Days of Our Lives - Fri. Sept.17, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, Sept. 17, 2010
Episode #11,420 Taped 7/19 Director – Albert Alarr

We may not have realized it, but actually a whole day has passed, as Vivian implores Brady to let her out, she has been there all night now and so far this morning. She maintains she has had all this time to think of all her transgressions, and realize what a terrible person she has been, so she plans to turn over a new leaf, becoming a kinder & gentler human being. Brady is not buying a word of it. LOL (by the way, he has cleaned off the camera lens, so Vivian can see him in full living color. Lol)

Downstairs Maggie is telling Victor in no uncertain terms she & he can be nothing more than good friends, getting up to leave and saying she will see him later at the rededication. After she is gone, Brady comes in, Victor is complaining about not getting a reply back from someone in China, Brady noting it is just 3 a.m. there. Brady leaves the room, goes back upstairs, into Viv’s room, carrying a laptop. He turns on the monitor, telling Viv that he figured people will wonder where she is, so, all those nice letters she wrote that were to be from Maggie gave him an idea. He will send an e-mail. He sits, typing and composing . saying aloud what he is writing, which is more or less a good-bye to Victor. “By the time you read this, I will be gone”…is how it starts, going on about how things just were not meant to be between her & Victor, mentioning the memorial to his beloved daughter, Isabella, and that she knows he cares a lot about Maggie, wishing him well. He even includes a “don’t look for me, or try to call, I have a new cell phone and am changing my name”. And signs with a flourish….all my love, Vivian. She is having a minor fit, as he hits the send button. Vivian figures Gus is going to come along and will rescue her. Oh, didn’t I tell you….sez Brady…Gus is gone. He called Maggie, said he was leaving. Maggie said the call was rather fuzzy, but his last words to her were to “watch out”. Vivian wants out, tells Brady about the toxic paint, and that it eventually will make her seem crazy. When he asks about long term effects..Viv reluctantly says you become a vegetable.
And now he grabs the letters Maggie forged, starts raiding her jewelry box, figuring Viv would not leave without her jewelry, ah, the passport, he goes to the nightstand, more jewelry there, he comments on her nice earrings, and is shoving everything in his pockets. He finds another cell with a text message “waiting for word”. He rightly figures someone was gonna help Viv stuff Maggie into the sarcophagus, texts back “change of plans, mission aborted”, then pockets the phone. And now he grabs an urn. Vivian gasps, as Brady tells her he knows she would not leave without her beloved Lawrence. She asks what Brady is going to do, oh, he figures maybe he’ll take Lawrence to the same place she put his mother, only he will shake Lawrence’s dust all over the place.

At the Pub, Kate is giving Will the 3rd degree, he is hiding something. He thinks Kate is thinking his mom shot EJ. Nope, Kate replies, she has an airtight alibi. She wants to know whatever is bothering Will, but gets interrupted by a phone call from Lexie, telling her to get down to the hospital.

And over at the hospital, Sami is asking Lexie what she should do. Lexie tells her that Ej’s condition has worsened, another doctor joins her, talks of the diminished brain activity, that right now, he is only being kept alive by the machines. (They do not mention this doctor’s name, but am guessing this is Dr. Walters, played by Ty Treadway)Lexie flashes back to a conversation she had once, at the hospital, with EJ, wherein she had just advised a family there was no hope, and they had to decide whether to pull the plug. EJ goes on about being “alive” and enjoying life, and he would not want to go on if that was the only way. Sami is not sure, she is asking Lexie as a doctor, what she should do. Lexie sadly says the life support should be disconnected. And in comes Stefano, roaring at Sami, saying she wants to murder his son. Lexie and the doctor are trying to calm him down, Rafe gets in front of Sami as Stefano seems about to attack her. Rafe takes Sami to the doctor’s lounge. Stefano has calmed down, Lexie calls Kate to tell her to get over there. Stefano is told of EJ’s condition, goes in to sit with him, talk to him, breaking down and crying over him. Outside, Abe has arrived, comforting Lexie, who is in tears.

Brady comes into the study, asks Victor if he has checked his e-mail yet, maybe China answered, and they can get a head start on the bidding. Victor checks, sees the e-mail from Vivian, cannot believe what he is reading.

Rafe and Sami talk, he tells her if EJ is taken off life support and dies, the charge against the person who shot him would be murder. The way he is talking has Sami suspecting he knows it was her. But he thinks perhaps it was Will. She is taken aback, insisting that is not so, but he talks of how evasive Will is, something bothering him. He assures her he has no evidence at all, she insists it wasn’t Will, accuses Rafe of turning Will into the police, but Rafe tells her no. He would never do that, he only wants to protect Will, protect her children, just as he would protect her.
They go back out into the waiting area, EJ’s monitors start beeping, Lexie shags Stefano out of the room, Kate & Will have arrived, everyone is watching thru the windows as EJ is being tended to by doctors & nurses. Lexie and Dr. Walters come out, saying EJ had an episode, it is righted for now, but will undoubtably happen more often. Sami is torn, and tearfully, Lexie advises the best thing to do at this point is disconnect. Everyone goes in, Rafe & Will stay outside the room. Sami stands by herself, looking at EJ, as Stefano, Kate & Lexie stand to the side. Sami finally tells the nurse to go ahead, disconnect. The nurse looks at Lexie who nods, and she begins disconnecting the tubes.

Thanks for the write up! :)

And now he grabs an urn. Vivian gasps, as Brady tells her he knows she would not leave without her beloved Lawrence. She asks what Brady is going to do, oh, he figures maybe he’ll take Lawrence to the same place she put his mother, only he will shake Lawrence’s dust all over the place.

Zing...Ouch! If that doesn't cut through to Vivian's core... :clap:

I wonder what Brady will do to find Isabella's remains.
He has the receipt from Vivian's purse that shows she bought the plot in the pet cemetery. Problem is he can't move her back yet because her remains are supposed to be where Vivi is now resting uncomfortably. Will be interesting to see how he and Nicole buddy up to keep Vivian hidden.
I too am enjoying this Brady/Vivian storyline! I need some mean Brady to kick a villian's butt to distract me from the Sami/Rafe/EJ thing.
oooohhh i'm curious to see how Sami will talk her way out of this one lol.

and can't help it- i know darn well that EJ is gonna wake up and be just fine...or fake a death and be hidden by Stefano to avoid charges in connection with the truth of Sydney's kidnapping being out in the open blah blah blah.... no spoilers about James being fired or kind of sets in stone that his character isn't going anywhere...PLUS ... everyone hates EJ lol- he's the perfect villain! he gets under everyone's skin...can't have the perfect villain getting killed off so easily.

Brady/Viv... LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT :clap::clap::clap: I'm so happy about this storyline... bravo TPTB! BRAVO! I just wish Brady would let Carly toy with Viv too--- oh the memories of when Carly was buried... wouldn't it tickle her pink to get a jab in at a buried Vivian????? I don't even like Carly that much and think it would be a hoot to watch.
Zing...Ouch! If that doesn't cut through to Vivian's core... :clap:

I love it! :evillaugh:

Thanks for the write up Barb. I still can't watch Days at the office (waiting for the folks in charge of such things to get the parts they need....), still not available on my phone, and no time at home. Though I'm happy to miss Vivian in the sarcophogus.
You know, at first I was really skeptical about this whole story line being recycled, but I love this twist, and love how the actors are both playing the roles. I'm really excited to see it play out, and evil Brady is sooo bad he's good.

And, I want to let out a groan and eye roll to Sami for once again keeping something important from Rafe. I would understand *at first*, but after the reveal that Will knows, I think she should have said something to him.
Absolutely LOVE Thursday and Friday's Shows!

I was clapping at Wed.'s show with Brady and Viv, but these next two sound even better! Contrary to other people here I don't see Brady as a villain for doing this - I see him as a good guy as always saving Maggie; his grandfather Vic and a lot of other people from this nefarious no good witch Viv who needs to be taken out.

I would also like to see EJ taken out but of course I think Stefano will put him away in hiding because of the kidnapping so he doesn't go to jail. So EJ and Stefano will fake his death at some point soon making Sami think of course she killed him as well as Will think that adding more drama to an already bad scene. I can't stand Stefano OR EJ so I'd like to see them both gone, but tptb of course won't let that happen. Who would reek havoc on Salem if they were gone except for Nicole and Stephanie who are idiots imo.

I think Sami should have told Rafe by now what she did, but I can also understand why she wouldn't because he is a very moral guy for one and would be very conflicted even though he loves her with all his heart. Still I applaud Sami for shooting EJ under the circumstances and yes she thought she was definitely protecting her children because I have no doubt that EJ would have taken them away from Sami and the Bradys never to see them again. We know how Stefano has most of the crooked judges in Salem in his pocket so the legal system would have failed her as would the good old Salem PD who can't seem to get anything straight and send women like Hope who were out of their minds at the time to jail but someone like Nicole, EJ, Stefano and Vivian all get to run around Salem reeking all kinds of havoc and get away with it all. This show is about good vs. evil but in Salem 99% of the time evil wins and the good suffer.
You know, at first I was really skeptical about this whole story line being recycled, but I love this twist, and love how the actors are both playing the roles. I'm really excited to see it play out, and evil Brady is sooo bad he's good.

I agree, this storyline and even this latest twist in it could have been bad, but it's working out very well. Thankfully they are playing up Vivian's "vivianess" and letting it be a crazy, over-the-top comic relief storyline that doesn't take itself too seriously. I am very pleased that Louise Sorrel/Vivian is finally being allowed to do what she does best and Eric Martsolf/Brady is matching her perfectly and seems to be having a blast. Days finally seems to be going in a better direction with a couple of the storylines and I think it is going to pay off for them.
I wonder what is in the e-mail from Vivian to Victor. Did she have her cell phone in the casket where she can e-mail him -- I certainly hope not. Maybe the e-mail said that she's leaving town forever -- that would be wonderful.
While I love seeing Vivian being caught in her own trap----where the heck are Bo and Hope? Would it be too much to see them a couple days a week and get their story moving. hey are the only reason I have hung onto Days.
Sounds soooo good... thank you Barb for taking the time to give us a look at the day ahead. This is getting so darn good, all of the s/l's moving right along now! :)
Great Show

Louise Sorell (Vivan) is a good actor and she plays well with Brady, Victor and most of the cast. Love the twist-fianlly the writers are using their brains. I hope Vivian does stick around she is a very interesting gal.. .

By the way, thank you make up and hair- she looks age appropriate and very attractive. Mayvbe we can her hair stylist to do soemthing with Carley's hair-yuk!
He has the receipt from Vivian's purse that shows she bought the plot in the pet cemetery. Problem is he can't move her back yet because her remains are supposed to be where Vivi is now resting uncomfortably. Will be interesting to see how he and Nicole buddy up to keep Vivian hidden.

The spot in the mausoleum where Isabella was 'residing' is now vacant, thanks to Vivian. Why can't the remains simply be put back? In fact, why all of this *krapadoodle* about removing Izzy's body in the first place, when Vivian never intended the sarcaphogous for that use anyway?