Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 24, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 24, 2019

Oh, what tangled webs we weave....Replays of most closing scenes from Thursday. Maggie gulps down her vodka drink, has another, wanders the apartment, holds the pic of her & Victor, finally sits down on sofa, falls asleep.

Nicole is after Brady, they are kissing passionately, until he calls a halt to it. She is making excuses, needs him. He is there for her as friend, cannot do this, will not betray his brother. She goes on how happy they were once, he agrees, but he knows she is grieving, just buried her daughter, would regret it later. She tries to talk him into going to bed with her (in other words) but he finally gets up, says she will have to find someone else to comfort her, not him, and leaves.

Victor talks with Kate, tells her how Maggie feels something going on. She laughs, thinks it funny. He doesn't, says Kate referred to passion between them. She meant passionate about business. He knows Maggie upset, but as they talk, figures Kate is up to something. She makes some disparaging remarks about Chloe, Vic wants her to spill, but she denies being up to anything.

After the replay of Gabi managing to get Stefan all hot an bothered and into bed, they lay in afterglow, talking of this being last time, her being sarcastic about his “thing” for Chloe. She wonders what it is about her, Stefan goes into raptures over how wonderful Chloe is, how he felt from first he saw her. And there is Chloe's voice.......What the Hell??? Ah, well, caught in the act, sans clothes, no excuses. Stefan keeps saying he can explain, Gabi jumps up, will give them space, grabs her clothes, Stefan has gotten up, putting on his clothes. Why Chloe stayed in that room is beyond me, but yes, he hates her, babbles away lamely. Talks of him coming home to find her in his room, in her underwear, claiming spilled juice, etc. He even says he promises this is the last time, they both agreed. So now Chloe is on to the fact that it has been ongoing. She rants about him leaving her mourning the death of a child she loved to come here for sex with Gabi. He tells what Gabi said about Parker being upset, he felt Chloe had enough, so he would handle Parker. Chloe tells him she is taking Parker, leaving, never wants to see him again.

Kate meets up with Gabi, who fills her in on the whole scene, describing in detail. She knows Chloe will not forgive him, no matter what he says, so since Stefan wants family, etc. Gabi is all that and more. She will get him, take him for it all, then kick him to the curb. Kate wonders how it would go if, in the process, she fell in love with him. Nope, love is out of the question. She is in it for the money.

Brady comes home, finding Maggie on sofa, & the empty glass. He wakes her up, she tries to make excuses of dozing off, not having a drink, but Brady reminds her who she is talking to. Something is wrong, what is it, he knows she has been drinking. She cries about Holly, and about Kate being after her husband. Brady thinks her wrong. No, she knows it. He will take her upstairs, she should rest for a while. As he holds on to her, heading towards the stairs, Victor comes home. Brady says Maggie not feeling well, taking her up to his room. Why not ours, says Vic. Brady says she wants some alone time, mourning Holly, etc. Vic asks her if she wants to talk about what happened earlier. Maggie says she has nothing to say to him.

Rex is questioning Xander on what he is doing with Holly's file. Xander can explain, makes up some cockamamie thing about Uncle Vic being so upset, not believing Holly is really dead, so he thought having copy of autopsy report to show him, might calm him down. (we see flashback of Xander taking Holly's folder, removing contents into his sidepack, replacing with his fake papers). Rex looks over the file, all seems to be in order, warns him that if he wants autopsy info, contact the cops. Xander thanks him and leaves.

Eric has broken away from the kiss with Sarah, cannot do this, not right, he loves Nicole. She apologizes. No need. Eventually Rex comes in, tells of catching Xander with the file, what he said. Eric looks like he is figuring something out. As Rex & Sarah talk, Eric says he thinks he knows what Xander was up to.

Nicole is pacing after Brady leaves. She takes a pillow, screams into it, throws it, is clearing mad. Xander arrives, reports on succeeding with the Holly info. Nicole is moaning about Brady, Xander reminding her she just buried her daughter. She complains how she thought blaming Eric and breaking things off would deter him, but he still came to the funeral. She laughs, reminding Xander that this plan is all about Brady. As she talks, she takes a bobby pin out of her hair, then starts pulling at her neck, as she pulls some rubber away. Xander is saying something about not ever suspecting a person impersonating Nicole would turn out to be … Nicole pulls the facial mask up over her head, removes it, shakes out her hair......Kristen DiMera. She smiles.
I meant to comment this yesterday. Maggie has been sober for a very long time. I know she is devastated by Holly's death. But if Daniel's death didn't make her drink, and I don't think it did, then I would just think she's strong enough to not turn to the bottle. Guess I'm just tired of alcoholism stories.

I hope that Eric does truly know what Xander was up to.

I have to say I am happy, though it is ridiculous, that it is Kristen in a Nicole mask not that she had plastic surgery. And ooo boy! How shocking was that reveal!! I never ever saw that coming!! :sarcasm:
Maggie has been sober for a very long time. I know she is devastated by Holly's death. But if Daniel's death didn't make her drink, and I don't think it did, then I would just think she's strong enough to not turn to the bottle.
Sometimes you can only take so much grief before you break. Plus, this is what she believes to be the horrific death of her toddler grandchild. To me, Maggie hitting the bottle is understandable.
Actually, with Maggie, it has been piling up. Victor has been aloof, Sarah finally came home, only to be enamoured of one man, while engaged to another; she has had Parker living there, Brady, Gabi running in and out, Sonny in and out of titan, along with his love life, Nicole killed, Holly going with Chloe, who takes the kids to live at DiMansion, since cartel is out to "get" her, Vic hires Kate, after Maggie asked him not to; said Kate constantly showing up to be with Victor, flaunting herself and then Holly is killed, with Kate still seemingly "after" Victor. One thing after another, and while she hasn't even thought, at first, of falling off that wagon, the lack of support from her husband was the straw that broke her resolve.
She tries to talk him into going to bed with her (in other words) but he finally gets up, says she will have to find someone else to comfort her, not him, and leaves.

So who is impersonating Brady???? This is not the Brady we've come to make fun of..........

Thanks for the write up.....
I hope they don't go too long with the Drunk Maggie storyline, but I like it. Maggie is kind of boring as a character. It's probably nice for the actress to have something to do other than wag her finger at people. At least it makes sense. How many of her offspring has she buried? And Victor is not very supportive.
Since I am of a certain age, I believe that Maggie has a right to be fragile. When you are the strong matriarch type and everyone counts on you, after a while you can begin to see the toll it is taking. There are days where you would just like, for once, that someone care the way about you that you have cared for them. It would be nice for someone to recognize how much you are hurting. You wear down just like everyone else. Your own mortality becomes increasingly more evident.

As a young adult I watched my brothers die unexpectedly in birth order. I kept asking God to pick on someone else's family for a change. Then I buried my younger sister and was left with a loser brother. You just feel it needs to stop. You can't lose one more person. It makes sense to Maggie. She is hurting and she just would like one person she had cared for and loved, to be there for her. It isn't happening.

As I see it, this is absolutely one of the most realistic stories they have presented us in years.
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Todays themes were fast talking after being caught red-handed and imbecilic plots.

Xander: He gets an A in fast-talking, actually sort-of convincing gullible Rexy that he wanted Holly's file to help console an allegedly distraught Victor.

Maggie: She gets a D rather than an F only because she's a sympathetic character. Brady immediately saw through her pathetic excuse for passing out before watching her dissolve into a weeping, quivering blob of Jello.

Stefan Zero: He gets a big fat F - for such pathetic excuses for his bedroom encounter with scheming Gabi as it "didn't mean anything" and that it was "meaningless sex." It's a good thing that Stefano isn't alive to hear about such a wretched effort at lying by a DiMera.

On the subject of imbecilic plots, Kristen wins the booby prize. As soon as Brady learns who "Nicole" really is, he'll be gone in less than a Salem nano-second. And why Xander still works with this demented lunatic after scoring his big job at Titan is a mystery to me. The Gabi-Kate plot is a notch above Kristen's nonsense, but not by much. Even a moron like Zero would make sure that a new wife couldn't get her grubby paws on his DiMera fortune. And, like the Xander-Kristen cabal, this inane scheme could fall apart at any moment. As soon as Kate sets her eyes on a bigger prize, second-rate schemer Gabi will be flailing about in deep water without a life jacket.
Thanks, Poirot.

I kept laughing at Stefan when he was trying to explain to Chloe it was going
to be the last time with Gabi. Then she realized they've been doing "it"
for awhile.

Will Chloe move into the Salem Inn with Parker?

I hope it won't take too long for the truth to come out about Holly being alive
Xander switched the file and the computer. Maybe someone will figure out

the parent's blood types couldn't have a child with that blood type.

How long will it take Brady to figure out Nicole isn't Nicole? You would think
he could tell by the way she's kissing him.

I enjoyed the Scooby Doo ending when Kristen took off the mask.