Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 22, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 22, 2020

Chad is on Abby's bed, holding her as she sleeps. She wakes up, glad he is there, had nice dream, no hallucinations. Jack & Jen arrive with a Scrabble game, but Abby doesn't want to play any game, is vehement about it. Her parents have good news, tell of Gabi being arrested, the needle, it's contents being same drug that was in Abby, who is happy now, Gabi behind bars, no worry from her. Chad says we need to tell them, reports on learning of the doctor in Florida who has helped cases like Abby's. He says he is going with her down there, Abby claims that was not decided yet. Back & forth about it, Chad is determined to go with her, Abby wants to go alone.

Justin has heard Kayla telling Jake that Steve is irreplaceable, gets his nose out of joint, says adios. Kayla stops him, says no one can replace Steve, of course. But you are you, not Steve, I am with you, love you. Kiss. In comes Steve & Marlena.

(Earlier, Marlena got a call from the doctor in Florida about Abby, has to go to hospital. Steve & Hope were with her, Steve goes along in case Orpheus contacts her at hospital, Hope goes to see if Rafe has a location).

Zoey is talking with Rafe, gets a call from Christian telling her he confessed. He hangs up quickly, she wanted to talk to D.A. before he did something like this. Now his sentence could be doubled. She has lost her monster of a father, her brother, doesn't want to lose her nephew, too. Rafe comforts her in a hug, as Hope walks in. (of course). She asks if any news, none, is about to leave, but asks Rafe if he really trusts Zoey. He admits he doesn't completely, he can't. Zoey gets a call, it's from Orpheus, but she says was her brother, she has to go see him. After she is gone, Hope wonders if Rafe bought that. Nope, she was lying, that was not her brother.

Orpheus tries to feed John some sponge cake, shoving it in his mouth, John spits it out. They get into a conversation about terrible stuff Orpheus has done to John & Marlena, but Orpheus says it was always about family, referring to his wife being killed by John (who was Roman, then) and long flashback to the much younger John & Orpheus back then, with Orpehus holding a gun, talking of $10 million dollars, making John drop to his knees, holding the gun to John's forehead. Back in the present, Orpheus leaves the room to make arrangements for the getaway car, John is alone, David wanders in with his stuffed bunny. John claims he & grampa are now playing hide & seek, cops & robbers is over, grampa went to hide, forgot to untie me so I could go look for him. Think you can help. David evidently is able to loosen the ropes a bit, with John's encouragement, but Orpheus returns, gets David to go play with his other toys, tightens up the ropes, berating John, then knocks him out with his gun.

Abby is protesting about going to Florida with Chad, Jack says decision doesn't have to be made now, Marlena comes in, yes, afraid it does.

Steve is talking with Justin & Kayla, Justin tells of Maggie not being guilty, that it was Orpheus who caused Adrienne's death. Steve is furious, vows to get him, for sure. Kayla realizes something else going on, gets Steve to tell in confidence about Orpheus having John, the ransom, & he figures Orpheus may have something in mind to do away with John, but he is on to him, and will get John back.

Marlena joins them, she is upset with this waiting, but her phone rings. Orpheus tells her to meet him in that private area in the park in 30 minutes. She warns him he doesn't get a penny unless she knows John is safe. Orpheus tells her not to worry, it is now 28 minutes.

Steve is going with Marlena.....Justin says he is going, too. They say no, but Justin talks of Orpheus killing Adrienne, & he wants to face him.

Orpheus wakes up John, telling him they have to go on a little field trip now. John says he knows Orpheus has something up his sleeve, what does he have in store for John now.
I doubt there are many people in story lines in Salem who have not been knocked out at sometime. There should be a neurological center in Salem in order to take care of these people. They, all, have had their brains scrambled at some point. Almost no one gets a concussion from these hits over the head with a blunt object (i.e. baseball bat, fire poker, butt of a gun etc. ) Yet they walk around with hardly a bandage, no memory loss and are functioning CEOs of all major American companies headquartered in Salem. I am not even counting those who have had brain chips inserted, memories scrambled, and then a mad scientist who has the key to restoring them to normal. Reminds me of the Day the Earth Stood Still rather than a soap opera.

I would hate to the person hired to be in charge of history and continuity. Wouldn't you love to be the person in the room with the writers every week saying, "You can't do that because..." and they proceed to blow you off?
I really enjoy flashbacks when it's the same actors. Orpheus does need to wrap up though.

I don't like how Hope keeps looking at Rafe. Please don't go back there!

I thought Kayla should have said in her discussion with Justin, you can't be Steve like I can't be Adrienne. Was just surprised that she didn't bring her up more. I think to start she said Adrienne was the love of your life.

I'm confused with Abigail. So they think Gabi drugged her. Drugs were in her system causing hallucinations so why does she need to go to mental hospital? Have they declared she is drug free and still hallucinating? I'm just confused but still don't trust Chad.
Fuzzy thinking: If, as John says, the ISA thought that Orpheus was an "irredeemable monster," why did it pull strings to keep him out of jail for his many major crimes?? It sounds like Justin could earn enough money to join the Salem Country Club and maybe even get his own house by rounding up clients who were harmed by the Big Zero after the ISA kept him out of the slammer, and then suing John's old employer for major bucks.

Ineptitude personified: Orpheus really should give up trying to play the role of a criminal mastermind. The fact that his hated enemy, John, is still alive after all these years, proves it. Another sign of his cluelessness was him telling Marlena "no cops," instead of "no Steve." at the ransom payment site. He has nothing to fear from Rafe's Keystone Kops, but the mighty Patch Johnson just might have what it takes to foil Evan and Zoey's awful father.

Please make it stop: Chad and Abigail's bickering about whether he should accompany her to the Florida clinic was unbearable. The viewers might have found watching them playing Scrabble to be more interesting.
For some reason, Abigail is suffering from hallucination still, a side effect of the drug administered to her, evidently, as the drug are supposedly out of her system.

I am thinking perhaps Hope's "looks" are just the actresses choices.....and not indicated in the script. Days actors are really left on their own, with no rehearsals, only blocking for the cameras. Unless something is really flubbed, one take is it.
So........sweeps ended 5/20??? Kat, is that right? And to all who feel it has been a disappointment.......agree. Corday had better get on the ball, & do something, as neither his exec-producers (Alarr & Meng) are doing their jobs, and neither is the headwriter's storylines.
Here is a Friday/ end of week, when written & filmed, supposed to be a cliffhanger for a 3 day holiday weekend, & while seeming to be leading up to something, deflated rather quickly, (in MY opinion).
Thanks Poirot and yes May sweeps ended on May 20.

There were a couple of funny moments.

It was interesting to see David untie John holding on to his bunny.

Rafe was surprised Sonny knew who really caused the accident. Wait
until he finds out everyone in Salem knows now

Orpheus told Marlena to meet in the private area in the park. Really, that's
the worse place to go in Salem.
Agree......Orpheus mentioned the boy was 2 yrs. old........Same goes for hide and seek, I would think.
There's a private area in the park? Who knew? Sweeps is over? Haven't been able to see much, as our Gov gives updates at 12:30. It goes ON. The big zero is no Stefano DiMera!! Ready for him to leave, depart, go away, make like a drum and beat it!