Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Sept. 28, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 28, 2018

Rafe is on the phone with Shawn, saying to let him know, & he will tell Hope. She overhears, what was he talking about. He fakes that Shawn said just to say hi, then finally, after she keeps questioning, admits he was helping him with some case. She pesters more, he says it it Ben Weston. Shawn is looking into whether the fingerprint was planted. She gets ticked, talks of them having a solid case, swears up and down she did not fake the evidence, he says he believes her. They both declare their love, decide they were so busy, haven’t had time to do anything, are going out for breakfast….no shop talk. His cell rings…it’s Shawn. He answers, and when he hangs up, tells Hope..the fingerprint was planted.

John sits with Marlena, talking hopefully, lovingly, puts up family pictures, mentions getting put in a position to do something he doesn’t want to do, but hopefully he can get out of it. Roman arrives, John tells him how Hattie wants to marry him, and why. Roman admits they probably would have sent her back to Statesville, but reminds John the marriage would not be legal, as Hattie would not b e using her own name. John forgot that. Roman stays with Marlena, John goes to Hattie’s room.

Hattie is primping for her wedding to John, in comes Kristen, planning to finish Marlena off. Hattie talks herself blue in the face, denying she is Marlena, telling Kristen the entire plan to avoid pulling the plug on Marlena. Kristen is waving her gun around, threatening, but eventually buys the story, and so where is Marlena. Hattie figures she is still in the hospital somewhere. When John comes in, Hattie is buried under the sheets, looking a bit scared, but manages to avoid telling him why. Belle is there, Hattie wants to be married now, John tries to delay, no dice. Belle is sent to find Abe. Hattie now pulls out a new marriage license, wise to the fact her name was not on the other. John is reluctant, but either he signs, or she calls Belle & Eric to tell them what is going on, and the plug gets pulled. John signs.

Belle meets him Abe in the Pub, tells him the story, asks if he will finish what he started. Sure enough, they leave. Meanwhile, Stefan opens the door to the secret room, and there is Sami, who he threw out. How did she get back in, did Harold let her in. She says Harold doesn’t even know she is there, talks of Kristen, Stefan tries to deny, but Sami asks then who was the breakfast for. He looks around, she wants to know where Kristen is, he says obviously he thought she was here. He doesn’t know. Sami takes off.

At the hospital, Abe & Belle arrived, John has to produce the rings, Hattie is beaming, Abe mentions Val, Hattie is puzzled, he says Valerie, Oh, Valerie, thought you said Al, she lies. Abe starts, Sami comes in. Hattie says, oh, don’t shoot. Snark from Hattie, Sami gets informed as to what is going on, Hattie tells her she wasn’t invited. Sami can take a hint, and leaves. She wants to find Kristen. Abe starts the ceremony…….we don’t hear him naming names, but he does the pronouncing man & wife. Hattie pulled a bridal veil out from under the sheets, is just beaming.

While all this is going on, Ciara is with Tripp, has made breakfast, long conversation about how she pushed Tripp away, should not have trusted Ben, she has gathered all Ben’s things, nothing of his left in the loft. Fire alarm goes off, something in the toaster, lots of smoke, she unplugs the toaster, amazing so much smoke, but she talks of it reminding her of waking up in the cabin to smoke and flames. She talks of always trying to pretend she was so tough, but isn’t really, lots of jabber. Eventually she kisses him, he kisses her back, then she asks him to take her to his room.

Sami comes into DiMansion, Stefan cannot believe she is back. Sami insists Stefan tell her everything Kristen told him about EJ.

Roman sits talking to Marlena, but has to leave for a bit, as he promised John he would check on the specialist who is seeing Paul, let him know. He says she will be fine. He is gone, camera on Marlena, whose eyes flutter a bit, then open, as she looks from left to right, seemingly not knowing where she is, what is going on. She is attached to breathing tube, etc. The door opens, and in comes Kristen, waving her gun, found you at last. Want to finish what I started.
All these people have dealt with Hattie before right? Marlena is acting so out there I can't believe no one has said wait, are you Hattie? I hope this ends soon. If Hattie was acting like Marlena it would be different but this is just too much.

Hope - I am not a dirty cop. You know me better than anyone how can you not trust me. - Gee maybe his faith was challenged after you called him to dispose of Stefano's body after you murdered him and frame Andre to take the fall. Not a dirty cop. She's funny. Although she is being very convincing and I am afraid it will be someone else that planted the evidence. With all the mush talk between Tripp and Ciara today I'm almost thinking might be him. He wanted Ben gone too. I am still hoping it was Hope and she gets hers!!
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day finally arrives in Salem.

JS, I was wondering too how Hattie got a license with her (?) name on it. Someone
had to do it for her.. Was it Shelia, Bonnie's friend?

John was relieved when Roman told him not to worry about the wedding
of the wrong name. Then Hattie showed him the new license.

So someone planted evidence against Ben. Did they do to get Ben arrested
or Hope in trouble?

We learned today Ciara can't make toast. Was the setting on toaster extra crispy :)
I wonder
how the quiche will turn out.

Good news, Marlena opened her eyes. Bad news, Kristen found her and has
a gun.
Thanks for the summary and all the comments. I saw the first part of the show and the last scenes. A big chunk out of the middle was interrupted by the political news. I didn't mind missing most of the Ciara and Tripp stuff. I liked them together when they first met but haven't for a long time now.
It’s like the Energizer Bunny, these horrible stories keep going and going. The scripting for the whole Hattie and Bonnie ridiculousness grows more and more difficult and frustrating to watch. When is it going to stop?
I watched the last 10 minutes on demand. What are the odds that Marlena is going to just wake up and be fine. She seems fine. A little panicked but fine.

I don't remember but I guess Belle never really dealt with Hattie but I would think she has to know something is up. Her mom is being nutty and her dad looks like he's being lead to the electric chair!!
I liked how John put the pictures up for Marlena, but why did he keep putting
one in front of another one.

Kat, that was really bugging me too. He said she would see her loved ones when she wakes up, but she'll only be able to see the ones in the front picture.
Just curious,,,,,,,,,,has anyone had something in the toaster, that burnt and set off all that smoke, setting off alarms, etc.
Only asking, as I have burnt toast, and done it accidentally by not realizing the knob was turned higher than what I normally leave it at......but just never had all that smoke, nor set off alarms. What I did have was black toast. LOL