Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sep. 25, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Prison: Rolf refers to Gwen as "Mrs Rizczech" and wants to know what she's doing here. Rolf makes acting faces when she says Abby's home. Gwen is mad that the drug didn't work as Rolf promised, wants to destroy Abigail. Gwen learned about Abby in Bayview, and learned about a "Dr Morris (apparently Rolf's alias)" who developed a drug with nasty side effects, then tracked him down. He was eager to help because Abby never showed Stefano the proper respect. But he won't get her another dose (she has tried to slip him a vial) because there's nobody to frame this time. They discuss a long-term game plan, with "not evil" Rolf advocating subtle, stealthy manipulations; Rolf wants to know why Gwen despises Abigail so much.

DiMansion Study: Abby has Chad shirtless. Lucas enters, apologizes, has bags. Allie follows and explains to Abby that she's moving back in with Nicole. (Did I miss when she moved to DiMansion?) Abby gets an update, and is surprised by Sami's acquiescence, which Allie explains is Sami's plan to get her to love motherhood. Abby can't wait to spend time with her cousin's little boy. Lucas tells Chad to keep Gwen from stealing his room again.

Eric's Apartment: Nicole is talking to Eric on the telephone; he has arrived safely. There's a knock. She thinks it will be Allie, and is insulting Sami as she opens the door to find her sister-in-law. Snipe, snipe, snipe. Sami's not ceding custody, but "EJ and the kids" need her. Don't get too attached to my grandson, babyswitcher, etc. Nicole will not stand in Allie's way if Allie wants to be a mother. Lucas and Allie arrive. Sami wants to know what Allie will name the baby. Allie tries to defer to Nicole, Sami won't hear of it, and Nicole agrees to let Allie name the baby. Allie goes through the names of the gents from boy band One Direction, before settling on Henry Lucas Horton. Lucas thinks the name is "Purrrfect". (Henry seems upset by all options though.) Lucas goes out to the car, will wait for Sami.

Kayla's Apartment: Kayla and Tripp are making an apple pie as they recap about Hope and Ciara. (Kayla didn't know Hope thought Ciara could be alive.) She wonders when he'll return to California. He asks if he could finish out his last year of medical school here, despite her banning him from the hospital (despite forgiving him). She says who he was then wasn't who he was later; Tripp announces he framed Ben for arson (and Claire got Wyatt to confess). Despite this, Kayla blesses his transfer to University Hospital. He heads over to the school.

Salem Inn: Replay of Ben creeping in to his own room, finding the bag on the bed. "Ciara, is that you?" Claire emerges from the bathroom. She was just returning the suitcase that Ciara packed for their sojourn to New York (whence they found Eve). Ben is angry, but understands, and feels bad about blaming Claire because it kept him from figuring out the real culprit. Blah blah until finally Claire says that "Grandma Hope" is chasing after Vincent, because Ciara might have escaped before Ben/Shawn-D/Hope arrived. Shawn-D thinks Grandma's getting her hopes up for nothing. Ben resolves to assist. Claire mildly objects.

DiMansion Study: Chad and Abby talk about Ciara after Abby reads Jack's article about her death. Abby wants to return to work. Chad is reluctant, but accepts. Gwen arrives, sorry she didn't clean up the mess, has brought a decaf mocha coffee grounds for Abby. Gwen wants to be friends.

Square: Lucas and Sami talk (on the way to a car, apparently, since that's where they were going to meet). Sami says the same old stuff, but Lucas says he'll miss her. She makes things interesting. Lucas will keep an eye on "Henry Lucas" and Allie.

Eric's Apartment: Nicole asks if Henry is named after his father. NEVER, Allie emphatically states. She doesn't want to think about that [person born out of wedlock]. Nicole presses for a split second, then backs down. Henry has a diaper rash; Allie zips out for cream. Later, Nicole talks to Henry about this mystery of his father.

Private Area: Allie, flush with diaper cream, encounters Tripp in the Square. "It's you," gasps Allie. END
Rolf: He was talking up the "long game" to foolish Gwen today. He should have taken his own advice. In the long run how has he really benefitted from working for Stefano and Steveano. If he'd put his talents to honest uses, today he might be living in his own mansion in socialite Giselle van Hopper's very upscale part of town.

Allie: She's another one who ought to be taking a long view of things. She'd better stick around and raise Henry Lucas Horton or someday she'll be dealing with an angry young man who's demanding to know why she didn't want him. Usually, this would be years in the future, but in Salem where SORASing is so common, such a confrontation could only be a few years away.

Tripp: So he wants to be a doctor in Salem. Kayla could help him along by providing him with a list of don'ts.
  • Don't visibly drool over young women dressed in hospital gowns.
  • Don't speak with an Australian accent.
  • Don't get a part-time job as a male stripper.
  • Don't buy cut-rate body parts from crooked prison officials.
  • Don't develop a gambling addiction or get involved with a woman's faked pregnancy.
I still think it's disgraceful that Hope didn't tell Ben, Ciara's husband, that maybe she's not dead. I know Claire said they didn't want to get his hopes up but he should have been told.

I thought Kayla and Tripp buried the hatchet a long time ago. Just seems weird he was so worried about it. And oh boy, Allie didn't seem happy to run into him but he didn't seem to recognize her? Drunken one night stand that resulted in Henry Lucas?

Rolf and Gwen. What is going on? They don't appear to be related and I sure hope that Gwen's big secret of why she hates Abigail will actually be jaw dropping and not eye rolling.
Gwen is not related to Rolf.....she tracked him down.
So when do the episodes that were taped before Covid end? It should be soon right?
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Thanks, Jason.

Finally, other people in Salem know Ciara might be alive. Tripp told Kayla, Claire
told Ben.

Poor Gwen. Rolf told her it probably wouldn't be a good idea if he gave her more of
the drug to melt Abby's brain permanently. It probably wouldn't anyway since
it didn't work the first time.

Gwen gets to go to plan "B" now since she's going to be the nanny. I wonder how
bad a job she's going to do?

Cute name for the baby, Henry Lucas Horton.

Why did Tripp out of the blue tell Kayla he was the one who set up Ben?

Interesting cliff hanger with Allie bumping into Tripp. Do they know each other?
It's Salem, they probably do.
So when do the episodes that were taped before Covid end? It should be soon right?
A few weeks from now, Jason47's site indicates the week of 10/6, although I don't know if that included some of the un-preempted sporting events. Elsewhere on this site it is around the 15th.
Never heard of looked him up. Seems he confessed to tons of murders, but just liked the attention. He confessed to killing people and yet he was not in the town, or was in prison, etc. However, yes, it was proved he killed 3 or 4...unfortunately, while he was confessing and could not "recall exactly" the police let him look at their files "to refresh his memory", & thus eventually, those cases were not attributed to him. (Sorry, but it sounded like the Salem P.D.)

I am happy Allie chose to honor her father, no idea how she came up with Henry.......when she was naming members of One Direction first. LOL
Just wish Days would not insist on calling characters by their "formal" names. Yes, a few got theirs shortened, (Chad, Abby, JJ, Sami, Allie) but Thomas, Charlotte, Parker, Justin, Adrienne, Jennifer, Marlena., Chloe, Roman, ... I like that John calls Marlena "Doc", thank goodness.
Henry, she named the baby Henry! Oh my.
Lol, Poirot, I'm just the opposite. I'm not a big fan of shortening names, even in real life. I have a couple of grandkids that I almost refuse to call by the short version, though I do at times, to avoid confusion. Me and Stefano. :rolleyes: However, I'm okay with totally unrelated nicknames, like "Doc." By the way, I've read the names you listed above and except for Thomas and Jennifer, I can't think of a way to shorten the others. I'm genuinely interested to know if there are ways.
Heck, they can have nicknames....I sure did. Matter of fact, got an e-mail today from an old h.s. classmate, who always called me by a variation of my last name. Still does, after all these years, (my maiden name).

I always like that Steve was called Patch.....but alas, they decided to use his given name. Thomas could be Tommy, Henry would be Hank, but can't anyone be Rocky, Softy, Char or Lottie, LOL. Jenny, Kiri or Kirk (Kiriakis), Addie, Annie, Dee, Blondie. Toots, Jordie, Chris, .............
A few weeks from now, Jason47's site indicates the week of 10/6, although I don't know if that included some of the un-preempted sporting events. Elsewhere on this site it is around the 15th.

I got additional info in today. 13950 (10/5) ,as I had estimated, is indeed the last fully completed episode in March.

Portions of 13951-13958 (10/6-10/19) were done in March & September, so those are a mixture of both.

13959 (10/20) will be the first fully completed episode from the September return.
Heck, they can have nicknames....I sure did. Matter of fact, got an e-mail today from an old h.s. classmate, who always called me by a variation of my last name. Still does, after all these years, (my maiden name).

I always like that Steve was called Patch.....but alas, they decided to use his given name. Thomas could be Tommy, Henry would be Hank, but can't anyone be Rocky, Softy, Char or Lottie, LOL. Jenny, Kiri or Kirk (Kiriakis), Addie, Annie, Dee, Blondie. Toots, Jordie, Chris, .............
Remember Steve calling Bo "Little Vic"?