Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 4, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 4, 2019

Replay of Lani & Vivian standoff, Stefan running out, getting shot. Viv screams, Lani stands pat, says put down the gun, Viv throws it to the side as she sinks down besides Stefan, who is holding hands to throat, gushing blood thru mouth, etc. Lani calls for help, saying GSW (gunshot wound) and to send the bus??? Stefan has been gurgling words to Viv, plane, airport, run. Viv picks up her gun and is leaving, despite Lani telling her she is under arrest, blah, blah. Lani is now down on her knees next to Stefan. Viv leaves, and we next see Stefan being wheeled into hospital, EMT saying shot in carotid artery, Kayla sending to Trauma room. 2.

Gabi is still in bed, fingering her heart necklace, smiling. She has a dream of Stefan coming back, waking her up, saying mother is gone, she says they can now live their lives in peace, not quite, he replies. She asks why, caresses his face, fingers are bloody. She calls out to him , he doesn't answer, is starting to fade. Bedroom door opens, Viv comes in, tells her to get to hospital now, Stefan shot, took bullet meant for me. Gabi looks stunned.

Later, Viv is there alone, her phone rings, evidently the pilot is calling, she tells him to wait til she gets there!

Doug wheels the bathrobe clad Julie into the empty club, she wanted to just be with him, without the smell of disinfectant and rice pudding. They talk lovingly to each other, and bring up various things during the years they have been together, with Doug first talking of the first time he saw Julie. Lots and lots of clips of their life together. At one point she wants a mirror and her makeup bag, remarking how bad she looks. Doug offers to help her, remembering he is no slouch in the make-up dept., cue clip of him as a clown. He brushes on the foundation/powder, tho Julie thinks it really doesn't help.

Jack has gone to see Eve, apologizes for accusing her of trashing the lab, tells it was Shah. She makes some snarky remarks as she sips her martini, it takes her a while, but in their conversation, she realizes he is talking of something from the past, how does he know. Oh, he has memory back. She asks if Rolf, no, it was me. He talks of love for Jennifer, & how they will never be separated again. Eve reminds him they are married still, and she can prolong any divorce. Jack tells her the divorce will come about, face it, nothing she can do about it.

Eli & Abe talking in hospital. Where is Julie, probably for tests. Hope is with Jennifer, who fills her in on being fine after kidnapping, Jack getting memory back. Jen has a plate of donuts she made for Julie. Hope tries to take one, but Jenn says no, she made "book club" donuts. Takes Hope a bit, before she realizes Jen made “pot donuts”. Jenn talks of that one ingredient tends to make someone in Julie's position, more comfortable. They go in Julie's room, no Julie. Eventually, Kayla comes in, saying where's Julie. They all thought she had her for tests. Nope, no tests. Hope gets message from Doug, Julie with him, they are o.k.

Hope figures she knows where they are.

Jack returns to the hospital, Jen is waiting for him, he tells her about apologizing to Eve, trying to get her to put an end to her revenge plots. He doesn't know if she will do so. Both he & Jen agree that there is nothing Eve can throw at them, they will survive it together.

Abe finds Lani, waiting for word, all upset about having shot Stefan, she tells Abe the story. He comforts her, she talks of all the blood, etc. Gabi arrives, long dirty look for Lani, who is so sorry. Gabi will deal with her later, but is obviously angry at her. She goes to Stefan's room, he has crashed, Kayla & a nurse are using the paddles, etc. They manage to bring him back.

Julie & Doug are still talking of their years, their wedding, the vows, etc. (Give these two their Emmys now!) She would love to dance again (yes,more clips) he starts humming and takes her wheelchair, twirling it around as he tra-la-las, then makes up words about how they are gonna get caught. She is smiling, so happy. He kisses her, she is so happy, then appears to die. He is upset, Eli & Hope come rushing in, stop when they see Julie, all are crying, Hope hugging her dad.

Eve is out of booze, not happy. Looks at pic of Paige, talks aloud of having nothing here in Salem anymore, except your grave. She sets the picture down, repeats it, nothing for me in Salem anymore.

Kayla sees Gabi, tells her Stefan lost a lot of blood, crashed, they brought him back. Gabi is all hopeful, so now he will recover. But Kayla says the brain was deprived of blood when he lost so much. Cue Viv, in her Dr. Cramer disguise, standing in doorway, listening. Kayla is sorry, but the EEG has shown no activity. Stefan is brain dead. Gabi is shocked.... Viv pulls down her mask, sobs.
I thought it was funny how Lani sat there in the waiting area, covered in Stefan's blood and using a paper towel of some sort to wipe her hands. It's my understanding that police officers carry rubber gloves in case they have to deal with blood. And if they are exposed to blood in the line of duty, they are immediately taken by medical personnel to be washed down and disinfected, and have to be tested for bloodborne diseases for x-amount of months after the exposure.

I know someone who delivered a baby (not a medical professional) and the police/paramedics who showed up cleaned them up afterwards, and said they should be tested for bloodborne diseases every 3-4 months for a year.
I am betting Julie just appeared to die. Because I think if she actually died, they can't do a heart transplant on her? I can only assume it will be Stefan's heart since he is brain dead. Why did they even bring him on? Poor Gabi. I think she really did love him.

All of the clips from previous Doug and Julie were really nice to see. I will say they did make Julie look really sick. Their reminiscing was sad.

They mention Paige so much I keep waiting for her to be the next one back from the dead.
With Stefan bleeding so profusely, Lani didn't have much time to think of gloves. I guess I said it before, but I actually liked this actor, sorry to see him go. I was so hoping it was Vivian. I guess everyone in Salem are compatible as Kate and Stefan can give Julie a heart. I have enjoyed Doug and Julie---and I can remember the clips!
Eve threatened to sue Jack today, so let's check on this and other possible Salem legal actions.

Eve Donovan Deveraux v. Jack Deveraux for harassment. This one is a total loser. By Salem's standards, Jack's interactions with Eve hardly constitute harassment. If somehow Eve got a jury award, it would for something like 50 cents.

Jack Deveraux v. Eve Donovan Deveraux for an annulment on the grounds of mental incapacity. Jack could argue that as a total amnesiac he was unable to give informed consent to a marriage with Eve.

Estate of Stefan O. DiMera v. City of Salem for negligence, asking damages for his pain and suffering before death. This could be a winner. Since Zero was shot in the throat by a bullet aimed a Viv who was directly behind him, he had to be right in front of Lani when she fired. Therefore, it's arguable that she should have seen Zero and was therefore negligent when she fired her pistol.

Gabriella Hernandez DiMera v. City of Salem for wrongful death. If the negligence action by Zero's estate succeeds, this one is a slam dunk. As Mrs. Zero, Gabi could then sue for the financial support she would have gotten from him over his lifetime and for the loss of his companionship. Since Zero was presumably a high-earner, a jury award could be huge. Ted would have been salivating over taking this case. After he won the case, his contingency fee would have been so big that he could have then joined the exclusive Salem Country Club and rubbed elbows with Roman's one-time admirer, Giselle van Hopper, and the rest of the cream of Salem society.
I am really trying to not be so negative, but I had to literally laugh when they wheeled the gurney with Stefan past the desk on a regular floor - that is NOT an ER!!! Also, Lani looked like she was covered with finger paint, and that was not the consistency of blood coming out of Stefan. They couldn't even spring for some "real" fake blood? I wouldn't have mentioned it, but since so many of you already did. . . (she also hugged her father in his nice suit, so he needs to check the back of his jacket for blood stains).
Thanks, Poirot.

Sad time in Salem.

The dream Gabi had with Stefan was freaky since she touched his
neck and there was blood on her hand.

Will Stefan die? Maybe Dr Rolf has a serum to make a brain un-dead.

It was tissue time watching scenes and flashbacks with Doug and Julie.

I was shocked when Jen told Hope she made Julie "special" donuts.

Julie had the line of the day when she told Doug "not much sand left in
this little hourglass"
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Thanks for the summary!
I loved the idea that Jen acknowledged that the "special" ingredient in the donuts would help Julie feel better! It is "a fact",

The writers have done a very good job with the Doug/Julie scenes. I love love!

Will Eve really leave Salem - could my wishes come true? Maybe she'd like to take Kristen and Viv with her!!:love:

Jack did a good job with Eve - in my opinion. I'm liking the man he is now. I understand how excited Jen must be to have him back from the dead...I think it would be easy to overlook the man he was when he had amnesia. I love love!
Well I have to give the show credit - it really feels like Julie is dying. So bravo, it's no longer just a hospital story, and they're actually making a few people think perhaps she's on her way out. (Not me though. Too many spare murders this week.) I like the flashbacks of the 2nd Doug/Julie wedding, too.

The macabre part of me wonders if this is preparing for Doug's demise, since he is much older than she. Of course I hope he's with us a long time, but he is 94. It was nice to see the memories.

The rest of the show - insulting, stupid, awful. I keep imagining that the Stefan dying and bleeding out his neck is Tyler Christopher's version. That makes me OK with it.

Perhaps there's a lookalike 2nd cousin of Chad & Stefan's out there who can romance Gabi, now that she's through with the usable branches of the Horton tree.
I would say Lani is a bad cop but heck by Salem standards she is an average cop because everyone is a bad cop. None of them have any idea what they are doing as evidenced by Lani and Eli standing around slack-jawed while crazy Kristen held a gun on Marlena, thank goodness for Susan.