Days of Our Lives Frid., Aug. 23, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 23, 2019

Well, it all hits the fan today, and blows all over the place. Kristen has a field day for sure as she attempts to explain her reasons, while throwing the nasty at those there. The show opens with a complete replay of the end of Thursday (8/22) show, beginning with John's toast to his wife, and ending with his pulling off the wig and mask.Gasps and jaw drops all over the place. Kristen pushes her hair back, and spews vindictiveness everywhere. Anna is disgusted that Tony married his sister. Tony says it is complicated. It is bedlam, and cannot do justice to what all transpires.

Kristen talks of how she could not let Gabi run her father's company into the ground, she wanted to take control, but mostly, she wanted Brady. She sidles up to him, he is “don't touch me”. You wanted me, but hurt all these other people around me? All people I care about? She brags, but accuses others as well. She tells Brady how she wanted him to know and remember that it was her he really loved. Yes, she figured to use Nicole's identity, she did not need it any more. She tells Eric he caused Holly's death, giving her up to Chloe, when the drug cartel was after her. She goes after Kate, loving how Kate was living in fear. This all goes on for a while, Hope notes it was Kristen she saw, throwing the necklace away, dropping the $100 bill. Kristen makes cracks about her no longer being police commissioner, has nothing to say. But Eli steps forward, well, he is, and he will be taking her in. She is chiding Eric, who goes after her, is pulled away, but in the commotion, Bingo, Kristen has pulled a gun, grabbed Marlena as hostage, gun to her neck. John says to take him, no way, she replies. Then Brady says, you wanted me, let her go, take me instead. Kristen figures he will double cross her, he promises not to do so. Will asks about Susan (Kristen was laughing at Kate trying to take out Susan's teeth, she enjoyed that) but Kristen says she will not be a bother any more. She takes a few more verbal jabs at people, holds the gun to Marlena's neck, and starts to back away towards the door.

Bam, she is hit on the head, down she goes, and there is Susan, “no one is gonna hurt my Dr. Marlena Evans”

Eli & Lani haul Kristen off, Marlena is walking with Susan, thanking her, big hugs. Anna is questioning Tony, upset that he knew about the impersonation, did nothing. Tony tries to claim his father's legacy and all that junk. Anna doesn't buy it, doesn't think even Stefano would have like marrying a sister. Anna remarks “she killed people”. Tony gets a look, she pushes what does he know.

John thanks Brady for trying to exchange himself for Marlena, Brady decides to go to the police station. Will & Sonny get Susan to tell them what happened to her. She flashes back to going into that room with fake Nicole, how she pulled a gun, then actually took off the wig & mask, there was Kristen. She pulled all sorts of ropes and tape out of drawers, tied her up. Will asks how did she get loose. And Susan says “these teeth do come in handy”. Yep, she managed to get the tape off, and chewed through the ropes, (excuse me, but I absolutely burst out laughing as Susan imitated a squirrel, chew, chewing).

Kate talks to Abe & Hope, tells them how she could not admit anything, Kristen threatened to kill her children, one by one. Roman has given her a drink, they hug.

Roman talks to an upset Eric, who doesn't want to, has to be alone, dashes out. Sarah says she will try, Roman warns her to listen, don't let him take a drink.

Eli & Lani have Kristen in the interrogation room, handcuff one hand to the chair, give her a pad to write her statement. She is angry, ….longhand? She wants her attorney. They go out, she sweeps the pad off the table in anger.

Sarah sits with the despondent Eric, who is trying to cope with the fact that it was not really Nicole who said all those awful things to him, who blamed him, etc. Sarah is understanding, figures that a part of Eric still cared, was hoping Nicole might eventually come to her senses. Eric tho, knows Nicole is really dead.

Brady arrives at the cop shop, wants to see Kristen. Eli & Lani say she is not talking without attorney, Brady says let me try. Eli notes not admissible is her attorney not present. Well, maybe I can find out something. He goes in, Kristen says if he came to offer himself again, too late. No, he wants her to tell him the truth.....tell about all the people she has killed. She hisses.......I didn't kill anyone.
It didn't seem to me that Hope knew Nicole was Kristen before John confronted her, but he asks Hope about who wants to do it. I mean he never said it, he just thought it and she said John where did you go? It was just weird I thought. And man, they did replay a lot today!!

Anna was funny with Tony - you bet we will talk about this later!!

Seriously Sarah, all this Kristen stuff going on and you ask Eric he wants to leave?!

Several people said today "and Nicole did not come back, she's gone." So ya know what that means?!! I can't wait!

I am surprised that Kristen never said to Brady "but you kept telling me that you were thinking about Kristen."
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed seeing yesterday's end of the show again at the beginning of today's show.
Interesting the whole show stayed at Doug's Place until the people started going
their separate ways.

John mentioned "Mission Impossible" when talking about the mask.

Anna had some funny remarks. She told Tony that Kristen was his sister wife.

It was funny when Susan said she used her teeth to cut the rope. I would love
to have seen that.

Why did Roman have the evidence bag with the mask and hair?

I hope next week will be as exciting as this one was.
Great reveal scenes overall. Stacy Haiduk (Kristen) was doing WORK. I could see the veins in her arms popping.

I hated how Kristen had a gun drawn and the 2 working cops in the room are standing in the background doing absolutely nothing.

Loved Brady protecting his mother and vice versa.

Poor Eric. I hope he finds out the whereabouts of Nicole soon. Surely she's not really dead.

Give me more Kate and Roman please. It's the only way I can tolerate her with Lucas not around.

I knew Susan would save Marlena. It was the only solution.

Loved Kristen's dress but was astonished to learn it cost $795. That's times 2 with "Nicole" wearing it too. I liked Hope's dress from the waist up. Marlena's entire look was terrific.

The extras at the party were hilarious.
I agree that Hope's dress looked good from the waist up, but full length, it looked awful.

I think Marlena's white suit was the one she wore when she and John had the quick ceremony in Horton Town Square last year after she recovered.
I have to say I think they've been using the same clothes for Kristen and Nicole. I've noticed they fit better on Nicole and then they will look loose on Kristen.
Thanks. I suppose it's just the style they pick for the dresses. I guess they might not fit in the same way. I've always been a little distracted by some of them.
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Oh, as noted, when the Nicole mask comes off, along with the wig, the character loses 20 lbs., 2" in height, half the bosom, and emerges with long perfectly curled hair, and full makeup intact! Amazing Brady never noticed the difference in body size when Nicole was undressed. LOL
Kudos to the writers for having Susan Banks save this day. For years, this character has been subject to all sorts of mockery and other abuse, and it was good to see her get a chance to play the heroine.

Until Susan clobbered creepy Kristen, I was all set to rip into the writers for the usual Salem stupidities.
  • Commissioner Eli and Detective Lani for not hauling Kristen away immediately and then just standing there mute as she threatened Marlena with her cannon of a gun.
  • John delaying the arrest so he could make a speech (like many Salemites, sometimes John just talks too much).
  • None of the many guests in the rear of the crowd surreptitiously dialing 911 so some real cops could arrive and apprehend Kristen.
  • Eric's typical blather (Eric manages to look pained and anguished at any and all occasions).
Now that Kristen is in custody, if she get any deal that lets her go free, I'll throw something at the screen. The only deal she should get that if she talks, she can get out of jail when she's old, feeble, and gray, instead of dying miserably in prison.

Finally, somebody should mention that nobody has seen (or heard) loudmouth Gabi and her love/hate interest, Stefan Zero, in a while. John could then again save the day by saying, "Let's go check the DiMera dungeon just in case."
Eric manages to look pained and anguished at any and all occasions
Maybe he's constipated? Would be a perfect product placement. He can make that look and Sarah could ask "Eric, how long has it been since you've gone? You should try XYZ, it'll get you moving and put a bounce in your step!"
It truly is a shame that all the writers can come up with for Eric is gloom, misery and despair. But truly, Eric has been dealing with the guilt of Holly's death, and his beloved Nicole reaming him out at every opportunity. He finally decides that he really needs to move on, and suddenly, gets bombed with the fact it was not his beloved Nicole deriding him, pushing him farther and farther away, but evil Kristen, the woman who drugged and raped him when he was a priest. A lot to take in, and process, for sure.
And his brother, such a fool for being taken in and not realizing the truth. But Eric, he now has to accept once again, that his beloved Nicole is dead. Surprised the man does not have a complete breakdown!
He really has been a gloomy Gus most of the time, has such a great smile (which we only got to see with that stupid, idiotic, spaghetti sauce smearing scene. ) I hope Days will give Eric some better scenarios in the future.
I too was bothered by Hope talking to John during Marlena’s toast (from Thursday’s episode) but it did end up moving the story along with the intended dramatic effect. The police allowing Kristen to roam unimpeded was annoying but it is a soap after all. I thought to myself that this was kind of like the ending of a Scooby Doo episode where they remove the mask and the villain explains everything to those nosy kids .

I loved this week's episodes though. They were fun. There were great moments of silliness (like Will teasing Brady about Susan. That was great!) And it was good to see John Black and Hope putting their thinking caps back on.
Maybe he's constipated? Would be a perfect product placement. He can make that look and Sarah could ask "Eric, how long has it been since you've gone? You should try XYZ, it'll get you moving and put a bounce in your step!"
This is a fine idea. Imagine Eric doing a laxative ad on Titan TV. "Hi, I'm Eric Brady. I was once so backed up that it affected my mood and unkind persons who didn't call me the "Fallen Father Eric" dubbed me the Salem Sourpuss. Now, thanks to [fill in name], I've taken a load off and can't get a smile off my face." Another ad might go like this:

Roman: "What's with Eric, suddenly he's all smiles."
Ciara: "It's all because of [fill in name]. It'll change anybody's gloomy mood, even Victor Kiraikis's."
Roman: "Hmm, I think I'll give it a try. I can't get a kiss, but at least I can get rid of my moderate to severe constipation."