like this? Somewhere Jade is thankful she's not the most stupid & pathetic person in Salem.

Theo is stupid and I want all the teens crushed in a cave-in. Claire can survive but be in a traditional Black family coma for awhile.

André should be dead, and Kate should be in jail, but I am enjoying their oddball friendship. How sad is it that the only two with a stable friendship are psychotic murdering sleazeballs?
I don't know how much more I can take of this Abby/Dario dreck! It's a good thing that Abby doesn't live in Michigan, because a divorce involving children takes about a year. Or, did she spend some time in Nevada, or Mexico? Don't think I can tolerate months of the new couple accidentally bumping into each other in their supposedly segregated living quarters. And, Abigail constantly playing with her hair, while looking over her shoulder and making googly eyes at Dario. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

This is bringing on a faint memory of Santa Barbara's Cruz and Eden (?) lying in nearby rooms, trying to sleep, but only tossing/turning while yearning for each other. :confused: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Kate was actually eating fruit today, just like Sami used to do.
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I feel that Theo had the best of intentions when he set Wyatt up with Ciara, but he realized too late that Wyatt was a user and was going to end up treating her badly. It's a good thing Ciara heard the truth from him today before she got into it further with Wyatt and ended up sleeping with him when she didn't really know him. After her rape, she doesn't need her next sexual encounter to be with a user and a jerk. Can the group set Wyatt up with Jade? They deserve each other.

I can't get over how ridiculous the story is now with Dario and Abby. How can Abby be so gullible to just believe Dario's story? Even Kate smelled a rat and figured out it was all a scam. I hope Rafe looks into it and realizes what Dario is doing. And besides, she's not yet divorced from Chad, is it going to be a quickie divorce, and how can that happen with a child involved?

As for the group in Greece, the amulet story is the worst yet. Chad should actually let Deimos have it with its bad luck. Unfortunately, I feel it's going to cause them more problems.