Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sept.13, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives'
Friday, September 13, 2019

So...let's jump all over Salem today/tonight, listening mostly to repetitive conversations. Where to start. Will is updating his dad on the phone to Kate's situation, Sonny comes up, Kate still in surgery, Sonny will go home to tuck Ari in, will be back. Jack & Jen observe the trashed lab, bemoan the location of Dr. Rolf, why isn't he there, still napping maybe. Jack figures Eve did this in revenge, Jen agrees, but wants to get Rolf back on the job, goes to check Kayla's office.

Vivian calls the hospital to check on Kate's condition, pretends to be her daughter, Billie Reed, finally learning Kate still in surgery, but things not looking good. She decides she has to tend to things herself, is going out the door, and there is Eve. They exchange a few snarly comments, Eve walks in, wants to see Stefan, plans to take over DiMera with Kate out of commission. Stefan is at a board meeting, They meow back and forth a bit, Eve bragging about what a great exec she was for DiMera in the past, Viv asking then, if she is so wonderful, how come she doesn't have a job. They argue about that a bit, but Viv was just leaving, has to go.

Over to the Kmansion now, where Nicole has this long conversation with Xander upstairs, while Sarah does her usual excruciating attempts to have a conversation with Eric. She wishes him & Nicole the best, does love him, wants him to be happy, but has to tell him something first. What is it he asks? Nope, she has to look sad, anguished, finally spitting out a couple of words about him & Nicole, in walks Sonny. He updates them on Kate, and also how he & Will think it was probably the now, very alive Vivian, who shot Kate. He finally goes up to tuck in Ari, Eric wants Sarah to finish telling him. Suffice it to say, she does not reveal the pregnancy

Upstairs, Nicole & Xander are talking, Nik is a bit feisty, Xander at first a bit sarcastic, but mellows out. She wants a divorce, he already signed papers, but Kristen is the one who signed her name. They talk of him forcing her to marry him, how he hoped maybe they could eventually be a couple. She chastises him for helping pretend Holly was dead, (he did not know Nik was still alive), he admits he is past everything, and has eyes only for Sarah. That surprises Nicole, who knows Sarah in love with Eric, but Xander wants Nik & Eric to have their happy ever after and perhaps he might have a chance with Sarah.

Nicole goes downstairs, Eric & Sarah are about done, tho Sarah has yet to smile. She leaves go up to her room, takes out and reads that lab report, Xander comes in, she tries putting it away, he tells her no need, he knows she is pregnant.

Brady knocks at Kristen's door, she opens, knew he would come. And therein follows most painful scenes, as she does all her best seduction lines, techniques, Brady supposedly trying to resist, but not doing that good a job of it. She pours them champagne, wants to toast, he almost does, but puts the glass down. She is non-stop talking, he admits he does want her, she kisses him, they are down, kissing passionately, he jumps up, no, no, get away from me. Now she picks up the champagne glass, takes a sip, is up against him, putting the glass to his lips, he is not responding, she is urging him, “drink me, Brady, drink me”. He smashes the glass to the floor, NO!! Out he goes. She calls to him, then leans against the closed door.

Nicole gives Eric the good news, Xander has agreed to divorce.

Eve hurries thru the square, Jack grabs her arm..........I know what you did!

Jen in Kayla's office, looking around, calls Rolf's name. No one there.

Sonny returns to hospital, Will has no update, cannot get anyone to tell him anything. Sonny calls out to a passing doctor/nurse who is wearing a mask. Could you help us? The medical person stops, but doesn't turn around. However the camera gives us frontal view. Tis Vivian.
God, I hope Rex comes back for Kate because I want to him gloat to Sarah that she has been dumped already!! And, oh my god, Sarah spit it out!! I knew she wouldn't tell him today!! I knew someone would interrupt! Please let it be Rex or Xander's!! I am really hoping Xander. They keep bringing him back and this would give him a reason!!

I was never a Jack/Jen fan so their story does not interest me. I kind of think Dr Shah trashed the lab. I don't care for the new actor they have for him.

It's funny how many people keep mentioning how Vivian buries people alive. That was when I started watching Days, when she buried Carly!! That was great!!

I don't really remember Brady and Kristen. I do, but I don't remember that she was his great love? How stupid is he going there?? I wish he would stop thinking with little Brady!! Glad at least he left but now she knows for sure she is under his skin. I was kind of hoping Brady was going to pull off his face and it was Tony or Rolf or someone else crazy.

Shouldn't Ari be about 12 or 13 by now? :sarcasm:
Sarah was driving me up a wall (along with Brady) with her tortured face, her reluctance to tell Eric she was pregnant tho she was determined initially to do so. Those looks, the "I have to tell you, how do I, just spit it out.......where do I begin......I suppose at the beginning. " Egads, it was just 2 words.........but am glad she changed her mind, cuz, Sarah, honey. You have NO IDEA who the father is, so keep still. You may want to rethink when you can confirm bio father. And I do mean CONFIRM! (tho I still don't trust Salem labs)
That Brady is still tempted by Kristen is a sign he needs to be in Bayview with all the other mentally ill Salemites. She was not his great love. This is ridiculous. He's that in love with the woman who originally dated him just to get back at his father whom she also bedded? And since then, she's repeatedly tried to murder people to alternately punish him/get him back. This has always been gross to me, but now, it's majorly disgusting.

BUT it's not as laughable as Eve's saying, "I always win." No, she doesn't. She literally never wins. Not once. Mostly because she ruins her own life over and over again with her weird mix of insecurity and arrogance.

I'm really hoping Sarah's baby is Xander's somehow. I'm sure he'll go crazy again shortly, but I'm liking him right now. Eric was extra pouty today. I hope the return of Nicole means we won't have to look at him sourpuss so much, but I'm not holding my breath.
He's that in love with the woman who originally dated him just to get back at his father whom she also bedded? And since then, she's repeatedly tried to murder people to alternately punish him/get him back.
Not to mention, she stole his child from within Jeannie T's body. Yet, she still gets his motor running????

But this is the soap that had a woman have "grief sex" with her rapist when they thought their child was dead. I guess in the writers' minds, that's some hot romance. :sick:
Sarah, honey. You have NO IDEA who the father is, so keep still. You may want to rethink when you can confirm bio father. And I do mean CONFIRM! (tho I still don't trust Salem labs)
Yeah, never trust a Salem DNA test. A Salem lab could show her that Don Craig or Dario Hernandez is the father. :rotfl:
Kristen and Brady. I can't deal with them! I just can't. I am now convinced the "writers" are sick. They think violence, rape, blackmail, torture, are sexy????? :sick::sick::sick::sick::angry::angry::angry::angry: They actually think that putting victims with abusers is O.K.? Stefan and Gabi have been horrible to each other, yet, here they are. Kristen is demented, crazy, yet Brady is still attracted to the witch? Never mind Sami and EJ, who started it all with their disgusting love fest after rape and violence.
Come on, Days! What kind of message are you sending? None of this is romantic. Again, it's sick. :sick::sick::angry::angry::beat::beat:
Beyond sick: Like others, I find the Kristen-Brady plot to be absurd and repulsive. Maggie better get clueless, compulsive Brady some help ASAP because his Kristen addiction is a far bigger problem than his issues with drugs and alcohol ever were.

Appropriate reading: Will choosing Wind in the Willows to read to little Arianna was a perfect choice. After all, many Salemites probably refer to the K-mansion as Toad Hall and grouchy Victor as Mr. Toad.

Blasphemy: How dare Vivian trash Stefano's beloved Catarina right in front of his portrait. If the mighty Phoenix were still around, he'd make her pay for her gross impertinence.

Delusional: Eve think that she always wins? Where's the evidence for this? Sami would probably think that Eve would be perfect material for the Biggest Loser.

Looking good: Xander's stock keeps rising. With Brady showing that he's totally unfit to clean the K-mansion's toilets, Victor might want to choose as CEO somebody who had the good sense to cut ties with creepy Kristen and walk away -- the X-Man. In addition, Xander has now shown he can keep cool while somebody (Nicole) was totally trashing him to his face. In a city that's full of vengeful, excitable, thin-skinned people, this is a rare asset.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Why, Brady, why? You're a grown man, you should know better than to
go to Kristen's room. Take a cold shower next time.

Why did we have to waste so much time with Sarah trying to tell Eric
she was pregnant and she didn't do it?

It's too bad Sarah didn't have Xander hug her at the end.

Vivian and Eve had an interesting conversation if you knew the actresses used
to work together on "One Life to Live". Robin Strasser (Vivian) played Dorian
Lord and Kassie DePaiva (Eve) played Blair Cramer. This is why Eve talked
to Vivian about having picture in the closet like Dorian

This is the badge Vivian wore at the end in her hospital disguise. It has both
names of the two characters from the other soap.

It's nice to throw something in like that....When Kassie DePaiva (Eve). first appeared in Salem, there was some "look into Eve's past" & they said something about living in other towns using other names...& used GL's Chelsea, Springfield, plus the OLTL Llanview.. Blair, even Port Charles for a short time. ......
I didn't care for the One Life to Live show today. Those scenes were meaningless.

I don't like the Dr. Shah recast or the Vivian recast for that matter.

Brady is a fool.

Enough with all the Sarah propping and Sarah's point of view stuff.

Interesting that Jennifer's wide-legged pants are actually jeans. However, I'm having a really hard time buying that she had trouble moving on from Jack when she was engaged to Eric.
While it was a nice nod to OLTL........completely went over my head, no idea what they were talking about, so not fair to the vast number of Days viewers who did not watch that show, (or any other, for that matter). When it has to be explained to so many.........
I will confess I do not remember Viv so over the top or "out there". Tis disconcerting.
I don't like the Dr. Shah recast or the Vivian recast for that matter.
Me either.
I didn't care for the One Life to Live show today. Those scenes were meaningless.
Partially because they're connected to two bad miscasts, I agree. Also, these are getting heavy-handed. Also: Ron Carlivati wrote for that show and it seems he's serving its fans more than Days' fans. (I usually live for moments like this.)

While I get that viewers who didn't watch another show might be baffled by these references, they won't be hurt by not knowing them, either. It's not relevant to the plot.
It has both names of the two characters from the other soap.
Dorian's maiden name was Cramer. They were niece and aunt.
even Port Charles for a short time
The Blair character (and others) moved with the head writer from OLTL to GH before the show lost the rights to those characters. It was quite a time. The writer was somebody named Ron. I don't think he's still working. *wink*

Full disclosure: I'd probably have tuned out Days and be watching OLTL right now only if it were still on. It was my "backup" show (where I took refuge when Days became dismal, like during the EJ/Sami dominance of late '07-'10, etc). I at times watched both.
I will confess I do not remember Viv so over the top or "out there". Tis disconcerting.
I said on Twitter that it's as if she was electrocuted or something. She's wacky and she makes too many odd faces.