Days of our Lives - Friday March 22, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes of not much story movement at all. But at the Kiriakis house it’s early afternoon.

Nicole arrives at the Eric/Sloan apartment to go over some details about the christening. She peeks at the baby and Sloan tells her to lower her voice or she will wake the baby. Eric comes into the living area in a towel, shirtless and still wet, to see the women and then excuses himself and leaves.

Shot of the Evans/Black building. Marlena thought John was working from home today. John is cranky. He thought about what Steve and Marlena said last night but John has given it a lot of thought. He's going to apologize to Konstantin. Marlena wants to go with him for support. John says I appreciate your support, but after I apologize, I’m grabbing a flight to Greece and will turn myself in. (who knew Salem airport had daily flights to Greece?)

Konstantin is fondling the picture of his daughter Katerina, or Catharina, and then picking up the “pawn card”

Establishing shot of the police station, EJ bulls his way into the office and demands to know where his brother is? Harris points into the all-purpose interrogation room. EJ demands to know what Harris is trying? Harris tells him he’s not doing anything. Stefan confessed, then said he wanted to speak with the DA, you, and he is waiting.

EJ walks into the all-purpose interrogation room and Stefan has a chess board. (why didn’t Xander or Ava, or any of the other guests of this room ever have a chess game to pass away the hours they are left sitting in the room?) Stefan gives a chess analogy on how to remain powerful. EJ asks what are you playing at and Stefan answers "chess" WE are playing for my freedom and yours.

Nicole offers Sloan some scones, Sloan isn’t into scones. Nicole mentions the cake she just finished ordering. She got buttercream, is that okay? Sloan replies Jude won’t be having any and as he’s the star of the show, I don’t really care. Nicole is somewhat taken aback. Sloan tells Nicole that her father-in-law is catering the affair, did you know that? Nicole agrees, is aware of the no clam chowder rule, and wants to know if there are any other items NOT to be included? Sloan chooses not to tell Nicole that she isn’t on board with Nicole being this close to her, and being close to her son.

Back at the Evans/Black townhouse Marlena tries to talk a very angry John out of turning himself in. John believes that he’s always been capable of killing. He asks just how do you move past this? Marlena tries to pull the I-was-the-devil card on John. John claims that is different and storms out of the townhouse. Marlena calls Steve, who is in Horton Town Square.

At the police station, Harris calls Ava, who answers the phone “WELL?” which is weird. We don’t see Ava, but Harris has a conversation letting her know Stefan turned himself in, but Harris has a feeling it’s not going to go smoothly.

EJ and Stefan have a conversation. Stefan reminds EJ that he took all of his worldly goods in exchange for getting him out of town, with a forged passport, etc. EJ counters with "you signed those papers." EJ then lets Stefan know that Harris is aware it was Stefan who shot him, so why is he allowing you to plea to lesser charges? Stefan tells EJ that Michaels has an agenda, just like you have one, just like I have one. EJ just can’t wait to get rid of him. Stefan has recorded EJ arranging the passport and transportation out of town. Ooops. (Stefano would be ever so embarrassed to call either of these boys his son)

Nicole tells Sloan if she doesn’t want her to be involved then okay. But she thought that Holly would like to be involved. That Roman would like to sit at a family event instead of hosting it. Sloan is almost buying this line. Then Nicole brings Eric into this and it all goes sideways. Nicole tells Sloan that she is in love with EJ and she is really happy that Eric has found a wife and a baby who makes him really happy too. That at some point they (Sloan and Nicole) will have to figure out how to get along.

John walks into the Kiriakis living room as Maggie is pouring a cup of coffee. John greets Maggie with good afternoon. Maggie tells John if he’s here to throw more baseless accusations about Konstantin trying to steal her money, he can just leave now. Steve and Marlena walk into the room. John tells Marlena that Steve won’t change his mind either. Maggie is confused. Konstantin walks into the room as Steve tries to get John to join him outside for a moment. Konstantin demands to know why John is in the room? John tells him that he knows he can’t ask for forgiveness, but he will tell him he is profoundly sorry.

Ava has met up with Harris at the town square. Harris thinks this is going south for Ava and Harris’ plans.

All-purpose interrogation room. EJ has figured out that Harris is saving Ava. He will drop the charges to lesser ones, running drugs, in exchange for testimony against Clyde Weston. But the charges against Xander Cook, who is still charged with shooting a cop, will remain. But who cares about Xander Cook? They both agree Xander can remain accused of that. So, a deal is struck.

EJ will offer a deal on lesser terms in exchange for the recording of him committing a major felony, and Stefan goes free. Now the discussion on who gets to have the DiMera money that Stefan signed over. A proposal is set, let’s play this game of chess. If I win, I get everything says Stefan. If you win, you get to keep my money and whatever. EJ refuses to play Stefan’s game.

Nicole and Sloan continue their pointless conversation. Nicole is fawning and continues to mention the fact she has lost her son. Jude wakes up, he’s been so fussy of late. Sloan hands Jude to Nicole as she sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him and he calms down. Eric has dressed and stands and watches.

Maggie wants to know why John is asking for forgiveness from Konstantin? And why Steve and Marlena want to stop him? John explains that he is the man who took the life of Konstantin’s daughter with today’s CC spelling of Katerina. Konstantin looks on in amusement.

Ava and Harris talk about what is going on inside of the all-purpose interrogation room. Ava is worried that they are going to gang up and go against Harris’ plan. Harris loves Ava, he can’t lose her.

EJ has nothing to gain, from playing the silly game. Stefan is so full of himself. He can’t begin to think of a more DiMera way to settle their differences. After much snarking at each other, they being to play. If EJ loses, he will take another look at the deal.

Eric joins the ladies; they are chatting about work things. Eric saw Holly while out on his jog this morning. Nicole goes on and on about how sweet and innocent Holly, and how Nicole is the only one who knows what best for her daughter.

While we were enjoying Ava and Harris in the square, and EJ and Stefan in the all-purpose interrogation room, and let’s not forget the Nicole, Sloan and fully dressed Eric bits of this day, the entire story of John’s involvement with Konstantin has been explained to Maggie. Maggie asks John if no one saw you shoot the girl, then how do you know you did it? (that’s a great question, Maggie, one that won’t be answered, if answered at all, for many, many, many more days) John keeps insisting he did shoot the girl. Konstantin joins in the fray. He believes John shot and killed his daughter.

Ava and Harris talk in the square, recapping everything about the drug trade. Ava chooses now to apologize for sleeping with Stefan.

EJ and Stefan are finishing up the game, EJ claims check. Stefan loves being a DiMera, he makes his last move, then Stefan is allowed to check. Stefan has won the game. Will he get the money back?

Eric reminds Nicole that Brady will be there. Nicole wishes she had been able to baptize her son before he.....[died]. Eric tells Nicole he knows her son is with God. Nicole promises to see them tomorrow and leaves.

John and Konstantin talk. John tell Konny that he can’t imagine the pain Konstantin has been suffering all of these. Konstantin goes into his spiel of how perfect his daughter had been. Marlena has joined in the discussion. John tells Konstantin that there is a red-eye to Athens tonight and once those wheels touch down he is going to go turn himself in.

Harris has to get back to the police station. He leaves.

EJ and Stefan continue to spar. But Stefan appears to have won. Harris arrests Stefan and will be taking him to booking.

Eric and Sloan talk about the party, Sloan’s okay with Nicole hosting. (What has happened to Sloan? This is a weepy weak person. Can we have the shrew back?)

Nicole runs into EJ in the town square. EJ has found Stefan. All’s well that ends well.

Steve tells John he can’t do this. John says that in the past others had his will, now he has free will and he is going to do what has to be done, Konstantin will never forgive him. That is where you are wrong! Semi shouts Konstantin, I do forgive you!
@robinsnest Thank you for the summary!

"Well" is actually a common way to greet someone on the phone in other languages, but it is agreeably weird in English.

I'm so sick of disgusting Sloan having Nicole's baby. Let this truth be known, please?!! Come on Days, Nicole is missing precious bonding time with her baby.
Come on Days, Nicole is missing precious bonding time with her baby.
While I agree that I want Nicole to have her son returned, she did the same exact thing to Sami by stealing Sydney. Then Nicole watched Sami grieve the loss of Grace, knowing full well she had Sami's real baby. If Rafe hadn't figured it out and forced the truth from Nicole, Sami would've never been reunited with her baby.
Thanks, robin.

Will Sloan start singing "Twinkle, Twinkle" to Jude since it worked when Nicole sang to him?

How many police stations have a game of chess and why did Harris allow Stefan to set it up?

EJ needs to get some chess hints from Chad since he lost the game.

An interesting end with Konstantin telling John he forgave him. Does this mean John won't leave Salem?
Does he have plans for John and the pawn card?
Somebody should turn the fire hose on John. He and his non-stop, high-volume guilt are unbearable. If he does foolishly go to Greece to “confess,” it would serve him right if the cops there have no record of a shooting like the one he described.

Stefano must be spinning in his grave. After all the chess lessons he provided for Elvis, he still loses to the son of Vivian. Speaking of Elvis, Paulina should be dragged down to the police station to see what happens when the likes of EJ is foolishly given an important legal position.

Finally, enough of the battle between the Sydnapper and the Judenapper. This circus has gone on far too long. Regardless of what Nicole did in the past, boozy Sloan is a disgrace to the legal profession and should be convicted of kidnapping and disbarred. Even morally-bankrupt EJ, crooked Ted and dead bird Aiden would agree.
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Stefano would be ever so embarrassed to call either of these boys his son
I'm not sure I agree with the board consensus. They both did at least as well of a job with the raping, the drug-running, and the business bumbling as Stefano did. They're both a little light on the murder but their mates usually make up for that.
Stefan is so full of himself. He can’t begin to think of a more DiMera way to settle their differences.
What Would Stefano Do? Wait, nevermind - I don't want to see Stefan bed Nicole, or EJ bedding Gabi.
What has happened to Sloan?
I've been asking this for months - this weepy, pathetic, must-hold-on to Fr Frowny Face character isn't recognisable. It's purely DUH PLOT because it sure wasn't a turn to suit the actress's talents.
ahhh, Dr. B, you said everything I was about to say in a post, and much better. Thank you!

Meanwhile, Salemites seem to all have lost their persona s. Confess I have been unable to actually watch a couple of shows, but egads. Past time for everyone to regain their original selves. They all seem to be living with the folks from Big Bang Theory.

Just an aside....Do guys really come out of a shower, soaking wet, into living areas of house/apartment? Most folks, with a towel in hand, have dried themselves off before leaving the shower area. And do not come into living areas soaking wet and naked. What the blazes i wrong with the suits on Days? WHY the lack of common sense?