Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Oct. 12, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 12, 2018

Kristen waits as replay of Xander going into the room labeled E.D. , and then pushing a man in a wheelchair out and into the room where Kristen waits. She greets the man, (we never see his face throughout the entire show), says he has come a long way these past few years, she knows he cannot speak. She says something to Xander about this man getting the shot too long afterwards , and Rolf had not yet perfected it. She says Will was a different story, that Sami Brady……..and the man in the wheel chair moves his hand. Kristen sees this, notes a reaction from the man when he heard that name, says it again, but nothing. She repeats it louder and louder, all excited, her face up close, her fists waving, the man grabs her fist. She notes he has quite the grip. He lets her go, sits limply in the chair.

Meanwhile, outside, Brady has come to, remembers trying to undo the alarm box and getting knocked out by the electric shock. He picks up his phone, listens to Kristen’s message (sorry folks, but everything is soooo dragged out today) then looks around, finds crow bar, uses it to pry the door, doesn’t seem to work, so he kicks the door….Voila, he is in. He wanders around, finally opening some door which gives him a view of the room where Kristen & Xander are. He watches, listens, Kristen takes off a jacket, tells Xander the man is getting tired, return him to his room. Xander wheels the guy out, some noise Brady makes, Kristen asks who is there, starts looking around to no avail. Brady sees where Xander takes the man.

Mimi is throwing a fit with her mother, wants her baby back and now. They argue back and forth, Bonnie stops Mimi from going for the baby herself. She again brings up Mimi killing David Lockhart, while she took the rap, they talk of the stupid DNA match b ecause Bonnie & Mimi related, while Lucas…..Mimi stops her from talking of the real daddy, more arguing, til finally Mimi says, o.k. You are to meet Lucas in square, go, get her, bring her back here. I will take her far away, you get out in opposite direction, (misleading Lucas). Bonnie leaves.

Kate is in square, bumps into Sami, who is in a rush, a lead on finding Kristen, no time to talk, & she is gone.

Lucas has the adorable baby in Doug’s Place, showing her off to Chloe, he calls Kate, something important, have to talk, come here now, good news, amazing. Kate reluctantly comes, meets her new granddaughter, has all sorts of sarcastic and negative comments/questions as she gets the details, learns there has been a DNA test already. Is not happy Chloe is there, is thankful they are not yet engaged, all in all, Kate is as negative and nasty as always. She finally leaves, Chloe knows Bonnie is coming to get the baby, will take baby for a walk. Lucas is alone when Bonnie arrives, no baby, & he isn’t saying where she is.

Jennifer calls Kayla worried about Abby, wants to know if perhaps Abby could see Marlena for a bit. Evidently Kayla suggests a recommendation for someone else. Jen understands, hangs up, answers door, there is Maggie with cookies, come to commiserate with Jen over the breakup with Eric. They talk of that, how Jen knew deep down his heart was still with Nicole, despite him saying he put those feelings behind him. She talks of knowing why Nik left for a long time, too guilty, told him. Maggie admits she also lied, told Eric she did not know where Nicole was, but she did, finally told him when she realized why Nik left. She then fills Jen in on Lucas current doings. Jen thanks her for coming over, the talk, cookies, etc.

At Nicole’s apt., she & Eric catch up on their love talk, nuzzling, love making, etc. Actually, the scenes are lovely, romantic, and very drawn out. They declare their forever love, she talks of how she lived there for a while, alone with Holly, hoping every knock on the door was him, instead of upstairs neighbor looking for her cat. Then one day, it was Xander and everything changed. Eric promises he will tail Xander tomorrow, see where he goes, that is where the recording probably is. She wants him to leave, he figures Xander won’t be back for a while, doesn’t want to leave her with him, she talks him out of that. They make love, some tender scenes, she finally talks him into leaving, if he doesn’t, he won’t be able to follow Xander tomorrow. Eric finally agrees, but will be close by if she needs him. Gives her a medal for “protection” . (St. Christopher?)

There is knocking on the door, Xander would not knock. Eric steps back into an alcove, Nicole answers the door. And there is Sami, spraying who knows what into Nicole’s face – pepper spray? (seems she did not expect Nicole to be the one to open the door).

Chloe is sitting on a bench, pushing the buggy back and forth, as she sings Hush Little Baby, only to be interrupted by an indignant Mimi.

Brady waits til Xander leaves, then quietly opens the door marked E.D. He peers around the corner of the door, apparently sees the man in the wheel chair. Brady says “E.J.”??
You know, Kristen said something about there being other "successes" before Will, so does that mean Salem has other "presumed dead, or formerly dead" folks walking around.......their own version of the Walking Dead?
I hope not.....
their own version of the Walking Dead?

I had the same thought. All these people brought back from the dead by some miracle (ridiculous) drug, is like The Walking Dead. A bunch of zombies walking around town.

And while I don't really watch Days anymore, I just read summaries, the TV was on today while I was working (I work from home, so I can) and I caught glimpses of the show. I happened to see Kristen say something about EJ and Sami, calling it "true love". This is disgusting, simply disgusting. I can't believe Days is still insisting on calling their sick, sick, sick "relationship" true love. Unbelievable!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::sick::sick::sick::sick:
I think some of these references are for newer viewers who really are not up on the history of some the characters being brought back. These newer viewers may have started 5-8 or more years ago, and here comes this character, new to them, never heard the name before, but posters are talking about things that happened, etc. (Heck, in spite of me watching for so many years, I go thru the same thing when folks bring up Don Craig, Marilyn McCoo singing, David Grant, & I don't mind, I have a couple Days books so brushed up on some history long ago.
EJ: Xander gets the line of the day for calling him a "turnip." Viewers have called him lots of uncomplimentary names over the years, but turnip is a new one. Speaking of turnips, if after all this time, EJ is still in a wheelchair, unable to speak, mad DiMera science isn't what it used to be.

Kristen: She's a typical DiMera, skimping on things that count. Her dingy, mystery warehouse has a keypad entry, but no alarms, which allowed Brady to roam the premises at will.

Maggie: Since she's back to baking tasty cookies, she ought to take a batch to sourpuss Eric in Nashville. Right now, it seems as if the tormented ex-priest could use a little pick-me-up more than Jenny does.

Bonnie: Salem has had some pretty poor excuses for mothers, but she's the utter pits -- blackmailing her own daughter and using her grandchild as a pawn in a plan to avoid prison.

Mimi: This one is a real chip off the old block -- coming up on Chloe and immediately dishing out the nasty remarks. If Sami has any of that spray she used on Nicole, she ought to give Mimi a dose.
Thanks Poirot.

Should we call the episode, Hair Gel day?

DrBakerFan, you're right about no alarms in the warehouse.. It also
doesn't have cameras.

Is Xander taking care of the patient alone? How is he doing everything for him?
Feeding, bathing,, the other thing.. sometimes I wonder if people in Salem have
toilets like we do.

Interesting Kate said Philip's name. Kate is probably the grandmother if one of
Lucas' brothers is the baby daddy. And why hasn't Mimi told the real daddy?

I like Chloe's new hair do.

Wonder of wonders, Lucas said Allie today.

Is the patient EJ? He sure got excited when Kristen said Samantha, but Kristen
hasn't said his name to him.
She says something to Xander about this man getting the shot too long afterwards
I am glad they addressed this, if we must endure this nonsense.
Kate is as negative and nasty as always
Will we ever get a headwriter who treats her like an extra and has Ben show her some neckties?
She then fills Jen in on Lucas current doings. Jen thanks her for coming over, the talk, cookies, etc.
This is a good recap type of scene.
mad DiMera science isn't what it used to be.

I am not enjoying Mimi's return and I have bad feelings about where this story is headed.
Did Mimi ever mention what the child’s name really is? I’m not quite sure why
Mimi has such a chip on her shoulder towards Chloe. As I remember it there were
quite a few of the “Last Blast Brats” that were brutal to her
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I thought this episode was boring

The wardrobe is exceptionally bad too. Jennifer's pants were too tight(pockets gapped when she sat down), Maggie was wearing 2 clashing shades of orange, Eric is ready to join the cast of Green Acres, and I'm convinced Farah Fath(Mimi) is doing her own hair AND makeup. :eek:

Perhaps Jack.

And maybe Rolf, Serena, and Paige too

I also thought Mimi's comment was in reference to Tyler