Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 15, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Managed to get some of this show.......there will be a full summary first thing in a.m. , as will received on demand. The hearings played havoc.......

But the nuns have long talk. Lani says she came to Europe to try and get away from everything, but it stays with her, Kristen talks of Lani losing her baby, understands, she lost hers. They talk about God, not saying final vows yet, Kristen thinks Lani should tell all, why she dumped Eli at the altar. At the end of the show Lani evidently begins to "tell God" all about it.

Doug has remodeled the club, calls it Julie's Place now. Kayla comes in, is picking up takeout for her and her man (Julie's reference). Talks of how happy, etc. Julie's heart starts racing for a bit, Kayla checks her, it stops finally. But Kayla is going to notify cardiologist, hasn't happened for a year.

Gabi is coming on to Eli, bad mouthing Lani. He still claims the shooting was an accident, so not Lani's fault, however, for the rest of what she did, he has no use. Gabi locks the door so Chad & Abby won't come in, and starts kissing Eli, taking off his clothes. They drop to the sofa, go at it hot & heavy, removing clothes, etc., accidentally hitting her phone button, ........thus Julie's problem. Gabi finally realizes her phone is on, shuts it off.

Brady talks to JJ, trying to convince him not to be doing drugs, both talking of their loss, JJ very bitter. In the course of their conversation, JJ mentions Kristen pushing Haley down the stairs. Brady also mentions losing his child at the same time or same night. After Brady leaves, JJ pops another pill, takes out pic of Haley on his phone, says he will get revenge on Kristen for her.

John is drinking wine with Princess Gina, who he thinks is Hope, and who has been staying there as her home was flooded. Evidently Marlena was offered some fancy thing at some institute (which Gina arranged), but refused to go, not to leave John. (This is flashback) as Hope claims Marlena has always wanted this, convinces John he is being selfish not to encourage her to go. However, in the present John talks of rarely hearing from Marlena, phone service bad, but at least she could write a letter. Gina remembers hiding Marlena's letters to John, and stealing the ones John mailed to her.

Back in the present John is quite tipsy, Gina is flirting, he goes to warm up the takeout dinner he brought, she tells herself John wants her, spills wine on herself, takes off her blouse. John walks back in, she is in her camisole, claims was about to change after spilling wine on her blouse. The door opens, in comes Marlena, who takes one I interrupting something?
Throughout the show, they referred to Kayla's boyfriend as her love or her man implying that it might be Steve. At the end she went home (new set alert) with the takeout and Justin was there. They kissed.

I'm willing to bet Gina either lied about the flooding or flooded it herself. Of note is that John invited her to stay with him and 7 months has now passed. She claimed the Horton house was too crowded with Julie, Doug and Jack and said she was going to the Salem Inn so John invited her to stay with him. I don't buy that John would just invite another woman to stay with him. Where does Brady live these days?

The Kristen/Lani stuff was really boring. I had a hard time paying attention.

Thia Meghia (Haley) must have had a 1 year contract with the show because I believe she started around this time last year.

I still think Eli is playing Gabi even though he slept with her.

The new Julie's Place set is really nice. It looks like a combination of the TBD and hospital sets.
cannot imagine why you are a day behind....unless it was thought the show was being completely pre-empted??? well, it will on 11/28 & 29 so perhaps you will get caught up then?
Thanks, Poirot.

Another great show.

At the end, I laughed when Kayla told the man you're home "just in time". Then we see Justin,
but Julie gave it away because she mentioned Adrienne's name.

I love Julie's Place. The redo gives it a fresh look and it has healthy food.

How long will it take John and Marlena to figure out neither one got their letters for
nine months?

I don't think Lani can be a nun because she said Gabi needed to burn in Hell.

Interesting to learn Kristen pushed Haley down the stairs. Hopefully, we'll see some
flashbacks later on.

Poor Harold, he has to clean the couch in the DiMera study.

Line of the day goes to Julie when she talks to Doug about Kayla "she was alone
for so long I thought she would turn into a nun"

TheWriter, I hope the Canadian TV stations are keeping the audience informed about when you'll see the missing show. Thanksgiving and the day after the show won't be on in the US. Maybe things can be fixed by then
Thanks for the summary and the other contributions. My station showed about 15 minutes or so toward the end. Good thing you mentioned seeing a few minutes at the end, Poirot, or else I wouldn't even have bothered to look. I didn't think they'd show any of it.
I guess the person who volunteered to write up the summary may not have gotten the show after all. I don't know what to add now. Lani & Kristen's conversations were rather boring, I thought. Maybe because I just don't see either one going into a convent, except that it is a good place to hide.

Kristen had no makeup, & it was hard to believe she was mourning her lost was longer period since Lani did, and she was still sad & missing him. ??? Kristen was telling Lani to spill why she dumped Eli, & not to lie in front of God.

Julie was very loving towards Doug, kept thanking him for the remodel and rename of the club. He said she runs it, it is hers. JJ truly looks bad, and I don't know what those pills are, but for as often as he is taking them, and how many gone from that pill bottle.......he should be dead, or at least in the hospital with overdose. Actor doing a great job.

Was hard to see John get drunk on that wine, while Gina did not. She just kept plotting to get John in the sack. She also arranged for this offer for Marlena, called the professor, saying she would wire the money.

Gabi wants Eli to help her defeat Chad, who she "knows" is plotting against her. Was hard to believe she so blatantly seduced him as she did. Don't know why Eli resigned the cop job, Lani was gone, but so be it. Instead he becomes head of security at DiMera.

I absolutely LOVED Marlena walking in on Gina & John when she did. Priceless!
Thanks for the summaries!

Gabi finally realizes her phone is on, shuts it off.
OK - so if Gabi had a decent bone in her body she would NOT still have that app active! She needs to GO!!!

I'm willing to bet Gina either lied about the flooding or flooded it herself. Of note is that John invited her to stay with him and 7 months has now passed. She claimed the Horton house was too crowded with Julie, Doug and Jack and said she was going to the Salem Inn so John invited her to stay with him. I don't buy that John would just invite another woman to stay with him.
I surely won't bet against that!

I absolutely LOVED Marlena walking in on Gina & John when she did. Priceless!
Hoping Hope/Gina gets sent packing - yea for John (even though he was being stupid) and Marlena -Boo for Hope/Gina

I've said it before - but AGAIN if they split John and Marlena I'm DONE! Relationships and love should last! Especially this one!
I am hating the Princess Gina garbage. I cannot believe she has fooled everyone for year. She doesn't act like Hope and they have all been around Princess Gina before!!

Hating the Gabi stuff too. Is Eli honestly getting involved with her? She needs to go down!!

Are they going to show us how Kristen killed Haley? I thought Brady said "I can't say it was an accident". I am getting so worried that they are going to make it that Sarah's baby is actually Kristen's and that Sarah's baby died. Just please don't. Brady and Kristen's baby cannot be alive. They have to end!
Are they going to show us how Kristen killed Haley?
JJ said Kristen pushed Haley down the stairs.

My guess is Kristen was on a rampage after her baby died and that's how she ended up pushing Haley down the steps.

But I also believe that baby Mickey is really Kristen's baby.

Despite his gruffness, Victor does seem rather fond of the baby. Would make sense if she were really his great-granddaughter and he knows this.
I know they have said what happened I just want to see it. And I will absolutely hate if the baby of a woman who is almost 60 lived and Sarah's (though I'm not a huge fan of her) died. I still want Mackenzie to actually be Xander's and I don't want Brady and Kristen tied forever!! Do TPTB think that is what we want?
For those who were affected (in Canada) Global TV is going to run this Friday episode on Mon. at 9 a.m. I have no idea about time zones in Canada, so check your local station. Also the regular Monday show will be shown at it's regular time.