Days of Our Lives - Friday, Dec. 29, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 29, 2017

Tis New Year’s Eve in Salem, and a tiny miracle for the viewers. There actually is a bit of snow on the walkway in front of Club TBD, and amazingly, none of the long gowned, high heeled ladies are affected at all. :). The first part of the show is devoted to the various places where the guests are getting dolled up, plus throughout the show there are scenes of a woman, in black dress, donning jewelry, leaving her room, her car is ready, she exits it, stands in front of the club, wearing a hooded cloak.

Eve enters her bedroom, is starting to take off her top, in comes a shirtless Brady without knocking. They go back and forth a bit, Brady says they are going to the DiMera party, even though not invited, they will crash. Eve is not too keen on the idea, but Brady figures it will give her another chance to talk to Gabi, try and convince her to come with Titan. She agrees, gets dolled up, he is in his tux, having a drink, as she comes down, and they are on their way.

Abby & Chad are dressed to the nines, all lovey dovey, figuring they had better get to their party. Kate comes into the room where Andre (not in a tux) is having a drink, he compliments her, she just says he is himself. They chatter a bit about Stefano not being there to see Chad taking his rightful place as head of the company, would be so proud, etc.

Will & Sonny are all tuxed up, Sonny all smiles and happy, and leave for the party.

Hope & Rafe, for some reason, are all dressed up, but at the cop shop as Ciara comes in, all miserable. She whines about how she told Theo how she felt, but he loves Claire, and it is all over. She is reminded she & Theo are still good friends, she doesn’t think so. She pulls out a card, hands it to her mom, it’s her motorcycle license, she wants the keys to dad’s bike, she got the license her mom requested. Hope says no, she said they would discuss it if she got her license. And she is not giving her the keys. Ciara runs off in a huff. Hope & Rafe leave for the party.

Jen answers her door, trying to zip up her dress, Eric is there, obliges her. She grabs a wrap, and they leave.

Let me say, on the side here, that wardrobe & hairstylists were not all that kind to some of the ladies.

Abby & Chad arrives, place looks great, Paul is just leaving. Won’t intrude on their shindig. Abby & Chad urge him to stay, no, he is leaving. They mention Sonny & Will coming, so Paul figures he better leave now. Outside, of course, he runs into Will & Sonny, awkward, but …have a good time, Happy New Year.

Andre & Kate arrive, she is wearing a fur coat, lol. We see Brady & Eve inside, handing their wraps to some guy, commenting no one stopped them. Yes, they have crashed. Brady is off to distract the DiMeras so Eve can badger Gabi. Andre asks what he is doing there, Brady is sarcastic, talking of partying with thieves and murderers, but claims Sonny invited him. Andre calls Sonny over, Brady wants Sonny to tell him he invited him, Sonny denies it, Andre is going to call the cops, walks away. Brady thinks Sonny should show a united front with him in front of DiMera, Sonny refuses, Andre returns, is going to get Brady a police escort, but Brady says he is going. Meanwhile Eve has been urging Gabi to change her mind, she will be much better off, a better fit with Basic Black.

At that point, Abby interrupts with a big speech about her hubby taking over, etc. then Chad does his bit, promising a new and better year. They all toast DiMera, and the party is rolling again. (tho the music is really very muted, but some folks are dancing).

Ciara has been outside, swigging from a bottle in a brown paper bag, ranting about Claire, sees the invite to the gala on her phone, decides to go to the party after all. She enters, sweeping past the cloaked lady, sees her mom and Rafe, who can tell she has been drinking. She grabs a glass of the bubbly, offers a toast to her mom and her loving, honest and trustworthy fiancé. Hope manages to take the glass away from her, Rafe suggests they go somewhere private, all 3 go into another room. Guests have been staring in shock.

Gabi tells Eve she really has not signed anything yet, so will think about her pitch. Eve evidently leaves with Brady. Gabi is dancing with Eli, they are hoping for a good year.

Chloe has been there a bit, but not too much to say to anyone.

Will gets a call from Roger, someone visited Susan, she got upset. He wants to leave, call her, etc. Will see Sonny back at the house. But he runs into Paul in the square. Some awkward chit chat.Paul is in a charity run, is on his way.

The countdown begins, 10, 9, 8…….everyone joins in the counting. One! Happy New Year! Chad & Abby kiss. Jen tells Eric, Happy New Year, friend. At the K mansion, Eve & Brady are on the sofa with popcorn & champagne, watching the festivities on TV. Brady suddenly kisses her. Sonny has arrived home, grabs a bottle, 2 glasses, heads upstairs, all ready to celebrate, calling Will’s name, realizing he is not there. In the square, Will grabs Paul and kisses him. Back at the club, Andre summons up his courage, and kisses Kate. Auld Lang Syne plays in the background.

Everyone stares as Dracula walks in, (sorry, but that is who it looks like, complete with the red satin lining to the cloak). Dracula comes into the middle of the room, then pushes back the hood, “Sorry I am late”. Kate jumps up, ….”Vivian!!!!
Only rock-stupid Ciara Alice Brady could walk past the oddly-dressed Vivian without a blink.

I thought Will wanted to go to Memphis, but I think I misunderstood the scene. And how did Sonny get from Doug's Place to the Kmansion without passing through the Square and seeing Will and Paul? Silly.

I'm not sure how I feel about Vivian's return. Good introduction though. New viewers are probably intrigued.
When I was a kid, we had lampshades like Abby's dress.


Whoever did Jen's hair must have been watching Sex and the City reruns for inspiration:


Also, were the hair and wardrobe people trying to turn Gabi into a Kardashian with the trashy dress and pin-straight hair?

No better way to start the New Year off with Vivian Alamain coming in crashing the party, what a awesome episode! I enjoyed this episode seeing all the couples kiss and get ready was nice. Okay, what was up with Jennifer's bun? I thought she was about to cast a magic spell from Hogwarts or something, lol! No! It's like today the wardrobe and makeup departments must have been in a hurry and rushing.

I enjoyed Chad's speech. I heard him say once again "Era of DiMera", that's 3 times in total Chad has said it. I wonder if the actor reads these comments too, I know some of the writers most likely do. That tidbit put a big Kool Aid smile on my face. I loved it. :)

I wonder if the visitor Roger was talking about was Sister Moira? But why would Susan start talking to herself, unless Kristen paid a visit? Let's see next week.
I thought it was kind of silly how Jen talked about this night being hard for Eric. What about being hard for Brady, Maggie, and Jen herself? Just thought it was odd to single him out.

They showed hands helping Vivian with her necklace, that person must still be in the car.

I realize this is "Salem" but here in Minnesota, people don't ride motorcycles in the winter. Do they do that in big cities like Chicago?

I do get a chuckle from Andre and his feelings for Kate.

Oh and when speaking about the dresses, let's not forget to mention Chloe's um, not so discreet very plunging neck line.
Thanks for the summary. Wow, what a treat, this was! Vivian's return is something I've been hoping for since 2011, when she left. Hopefully she is just as funny now as she was during the whole sarcophagus saga in late 2010. The ending with her reveal was just perfectly done in my opinion. I also was glad to see Will kissing Paul and Andre kissing Kate. I'm rooting for these couples. Hopefully it materializes! And Sonny totally deserves it.

Brady is a total idiot. Kissing Eve?:tsk: Dude was engaged to her sister and has a baby with her! I know that might not be saying much in light of other storylines not the soap (or other soaps like B&B), but I still find it trashy. He either needs to be with Chloe or he needs to be single for a while.

If Ciara is not going to reveal the big thing about Rafe and Sami, she shouldn't have been around acting a fool. It's getting on my nerves.