Days of our Lives - Friday August 26, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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If you are a fan of Alex you will be happier than a pig is mud, if you don't like Alex, your fast forward button will get a real workout.

Chanel and Allie have hired someone else to open the bakery and Henry slept in. Alex has spam texted the girls and they rag on him.

Replay of Alex running into Stephanie

Sonny and Chad talk of Stephanie, Sonny is thinking of hiring a new PR firm.

Roman is at the bar, it’s his birthday, per Eric. They talk about birthday wishes coming from the homeland. Sami called earlier. Roman notices that Eric has worked up a sweat.

Replay of Nicole looking for Eric and running into a towel wrapped Jada

(So, far I’m thinking I’ve waited for this?)

More Chanel and Allie talking about going out for drinks with Alex. Since they have someone to open the bakery, they should go out more. Allie isn’t into the idea of spending time with Alex and his 3-some idea. Chanel is into the idea.

Stephanie and Alex DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER. Alex is gross and disgusting in his early talking with Stephanie.

Sonny and Chad hope Stephanie give Sonny gets a family discount. They have a nice boring conversation.

Roman is trying to figure out why Eric is sweating. Eric wants to fix Jada’s A/C. All other units are working so why is Eric all hot and sweaty.

Nicole makes a fool of herself because she wants Eric because well why?

Chanel and Allie talk 3-ways, apparently Alex is a very hot guy.

Alex returns with Stephanie’s coffee and he got the order correct. Alex becomes gross and disgusting again. Stephanie is snarky back at him. Alex mansplains instant attraction to Stephanie. Stephanie leaves because a total stranger makes her uncomfortable. It becomes even more disgusting from Alex’s part. Sonny calls, stopping this horrible scene. Stephanie leaves to talk with Sonny. She also leaves the coffee she couldn’t live without. Alex thinks Stephanie really likes him.

Roman is still grilling Eric on why he is so sweaty because all dads care about their sons.

Nicole and Jada have an award conversation. Nicole is more concerned about this. Jada calls her on it, as she should. Really why would two women who aren’t friends talk about the sexual history, attractions of another. Jada knows Nicole is still hot to trot for Eric. Hey Eric walks in on this charmless conversation.

Kate shows up at the bar with a gift for the Birthday Boy Roman. Kate explains what a birthday gift is. Roman refuses it because Kate promised to turn herself in. Kate did turn herself in, she’s been charged as an accessory after the fact.

Allie and Chanel are getting busy when there is a knock on the door, Paulina and Abe show up. Paulina breaks the news that Abe is running for Governor. Paulina wants to use the bakery to make thousands of cookies saying “Vote for Abe”.

Stephanie shows up in Sonny’s office. Stephanie tells of her horrible experience with a guy when the guy follows her into the building. Alex is still gross.

Sonny introduces Alex as his brother. Stephanie realizes they are cousins. Alex tries to make it seem okay to date and share bodily fluids.

Chanel insists that Paulina apologize to Allie about the whole Johnny is better for Chanel thing a while ago if anyone remembers this scene will bring it all back, in its cringe-ist manner

Kate and Roman talk about Kate’s turning herself in.

Eric wants to know why Nicole is even in the same room.

Allie takes Paulina’s apology. The girls take the order for the cookies.

Hey guess what, Alex wants to head up the new PR person, Sonny tries to save Stephanie from his gross slimy brother. This is going to be the most difficult story to put up with.

Kate is not going to prison; she has a fine and community service for her part in Sami’s kidnapping. Roman is happy that Kate won’t be going to prison. Kate wants to get back together.

Eric and Nicole have an uncomfortable and really stupid conversation. Eric wants to know why Nicole is there so we get the flashback of Nicole’s dream. Hey guys, we longed for this couple for years you finally gave them to us and then sent Eric away for years, you didn’t invest in them. Eric admits that he too had a sex dream about Nicole.

Alex finds his keys in the town square he thinks it’s his lucky day, Allie and Chanel come in; he’s forgotten about his text messages.

Roman is willing to forgive Kate. Paulina and Abe walk in and see them hugging. Abe wishes Roman a happy birthday. Paulina orders champagne all around.

Nicole tells of a silly dream of Eric of him cooking, what’s your dream. We get a replay of Eric’s dream. STOP IT! You don’t care about Eric and Nicole, writers you have trashed them for so long more on, you have forced us to move on.

Alex is now trying to figure out how to get out of his 3-way with Chanel and Allie. Alex tells them of finding the woman of his dreams. Try not to puke.

Jada comes in to tell Eric she is leaving for work.

Nicole wants to hear Eric’s dream. Nicole shows up at Eric’s door with a singing telegram. Nicole FINALLY leave’s Eric’s bedroom to the saddest of music.

Paulina and Kate talk about boyfriends, and a new Governors. Abe toasts to a wonderful year for the 4 of them as someone watches from outside.
Robin - Thank you! NBC (NoBody Cares) interrupted the last half hour for late-breaking news about the redacted documents related to Mira Lago. When the show is streamed, this will not be an issue., but there will be other issues! NBC often does this, but CBS and ABC do not as much.

Looks like they puling a "Moonlighting" with Stephanie and Alex, sort of. On that show, both Maddie and David could not stand each other until the day they did, but here, Alex is crazy about Stephanie, and she wants no part of him. Until she will It is inevitable. The part with a towel, I am sure...ugh!

I am so unhappy with the way Nicole is being written now/has been written for a while. She is acting like a jealous teenager, it does not suit her. She definitely made a fool of herself today. Can't she just be grateful she has a wonderful husband in Rafe and move on?

Chanel is just looking for free food and drinks, like the first time we met her (albeit, another actress). I don't see Chanel and Allie for the long run at all. Their values are quite different.
Wow...this episode was quite hard to take in...between Alex's disgusting and creepy scenes and Paulina being busybody filler, to the foolishness of Nicole & Eric, I just want to say that the best thing about today's episode was Roman forgiving Kate and taking her back.

Oh, and Sonny and Chad were good too, I suppose, by comparison.
I think I'd be happier if they had Stephanie show some interest in Alex. Like if she had a hint of a smile after their encounter. Sort of like boy, he's an egomaniac but he's certainly cute. Or if she just found the entire thing funny. She seems a little over the top mad about a gut that bumped into her and then hit on her.

So know that we have Kate and Roman very quickly made up I assume the person outside is Philip.
It is hard to believe an entire episode consisted of flashbacks, and conversations related to flashbacks, or something that happened in the past. Eric & Nicole have flashbacks to their sex dreams about each other, then make up fake dreams to tell the other. (Nicole said something about Eric cooking and the food exploded all over, while Eric said Nik came to his door with a singing telegram. Before that, awkward beyond belief was Nicole showing up at Eric's door, surprised at seeing Jada in a towel, then giving her the 3rd degree about them having sex.

Paulina is entirely too pushy still about Abe running for governor. Now it's thousands of cookies that say Vote for Abe. Egads!

And yes, Alex is entirely overboard in the creepy hits on females. And now he is smitten with Stephanie, even explaining to her why they were NOT related when Sonny said Alex was his brother. MY guess is that Alex will be toning it way down, become a much nicer person, so Stephanie won't be so turned off as she is now.

I thought whoever is peering thru the window might be Orpheus, or one of his thugs??? Shame on the writers for throwing Nicole under the bus. it is astonishing how Eric & Nicole so lust for one another, but have hook up constantly with others, who are gonna be aware of the heat when those two are in the same room.
Replay of Nicole looking for Eric and running into a towel wrapped Jada

(So, far I’m thinking I’ve waited for this?

Nicole and Jada have an award conversation. Nicole is more concerned about this. Jada calls her on it, as she should. Really why would two women who aren’t friends talk about the sexual history, attractions of another. Jada knows Nicole is still hot to trot for Eric. Hey Eric walks in on this charmless conversation.
Oh me too - I have waited for this too, so much me too. But wow Jada... way to overshare info with someone you JUST met.

Stephanie and Alex DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER. Alex is gross and disgusting in his early talking with Stephanie.
Alex returns with Stephanie’s coffee and he got the order correct. Alex becomes gross and disgusting again. Stephanie is snarky back at him. Alex mansplains instant attraction to Stephanie. Stephanie leaves because a total stranger makes her uncomfortable. It becomes even more disgusting from Alex’s part. Sonny calls, stopping this horrible scene. Stephanie leaves to talk with Sonny. She also leaves the coffee she couldn’t live without. Alex thinks Stephanie really likes him.

Hey guess what, Alex wants to head up the new PR person, Sonny tries to save Stephanie from his gross slimy brother. This is going to be the most difficult story to put up with.
I was so sure that he was the guy from the past that she was talking about... but then she knows of the Kiriakis clan and whether to stay away or not. This whole interaction was gross, except the Malcolm Gladwell discussion... which, they get wrong. It's the concept of 'thin-slicing', and it's not about sifting through information, but instead using limited information gained in a short window to make a decision... which ultimately *leads* to intuition, based on our experiences. So, Alex, Stephanie is using her intuition to decide, based on limited information gained in a short window, to decide that she doesn't want to be around you. Get the hint, buddy. (I miss Ben)
Roman is trying to figure out why Eric is sweating. Eric wants to fix Jada’s A/C. All other units are working so why is Eric all hot and sweaty.
Roman is still grilling Eric on why he is so sweaty because all dads care about their sons.
Roman, you are not this dense. You've had... how many kids?
Chanel and Allie talk 3-ways, apparently Alex is a very hot guy.
Gross. Stringing along Alex is bad behavior, and this whole conversation made me cringe. I think it's more gross than Alex himself.

I don't think I can handle re-thinking about this episode anymore.
Please stop with Nicole/Eric garbage!! He had her! Treated her like crap so why all the pining!! Enough!!

Alex and Stephanie could be good. Depends what they do with it.

So tired of Allie and Chanel!! Allie just came to terms with being bi but now she wants to spend her life with a woman? She was thisclose to marrying Tripp!! Just really tired of them!!

Really Roman? Gonna take Kate back? Does this woman never have to pay for wrongdoing? Community service!
Talk about a corrupted wish/idealized version of someone.
The term we nerds use is "Mary Sue". That is, a character that is just a stand-in for the writer's wish fulfillment. This can transcend gender and sexuality barriers if it makes the story work.

Can I watch Stefano assaulting Susan in Elvis gear again, please? I'm grossed out by almost-cousins being in a "love" story, but my main issue is that once more, Re-Ron has plucked two characters from Salem history and plooped them into a silly story that requires not only forgetting the characters' pre-Ron history, but even what he has written.

I was expecting Roman to wait and Kate to have some dignity. I once liked Roman/Kate together, but they've not been charming to me. Just boring.
Roman, you are not this dense. You've had... how many kids?
Well, he's the bio father of 3 girls and 2 boys, but he only raised ¼ of a kid.
Eric: It hasn't taken him very long to jump back into the Salem luv scene since being released from his vow of celibacy. If Xander heard about his latest amorous exploits and dreams, he'd stop calling him "The Fallen Father Eric" and switch to the "fornicating former Father Eric."

Paulina: She's basing Abe's campaign on a cookie giveaway? She appears to have confused running for governor with trying to get elected the president of the student council at Salem High.

Roman: Today, he was pontificating about "actions having consequences." Before he inflicts himself on Pub visitors, he ought to try getting that concept across to his daughter, Sami.

Allie, Chanel, and Alex: Please go away -- the sooner the better.
Someone at Peacock was asleep when editing or something. Two sections of today's show was repeated twice. Very annoying.

Thanks, robin.

Roman was acting like Julie when he kept asking Eric why he was so sweaty. Roman had to forgive Kate. There's no one else in
Salem he can date :)

Someone finally figured out that Allie and Chanel needed to have help at the bakery so they don't have to go there.

Shouldn't Stephanie and Alex know each other? I'm sure they've seen each other over the years even if they aren't
really cousins.
Shouldn't Stephanie and Alex know each other? I'm sure they've seen each other over the years even if they aren't
really cousins.
That's my issue; they are step-cousins and were raised as cousins. Even if they didn't interact as adults, they've known one another since birth. One would think at the very least they've seen pictures of one another for most of their lives.