Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 13, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 13, 2017

Well, NBC did it again, cut off the last 10 minutes of Days, so the anchors can blather over and over before the speech. So folks, I have not seen the end of the show.

But to start...Marlena comes to see Eric, filling him in on what has happened with Ben claiming Will is alive, and all the rest. (Scenes are all longer and very well done, excellent thru out the show, but...the summation is shorter.) She mentions calling Sami, who really did not say much, and how the ISA is trying to help track down where Dr. Rolf is after the left Stateville. She mentions his birthday tomorrow, suggests dinner, he cannot come, and he fills in about being back together with Nicole. Marlena says it is his life to live, and she just wants him to be happy. She figures Nik will be returning soon, so leaves

John meets up with Paul in the square, fills him in on everything. So, there is a chance this all could be true, but maybe not. Gonna affect Sonny a lot. Paul thinks the only way they would have proof is by exhuming the body, and Lucas is adamantly against it. He asks about Will's mother. John figures Sami would cause even more of a commotion, especially since Lucas said no. Paul suggests they just do it themselves, is the only way they can confirm. John contemplates quite a while, but finally decides that he is agreeable, and they decide to do it tonight.

JJ has come to see Abby, offer his congratulations. He fills her in on all that happened at the cop shop, and that he is suspended, and rightly so. He brought a gift for Abby & Chad, but since they have everything already, it is really for Thomas. it is something he used/played with as a child, given to him by Tom, who got it from HIS father. So now the next generation of Hortons will have it, as he picks up Thomas, telling him to take good care of it. (Sorry, but I have no idea what it is)

At the cop shop, Lani is with Hope, who comments on her first 24 hrs. being overwhelming. Lani thinks she is doing well, then asks her to reconsider JJ's suspension, not lift it, but ...and she goes on about him being good partner, yada, yada. JJ comes in, was to pick up Lani, Hope comments they were just discussing assigning her a new partner. JJ makes a plea on his own behalf, he learned his lesson, will never happen again, understands his suspension, it is just. He starts to leave, Hope stops him.

Nicole comes down to see Brady. She is all packed, ready to leave, just wants to once again say she is sorry, is grateful for being such a good friend to her, helping her. But Brady is having none of that. He berates her all over again, vilifies, calls her a few nasty names repeatedly, He is truly awful. In the end, he tells her to go to Eric, but if she does, her butt will be in prison. And now comes his big threat. He will reveal she killed Deimos. But he has no proof. He brings out the amulet, with her prints all over it. Well, his are, as well. But he has her confession. But she told no one, only him. And he brings out his phone, handy little thing, all you do is just hit a little button, and it records everything. He plays her confession, turns it off. More insults and recriminations.

What is it you want Brady? He wants her to dump Eric, to call him, tell him it was nice, but she changed her mind, blah, blah, blah. Break Eric's heart the way you broke mine, claiming Eric broke his heart twice now (meaning the auto accident first - requiring the heart transplant). So break his heart, then take your things and Holly and get the hell out of town so I never have to see your lying face again.

That is all I got, folks.....anyone who has more, fill it in. Only a few minutes left to the show.
Hope says thinking how long to suspend JJ, family, scrutiny, decides to reinstate him immediately.

JJ thanks her profusely.

Hope says she must be tougher on him because family, will fire JJ over anything else, so do not make her regret decision.

Marlena calls John, but he quiets ringer. Paul says sorry for putting you in position. John says she will find out soon enough, let's get to work.

Eric calls Nicole but she quiets ringer. Brady asks, what is it going to be?

At Will's grave, John & Paul are about to get started but Sami appears and says "Don't even think about it!"
it is something he used/played with as a child, given to him by Tom, who got it from HIS father. So now the next generation of Hortons will have it, as he picks up Thomas, telling him to take good care of it. (Sorry, but I have no idea what it is)
It's a toy train (with 3 cars). Abby notices it's the same train given to JJ by Grandpa Bill. JJ says yes, and it was given to him by his grandpa (but doesn't specify if it was Tom or Alice's father).

Was nice to have a mention of Bill Horton. Ron Carlivati seems to make sure to have mentions of old characters or storylines.
Sorry, but it looked like a piece of blue, flat, floppy plastic. Certainly not a train. Anyway, I just could not make out what it was, no one said. I knew it could not be plastic if Grampa's father gave it to him, so, figured maybe it was leather. It was in a smallish box, seemed really odd.
I haven't watched the show yet so thank you for the summary. My daughter has a 2 day swim meet (which are 8 hour days) so who knows when I'll get to watch.
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I hope that Brady is exposed. I can't stand who he has become---just another EJ, a man he used to loathe. John, Paul, and Marlena should really take him to task! Maybe Chloe will be the one to do it. I liked the scenes with Paul and John as well, and also with Eric and Marlena. Abigail and JJ were nice too.

Glad Hope is giving JJ another chance. She out of all people should understand why he did what he did.
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Sorry, but it looked like a piece of blue, flat, floppy plastic. Certainly not a train. Anyway, I just could not make out what it was, no one said. I knew it could not be plastic if Grampa's father gave it to him, so, figured maybe it was leather. It was in a smallish box, seemed really odd.
Looked like it was a tin/metal train. The 3 cars were small and joined together.
I can understand Brady’s anger. The last 3 women he loved have lied and manipulated him. Granted, all 3 have reputations of being liars and manipulators. So perhaps he should think about choosing a woman that doesn’t have a history of being liars. (I’m only referring to Kristen, Theresa, Nicole. Not Melanie. He should have kept Melanie)
I thought Brady's behavior was abominable. What surprised me was Nicole standing there and taking the abuse he hurled at her. I don't care how much he was hurting, he went overboard. And Nicole had nothing to do with Theresa or Kristen, those were Brady's choices, made while ignoring the advice of good friends/family.

But Nicole just standing there......Yes she & Eric were in the wrong, but she spit nothing back at Brady, not a word, just let him spew out the venom at her. Even when he kept saying she had been carrying on with Eric for months (which was not true) . It was ugly, truly ugly. I have no use for Brady, none at all.
Looked like it was a tin/metal train. The 3 cars were small and joined together.
The DiMeras better keep it hidden if train-loving Parker ever pays a visit. In true Salem fashion, he'd probably steal it. On other subjects:

How low can you go?: Even Stefano would have been appalled by sneering, glowering, threatening Brady's vicious treatment of the hapless Nicole. Brady really needs to get a grip before he becomes the latest Salemite to enjoy the hospitality of Bayview.

Deluded minds think alike. Brady's belief that he has the evidence to send Nicole to prison is just as off-base as Bonnie thinking that she has the goods on grouchy Victor. Her "confession" is uncorroborated and as for the amulet that he was waving around, there's no chain of custody nor proof that it was the same one that Deimos stole. Add in the influence of the Halo drug on Nicole's mind, and even conviction-hungry D.A. Trask would decline to prosecute.

Salem's own horror show: If John and Paul carry out their bizarre plan to dig up Will's grave in the dark of night, it's a scene right out of an old horror movie. Of course, it's highly unlikely that they'll open the coffin and come face-to-face with a vampire.

Paying it forward: Of course Hope lifted JJ's suspension. After all, compared to her mugging felonies and murder of Stefano, merely sticking a loaded gun in Ben's face is chump change. It would be nice to think that she'd be as merciful to the next cop who messes up, but since that officer won't be a Horton, there's no chance.
The last 3 women he loved have lied and manipulated him.
Could it be because Brady is a loggerhead who won't listen to anyone trying to warn him against these women? In addition to having an addictive personality, Brady is very gullible. I think he's the one the saying, "...just fell off a turnip truck" was coined about.

So perhaps he should think about choosing a woman that doesn’t have a history of being liars.
In Salem! Surely, you jest, Doc. :)
While I said I understand Brady’s anger, I was not saying he was justified in talking to Nicole that way. And I honestly don’t like how he is reacting. It is very bitter and cruel. It makes me question that he loved Nicole after speaking to her like that.

But psychologically I can understand his anger and pain and insecurity and paranoia. Brady needs help. And I don’t think his behavior has anything to do with the amulet. That’s just ridiculous.
I watched live today, and Hunny Bunny watched with me. Some notes from Hunny Bunny: Brady must die. What a terrible, cruel, heartless man. Perhaps they forgot to put his ripped out heart back in?

He also LOVED Paul's run down on Dr. Rolf. And bringing people back from the dead, that was really great.

I am liking the longer scenes and the better performances. Still confused as to why Hope suspended and then reinstated JJ. Yeah, I know, the force only has 3 officers and some uniforms that just walk around but don't have lines. How did Raines have so much time on his hands if Hope is so overwhelmed??