Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sep. 11, 2020


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Western Wisconsin
John's Hospital Room: Marlena is sleeping on John's bed with him when Sami comes in. Sami is worried about Marlena, who is concerned about Sami's selfish, dangerous actions in releasing Jan Spears. Sami tries to deflect, but Marlena won't hear it. Sami pretends to be on Jan's side for her mental health, but Marlena doesn't buy it, and hopes for Sami's sake Jan is really recovered. Sami realiZes...she's not wrong, everything she wants/does is right, and she has to go to court. She leaves; Marlena tells John she needs him now.

Eric & Nicole's Apartment: The couple wakes up. Nicole describes a transparent dream about Baby Boy. Eric believes they will win; Nicole worries that his optimism usually portends failure. Eric says their marriage, family with Holly, and life in Salem is all good, and they should focus on that, rather than past misdeeds. They do some smooching; later, they get a call to go to the courthouse.

Brady's Salem Inn Room: The couple are decoupling. Kristen bolts to get Rachel before Eli gets home. She calls Lani, see below.

JJ's Apartment: Eli comes in, but only for a break. Lani is worried that he needs sleep. He tells her they "found Ciara" but it's bad. He recaps. Kristen calls her, apologizing for being late, but Lani says it's fine. She relays the Ciara news. Lani tells Kristen she has Eli handled, hangs up. Eli overheard, reacts poorly to being "handled" in favor of that "criminal sociopath". Lani defends Haley's murder. Eli says it's their job to defend the law, he doesn't want to bring their babies into a world where the bad guys win. She deflects, accusing him of misdirecting his sadness over Ciara at her. Eli leaves.

Square: Justin runs into Kayla, it's been a while. Kayla recaps Ciara's gruesome but unconfirmed demise. There are a few scenes of them mourning together.

Salem Inn: Brady has received the Ciara news, is processing it, but decides he needs to go be with Victor, who adored Ciara. Kristen says no way, if you go, we won't be here when you get back. Brady is stunned; they disagree over whether or not Victor deserves this suffering and whether or not he is repentant. She tells him to go see the pathetic old man; he starts to leave, but decides to stay. He says he's here for his dad. She says she'll never come between him and his family. Brady says Kristen & Rachel are his family.

Courthouse: Eric and Nicole are processing the news about Ciara, Sami overhears. She is momentarily struck, but won't talk to Eric about anything. The judge is ready. The Judge knows about Sami's history as she is a long-time resident of Salem, reads her the riot act for turning the hearing into a circus, and after some pontificating, lifts Sami's restraining order.

John's Hospital Room: Marlena gets a Ciara update from Kayla. Marlena feels guilty about her cancelling an appointment which could have changed the Ben/Ciara outcome; Kayla tells her she made the right call. Kayla tells Marlena they must bring John out of the coma, because his cardiac function is weakening. Brady comes in, gets an update. Marlena tells him to flee with his family, he wants to stay here. Later, Marlena talks to Belle on the phone, says she can stay with her family (Claire and Shawn-D) and grieve Ciara.

Inn/JJ's: Lani and Kristen talk on the phone; Lani will bring Kristen the baby so nobody sees her. Kristen learns that Eli knows, worries that she'll be turned in. Lani says that won't happen. Lots of thank yous, you'd-do-it-for-mes, blah blah. There's a knock. Kristen thinks it's chow time, but Eli is there.

John's Hospital Room: Marlena and Brady talk about John's condition, and uncertainty. John's eyes open.

Courtroom: Because Allie cannot be reached for a sworn statement, Judge Rose Duncan awards Sami custody as the nearest living, available relative. END
Sami getting custody is absolutely ridiculous! I thought this judge had brain. I hope Allie comes back ASAP.

I literally cringe every time I see Brady and Kristen going at it. How on earth did these writers decide they were soul mates? Ugh. I hate it. I still hate that they gave her a child. A child conceived in rape but of course they don't acknowledge that.
thanks, Jason. I will say, Ali Sweeney (Sami) has done a superb job of making Sami even more unliked & nasty than she was before. Of course, headwriter gets some credit, too. Even the judge admonishing her, telling her to stop talking, did not deter Sami from interrupting. I really wish the Judge had said she WAS going to give custody to Sami, but instead, is holding her in contempt of court, issuing a fine, and awarding temp custody to Eric & Nicole.

Marlena trying to stay strong for all of the family! Happy that Brady is there with her.

Kristen telling Brady if he goes to be with his grandfather (over Ciara) she & Rachel won't be there when he gets back. Brady countering with how she aided Stefano when he asked for her help. She says but he's my father, Brady replies ...and did I ever once tell you not to, after all the terrible things he did to MY family! Glad that got mentioned.

Yeah to Marlena telling Sami off, but good.
I agree. Plus it was said forensics will be going over everything.

While Nicole & Eric were kinder to Sami, than she was to them....I liked that the judge noted that while Sami made all those semi-substantiated charges, the judge herself is long time resident, aware of Sami's "colorful history". LOLOL
I'm beyond annoyed that NONE of Sami's past crimes/sins/schemes were brought up. Do the writers think Samantha Gene walks on water?? :angry:
It's doubtful that they think Sami walks on water, but they certainly have written Justin as the world's worst lawyer. Any attorney who was prepared would have anticipated Sami introducing Nicole's many past misdeeds and been ready with witnesses who could testify to all of Sami's outrages.

Judge Rose Duncan: She indicated that he awarded custody to Sami because she's the child's closest living relative. She seems to have forgotten what she said at the start of the hearing: that the standard in custody hearings is the best interests of the child.

Eli: Abe should give him a key to the city. It appears that he is one Salem police officer who's going to do his job. Wherever he is, Bo Brady is giving Detective Grant a rousing round of applause.

Brady & Kristen: Who wants to look at these two in bed? I'd rather see Jake and Gwen heating up a DiMansion bedroom. As for the "new" Kristen, she seemed like the same old model today: calling Victor a "pathetic old man" and characterizing Brady's plans to provide consolation about Ciara as "crawling back" to him.

Marlena: If any family members want to provide reassurance about John, they should point out that he always comes of his comas no matter how bad things looked.
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem and Marlena finally changed clothes.

Poor, poor Justin. He lost his case and Sami never went to college or law school.

It's too bad Allie didn't rush in before the judge gave her verdict.

I'm glad the judge knows about Sami's past.

Why is everyone so upset about Ciara being dead? This is Salem. How many people
who live there have been dead? Some several times :)

Kristen needs a hearing test. I could tell it was Eli at the door.

I enjoyed the scenes with Sami and Marlena. Marlena really told Sami off.
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Thank you for watching and writing up this summary, Jason. I don't know if there will be enough space in between things I don't want to watch, for me to fast forward and get through this.

These things have already been mentioned, but it's highly irritating to me that they are all assuming Ciara died in the fire, when indications were that she wasn't. I'm not going to watch the premature mourning.

I simply can't watch Sami getting custody of the baby.

I won't watch Brady and Kristen in bed or anywhere else. Besides, if Lani was going to take the baby to her now, why hasn't Kristen had the baby right along? I'm glad Eli is doing what he's supposed to do. There is no reason or excuse for Kristen to even be in Salem and Lani shouldn't feel obligated to enable her.

Kat, I was so hoping Allie would come dashing in at the last minute before the judge made a ruling. As for the judge knowing of Sami's past misdeeds, that makes it even more disappointing to me that she awarded Sami custody anyway--in spite of the despicable things she's done.
I fast forward thru Sarah and Xander groping each other in public. She certainly doesn't act like a doctor
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I'm hardly shocked at anything but I almost got to the point of being surprised that Sarah and Xander carried on for as long as they did, and even were talking about his job and other private matters in tones loud enough for everybody on the floor to hear. This was way more of everything than what I'd want to see and hear from my doctor!
As irritated as I was that Sami got custody, it was nice to see people dishing it back to her just as hard as she gives it. I don’t remember the last time Marlena pushed back that forcefully with her. She usually just does the sigh and says something like that’s just Sami.