Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 25th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 25, 2008

Episode #10,876 Director – Mike Denney

Philip & Kate are having breakfast at home, talking of what Bo did. Kate assures Philip that Bo did what he did for family, and thanks to her and Victor, the tape is now destroyed. It is eating Philip up inside that Bo put his job, family on the line for him, and could lose it all. Kate reassures him again, when Henderson comes in with a note left on the door step addressed to Philip. He opens it, reads and hands it to Kate. I know your secret. Phil figures John sent it. Kate has told Philip she will stand by him no matter what he did, causing Phil to blow up, he did not do anything. It is bad enough Bo thinks he is guilty, now his mother, too. Eventually Phil leaves, and Kate burns the note, telling herself that if John Black or anyone tries to do anything to her son, they will regret it.

Steve has come to visit Bo, who is home babysitting Ciara. They rehash what Bo told him last night, Bo is torn up. Steve tries to convince him to tell Hope, that secrets are no good in a marriage, he knows only too well. Bo thinks Phil is innocent but Abe & Roman are looking at Phil as a very viable suspect. Bo even want to call off the surprise for Hope, Steve doesn’t think that is a good idea.

Caroline has come to visit Kayla, learns Steve is gone, brings a gift for Joe, then they both launch into a long conversation about Bo, and whatever is troubling him. (It really is so good to see so much of Caroline with her children.) Kayla clues Caroline in on Ava’s trying to move in across the hall, how upset she was, and they talk a bit about Stephanie, thank goodness she is with Max. They go back to worrying about Bo, when Steve returns, happy to see his favorite mother-in-law and gives a big hug & kiss to “Mama Chowder”. ROTFL. Both women try to pry out of Steve how Bo has been if he told him anything, but he is loyal to his friend. Kayla & Caroline leave to go visit Bo.
When they get there, Caroline goes up to see Ciara, while Kayla talks a bit to Bo. She doesn’t pressure him, just advises him to talk to Hope about it. She decides to high-tail it home, realizes some advice she gave Bo she should take herself. She leaves, but not before asking about the surprise. Bo is hesitant, timing not right, Kayla urges him to not cancel it. Caroline comes down, and tries to get Bo to open up, to no avail. Just work says he. Caroline also urges Bo to talk to Hope, and then they talk of the surprise, which Bo says is still on.
At the Johnson house, Steve answers the door to find Ava, wanting to talk to him & Kayla. She starts apologizing for all she has put them and the Bradys through, but Steve is short and abrupt with her. She finally gets around to what she wants…..him to testify on her behalf. Steve nearly chokes, but she claims he knows how she was before she got on drugs, assures him that tho she was once in love with him, she has moved on. Steve knowingly replies, yeah, with a married man. She starts to say again how sorry she was those men died…..and Steve angrily says Shawn Brady was NOT just any man. He tells her that sure he will tell what she was like then and now. (and the look on his face doesn’t indicate what she thinks he is going to say). She starts to leave as Kayla comes back, surprised to see her. She hurries out, Steve tells her what Ava came for, and he told her he would testify to the truth. Kayla asks about Joe, sleeping like a log. She turns, Steve is about to say something, she says, I trust you, Steve, I always have. He says he has made so many mistakes. We all have, she replies. They hug.

Earlier, over at DiMansion, Ava is curled up on the sofa while John reads the paper, ignoring her. She purrs how last night was so incredible, and so was this morning, but he ignores her. He is reading about Paul’s jacket found in the river, and now they are dragging for his body. Too bad it is a waste of time. Enter Rolf followed by Marlena, who wonders how he knows that. Rolf apologizes, then leaves. Marlena begins to ask John again, they start having words, Ava decides to leave, she has things to do. In comes EJ, needing to talk to Ava, who puts him off til later. She goes over, kisses John, thanking him for last night and also this morning. (Yes, right in front of Marlena! ) Ava leaves, Marlena says she & John have gotten quite close, and does he understand that is infidelity? John replies good grounds for divorce, she asks if that is what he wants her to do. He says Ava doesn’t try to change him, is happy with how he is now, that old John is dead and never coming back. Marlena is not too sure. She leaves, stops Rolf out in the foyer, pleading with him again to help her with the disk, telling him she & Roman are working on the immunity. Rolf refuses, saying he would not want to cross John. Marlena persists, John will never know, she promises. She then says she is losing him, he is falling for another woman, and she really does not have too much time.

EJ & John talk a bit, with John letting EJ know he still doesn’t trust him, that he jumps from Brady to DiMera pretty easily. EJ had let John know that he understands how uncomfortable it is to not be yourself, he knows only too well, and is very happy to be back to himself, and working for John, and will prove himself but good. Judge Fitzpatrick arrives, thanking John for his generous donation, and EJ, too. EJ now pours on the charm, talking of what good friends they all are, and the Ava Vitali trial which is to be in Ireland, he plans to fight extradition. After all, Ava is an American citizen. Judge nods her head, she sees his point. She leaves, EJ is rubbing his hands in glee, as that went well, he thinks. And in comes Hurricane Morgan, wanting to know what John has done with her father. EJ tries to calm her down, but there is no calming Morgan. She is yelling and hollering and accusing. Now in comes Rolf, announcing Edward Vitali, who was asked by Ava to be present when she talked to her lawyer. Morgan is yelling, refusing to leave, calling Eddie one of John’s thugs, she is not afraid of him or John or EJ or any of them, and will not leave til she gets answers. John assures her he did nothing to her father, she refuses to believe him. Now Philip arrives, John tells him to take Morgan home, but she is not going anywhere til she gets some answers. She shoves her hand into her giant purse, Eddie pulls his gun, Philip gets in front of Morgan, Eddie fires, Philip goes down, EJ seem to have dived for cover, John stands and just looks. We hear a scream.


not too sure what good this may do, you all probably have read summaries elsewhere by now, but....thanks to Marylina.......better later than never. :)
I think your write up is much better than any of the others. When you make a commnet it is never nasty and I know it is a comment from you and not part of the story. Thank you as awlays for the great write up.

Awww, you just made me smile. LOL

I did like this episode, I loved that Caroline is talking with her children, worried about them, as really, even if our children are adults, we DO worry about them. Oh, shoot, was just going to say how unhappy I was with Ava, when I remembered I left something out.
Ava runs into Marlena at the Pub, and apologizes for carrying on with John. (That woman has more nerve). Marlena smiles, telling her the man she slept with was not her husband, tho he is in there somewhere, and when he finds his way out, Ava will be history.

Now to get dinner on the table. Ha.

I see this all the time - what does it mean?

Great write-up Barb - you're the best!
Thanks for the write up! I always get a good feel of the mood of the show when reading your write ups.

I used to feel for Ava but I don't like the character lately. I don't really like her paired with John either. As friends--great, but as lovers--IMO it just doesn't work.

And I agree with you Poiror that its good to see more of the Brady's interacting as a family, esp. Carolyn. She spent a lot of time MIA and its good to see her back!
NetLingo the Internet Dictionary

NetLingo has thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication including the largest collection of Internet acronyms and text messaging shorthand. *\o/*

It doesn't have the definition for SORAS though.
Sometimes there is just too many shortcuts, I guess because of text messaging, but rotfl was the first thing I learned years ago. My niece clued me in. We all really don't shortcut here much, thank goodness.

I love the "retail therapy" fav kind. I think it is Chloe's, too.

As I mentioned in another thread, I thought Caroline looked just beautiful today, loved her top, and I am intrigued with Kayla's necklace. If anyone knows where there is a good closeup of it.....let me know.
Our Days actors all do such a fantastic job. Philip is genuinely being eaten up inside because of what Bo did.......while Bo is constantly wrestling with his conscience over what he did, and both actors portray these emotions superbly.
Morgan's tirade was magnificent, and guess what? She even lost the accent! Loved when she called John a robot! Was sooooo funny, in the midst of all lher spitting nails at him. Ha.

I will try to remember to be careful when I write the summaries.
don't change a thing Barb - I'm just technology challenged. I still can't figure out how to change my "Joined Date" to Oct, 1985!

Since I sell jewelry, I'll check out the necklace and let you know who makes it.
Barb, I either read your write up or none at all. When Early Addition shut down I tried some other sites and they just annoyed me to no end. Page after page of someone trying to be snarky or show how clever they are (or AREN'T).

When you make a comment it is usually short and to the point. It is never mean or snarky. And actually are clever and often serve a purpose to remind us of a detail from another show. Your write ups are good and to the point and gives me enough info until I can catch the show myself yet not so much info that I don't still find things to enjoy when I do watch it... if that makes sense.

So thanks for that! :)
not too sure what good this may do, you all probably have read summaries elsewhere by now, but....thanks to Marylina.......better later than never. :)

Poirot, I have said it before, and I will say it again---thank you for your write ups. They are objective. I like to read them and when I watch I can make my own interpretation of some of the nuances. I didn't go check another website...decided I'd rather wait to read your summary. I agree with kardsharp...some of the other write ups have some nasty comments that I can do without. To each their own I guess!

Sounds like a terrific Friday episode...a nice cliffhanger.
Poirot, I have said it before, and I will say it again---thank you for your write ups. They are objective. I like to read them and when I watch I can make my own interpretation of some of the nuances. I didn't go check another website...decided I'd rather wait to read your summary. I agree with kardsharp...some of the other write ups have some nasty comments that I can do without. To each their own I guess!

Sounds like a terrific Friday episode...a nice cliffhanger.

What she said.:)
Poirot, I have said it before, and I will say it again---thank you for your write ups. They are objective. I like to read them and when I watch I can make my own interpretation of some of the nuances. I didn't go check another website...decided I'd rather wait to read your summary. I agree with kardsharp...some of the other write ups have some nasty comments that I can do without. To each their own I guess!

Sounds like a terrific Friday episode...a nice cliffhanger.

I second that:clap::clap::clap: THANK YOU BARB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:
I agree with all of the above. I read your summary or none at all. Thanks for all the time and effort you put in! I always agree with your occasional comments and hope you keep them in!
Barb you do a great job with your post and since dustin is no longer doing his page I only read your posts. I agree with some of the others you are fair with your comments. I never get to watch the show so I enjoy reading about it for some down time. Thanks for the great job.
Thank you for the Summary Poirot. I only come here now so yours is the only one I read. Sounds like a great show. The Paul storyline is moving along quickly. John says it is a waste of time to drag the river. I think he knows where Paul is.

Is is possible that Paul is not dead, and John has him somewhere so he can later testify? We know in the end they are going to make John come out a good guy. Could he be undercover with the ISA now? I don't think his memory is back, but I think the good in him is outweighing the bad and he knows right from wrong no matter how he presents himself to everyone.
Sounds like a great show!
I am really hoping Ava gets put away for a long, long time. I really don't think she is much different then when she was on the drugs.
I have noticed lots of the jewelry on the show, and love most of it. I read somewhere it is Hopes jewelry line.