Days of Our Lives - Fri. Sept.10, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, Sept. 10, 2010
Episode #11,415 Taped 7/15 Director – Noel Maxam

Chloe has told Carly all about the elevator incident, apologized profusely, but worries that Vivian will still try to find out why Carly & Chloe have gotten so close. Carly assures her to just leave Vivian to her. Meanwhile Vivian is once again in that mauseleum with Gus, who is trying to talk her out of her plans to put Maggie in the sarcophagus for a while. Vivian, tho, is just thrilled with her plans, seems she has a monitor built into the top of the sarcophagus, hooked up to a camera in her bedroom (or maybe it is Victor’s), and she plans for Maggie to watch her seducing Vic. And if that doesn’t drive her crazy, the toxic paint inside the thing definitely will. Gus is very anxious that she WILL let Maggie out, oh, yes, promises Vivian. Now she wants to test it to make sure everything is in working order, and makes a reluctant Gus get inside. He does, head resting on the pink satin pillow, (yep, it is now there) the lid closes, Gus starts to panic right away. Viv talks to him thru earphones or something, switches channels between the bedroom and the mauseleum, wants to make sure it is soundproof, so cuts off communications, Gus is yelling to let him out, Viv is happy…cannot hear him.
She lets him out, they argue and in walks Carly. Viv tries to get her to leave, even using Gus as a threat. He moves behind Carly, who turns, pushes him in the chest, knocking him a bit backward, telling Viv not to try that or someone is going to land on their bony butt. She is not afraid of Vivian…or Gus…and is warning Vivian to stay away from her.

Nathan has come home, isn’t too happy to find Ian there again. Ian leaves, Stephanie lies again about him being there because of the new and difficult program at the hospital. Nathan comments about the crush Ian has on Stephanie, obvious as it is. Says he has one, too, and later they appear to be coming from the bedroom, he is leaving, she is glad he was able to come home for a bit. She calls Ian, Nathan is gone, how are they going to prove it was Chloe who changed the results. Ian tells her to get into Chloe’s laptop, perhaps send him an e-mail from it. Stephanie wonders how she can do that, but we next see her at Chloe’s door, just dropping by, and getting invited in, her eyes all the while on Chloe’s open laptop.

Earlier, Melanie comes back into the living room, her caterer is already booked. Maggie offers Chez Rouge, the cook can come up with a great menu, and she will get family discount. Melanie is delighted, but wishes Maggie could be there to help her. Maggie decides to delay her trip to help, Melanie is even happier.
Maggie is taking a walk in the park, or down near the lake, comes across Victor playing checkers with Ciara, who has won again. Victor cannot believe she is such a good player, Ciara says her mommy taught her. She misses her. Maggie is smiling, tho eavesdropping. Now Ciara tells grampa she doesn’t want to live with Daddy & Carly, she’d rather live with him. Victor would like nothing better, but knows how much her daddy loves her. Oh, Ciara knows that, but she doesn’t like Carly. Victor gently advises that he knows she loves her daddy, and maybe she could try to get along with Carly. Maggie walks away.

Maggie arrives home, talking aloud at what a tough, gruff guy Victor is, but down deep, an old softie, kind, generous, loving. She suddenly shakes herself, telling herself to “stop that, Maggie”, he is a married man. Melanie comes in, Maggie says she changed her mind again and won’t be delaying her trip. Melanie’s face falls. Meanwhile, Daniel has arrived at Victor’s, running into Ciara who is on her way to the kitchen to help Gramma Julie make cookies. Daniel let’s Victor know Maggie is putting off her trip a bit.

Stefano is still accusing Sami of being the one who did this to EJ. We get a lot of flashbacks, with the camera close up on EJ, reruns of Rafe, Sami & EJ alone in the study, when the wedding guests left, and then her screaming at him about making sure he never sees the children again. Sami has her own flashback of firing the gun at EJ. Lexie comes out of the room, EJ’s eyes opening was just a spasm, he still has diminished brain function. Stefano rants, Kate whispers to Sami she wants to talk, Abe comes in, forensics has identified the bullet as coming from a 22 caliber Lundmark, fitted with a silencer. He asks Stefano is anyone has a gun like that, Stefano claims no, they have no guns in the house because of the children. Now Stefano decides he is not feeling well, wants to go home. Sami has sent Rafe to check on the kids, and call her dad who is out of town. Kate gets a couple minutes alone with Sami, wanting to know what she did after Kate called her (flashback of this, too). Sami claims she went to sleep, but was trying to figure out what she would do. She reminds Kate that she said EJ was drunk, so Sami figured she had time til morning.

Rafe is in with EJ, telling him he has to wake up, he is not going to have it so easy, he has to pay for what he did. Arianna comes in, yapping at Rafe, taking him out of the room, talking of how he got the evidence, has Sami back, he should be satisfied. Later, she is at EJ’s bedside, telling him he did a terrible thing, but doesn’t deserve this. She knows he was trying to change.

Will comes into the Pub, looking for his mom, Caroline knows only that Bo came to talk to her & Rafe, and then they all left, Sami leaving a note saying she went to the hospital. She doesn’t know why. He takes off for the hospital. Rafe has come in, evidently told Caroline what happened, she finds it hard to believe. Sami has gone into some waiting room, trying to pull herself together, Will finds her. She hugs him, is so glad to see him, until he tells her he knows what she did. He was at the mansion last night, she has a fit that he went back there, after all EJ had done. Will claims he went to see Stefano, was out by the pool, trying to figure what he was going to say to Stefano. Heard his mother yelling for EJ. He stayed by the pool, and then saw her leaving…with something in her hand, looked like a gun. Sami tries to hedge, he must be mistaken, then says he probably saw her purse or something, not a gun. (these are very good scenes). He tells her she just admitted she was there…both have their voices raised, are emotional. Sami talks of protecting him, protecting her kids, he knows how she feels and that she’d do anything.

Over at the DiMera house, Stefano goes straight into the study and opens the table drawer, pulls out the lockbox, opens it. Kate has come in, what is it. Stefano tells her there was a gun just like the one Abraham said was used to shoot Elvis, and it is gone. He claims Sami knew about the gun, she was living there. He doesn’t understand about the timing, what could possibly have been so urgent. (cue kate to remember her phone call again)

Back at the hospital, in walks Rafe, asking what is going on. Sami says nothing, Will covers, says he was just whacked out about everything. Rafe gets a call, hangs up, tells them there is nothing out on the street about a contract being out on EJ. Will asks if he thinks it was a professional hit. “what else?” replies Rafe. Sami & Will exchange looks.

So Will knows. Sami thinks she is a good liar, but I think a lot of people can see through her. She also confessed to EJ so he probably knows as well.
I really hope this does not turn out to be a trap that gets Sami back in the Dimera mansion and close to EJ. It would be a rinse and repeat of the last time EJ was shot.
Meanwhile, Daniel has arrived at Victor’s, running into Ciara who is on her way to the kitchen to help Gramma Julie make cookies.

:confused: Can't imagine why Julie would be baking cookies at Victor's house. That's just....well....odd.

Thanks for the write up. For the first time in a while I'm enjoying what's happening on Days.
Thanks for the write up!
I was also confused about Julie making cookies at Victors! Color me confused!! :)
EJ is in a coma with diminished brain function, still hears Sami...tada... SuperEJ!
EJ shot again

I know I may be way off here, but back when Sami married EJ I always felt like it was Will that shot him; I know Lucas confessed and went to jail - but it was Will is once again on the scene when Sami allegedly shoots EJ...wondering?????
:confused: Can't imagine why Julie would be baking cookies at Victor's house. That's just....well....odd.

Thanks for the write up. For the first time in a while I'm enjoying what's happening on Days.

Yeah- I agree- they have a full line of chefs over there!
Maybe it's a neutral place to be for Ciara. Not home where Carly might be. And, I'm sure Victor has a big enough kitchen...

Thanks for the write up!
I've been in a Coma

You can still hear things and yes when you wake up you remember what people said to you. You know who was there. I needed six transfusions and was in the coma for 3 weeks I remember what was said (brain damage, might not wake up, limited functions) I have all my faculties back. Can they not give the man the mouth guard that is all the gets me everything else is okay but the tubes just hanging out of the mouth get me. No other family members can pick up the kids really Sami (Rafe)?

Great post Barb.
I don't think so, littlepossum, as she was with Stefano on a boat the whole time.
Could be

It seems like Sami's involvement is only in dream sequence. Who knows she could have sleep walked and dreamed she did it. Perhaps Rafe did it or even Will. I mean he (Will) was there right?
So Will knows. Sami thinks she is a good liar, but I think a lot of people can see through her. She also confessed to EJ so he probably knows as well.
I really hope this does not turn out to be a trap that gets Sami back in the Dimera mansion and close to EJ. It would be a rinse and repeat of the last time EJ was shot.

byte yer tongue! LOL! :)

Great write up Barb...Tanks!
Can they not give the man the mouth guard that is all the gets me everything else is okay but the tubes just hanging out of the mouth get me.

This has gotten to me, too. They morph the entire vent. down to the size of a very skinny drinking straw by the time it passes EJs lips. DUH! Using a mouth guard to cover this 'transition' in size would make things more 'realistic. Scott (EJ) apparently can't take anything bigger without gagging. IMO
(My one uncle was on a vent for an extended period of time ... first thru mouth, later thru throat, and it looked a LOT different.)
I can't wait to see the Victor & Ciara scenes!! & Maggie of course!
Great job as always barb

So Maggie is falling for old Vic and I couldn't be more pleased. Let's get rid of Viv in the sarcophagus and end that saga forever. I'm sorry but having watched Days since 1969 I remember Viv when she was funny and you loved to hate her but now? She's as desperate, needy and clingy as Stephanie! I want to see Stephanie gone too or send her off with Ian to some computer convention never to be seen again.

I think Vic wants Maggie and loves HER too but of course right now he doesn't want to scare Maggie off so here we stand.

I always thought Will did EJ in last time and Lucas took the fall.

This time I think EJ did himself in and Sami missed. That's what I think and I'm sticking to it.
What the blazes are you talking about rew? Or are you talking to yourself, after getting a bit too much into the rum?????