Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 22, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Possession Day.

JJ's Apartment: Lani greets Paulina who has come to talk. Paulina has a flashback and has news for Lani. Lani gushes about the wedding, and then Jules cries. Later, Paulina has calmed the infant using a technique she perfected on young Lani until Tamara demanded to have her all to herself. Paulina wants to confess something to Lani who doesn't ever want to call her "mama".

Bayview: Dayplayer Nurse doesn't want to let Eli & Julie see Doug. She has called Mar-Devil who demands they be stalled until she can arrive. This takes 30 minutes. Mar-devil-lena and Julie and Eli discuss their options with empty threats and no plot movement. Julie calls the eyes of "Marlena" cold.

Marlena’s Office: John is breaking laws. Only Marlena's voice is on the tape. She's talking about Doug to the listener. Kayla catches him and berates him. He takes a bit to tell her what he's discovered because she doesn't want to hear it lest they further violate Salem’s ever-flexible interpretation of patient privacy laws, but he manages to convince her he heard another voice.

Outside the Pub: Gabi calls Jake.

Bushy Clearing by the Square: Replay of Jake holding the gun on Carmine. Carmine (who killed Jed Zanetti) thinks Jake is weak. He puts his hypothesis to the test and gets the gun from Jake. Abe comes upon them, Carmine swings to aim, Jake tries to stop him. Carmine pulls the trigger. Carmine flees and leaves the gun by Jake as he's trying to help Abe. Jake calls for help. Later, Rafe and the EMTs arrive. Rafe spots the gun and arrests Jake.

Outside the Pub: Carmine and Gabi have an altercation. She recognises him from Ava's file. He splits.

Bayview: Mar-devil-lena and Julie are continuing to discuss her seeing Doug, Eli gets a call from Rafe. Rafe tells him Abe's been shot. (Rafe wants Eli to be able to tell Lani.) Eli leaves. Mar-devil-lena and Julie discuss where Julie will go; they settle upon St Luke’s. Mar-devil-lena reacts to some rosary beads Julie has.

Marlena’s Office: Kayla gets the call about Abe, tells John. John will wait outside the OR to be berated by Kayla.

Interrogation Room: Jake clams up. Rafe smirks and struts. Rafe makes a vow to make the responsible party pay. Jake wants his phone call. He calls Gabi. She arrives promptly. They recap. Jake didn't want to incriminate himself since it was his gun and he was threatening a murderer with it. (What a dope.) Gabi will talk to Rafe; she wants Abe to pull through and exonerate Jake. (She's also mad at Ava for starting this.) Jake wants Abe to pull through because he's a good man with a family. He feels guilty.

JJ's Apartment: Lani and Paulina are still doing laps around their silly plot point when Eli arrives with the news that Abe, who is the father of Lani, has been shot.

OR/ER: Abe is critical, in shock from blood loss. His blood pressure is dropping.

Nurses Area: John is pacing. Lani, Paulina, and Eli arrive with the twins and nobody knows anything so they speculate for a bit. Paulina wants to see Abe, won't be talked down so she leaves. Lani goes to stop her. Eli tells John he was at Bayview with Marlena and Julie when he got Rafe's call. John is worried about Julie with Marlena; Eli tells John that Julie texted him that she's going to St Luke's with Marlena.

St Luke’s (across from the hospital): Julie engages in some rituals with water and candles. As she prays, Mardevil thinks about how fantastic it was when she desecrated this place; she's looking forward to it. Mardevil plots to drown Julie in the font where Julie's "grandbabies" were christened. At the moment Mardevil is committed to act, John shouts to them from outside the room. He enters and shoos Julie. He confronts the devil.

OR/ER: Paulina enters and looks at Abe. Kayla orders her out. Lani collects her errant relation.

Nurses Station: Lani deposits Paulina on a couch. They speculate about motive. Paulina is pinning her hopes on the wedding.

OR/ER: They’re losing Abe.

St Luke's: John calls the devil out. Mardevil speaks, there's nothing you can do John Black. END

Glossary. Marlena is Marlena. "Marlena" means the character is thought to be Marlena by her scene partner/s. Mar-Devil is when the yellow contacts and/or the voice modulator are in use. Mar-devil-lena refers to Marlena when she’s not visibly possessed.
I can see why Deidre Hall would enjoy this. She's front and center, well lit, and being given a chance to stretch as an actor. She's doing a great job.

The story is idiotic. Why can't John dump that water on Marlena? How does this theology work? Why am I asking when I know the show will do whatever it can to break its own logic, sometimes within the same scene?
Carmine blaming Jake for causing him to shoot Abe beyond stupid but yet.... typical Days....

Rafe yet again jumping the gun and arresting Jake with absolutely no proof or evidence. He didn't witness the shooting, when he got there he saw Jake offering first aide and a gun and put 2 and 2 together and got 17...... Salem PD at it's finest...... perhaps allowing Shawn to go visit his daughter and Eli to take a day isn't the greatest thing if the commissioner has to take gun shot calls......

Ron’s constant word play, Julie saying Demonizing you, attempts at being clever hit the mark 50% of the time.....

I agree.... Deidre Hall/Marlena has to be enjoying this.... too bad it's the best part of the show and so many folks are turning out....
How many times are they going to start Paulina telling the truth and someone walks in? Maybe once or twice, OK - but it seems like it has been 47 times by now and by this point, many people don't care anymore.

So, what would happen if Abe needs a blood transfusion or something and when Lani goes to donate, they announce that she does not share Abe's DNA? I guess that wouldn't matter for blood, but maybe he will need something else that could come from a family member.

Also, I read in another recap that Paulina went right to saying that she wondered if Abe was shot because he is Black? Her whole character is horrible and should go. Barging into a working surgical room would contaminate EVERYTHING and they (if it was a real hospital) would have to stop and re-sterilize everything, which puts Abe in jeopardy since he is so badly injured. Plus, she would never have access to just walk into a surgery. She jumps to more conclusions than Rafe does!
Julie saying Demonizing you, attempts at being clever hit the mark 50% of the time
I agree with this statistic. Some of them are out-of-the-park; some are out-of-this-world.
t seems like it has been 47 times by now and by this point, many people don't care anymore.
I counted 47 in this episode alone. It's not even clear why we should care, or why Lani would care at all.
And yes, that question as to maybe why someone shot Abe WAS asked, & my jaw dropped. I just cannot believe that anyone would have approved that line of dialogue.
He isn't called Re-Ron for nothing.......that "Paulina almost tells" scene has been repeated so often, yep, who cares any more. Honestly, it is truly a shame what they have written for the Paulina character, played by an actress most liked a lot, so naturally expected to really like Paulina, who can't leave town soon enough for many.
Honestly, I do hope that this possession junk is over soon. Yes, the actress is having a lot of fun, but the viewers aren't. Oh, some like this, I know.......but so many are skipping over the scenes, not watching, etc.
I am afraid that once they got a two-year renewal, all bets are off and Re-Ron is free to mess up anything he wants. I also think that he knows this will be the last renewal and then it will go to Peacock or something and he is determined to just play with his toy and he doesn't care who likes what he is doing. As is often the case when he has people playing unpopular characters and they seem to be having fun, it is the viewers who suffer (or don't suffer because they aren't watching). And the fact that they have said that the possession story will run through Christmas is turning off a lot of viewers. The Paulina character is turning off a lot of viewers, and leaving many fans of the actress disappointed and disgusted. I have a mental image of Re-Ron sitting twiddling his fingers and tweaking his Snidely Whiplash mustache, wondering what else he can destroy. It is really such a shame to see what has become of a once great legacy show that many of us watched with our mothers or grandmothers.
Wouldn't Julie have the right to move her husband to another facility? A single doctor couldn't just dictate these things against the family's wishes. Nevermind. I know they make up their own rules. At least the possession appears to be out in the open. I really, really hope this is over by Halloween. They're not doing anything interesting with this storyline so far. I'm over it.

I'm also over the will she or won't she spill the beans deal with Paulina. The merry-go-round today was just annoying.

None of this is entertaining, dramatic tension.

Count me in on not understanding why Rafe would immediately leap to the conclusion that Jake is the shooter. Jake isn't holding the gun. It's a few feet away, and he was stanching the wound when they arrive. If anything, pulling Jake away before the paramedics can get to Abe's side could put him at risk. This is the writers once again going with plot convenience over character and sense.

Jake lives in Rafe's house, dates his sister, and has not shown any violent tendencies. Rafe doesn't know that Jake has a gun or anything about Jed Zanetti, so wouldn't he arrive on the scene and assume that Jake was helping Abe? It's convenient for the plot to have Rafe do otherwise, but nothing in their relationship or in the scene that he walks in on explains why Rafe would pull his gun and arrest Jake right off the bat. There's nothing suspicious until after they get to the station, and Jake clams up.

The only good parts: this is definitely the thing that will lead to Rafe and Ava splitting. Once it's all untangled (as all the plots are eventually), that Ava's machinations against Gabi led to Abe being shot isn't going to be easy for Rafe to get over unless they make him Brady-level delusional about his girlfriend's tendencies. Plus, this mob stuff has (hopefully) put an end to Jake and Gabi's world domination plan to take over Titan, which was stupid. Surely now all they want is to get out of this mess and have Gabi keep her company.
Thanks, Jason. I like your explanation at the bottom of who Marlena is and when. I also like how you keep
saying JJs apartment.

I knew yesterday after Abe was shot that Paulina wouldn't get to tell Lani again the truth. Will she try to tell
her again another time?

And I wasn't surprised John wouldn't hear anything on the when Doug talked. I hope Kayla listens to it before
she gives it back to Demon Marlena.

Julie was right one when she talked to "Marlena" at Bayview. She said her eyes were cold and she didn't have
any compassion.

Julie was lucky John arrived to save the day.

Good ending with John and the one who isn't his wife. I think he was surprised the devil come out and told him
was correct.
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Julie could easily fire Marlena, get another doctor on Doug's case, even move him to another hospital. Julie has the say so, not Marlena. Robin noted, this stupid, inane story could not drag on and on. (However, considering his age, this storyline doesn't require a lot of extra work for the actor playing Doug (Bill Hayes) bless his heart.
I agree the writing of this show has bottomed out. I’ve watched over 30 years and I’ve watched less this past year than I have since I started in the late 80’s. And I’m slowly convincing myself it’s time to stop watching all-together. I have watched maybe three episodes in the last 3 months and none were appealing or causing me to want to tune in the next day. It’s really sad. I have been loyal over the years to this show because of characters I loved and the hope for a return to better writing one day. But realistically - it’s not going to get better. I have no idea what’s going on with half the characters on the show- mostly because I don’t watch and don’t care. I wanted to see what the possession revival would look like but when I tuned in yesterday it was making me cringe and I could not believe how horribly it is being done. The set of St. Luke’s has been reduced to a one wall room with a stained glass in the middle and a couple pews to sit on. I cannot fathom Days getting renewed again if this is the quality that is being produced currently. I’ve been having more fun last few months rewatching old episodes from the 1990’s on YouTube- the channel is D Goldenson if anyone is interested. That’s when good stories were done on Days.
@tennisdocc, I haven't actually watched a show since the last time Sami came back, but I still look forward to reading the recaps every day. It really wasn't hard to stop watching and now, I don't think I could watch. As I said above, I remember watching this show with my mom and am saddened by the turn it has taken. But, I truly appreciate the people who watch it for us and provide the great summaries. (I just knew that as soon as I started watching again, Sami would be back and I hate how the show makes every scene with her over the top and loud and ridiculous.)
This show is so sad right now, no interest in it. I have watched this show since the beginning !! I always loved this show and stayed loyal to it even after they went from 1/2 hr to hour and gave up others to watch it. I have never seen this show in such a shambles that it is now. They keep repeating stories , and this possession story is crazy to do it again. Why is it that the writers just cannot write new stories. Some stories just don't make sense either!! I hate to see this show go off the air but I am afraid that they are ruining it for them to take it off the air!!!
I am glad I’m not the only one that stopped watching when the Mardevil started. And Jonny’s movie. I don’t want to go through that again. It dragged on and on and on. I’d the writers run out of idea and recycling this? Ughhhh. It was very easy to stop watching Days.