Days of Our Lives - Friday, Nov. 4, 2016

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Quickie summary:

Chloe calls Nicole and tells her they need to meet now, at some cafe. Deimos comes along as Nicole hangs up, hassles her about knowing where Chloe is/was. Nicole says she just found out. He badgers her until she takes him with her to meet Chloe.

They show up and Chloe is livid that Deimos came along. They bicker back and forth about the paternity test and he says he wants another one. Fine, Chloe agrees. They go to a doctor who runs the test immediately. Deimos wants to go watch the test being run, so he leaves the room. Chloe and Nicole have words. Chloe is so mad about Nicole ratting her out to Deimos. Finally Nicole asks exactly what Chloe wanted to tell her about the baby and Chloe just stares at her.

Ciara goes to see Hope (who is with Rafe at the cop shop, in a holding room). Ciara has a huge chip on her shoulder about what Hope did. Hope and Rafe try to explain everything, but Ciara's not having any of it. Rafe leaves so Hope and Ciara can talk. They somewhat make up.

Ciara later sees Theo. He says he can't forgive Hope for killing his grandfather, but Ciara will always be his friend.

Eduardo and Dario are together, talking about their business (without saying anything). It somehow involves Titan. Rafe comes along and they all talk, then he leaves. Eduardo and Dario share a meal in Horton Town Square and continue talking about plans. Eduardo says Rafe must never know what they're doing. They toast each other with wine.

Jeannie T gets a text to meet Caroline at the pub. She gets there and Kimberly is waiting; admits she used Grandma Caroline's phone to send it. The pub is shut down and it's just the two of them, with Shane checking out back to make sure they are secure.

They all talk and Shane is talking of plans to keep her, Brady and Tate safe. Jeannie T won't hear of it. She tells them she came up with a plan. It's not a great one, but she thinks it'll work. She'll pretend to revert back to "Bad Theresa" and leave Brady and Tate. She'll go to Mexico with Mateo, get the goods on him to help the ISA bring him down.

Shane and Kimberly are horrified. Jeannie T eventually convinces them it's the best way. Shane leaves to talk to the ISA to arrange some sort of back-up for her in Mexico, while Kimberly grills her on the plan. Kimberly asks what happens if Mateo wants to have sex. Jeannie T says he won't, he has a stable of women, but if so, then, well, she'll just have to deal with it. Jeannie T says she's not proud of the fact that she's used her body in the past to get what she wanted. Kim is upset.

Jeannie T tells Kim she knows Kimberly slept with Victor to protect Shane. Kim seems dumbfounded that Jeannie T knows this. She asks what's the first step. Jeannie T tears up and says she has to break Brady's heart.

During this whole scene, both Shane and Kim call Theresa, Jeannie, and not once does she bristle at it. And they're all upset and crying during most of it.
It was a good show for sure, but Chloe had better not keep this a secret---at least not for too long. That said, I can totally understand her concern for Nicole being with Deimos. It was idiotic for her to bring him along or get back with him anyhow. But at least this paternity issue will be finished with.

Theresa's storyline sounds so heartbreaking...I don't want to see that. I've never been a fan of her and Brady as a couple, but now that there's a baby involved I do wish there was some other way. What a ridiculous way for the character to exit.

The Hope scenes sound good...but she's on too much! Enough! And what happened to Claire & Theo? Are they now trying to do a love triangle involving Ciara, or just dropping that whole story altogether?
Eduardo and Dario: I'm hoping that this turns out to be some undercover sting type operation that Eduardo is running. Because I really don't want Eduardo to be a bad guy. But I doubt that's going to be case. I'm already trying to think of amusing nicknames for both him and the now clean shaven Dario. What a shame *sigh*.

Hope and Ciara: I thought these scenes were pretty good. I actually felt bad for Ciara when I've never really anything for either way. So I guess that's progress.

Theresa: So she is going to channel her inner Nancy Drew and take down Mateo's big bad cartel pretty much all by her lonesome with maybe a bit of help from the ISA? Sure, why not? *eye roll* I mean I'm sure in the world of Salem people have come up with even dumber plans and succeeded. :)
Pity poor Nicole -- caught between the rude, erratic Choe and the overbearing Deimos. Hopefully, Chloe will reveal the truth to her and Deimos will then realize that he needs to find a new baby mama.

Deimos at Club Inferno to an attractive young woman: "Hi, I'm a fabulously wealthy businessman who spent thirty years in a Greek prison for a crime that I didn't commit. I need an heir. How about you being the mother? We can start by repairing to my mansion where we we can have drinks and admire my collection of stolen antiquities."

Jeannie T.'s plan with or without the help of the sketchy ISA is not well advised. How about this scenario instead.

Jeannie T. sits in the Town Square looking miserable as Dario wanders by. Dario: "What's the matter?"; Jeannie T.: "Do you know a professional assassin?"

Hope's attitude toward the charges against her are too passive and leaves a lot to be desired. She needs to straighten up and take a more aggressive approach.

Hope: "Stefano tormented me for years and laid it on so heavily at the end that I can't even remember shooting him. I need to plead temporary insanity and get a better defense attorney than that hack, Justin, who's better at mouthing off to his ex-wife than he is in court."

Finally, Daniel Jonas worship is totally out of control. Chloe should bite her tongue before again claiming that poor Nicole is insulting McScruffy's memory.

Victor: "Yes, Daniel was Maggie's egg-baby, but enough already. It's time to move on"; John: "That's a fact."

Thanks for the summary! Looking forward to watching, if nothing else but to see Dario clean shaven. But I'm starting to regret that I invested in liking Eduardo, only to have him team up with Dario and turn to the dark side.

I may be the only one here to feel this way but at this point I don't want Chloe to tell Nicole the truth about the baby. Maybe I'll change my mind after I watch, but it is irritating to me that Nicole is obviously going to be mush in Deimos' hands. I don't want him around her baby. Make a clean break with him and then I'll be excited about Nicole having her baby.
I hope I'm wrong and this is one that plays out lickity split but I have a feeling the Chloe/Nicole story is going to have predictable outcome. Chloe feels betrayed by Nicole, (and rightfully so) so won't tell her the baby is hers and Dan's because she hates Deimos and doesn't trust that he has changed.
the only thing Nicole could remember is that an attempt was made to try in vitro, a year ago, and it failed. Chloe has old her she did have a one night stand when singing at that club, just did not want to mention it after being called a whore.

I have not seen this show, but it was very wrong of Nicole to bring Deimos...Chloe was very specific about hiding from Deimos, & wanting to talk to Nicole in private
Spot on. I'm in Chloe's corner for this one. Not what she said, but when Nicole stops being a fembot (that's from Austin Powers for those of you who are not familiar) I will be back on board. Not a minute sooner!! Bringing Deimos, I can't believe she did that!!!

In other news, I loved Shane with Jeannie T., they are good together.
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Nicole used to be able to weasel her way out of anything. She couldn't come up with a little white lie to Deimos that she had no clue where Chloe was or just call or text Chloe back saying Deimos overheard her on the phone so she will have to meet her later? I mean, come on. And then bringing Deimos with her? I can't say I blame Chloe for being mad about that. I still want her to tell Nicole the truth but I don't see that happening anytime soon. She seems pretty adamant about Deimos being out of the picture. It's not right since that baby is Nicole's so hopefully she'll come clean soon. She should have told her as soon as she realized the truth but then we wouldn't have this drama now.

As to the rest of the show.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry, this Theresa story is absurd and I've gotten to the point of FF'ing anything Hope related. :rolleyes:
NBC web site will have today's Days episode up at 8 Central tonight if anyone missed it.

I enjoyed seeing Kim and Shane together, but Jeannie is getting on my nerves.
Too much whining for me. If she goes through with the plan, will Victor figure
out what she's really doing?

Shame on Nicole for bringing Deimos with her to see Chloe. I hope Chloe doesn't
tell her about the baby is hers and Daniel's right now. It probably seems selfish, but
Nicole needs her eyes opened to see who Deimos really is.

Eduardo and Dario are working with Deimos. Is it an undercover plan? I hope it is.
What will Rafe do when he finds out? And I thought the other Kiriakis men were
going to stop doing illegal stuff. I guess Deimos didn't get the memo.

I'm glad Hope to talked Ciara about what happened. I'm not surprised Ciara brought
up the trust fund. I'm glad Ciara and Theo will still be friends.
She'll go to Mexico with Mateo, get the goods on him to help the ISA bring him down.
during this whole scene, both Shane and Kim call Theresa, Jeannie, and not once does she bristle at it. And they're all upset and crying during most of it.
As dumb as this story is, Jeannie is really selling its terror aspect (I truly jumped when she was in the Pub and shrieked when Kim surprised her), and the family scenes are nice. I love that Kim and Shane are a strong couple, even if it is off-screen. I was hoping for an Andrew mention, but I didn't hear one (however I was only half paying attention because the plan is so astoundingly stupid).
DOOL was preempted here for the Cubs Championship Parade and rally. I am not complaining one bit though!! My Cubbies are world champions! Finally! :clap:So I will catch this when it replays at 2am.
Congrats to you! I'm from Cleveland and a big Indians fan. I still can't believe they had a 3-1 lead in the series and lost but the Cavaliers just did the same thing to the Warriors back in June so this might have been a little karma after all the jokes/memes about that. :drunk:As the saying goes in Cleveland...there's always next year!
I thought it was funny that Kim called her Jeannie at first, and then she called her Theresa one time.

Regardless of how the baby thing works out, I hope Nicole will soon realize she's not doing herself any favors by staying with Deimos. He gives every indication of being intense and overbearing. He begins to remind me of EJ and how he treated Nicole.
What a great episode, it was never a dull moment and quite satisfying to watch. What I am most surprised was about how Theresa flat out told Kimberly how she was no one to judge her going with Mateo when she knows Kimberly slept with Victor to save Shane! Kimberly's reaction didn't even need words. Wonder if Theresa also knows Victor was thought to be her brother Andrew's father not Shane as well?

It was a sad episode I honestly felt for Theresa. It's like she finally changes her life and gets her dream to her past wreckage to bump her back where she started. This sounds a lot of what the writers love to do with Nicole's character too LOL!

Speaking of Nicole, I was irritated with her today. Shame on her to betray Chloe's trust to bring Deimos like that. I mean, are you serious? Chloe is hiding from Deimos, that was a huge assumption to just think oh it's okay to bring Deimos because he is not the father. Can we say minus 10 points for Nicole here. Just like Chloe said, she doesn't even recognize who Nicole is anymore. Which is true, Nicole is acting as much as in servitude as she was with EJ in ways. In fact Deimos has been reminding me a lot of EJ lately, the writer's threw that comparison in.

I noticed a clean shaven Dario and Rafe. Could it just be coincidence or are the actors I wonder are taking part in "Movember", even though they would have done this in May. Just a thought that pondered my head and also admiring once again Dario's grey leather jacket, I want something like that myself.