Days of Our Lives Friday July 22, 2022


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Dec 31, 1969
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Belle arrives at Shawn's. The baby (doll in blanket) is crying. He is sorry, she says no need. She's glad he got to bring the baby home. He thanks her for coming. He wants to apologize

Prison visiting room: Evan comes in to tell Orpheus it's official they are pardoned. Orpheus is mad about Kristen. The Gov. isn't happy, nearly tanked the entire deal

Gwen in her cell, Kristen returns from the infirmary. Gwen asks what happened to her hand. They discuss Kristen's bad day, but things are looking up!

Xander at the police station.: Rafe comes in. Xander wants Sarah released. Rafe says she is only a person of interest, Sarah said she didn't want a lawyer. Jada is questioning Sarah. Sarah wants to know who the witness was that saw her at the mansion, Jada tells it's Lucas (is this allowed???)
Jada asks about her medication. Sarah explains it's for her hallucinations.


Jake's apartment: He is just coming through the door, Ava is on the phone, talking to Tripp. She says she loves him, Jake acts jealous, was that her secret lover?? No it was her son. They ask about each other's day. She tells of the pardoning of the criminals, including his sister Kristen. Jake hadn't heard.

Back to the prison. Kristen is telling of the opportunity that fell in her lap. Gwen says congrats, I guess this is goodbye. But it isn't!! Kristen won't leave her behind, says she got Gwen a full pardon, too.

Shawn's: He spoke to Chloe and she helped him see he has been unfair, he was wrong, should have told her from the start, blah blah. He is sorry about all his decisions, just trying to protect the baby. He should have made it clear, they are a team. Belle didn't make it easy for him, Jan having his baby drove her crazy. More of Shawn should have/would have.

Back to the prison. Orpheus/Evan are discussing Kristen's demands. NuRolf runs in, hugs Orpheus. "Thank you for thinking of me!!", but it wasn't them, it was Kristen. They discuss why he is important to the DiMeras. He says Stefano was the only one to recognize his "accomplishments"

Gwen/Kristen, more discussion of why she is busting Gwen out. Kristen is a "good/loyal" friend. Gwen and Ava helped her escape before, she is grateful.

Jake/Ava discuss the releases/pardons. Jake asks if Ava had anything to do with it. She didn't but is turned on by him thinking she had that much power.

Interrogation room: Sarah is telling of her drugging by Kristen to explain why she has hallucinations. Jada asks why the syringe was there. Sarah says Abby left it. So Jada deduces it's Abby's fault what happened to Sarah, surely you were angry with her, but no, Sarah says it's Kristen's fault, she hates her. Gets really agitated. Calls her the "b" word!

Kristen & Gwen, they discuss why she didn't spring BFF Lani. But too bad for Lani, the Gov. has no jurisdiction, since she's out of state. They are
happy and celebrating now, hugging it out.

NuRolf also dancing around in the all purpose/visiting room. Orpheus calls him a freak show.

Evan is going straight to Shawn's to claim his son. Orpheus shares the original DNA results that show Shawn is not the father. (does this sound like a Maury episode?) They discuss Evan let him down, he's sorry, just go get my grandson.

Belle/Shawn: she admits she made mistakes, turned to someone else instead of trying to work it out. She turned to EJ, she thinks she did it to hurt Shawn. He asks if that's all, did she fall in love with him? She says no, never love. She didn't file for separation just to turn to EJ, but it made her tell herself she was free and not betraying their vows, but she knows now that was wrong and she is sorry, crying. Shawn says they are both sorry, so where does that leave us?

Interrogation Room: Jada asks Sarah, do you still have hallucinations? Asks for examples of what she sees. Sarah tells of seeing Kristen. Tells of the ones she attacked.

Xander talks to Rafe, this was to be his happy ever after, kicks a chair. Rafe understands, asks him to be objective. They need to know what happened, if Sarah is innocent maybe she can help figure it out. Xander says she IS innocent. Rafe gets a call about the pardons.

Belle/Shawn: he gets a beep, same thing, notice about the pardons, "you won't believe who"

Jake/Ava discuss Kristen's release. Jake tells her about Gwen and Rolf also being pardoned.

Voiceover of Ava (? I think it was her voice) and a scene showing all of the pardonees walking out of the prison together. "They are free to do whatever they please"

More interrogation: Sarah was supposed to go talk to Abigail? Sarah says she didn't go, she went to the prison to see Gwen instead. Then she went home, says she never went to DiMansion. Lucas is lying or mistaken.

NuRolf thanking Kristen for getting him released. He needs to get to work, will she be needing his services? Yes, she will be getting with him. Gwen questions what services she would need from Rolf??

Back at Shawn's: Belle on the phone with Marlena, spreading the word about Orpheus. They are glad everyone is safe, Ben/Ciara out of town, etc. Then Evan comes busting in, says he's here to get his son. He's sorry, then no, he's proud to say Shawn Christian is HIS son..

Interrogation room: Sarah says Abby was her cousin, she is grateful to Abby, who rescued her, loves her, wouldn't hurt her. Jada says she could have been hallucinating again. Sarah asks if she's under arrest? No. Then she wants to leave.

Kristen/Gwen discuss their plans. Kristen wants her life back. Gwen doesn't have any chance to get Xander back. Kristen tells her she can't stand Xander, but they should go after what they want and not let anyone stand in their way!

Sarah comes out of the interrogation room, asks Xander to take her home.

Shawn threatens Evan, "get out before I kill you" Evan swears he's telling the truth. He explains his hook up with Jan. Evan shares his paternity results. Shawn/Belle question them. Evan offers up a new test, stares all around.

Ava/Jake discuss Kristen saving Jake's job. He recalls her then asking for the them to work together, but he has no idea what she might want. Cue the knock on the door. Open up, it's your sister!!

Sarah and Xander walk through the square, she is freaked out, she could have done it! How could this day get any worse?? (be careful what you ask for) Then Gwen walks into the square. They are both shocked she has been released. Gwen says it's the best news ever, see you around!

NuRolf at Dimansion, toasting Stefano's portrait and talking to it. He wants to make him proud. He opens an entrance to the tunnels and goes in. (I think this is a new entrance and access "item", it looked like a big coin on a stick)

Back to Jake's: congrats on Kristen's release. She is there to cash in. He owes her multiple favors. The first one, she needs a place to stay. It's short of her standards, but will do just fine, she takes his drink and sits on the bed!

More arguing at Shawn's. Evan wants to go to for the test now. They throw him out, he's going for a court order.

Jada/Rafe, outside the pub discussing her day and the release of the "criminals', then up walks Orpheus! Rafe's got his eye on him. No, Orpheus is going to be a model citizen, then walks off.

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Thanks, garysgirl. I'm glad you were able to do a longer summary.

Rolf talked to Stefano about his big plans. Will he be making masks for Kristen? Just in time for Halloween :)

Orpheus told Rafe would be a model citizen. Will he become a model for one of the "Bad Guy" magazines.

Orpheus told Evan that Shawn was a dim witted. An interesting thing to say since he called Evan an idiot.

Why did Kristen go to Jake's place to sleep? The DiMera mansion has lots of rooms and she could use the
secret tunnel to sneak in.

I'm glad Belle and Shawn had a good talk. Will they work things out and get back together?
Crooked politicians: Gov. Mitchell's mass pardon was so over the top that when his political enemies get done, he'll either be in prison or in Bayview.

Get a lawyer: Xander was right to insist that Sarah have a lawyer before being questioned by Rafe's latest hire. A good lawyer (not Justin) would have kept Jada from taking advantage of Sarah's naivete about the Salem legal system and would have immediately picked up on the possibility of an insanity defense if she actually did kill Abigail.

Lock the door: It seems that the DiMera and Kiriakis families aren't the only ones who don't lock the front door. If foolish Shawn had bothered to keep his front door secured, he wouldn't have had Evan waltzing into his living room unannounced.
LOL, Dr. B., people waltzing into others' homes, no doorbell or knocking, is way too overdone on Days. (yes, I know it is budget & time) Perhaps if they would cut out the stares & hesitations when a character is asked a question they'd have the extra seconds. But the stare has to be to intro the commercial, so they can continue the state in next scene. LOL
In real world there would be a committee formed so fast after the mass pardons to investigate, etc. but in Salem, just a minute on the news segment. sighhhh,
Kristen's comment about serving her time with the occasional escape made me laugh. The writers even know how much we mock this too, right? Or the actors do, and they're ad libbing. Either way, I love the meta of all of it.
I think the only model citizens in Salem are Holly and Arianna Grace. There were more, but Rachel, Baby Bo Peep and the Grant Wonder Twins left town. And poor little Shawn Christian doesn't stand a chance with Jan and Evan as his parents. He'll be breaking laws by the time he's crawling.
Let's see, the commissioner committed several felonies in helping his ex-wife cover up a murder; the mayor has turned a blind eye a few times, not including the times he was blind, to major crimes in his in-laws (not to mention his daughter's covering up for her felonious friend). Previous mayors include a DiMera flunky, an amnesiac rapist, and a rapist druglord.

So yeah, Orpheus is in great company!!
Don’t we all know Belle is probably pregnant now with EJ’s baby? Baby Shawn will end up with his real daddy or his aunt and half brother, and then Belle will have to ask Shawn to do what she wasn’t willing to do.
I wish Days would just stop having women who are well past childbearing, get pregnant. Belle and Jan should be in their fifties or late forties at best. Belle and Shawn have a grown daughter. I guess I am expecting (no pun intended) way too much from ReRon and his cronies.