Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sept. 27, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 27, 2019

Replay of yesterday's closing scenes, Kate coming to, asking why everyone is crying, Jack regaining his memory, telling Jennifer he remembers YOU! And Kristen learning from Dr. Rolf that he won't do the fetus transfer, as she is already pregnant. (and yes, Jack & Jen are all anyone hoped for with the revelation). But first...Kristen is disbelieving, Rolf reminds her of the hormone treatments he gave her in Nashville, she thinks it impossible she created an egg, oh she did. He does mention her age but I could not make out if he said 55 or 65, she is indignant, are you calling me old. No, no. He takes her out of the room, comes with him.

Sarah wakes up, thinking it is all over, wonders why she doesn't feel cramping. Xander tells her doc was called away for emergency before he could begin. He says Sarah can reschedule, but Sarah had a dream going under, of sitting in rocking chair with a baby, was so filled with love. She has only been thinking of Eric all this while, but this is her baby, she changed her mind, is going to keep it.

Vivian, in another horrible wig, is rattling on to Stefan of calling the hospital, pretending to be Billie Reed, learning Kate's heart going to Julie, so wonderful Lucas will be putting his mom in her grave. She does her usual over the top stuff, then begins ragging on Gabi, who could squeal on her shooting Kate (this is why she is glad Kate is “dead”), tells Stefan Gabi is not the one for him, better he should be with Eve Donovan. Much better suited. She figures they can get rid of Gabi, get her to sign over the house back to him,the business, etc. and then she will be gone. Gabi comes in, heard it, they exchange barbs, jibes back and forth. Stefan tries to tell his mother not to make him choose between her and the woman he loves. Gabi talks of arranging dinner for just the two of them, he likes that idea, tells Vivian she should leave now, starts counting to 5 in Spanish, as she does with Ari. Viv insulted, is not going anywhere, asks Stefan if he can shut Gabi up. Yep, he knows best way, starts kissing Gabi passionately, Viv covers her eyes, throws up her hands, walks out.

At hospital, all are shocked to see Kate wake up, lucid, wanting to know why all are crying. Will says you were in coma, and woke up. Kate asks why she is out in hall. Kayla is looking very uncomfortable, Lucas & Will evading Kate's questions. Kayla tells orderly to take back to her room, Lucas wanting to know what the heck, Kayla has no explanation, will runs tons of tests for explanation. Will is with Kate, who knows she was shot, came in all bloody, etc. She asks Will if cops know who did it, no....but suspect Vivian & Stefan. Kate laughs about Stefan, talks of Viv dead, No, she is not. She remembers Viv shooting her, and how she fell in the grave. Yep, was Viv. In comes Rafe, heard she came to, wanted to see for himself, gets told she remembers, it was Vivian who shot her.

And over to Jack who is over the moon with remembering Jennifer, their life. Shad is stirring, gets up, Jack warns Jen, behind you........he jumps up, Shah has knife. They struggle over it, back and forth, until finally Shah goes down, stabbed, the knife still in his hand, but Jack is a bit upset. Jen checks, no pulse on Shah. I did it, I killed a man. She reminds Jack that Shah was going to kill her. He starts reciting the poem from their wedding, the Loretta, the cave, bits & pieces. Jen is grinning from ear to ear. Yes, yes. In comes Rafe (?????) , Jack tells him, Jen explains very quickly about being kidnapped, Shah gonna kill her, etc. etc. Rafe tells them to go to hospital, make a statement there. (Jen wants to see Julie).

Jack had stopped her rushing off, telling her she just went thru a traumatic experience, and while he understands her concern for Julie, she has to take care of herself.

Rolf is in Kristen's room, as she is giddy with the idea she is really pregnant with her & Brady's love child. He warns her “no hanky panky” for the rest of the pregnancy. She is appalled, but understands. When Rolf is gone, she calls Brady, leaves a message he should call her, he will want to hear what she has to tell him.

At the hospital, Lucas is looking for answers, Kayla going to run the tests, she repeats how Kate was not breathing on her own, was going to live only in a vegetative state. Rolf is eavesdropping, and flashes back to his visit to Kate's room, telling her she was the only one Stefano always had a soft spot for, as he pulls out a hypo, injects into her IV (tho it looked like he inserted the hypo into the cork top of a vial) There, that is it, he murmurs.

Jack & Jen are in the square, on the way to hospital. He remembers their life, she talks of how he was unsure of himself, how no matter what, they always ended up standing together, whatever the adversity. They almost kiss, she pulls away, has to call JJ. Jack tells her JJ was with him when he got the call from Shah, had to lie to him to get to Jen. He will be mad, no, Jen assures him JJ is a great kid. Jack agrees, talks of Abigail, all upset because she came to see him, he treated her horribly. Jen assures him the kids will understand, will be so happy and grateful he knows and remembers them and their life, and they have it back now. Jack knows Jen pulled away before, she talks of how he had to accept he did not know her, remember them, resign herself to this......Jack listens, once again their faces are close, she is babbling away, he tells her.....stop talking! She does. They are very close....Jack hesitates. Jen grabs him, kissing him passionately. Both very into it all. :)
Oh, I gotta say, those two nailed it, every single scene. Both so excited as he brought up various things in their lives, including "our babies". When he recited their poem/vow, they wrote for their wedding....Jack corrects her, she wrote it, he just edited it.......and then......"the Salem Spectator"! It was amazing to have so many things mentioned in just a minute or so. Kudos to them, and kudos to the dialogue writer (Carolyn Culliton, of course, lol)
Poor Kayla. How many times has Rolf made her look like a bad doctor? Was a little awkward when Kate said, what's going on, where are you taking me?

Jack was victorious but couldn't Jennifer help at all in subduing Shah? Something to hit him with? Not a big Jen/Jack fan but they are being cute. I just expect in 2 months they will no longer be together. I was very surprised that JJ did not follow Jack. He was suspicious. I thought for sure he would.

Was funny when Rolf said he was pro life! I'll say!! He hates death!! Was only funny when he hesitated saying to Kristen "you are . . . over the age of 35." Was glad he paused and then said "elderly primigravida." "You're calling me elderly?!!" I loved it! They really cannot de-age Kristen. She was involved with John back in the 90s.

So happy that Kate's amnesia didn't last long!!!
Well JasonDiSpeech, we'll just add that to all the other glaring mistakes we've seen lately. Kate supposedly was unable to breathe on her own but she was not on a respirator. She would have been brain dead without a respirator and her organs deprived of oxygen so all she might be able to donate would be a few colorful fake nails.

In addition to the two miscarriages, Kristen carried Brady and Theresa's baby to term. Of course, she stole it but she was able to maintain that pregnancy. And, what was with those funky sock things she was wearing with her hospital gown?
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But this time she is ELDERLY primigravida, meaning she is over the age of 35. That is different than youthful primigravida. The writers amazingly must have looked it up, as they tried to evade mentioning Kristen's age, which everyone knows not "youngish" anymore.
As others have noted, this is a ridiculous story, inasmuch as Kristen nearly married John, I think did marry Tony, but mostly was going to be step mom to the 2 or 3 yr. old Brady, who is now past 40. Kristen should be in her 60s at least........but of course they have not gone there. I guess the pretense is she is just a few years older than Brady.
@Operagirl..........maybe the actress has varicose veins they would rather we don't see??? SPECULATION ONLY...........
The actress portraying Sarah has said she wore some knee socks or something a month or two ago, as she had some kind of leg surgery, so had to cover the bandaging, etc.
Thanks, Poirot! They did look like the compression socks my hubby had to wear after he broke his ankle. They could have been meant to ensure circulation in her legs while she underwent the "procedure."
The actress portraying Sarah has said she wore some knee socks or something a month or two ago, as she had some kind of leg surgery, so had to cover the bandaging, etc.
When Linsey Godfrey (Sarah) was on B&B, she was hit by a car (in real life) and both of her legs were badly broken. B&B eventually wrote in the accident and her subsequent recovery. Sounds like she had follow up surgery.
To me, they looked like boot liner socks, which are just very long socks to wear under a pair of tall boots. And since Kristen did put on a pair of black boots, to me, that made sense.
Thanks, JS. I guess I am elderly enough that I am out of touch with today's fashions! I must say that Kristen rocked the hospital gown and boots look! That is the only nice thing I can find to say about her.
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