Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sept. 1, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 1, 2017

Rafe & Hope jabber away in the cop shop about getting the goods on Raines, putting him under arrest. Raines walks in, "putting who under arrest"?. They fake it, citing one case, and then the new one, dead body in Salem Inn. Raines orders Hope to get on that case NOW, then gets a call from Myron, leaves. Rafe gets a call, body I.D.'d as Anjelica Deveraux. Hope notes room registered to Adrienne. Leaves to go talk to her.

Meanwhile, Bonnie & Maggie are having a discussion. Seems Maggie overheard Bonnie talking to herself for making that b**** pay for what she took, is curious. Bonnie (she is portraying Adrienne) claims she meant Anjelica, for trying to take the Intruder. Maggie corrects her that it is the Spectator. Bonnie covers, and the two get into a really verbal cat fight/snarkfest. Maggie thinks tossing Lucas over so suddenly was cruel, Bonnie thinks people can move on, after all Maggie loves Victor now, tho she loved Mickey before.

Lucas is in the square, on phone with Chloe, thanking her, talking in low tones about what happened. He figures cops are all over that room now, says he did not do anything to Anj, not even sex. He thought he was with Adrienne, or dreamt it. Justin appears behind him, Lucast spots him, hangs up. Justin only heard him mention Adrienne (Lucas is drinking water) & they have a conversation about Lucas falling apart, Adrienne dumping him. Lucas says Justin stole her, he denies it, Justin advises him to talk to Maggie, he doesn't need advice from Maggie. Justin only says he needs to pull himself together, and tells him of Adrienne moving in last night. Lucas realizes Adrienne was with Justin last night, gets nervous. Justin is gone, Lucas sees a couple toasting with martinis. Later, he sits alone, a martini in front of him, eventually he shoves it away, gets up to leave. Then has a flashback of being told it was over between him & Adrienne, she was in love with Justin. He sits back down, picks up the martini, takes out the olive, and down the hatch.

Gabi arrives at Club TBD, police tape across the door, but pulls out a key to go in. She is startled by someone, who turns out to be Eli, who pulls her away, to the park, chastising her for crossing the police line, yada, yada. He cannot tell her anything with this ongoing investigation, they talk a bit about Abby getting hurt, Chad back with her, how Gabi pushed Eli away, then Chad pushed her away. Eli understands, he thinks Chad did love Gabi, but as she notes then, he loved Abby more.

Andre has come to see Marlena, wanting a signed certificate saying he is sane, but Hattie plays the game. Doesn't take long before she is dissing Kate, who threw herself at Roman, which puzzles Andre, no bearing. She even brings up what he did to Hattie Adams. Andre wonders how she knows about that, she says Hope Brady told her of running into her in prison, Hattie telling her a sad story of Alfie duping her, and Hope getting out, digging around, finding a video..and there was Andre being Alfie. Andre almost takes off, to get a different doctor, but changes his mind, stick around, won't talk of Hattie any more, though. Eventually, after a few questions, they are thru for today, but no signing certificate until she goes over all her notes, etc. Andre will be back then.

Justin comes into the Kmansion, asks what Maggie & Adrienne are talking about. Bonnie tries pretending all is well, but Maggie corrects her, telling Justin exactly what they were talking about. She think Lucas was treated unfairly, etc. Justin lets her know that the two of them are fine, in love, very happy. Maggie wishes them well, just hopes Adrienne doesn't change her mind about who she loves once again.

Rafe gets a call at the station, it is Dario. (we do not see him). Yes, Rafe knows Abe was not his partner. Dario says he is going to send something that will incriminate Raines, they won't need Myron. He sent a pkg. to himself at the Club.

Justin gets a call, leaves the room, doorbell, Maggie asks Bonnie to get it, but she protests. Maggie did not know she was above answering the door, starts to go, but Bonnie changes her mind, goes. It is Hope, who wants to talk to Adrienne. Maybe she can explain about Anjelica Deveraux being found dead in her bed in her hotel room.

Rafe calls Eli, telling him about Dario's call, and sending the pkg to himself at the club.

Gabi stands outside the club, finds her key on the ground in front. A messenger arrives with a pkg. for Dario Hernandez. She is his sister, can sign for it. She takes the pkg., uses the key to open the door, slips under the police tape, and is inside. She opens the pkg. finds a recorder. She plays it, Raines is heard telling Dario his police pension isn't enough, but with this counterfeit money, he can retire in the Cayman Islands. She stops the tape, and Raines voice, behind her, says, I am really sorry you heard that.
Some days I just wonder if Gabi was born with an actual working brain or not. Today is one of those days. But then again, this is Salem and all.

The show will be on in an hour here in this timezone and most schools on the east coast are shutting down for the long holiday weekend. So it is looking like I can watch this live today!! Thank you for the write up.
I'm not sure why I'm supposed to dislike Raines. Hope murdered a man, and tried to murder Bo. But she's on the force. Aside from a little embezzlement and trying to murder the almost-always-in-peril-anyway wonder twins Gabi and Abby, what has Raines done but be a tough cop?

I hope Maggie blows Bonnie out of the water.

Rather slow episode today.
I'm worried that they may be headed toward a pairing of Eli and Gabi [again]. I hope not. She is way too immature for him. I thought Lani was a better match for him.

Plus he and Lani have better chemistry as do Gabi and JJ. I just don't get why the show continues to ignore Gabi and JJ. It's ranking up there with continuing to ignore Brady and Chloe as a couple and not having Belle and Shawn back long term.

Wouldn't that tie Julie's knickers in a wad!?!?!?!?

So would JJ. She's related to both. Remember she also had an issue with Gabi and Nick.

Rather slow episode today.

Very slow. But I thought the final scene was rather soapy. I'm still annoyed that Raines is the bad guy. Maybe they can still redeem him somehow even though he sounded pretty malicious today.

Line of the day to Bonnie for calling Hope "Fancy Face". Hope's reaction was equally entertaining.
Line of the day to Bonnie for calling Hope "Fancy Face". Hope's reaction was equally entertaining.
That was so funny. I also liked when she referred to Sonny as Jackson when talking to Maggie, and saying "Sonny" was fine when he was a kid.

I also liked when Hope was explaining to Rafe exactly who Anjelica was in relation to Jennifer and Adrienne.
Thanks, Poirot.

I agree with Bonnie that the name Sonny was ok when he was a child, but not now.

I enjoyed Bonnie and Maggie. I kept thinking/hoping Bonnie would to say something
and Maggie will realize it's not Adrienne.

Why did Justin have to tell Lucas Adrienne moved into the mansion? He didn't have to tell
him that today.

Hattie made another mistake talking to Andre about herself. At least, she
was able to cover
it up by saying Hope told her about it.

Who's going to save Gabi from Raines? And we have to wait until Tues to find out
because the
show isn't on Monday :)
"Marlena"/Andre: I thought those scenes were actually a lot of fun. Andre's expressions were priceless.

"Adrienne"/Bonnie and Maggie: I think at this point Bonnie could walk around wearing a placard that said "I'm not Adrienne" as well as announce it with a bullhorn and nobody would catch on. My official position for this rest of this storyline, however long it goes on, is "No Comment." :rolleyes:

Gabi and Eli: I loved those scenes, naturally. However, there is no need for Gabi to rush into another romantic entanglement with anybody. Starting out by building their friendship is the way to go. They need to handle this like the tortoise handled his legendary race with the hare: Slow and steady.

As far as the predicament Gabi found herself in at the end of the episode is concerned, what can I say other than, That's my girl! :love::love::love:LOL
Hattie tried using Marlena's reading glasses, then gave them a dirty look because the prescription was wrong for her. :)

Ruffles McRed is back!

Has it been 2 days without the giggly Golden Couple? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Loved the Andre/Hattie scenes! :rotfl:

Why did Gabi go to TBD, in the first place?
"Adrienne"/Bonnie and Maggie: I think at this point Bonnie could walk around wearing a placard that said "I'm not Adrienne" as well as announce it with a bullhorn and nobody would catch on. My official position for this rest of this storyline, however long it goes on, is "No Comment." :rolleyes:

I feel the same way. It's really obvious that Bonnie is not Adrienne but nobody is catching on to it. I was hoping Maggie would at least.

Why did Gabi go to TBD, in the first place?

I had the same question. Plus why was there police tape at the door? TBD was not a crime scene even though the owner is a criminal. Didn't we just see Rafe and Chloe in there the day before without police tape?