Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 8, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 8, 2019

John & Marlena are in the square, celebrating their 1 year anniversary, he has a gift, she opens it. An hourglass, the centerpiece from the reception they never had. He talks of how he used to bring it to her side when she was in the coma, praying with every grain of sand, she would return to him. Love is hope. Jack comes by, Marlena says how sorry they are for what happened. Jack wants to know how John stayed sane thru it all when he went thru the same with Marlena. They ask about Jen, Jack tells what happened, talking of the flash drive, now missing. Jen had it, he & JJ have looked everywhere, the balcony, ambulance, hospital, square, no where to be found. John suggests he look into this for him, never know what might be found out. Jack does suspect Rolf being the one who may have pushed Jen over the railing.

Ben is checking out the whole gatehouse, Rafe arrives, Ben tells him of locking up, and the open window. Ben then spots a framed pic of Ciara, glass broken. Tells Rafe Jordan was there, who else would have done this.

Kristen is bugging Eric in the chapel, interrupting his prayers, talking of being a better person now that she is having a child, regrets the horrible things she has done, wants to make amends. Kristen tells Eric that Sarah is pregnant, that he is going to become a father. Brady has come in, hears, no he did not know, if he did, would have told him. Kristen says Eric had better go see her, before she leaves town. Eric rushes out, Brady asks her why she lied.........about wanting something to eat, when she really wanted to come here where Eric was. Kristen feels she did a lot of terrible things to Eric, Nicole, John, Marlena & Brady. She wants to be a better person, for the sake of her baby. God blessed a wretch like her with a miracle, she wants to be deserving of it. She starts to leave, Brady stops her, kisses her.

Jack asks John how he managed to get thru the time Marlena was in a coma, John picks up the hourglass, tells how every night he turned it upside down, saying that this is the night she will open those beautiful eyes. And in the morning, he did it again, saying this is the day her eyes will open once more. Jack thanks John for sharing that, Marlena thinks Jack could use that hourglass more than them right now, John says she is a smart woman, gives it to Jack, who is really in tears, thanks them for being so generous. John says Jack can return it when Jennifer Rose opens her eyes......

Nicole & Sarah argue over Nicole's knowledge of Sarah's pregnancy. Nicole has related getting these results from Rolf, who wanted Eric to have them. Then Xander comes running over, wanting them. Sarah notes Xander has known she was pregnant from 1st day. Nicole figures Xander wanted Eric to know, he would stop Sarah from leaving, so Xander would not lose Sarah, she would stay. Nicole promises that Eric will not hear of Sarah's pregnancy from her, gives Sarah the results paper, Sarah throws it in the fire.

In comes Eric, questioning Sarah about her leaving. He knows she is pregnant, Kristen told him. Sarah says Kristen doesn't know anything. Eric questions why she fainted, why she dropped the tray of food when he mentioned knowing about the baby. (these are flashbacks). Nicole blurts out, because she is pregnant!

Gina is about to use the pillow on Jennifer again, this time Ben comes in, looking for Ciara. Gina says she left, said she left her phone at home, went to get it. Ben leaves, Gina picks up the pillow again, her phone rings. “It's that Hernandez fellow” she says, answers, Rafe asks “Hope“ to come to the station.

She goes, he has the security footage, showing Jennifer all alone on the terrace. Gina starts to shut the tape off, doesn't want see her cousin falling again. But Rafe stops her, notes the shadow, someone else has come in.

Ben gets back to the gatehouse, enters, the place is trashed! He looks around, sees a hand, enclosed in a coat or jacket sleeve, laying out on the floor. He checks, no pulse, he is crying, Oh, Ciara, so cold, so cold. (mind you, he does not see the rest of the body).

Jack is back at Jen's bedside, with the hourglass. He is distraught, but tells her he is turning this over, and when the sands all come through, she is going to open her eyes and b e back with him. There are now several different scenes of Jen, still comatose, the sands beginning to come down, are 1/4, 1/2 down, etc.

John & Marlena walk in the square, talking of giving Jack the hourglass, & talking of how much they have gone thru in their lives. John says other couples may not go in a lifetime what they have been through just the past year. Marlena smiles, remembering something Tom Horton said to her a long time ago..........Like sands thru the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Back at the hospital, Jack sits beside Jen's bed, when she murmurs.........Jack? Jack? He is so happy, she is back, back with all of us, so many have prayed and prayed. (she doesn't have the neck brace on)

She asks what happened, he says she fell, has been in a coma. How long? A day? A week? No,, has been longer than that. How long? My love, it has been a year, you have been in the coma for a year.
Thank you, Poirot.

Jack's sorrow had me reaching for the tissues.

Wow! Jennifer wakes up after a year having perfect makeup and hair, and able to speak perfectly. ( I gotta tell ya that was just plain BS if you've ever visited a loved one who was in a coma for even a week.) I laughed while rolling my eyes. Otherwise, it was a wonderful scene of Jack with her when she " finally" came to.

I like how they tied the Ben / Ciara danger story line to Jennifer's with the hospital visit.

John and Marlena made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

What I detested...

1. All of the junk that had anything to do with Sarah, Eric, Kristen, and Brady. I just wanted to slap the living #$%& out of all of them. I'm afraid we'll still be stuck with this .

2. Princess Gina
Wow! Jennifer wakes up after a year having perfect makeup and hair, and able to speak perfectly. ( I gotta tell ya that was just plain BS if you've ever visited a loved one who was in a coma for even a week.) I laughed while rolling my eyes. Otherwise, it was a wonderful scene of Jack speaking to her then her waking up.
I had a family member in a medically-induced coma for a month. They could barely speak, move or hold a pen or write after coming out of it. It took MONTHS to get back to normal. In addition, they suffered from something called "ICU Psychosis" so there was total confusion over what was real and what wasn't.
I'm a little scared for Monday. I'm not sure how they are going to handle this. Brady kissing Kristen? Do they think that is something we want? Both babies will have been born. Will we find out it wasn't Eric's baby? Ciara can't be dead! Is Hope still going to be Princess Gina and has fooled everyone for a year? Did the video show "Hope" on the balcony with Jennifer? Just so much. I'm really not sure how this going to work. I hope they surprise me.
Ben gets back to the gatehouse, enters, the place is trashed! He looks around, sees a hand, enclosed in a coat or jacket sleeve, laying out on the floor. He checks, no pulse, he is crying, Oh, Ciara, so cold, so cold. (mind you, he does not see the rest of the body).
He didn't say "Ciara", he just said "so cold, so cold". He could see the entire body, but most of it was blocked from the viewers. I'm guessing the body is Jordan's.

Edited to add: He does say Ciara's name when he enters the gatehouse, but not when he gets close to the body and sees who it is.
Dumb question: Eric asked Sarah, "why are you so anxious to get away from me?" What sane and sensible woman wouldn't be anxious to get away from the Fallen Father Eric?

Insanity is as insanity does: Clueless Brady actually laid a bit wet one on Kreepy Kritter Kristen. Call the men in the white coats. The no-show CEO should be fast tracked to Bayview instead of being allowed to pretend to run Titan.

Face facts: Batty Princess Gina should realize that the repeated interruptions she experienced while trying to silence Jenny forever are a sign from above that she will never, ever permanently shut up Salem's leading practitioner of the art of pointless confrontations. She and Rolf should catch the first plane to Alamania.

Salem miracles: John's magic hourglass may not work very quickly, but it certainly brings about miraculous effects. As others have pointed out on this thread Jenny not only awakened from her year-long coma, but was in remarkably good shape when she did so. This is almost as impressive a performance as that of tough-guy actor Steven Seagal in the 1990 movie Hard to Kill in which he was able to elude the thugs who planned to kill him in his hospital room despite having just come out of a seven-year coma.
Have to say, I thought Ben said Ciara......when he first saw that arm laying over there.......and then when he went to check, said Oh, cold, so cold. I was having a problem at the time, could easily be wrong, but it did seem he thought it was Ciara.
I heard him say "Ciara", too, Poirot. I doubt it really was Ciara. I think he saw the arm and the wreckage and assumed it was her because it was their home. He was worried that Jordan had done something to Ciara when he showed Rafe the broken picture. We will have to wait until Monday to find out!
Thanks, Poirot.

I thought it was interesting the hourglass kept flowing during most of the show.

Enjoyed John and Marlena talking to Jack about the hourglass.

Interesting cliffhanger for Friday. Eric found out Sarah is pregnant, Ben found a
body, Rafe sees a shadow on the video, and Brady kissed Kristen.

Then Jennifer wakes up and it's a year later.

So, what has happened since then? Both babies should have been born,
the body has a name and is there a face on he video. I really don't
want to know what's going on with Kristen and Brady.

And what about the rest of Salem, we'll just have to wait until Monday.
Have to say, I thought Ben said Ciara......
I thought he called Ciara's name when he first entered the gatehouse, but not when he was next to the body. He just sort of makes choking/crying noises and says "so cold, so cold" as he strokes the arm of the dead body.

Edited to add: He does say Ciara's name when he enters the gatehouse, but not when he gets close to the body and sees who it is.
So it seems like they're just going to skip ahead with everyone knowing that a year has passed and the viewer will catch up. I was expecting something more dramatic from the spoilers the past few months.

I'm confused by Princess Gina. She knows she's really Hope but is she a dominant personality so she doesn't care about replacing the real Hope's psyche? Not my favorite storyline, and are we going to be expected to believe that she pulled off being Hope for an entire year?

DrBakerFan - I always appreciate a Hard to Kill reference. I haven't seen that movie in years. Hilarious.
I'm confused by Princess Gina. She knows she's really Hope but is she a dominant personality so she doesn't care about replacing the real Hope's psyche?
No, she thinks she's really Princess Gina but in Hope's body. Rolf told her that when she was shot (Bo accidentally shot Gina when she was pretending to be Hope and tried to kill Marlena and Shawn-D) that she didn't survive the gunshot and that he took her "essence", somehow kept it safe and has now put it into Hope's body. :rolleyes:
I’ve been prepared for the jump so I am just going to go with the flow.

I actually thought the episode was good and suspenseful! I did not like the way Eric yelled at Sarah; and Brady kissing Kristen - blech! Actors all did a good job!
I have seen posters on other boards like Kristen and Brady together (I don't), so they do have fans.

I really hope people like John, Roman, Marlena, Kayla are aware that Hope is now Gina, and perhaps working on a plan to bring Hope back, which we will see in the flashbacks in the coming weeks. It just does not make sense given their history that for a whole year she has been able to fool everyone.