Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Oct. 5, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 5, 2018

Maggie tells Eric she lied to him previously, does know where Nicole is, writes the address down. Says Nicole is renting her daughter Sarah’s old apartment. Eric takes off. Maggie sits with Chloe, wanting to hear about Lucas, who evidently has gone with Bonnie to get the baby. Chloe is not too sure about the baby, is worried that it might take after big sister Mimi, who was very mean to Chloe, did terrible things, and Chloe just cannot forget. Maggie notes that Mimi had a terrible childhood, but this baby is a clean slate, will be it’s own person, raised by a great father, Lucas, with Chloe right there helping. Chloe is worried that while Lucas is committed to his sobriety, all this aggravation might cause a relapse. Maggie assures her that Lucas cares about this child, and will be fine.

Over to the cop shop, where Lucas has brought Bonnie, being she broke her end of their bargain. He got Adrienne to not press charges, but dragging him all the way to Brookville, and no sign of the baby. So Bonnie is going to prison. She claims there is a reason, asks him to let her make a phone call. He refuses, but caves, lets her use his phone, even going outside the door to give her privacy. She calls someone, asking where they are, where is the baby. Lucas comes in, Bonnie quickly hangs up, deletes the phone number she called, returns the phone. Now wants to take him somewhere else. He is reluctant, but agrees. They enter a living room, no baby. He is having a fit, is going to drag her back to the station, they hear a baby, and for some reason, behind a curtain, there she is. Lucas is too happy to ask questions, Bonnie now wants him to leave, no dice, he is taking the baby. She says he cannot have custody, she just got out of jail, 1st night with daughter. Lucas retorts it is his first time ever, see you tomorrow and out he goes, baby carrier, baby and all. Door shuts, Bonnie yells, “you can come out now”. Mimi storms into the room, Mom, what the blazes have you done with MY baby? She looks out in the hall, but Lucas is long gone.

Abby & Stefan are waiting in the hospital to see Marlena, Kayla spots them, what is going on. Abby takes her some steps away, explains she thinks she is getting sick again. She tells all, the falling asleep, time lapses, texting Stefan. Kayla says she was taking naps all the time when pregnant with Joey, not to worry, she will talk to Marlena, and let her know. Go home, get rest. Stefan says he will drive her, she refuses, leaves. Now Stefan & Kayla have a verbal battle. She is not afraid of him, if he wants to blind her husband now, go ahead, we have been through worse. She warns that Abigail would be very upset with him to learn he forced Kayla to give him her medical records. He figures Abby will be upset with aunt Kayla for doing so. He thinks Kayla is doing well against him, but he is holding more cards, has a better hand. Kayla retorts she is a champ poker player, and will bet on herself.

Kate sits in the square, where else, Roman spots her, small talk, chit chat, but finally sits down, joining her. He gets to the nitty gritty, knows Stefan is blackmailing Kate to do his bidding, she has flashbacks, realizes it was Kayla who gave Stefan the pics of her, Leo & Ted. Roman says Kayla feels terrible, he wants to get them both out from under Stefan’s thumb, fix everything. No, Kate doesn’t know anything about Leo & Ted disappearing, Roman figures she is lying. He wants to work with her, they both are smart, determined, & can do it, but he needs to know every detail. Kate refuses, cannot take the risk, Roman figures she knows how to handle risks, avoid them, etc. She is reluctant, but at last, she decides it will be worth it. She stands up, shakes his hand, they have a deal.

Chad sits on the floor of the bedroom, the black long haired wig in hand, despondent. Downstairs, Jennifer has come in, is going over the mail, bills, bills, bills, but sees an envelope, opens it, some sort of invitation at Doug’s Place. She recalls giving Eric back his rings, is sad. Chad appears, startling her, he is looking for Abby, and finally decides to tell Jen everything, pulls out the wig, tells all that Gabi had told him. Jen is worried, as is Chad, Abby arrives. What is going on. They avoid for only a minute or so, but he shows the wig he found, they are worried, Abby tries to brush it all aside, doesn’t know anything really, went to hospital, Marlena sleeping, Aunt Kayla will call her tomorrow. She doesn’t like that Gabi told Chad so much, he is blaming himself, says lst time this happened was right after Thomas was born, and now she is pregnant, he left the house, wants to help her. He knows she texted Stefan, Abby mad Gabi told all. She wants nothing to do with Stefan. She gets pretty angry, tells him that what she goes thru not any of his or Stefan’s business, not go thru her things without her permission, stalks off, going upstairs.

Lucas brings the baby to Doug’s place, showing Maggie & Chloe, who ooh and ahhh.

Eric is in a hallway, stops before room 312, knocks, no answer, he looks around (by the way, this is supposed to be Nashville) . He is about to leave, the door opens, there is Nicole, each stare at the other.
Holy history! I wish we didn't have to wait 19 weeks between great episodes like this.
Kayla retorts she is a champ poker player, and will bet on herself.
More importantly, fans like her, and they hate the rapist. Kayla has also faced down Orpheus and Stefano and come out smelling like a rose. This loser guy doesn't stand a chance.
(by the way, this is supposed to be Nashville)
The outside looked a lot like the Martin house, with an extra door (I think one of the MH scenes had a door there, too, hard to recall) and a bad paint job. I'm glad they remembered Sarah went to Nashville.

Yeah, like anvils falling all over the place. Chloe mentions
Maggie mentioned daughter Sarah, who lives in Nashville, Nicole renting her place
Roman mentions Cassie & Rex.......admittedly, I do not remember him doing so, guess I missed it.
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I live in the Chicago viewing area and the last 15 minutes was interrupted for a special report on Jason Van Dyke jury had a verdict so I missed Nicole and Mimi!! I'm gonna record overnight and hope they replay whole episode.

I hope Abigail starts figuring out that Gabi is up to no good. She has to. Gabi just happens to get into a conversation with Stefan? It appears Chad is going to stick by Abigail.

I just knew it was Mimi's baby but how did Bonnie finagle that paternity test then?
Guess we will find out next week, but there are folks who think either Bonnie paid off the lab tech...........or else, the fact that Mimi is her daughter, thus they share DNA, and possible the father is related to Lucas. ???
I would think in that case, there were less markers than the 99% positive that other paternity tests get. But I am no medical person.
I just knew it was Mimi's baby but how did Bonnie finagle that paternity test then?
Inquiring minds want to know.
nd possible the father is related to Lucas. ???
That would be a stretch because of the specificity of the markers and his number of matches. (I've been researching this since they made such a big deal about tamper-proofing the test.) Well, anywhere but Salem it would. I'm glad Lucas is getting story but he better not be hurt by this.
Roman mentions Cassie & Rex.......admittedly, I do not remember him doing so, guess I missed it.
I don't think he name-dropped them, he just said that he & Kate share two kids. She mentions they do, but they weren't conceived in love (were any of Kate's non-Lucas kids conceived in love? LOL), and it's hardly a bond for them.
So, Abigail lets Stefan go with her to the hospital, lets him manipulate her, even she puts words in his mouth. Yet, she gets angry at Chad, instead of confiding in him. O.K. Yeah, of course, she's the poor victim in all this, yet again. She does nothing wrong. Gabi is pure evil, Abigail is just pure. We get it. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that Gabi is right in doing what she's doing. But I can get her frustration and her desire for revenge, seeing how Abigail gets away with everything and keeps being arrogant instead of really trying to work through her problems. I mean, what if Gabby was really back? Why is Abigail not running towards Chad, leaning on him? Noooooooooo! Let's instead talk to Stefan. :angry:
The problem I have is Gabi's "revenge" plot. She knows Abby was mentally ill, not responsible, doesn't even remember. I cannot blame her for being angry, but to plot revenge on Abigail?? To go so far as to drug a pregnant woman? To report all her lies to Chad? No, Gabi is not doing this for revenge on Abby, she wants Chad, resents that he went right back to his wife after she came out of treatment.
Stefan is the one who initially framed Gabi, who plotted the camera catching a woman in Gabi's coat going into Andre's office, who hid the coat in Ari's backpack, all of it. And she does absolutely nothing to him? She thinks telling him the baby is not his after all is it? Give me a break! Heck, for all she knows, Stefan will think it a lie, steal the baby. Just as Kristen did long ago. She tried stealing Baby Brady (after she lost her own pregnancy) so pretended to still be pregnant, in order to have John marry her..........and years later, actually stole the fetus right out of Theresa, so she could carry Brady's baby and deliver it. Ugh.
Gabi is doing nothing, absolutely nothing to Stefan.
Don't you wonder why she doesn't start up another company, since hers was ripped away from her? Nope, she just keeps working at it, making Stefan money. Sigghhhh.
I cannot blame her for being angry, but to plot revenge on Abigail?? To go so far as to drug a pregnant woman?

I agree, Poirot, believe me, I don't condone Gabi's actions. I just wish, once again, there would be balance. Right now, Abigail, though mentally ill, got off wayyyyy too easy. While Gabi got punished by going to prison, and punished again by getting beat up and not be able to have kids anymore. Abigail? Arrogant, can do no wrong, apologizes but with a haughty tone. That's what gets to me. And that's why I don't see Abigail as a poor victim and Gabi as pure evil. Nope.
Thanks, Poirot.

Kate and Roman are working together. Was this the writers original plan
or is
Roman replacing someone else?

Maggie mentions Sarah and that Nicole is living in her apartment in Nashville.
When was the last time Sarah was mentioned and did we know she's a
doctor in Chicago?

It was funny when Kate called Kayla a "gate keeper" for Marlena. Then we saw her
do it to Abby.

So baby Bonnie is actually Mimi's baby. Is Bonnie the baby's real name?

The way Abby talked to Chad and Jennifer at the end reminded me of when she
was "Dr Laura"
I don't think he name-dropped them, he just said that he & Kate share two kids.
No, he said they share two kids and specifically said their names. It literally made me look up from my computer.
When was the last time Sarah was mentioned and did we know she's a doctor in Chicago?
I think the last time Sarah was mentioned by name was when Eve came back to Salem, and Maggie made a comment about how Eve hit Sarah with a car back in the day.

As to her being a doctor in Chicago, that's brand new info. Another Horton doctor.
am convinced Roman now has story intended for Steve originally.

As to Abby, the mistake was having her "apologize" for something she never knew she was the alters...and Stefan!..Compounded with just a two week intensive stay with Gramma Laura (currently in India) to shove those alters away...well. they said integrate them....... Travesty on writers' part.
She was not of sound mind, obviously....and she now is living with her mother, her husband moved out, they lost their home.... & now she believes she is pregnant by someone not her husband, a result of rape...........and unbeknownst to her, her pregnancy is in jeopardy along with her life because of being drugged, & manipulated.
I just loved the nice surprises today towards the end. Interesting Chloe mentioning about how Mimi used to be mean to her. Then it turns out Mimi has been letting Bonnie use her baby. Think the writers want to throw us off and make us think it was Sheila to come out and not Mimi.
specifically said their names
Ooh! I remember that now. I was explaining to a few folks on twitter who they were - and I couldn't remember for sure if I brought their names to the table in that discussion or not. Thanks for clarifying.

In the world of Days, you can leave town to be a country singer and end up a doctor. NOT EVEN in Salem. What's next, Dr Claire Brady? LOL
hen it turns out Mimi has been letting Bonnie use her baby
Speculation: Bonnie asked for the baby/was babysitting and went rogue. We'll see though.
LOL, however do you watch and do twitter at same time? LOL, I tried writing during commercials, just did not work for me. And I watch and do nothing else, (unless the phone rings, lol...but then it is business so no choice)

Would Mimi be in on the scheme, with Bonnie bribing her in some way??? I like your "adoption" idea.