Days of Our Lives - Friday, Nov. 8, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Friday, November 8, 2013

The you know what hit the fan today, and it splattered all over everyone. Replay with just a slight change in the ending on Thursday. Brady makes his speech, they all wait for the video to begin, Marlena fumbles around in the little booth, finally gets it started, and St. Luke's is now presenting a porn movie, right there in church. Cue all the shocked faces, but Eric is just staring. Marlena peers out of the booth, sees what is being shown, and her jaw drops, she is all upset.Someone is yelling to stop the video, to just stop it, Marlena does her usual pressing buttons, finally pulling a cable out. She comes storming out of the booth, saying loudly, in anger "YOU:", which seems to be directed at Kristen, but could be Victor. And now, Kristen does what Kristen does best. She counter attacks, yelling and screaming at Marlena, accusing her of faking the video, probably using doubles, she rants, she raves, she calls her a sick, twisted b****. She really goes on and on, but Marlena looks at her son's face. He hasn't said a word, he is numb.

But Victor figures they should run it again, since Kristen is claiming they are doubles, and goes himself into the booth to get it all up and running AGAIN. And yes, my friends, once again the holy church becomes a porn movie house, and all the guests are transfixed by what they are seeing. The video is shut off, Kristen is unsure of what comes next. Eric turns and was you. You did this. You drugged me and raped me. Brady punches him out, and then attacks him again, down goes Eric, Brady on top, punching him. Sami goes to Eric's aid, EJ pulls Brady off, holds him back. Eric's mouth is bleeding, is nose, too. Kristen takes off. EJ gives Sami his handkerchief to step the flow of blood on Eric's face. Brady takes off after Kristen. EJ tries to leave to find Kristen, but Sami says, no, we have some things to talk about first. Hope & Jen have tried to be helpful, some of the guests have left. Victor tells Maggie they should go, but she notes he was not one bit surprised at all this. (Plus Victor's comments were very telling). He tells her they will talk at home.

Eric is at the altar, his back to the rest of the church, very upset. He has torn off his robes and dropped them on the floor. He yells for everyone to get out, Hope and Jen usher the remaining guests out, leaving him alone. Except for Marlena. She comes up to him, he turns, looks at her with such sorrow on his face.

Meanwhile, elsewhere. Daniel is in the square, ready to take Parker home because it is game night. They run into Abby, he tells her how well Chad did with the surgery, but she takes the opportunity to rake Daniel over the coals for taking up with Theresa and hurting her mother. And of course, she won't let Daniel say barely a word, off she goes.

Cameron has gotten a call from someone, offering him a great opportunity, he wants to think about it for a bit.. Jordan wonders if all is o.k. with him, yep, fine. They get into a nonsensical conversation about how reserved Jordan is, and this is first time she initiated words with him. Blah, blah. Jordan leaves, Abby arrives, tells Cam the good news about Chad's surgery. Cam, in turn, tells her he got the call from that program he was so interested in, decided to take it, will be leaving. She wishes him good luck.

Nicole has come to visit Rafe, comments how well he seems to be doing. They have a beat around the bush conversation over what seems to be ailing her, she finally admits it is Eric, he has accused her of something she would never do, can't believe he would even think it, and of course she told him that. Rafe is asking questions, does back off. they are friends, etc. She says she doesn't think she would ever forgive Eric after what he has said to her.

Next, Nicole shows up at Daniel's, happy to see Parker, all ready to get her things. Daniel stops her, says she can stay there, doesn't have to go, place is big, 3 bedrooms. All is good. She declines, he says where would you go anyway. Salem Inn. Nope, they tease each other a bit, she decides to stay, after all it is game night. And next, she, Daniel & Parker are all gathered around the game board (Chutes & Ladders??) with Parker saying he goes first.

Jordan is in Rafe's room, counting his leg lifts, he has done well, gets a reward, trip to the square. They are then out in the square, talking about the lake in the fall, tree colors, peaceful spots, etc. etc. Nice conversation. She says time to go back, he wants to stop at the Pub, his treat. Nope, he has more therapy still to go today.

Sami & EJ have come thru the gate by the park. He doesn't know why they have to talk now, but Sami is very angry. She lambastes Kristen, the evil witch, and what she has done, knows she had to have help. She brings up Stefano, has his fingerprints all over this, again yelling about Kristen. EJ is trying to make excuses, claiming that the video showed two consenting adults having sex. Oh, no, there is no way on earthy Eric would do some thing like that, not with Kristen....his brother's fiancee' to boot. He is a good, kind and honest man, she is breaking down now. If only I had known, I might have been able to do something. I don't know how to help him now. Why would Kristen do such a thing. EJ holds and comforts her. Her phone rings, she looks at the text, tells EJ they have to go. He asks if it is Eric. No, will tell you on the way. She runs out thru the gate.

At DiMansion, Kristen comes rushing in, babbling to herself at how this could happen, as she puts ice cubes in a glass and pours herself a drink. WE hear the door, and in comes Brady. One look at his face...Kristen tries to run out of the room, around him, but he grabs her, stops her. His face is up close, as he angrily asks, Why? Why did you sleep with my brother.? Why?
Oh goodness just reading the summary, I'm starting to fall for a Nicole/Dan pairing. Someone throw water on me or something.

I'd say I can't wait to see Brady have a showdown with Kristen but the last time it happened, he fell for her lies so I'm not holding my breath. Punching Eric out dearly shows me his brain still hasn't made an appearance.
Another Smashing DAYS Episode!

The Kristen/Brady wedding is the best non-wedding I have seen in years!

Victor to Kristen..."You are not getting away with it this time...You tramp".. Then in the same breath... Let's clear your name "sweetie" good!

Sami the idiot was outraged about Eric's rape, yet she found a way to make it all about her..."If I had done something".. Please what could she have possibly done to stop loony Kristen!

Ej.. Moved rather quickly for the cover up... I remember when he claimed to Lucas that the SEX he and Sami had was also consensual!

EJ better hide the guns and any sharp objects...Before..Sami finds out he knew in advance about Kristen debacle!
If drama is standing around looking at each other DAYS achieved their goal. Got to love Victor, DAYS sure doesn’t put much value in religion raping priest and two brothers fist fighting in a church. There are times I think they can’t sink any lower but they manage to do it!

Abby going off on Daniel about breaking up with Jen and in 5 minutes taking up with Theresa, but Sami did the same thing to Rafe and everyone thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Just like they acknowledge some rapes but sweep others under the rug never happened. To bad they don’t have a standard to write by.

It was great to see Rafe again today WOW 3 times this week. But the best part was Kate wasn’t hovering around like his grandma. Rafe is talented and to bad they have put him on the backburner he and Sami had powerful chemistry, and I think he and Jordan could be a special couple and he and Nicole I have always loved together. Agent brown eyes definitely is a ladies man.

Loved how “the changed man” got so righteous when Sami was questioning him! He is as innocent as the pure driven white snow. :sarcasm:
First of all, again, I admit it : I FF all scenes with Cameron and Abigail. Not only with each other, but with other people two. :zzz: I would never say that in real life, but since this is fiction, let me tell you that I wish it had been Abigail going down with the elevator instead of Jack. Not that it matters now, but Abby is so self righteous, judgmental, so much like her shrew of a mother Jennifer, I can't stand her (nor can I stand Jen Jen, whom I hope will also beg and crawl for forgiveness after keeping Kristen's "affair" secret).

I'm starting to fall for a Nicole/Dan pairing. Someone throw water on me or something.

Make it a double something, puddle duck, as I actually feel the same way. :eek: I know, crazy ! :) But I really think there's hope for Dan if he never, ever looks Jen's way again, and if he eventually apologizes to Nicole for letting Jennifer harass her while she was pregnant. And I don't want Nicole to be with brainless Brady ever again, or Eric if one day he leaves the priesthood, not after the way Eric treated her, so unless a new guy comes in town for Nicole, why not Dan ? Though she would have to make him shave ! :D

Sorry, I think I went a little :OT: So :back:The wedding : There were some good parts, then there were some really, stupid, bang your head against a wall stupid parts. While I disagree with Victor, I somewhat understand. And I did love his comments. Love the guy, what can I say ?

Brady ? Seeing him attack Eric like that, I say maybe he does deserve Kristen the witch, and the two of them could have rode into the sunset together on her broom. I would not care. He was wayyyyyy over the top, and Hope should have arrested him for assault, period. And, talking about Hope, is she a cop or not ? A man just said he was raped, and "he needs space ?" :eek: Really ? You don't want to question him a little, as hard as it may be ? And how about Kristen ? You just let her leave ? Wow, the cops from Salem PD really are the most idiotic on the face of the earth.

Eric ? While I feel his pain, and the actor is wonderful, it's hard to feel completely sorry for him, when he could have asked for help long before today. But alas, he chose to remain cryptic, never confiding in anyone except Daniel, and even then, he would not tell him everything. And then he chose to accuse Nicole instead. So... he was the victim of a horrible crime, of course, but I just wish he would not have made Nicole pay for it.

And... Sami and EJ ? :sick: Enough said.
Victor really knows how to lay it on -- a double dose of Kristen with drugged-out Father Eric. It's a wonder that EMTs didn't have to be called to St. Luke's to treat those suffering from the shock of what they'd just seen (twice). God help Victor when he gets home. He may be able to escape the wrath of people like Brady, but there's just no way around an offended Maggie. One person who would have enjoyed the show is Dr. Chyka. If he had been at the church, he would have been smiling and dancing the Salem shuffle, celebrating that he's off the hook with Kristen since it no longer matters what Father Eric remembers about the fatal night at the Capital Plaza. As for Rafe and Jordan at the Town Square, they're lucky they weren't trampled by the crowd of people fleeing St. Luke's Church. Finally, Nicole's real problem now isn't where she's going to live, but how she'll handle all the people who will come crawling to her with their abject apologies.
Wow, definitely an explosive episode! But I have some issues. Was it really necessary to play the video a second time?!?! Good grief!! I think the guests and especially us viewers have had enough of it and didn't need to see it again! When Kristen mentioned body doubles and that the video was fake or whatever I was waiting for someone to chime in with "no THAT would be the DiMera way, sweetie".

I totally agree about Hope. Oh my goodness. The way she kept cocking her head to the side while she was watching the video was creeping me out. And yes, she should have arrested Brady for assault and there better be some sort of investigation into the rape. So Eric says to Kristen "you drugged and raped me" and Brady's response is to beat the snot out of him?! I'm thinking this is going to take a whole lot of therapy to get these brothers to be civil again. Poor Marlena. She has every right to be ticked off at Victor and the reality of what happened (her arch nemesis drugging and raping her priest son) is going to hit her very hard. I guess Kristen got her revenge.

Wow, could EJ look any more complicit with Kristen? Interesting how he jumped in right away to try to shoo Eric away from the scene and kept shooting looks to Kristen. And then his chat with Sami. Oh Sami, you twit. Or perhaps I should be calling the writers twits.....they really need to STOP with Sami going off about what Stefano and Kristen have done to her family and yet EVERYTHING EJ has done to her and her family is "in the past" because "he's changed".

And I'm sorry but I do not feel sorry for Brady one bit but I bet people are going to be all "oh poor Brady, duped by the devil again". Nope, sorry, no sympathy from me you freaking moron. You deserve this pain and suffering for being the world's biggest idiot.

I enjoyed the Nicole/Rafe and Nicole/Daniel scenes but FF'd the other stuff. I can't wait for Nicole to find out the truth!!!
She [Marlena] has every right to be ticked off at Victor and the reality of what happened (her arch nemesis drugging and raping her priest son) is going to hit her very hard. I guess Kristen got her revenge.
I was thinking the same thing, as I saw the devastation in Marlena's face.
And yes, she [Hope] should have arrested Brady for assault and there better be some sort of investigation into the rape.
I'm surprised she didn't arrest Brady right there.
One person who would have enjoyed the show is Dr. Chyka. If he had been at the church, he would have been smiling and dancing the Salem shuffle, celebrating that he's off the hook with Kristen since it no longer matters what Father Eric remembers about the fatal night at the Capital Plaza.

I'm not sure about that. It sounded like some people, including Sami, believed the video was faked until Eric said "That was the dream ... I remember!" At that point I was thinking, ooops, Dr. Chyka better find himself a way out of town real quick. Kristen is going to be a bit preoccupied for a while but ultimately she'll start looking for someone to blame (besides Marlena of course). I wouldn't want to be him.
Marlena is going to feel so much guilt over this. She obviously had no way of knowing who was on that tape with Kristen but you know she's going to second guess everything she did re: pairing up with Victor to "get" Kristen at all costs. She even made that comment some weeks ago about needing to be there for Eric as she knew he was going through something and Victor allowed her to ignore that motherly instinct and keep on with the plan to destroy Kristen. Little did she know that her own son, a priest, was at the center of Kristen's schemes. Eric will likely lash out at his mother over this too. I look forward to all the fallout here. But like I said in my previous post, I hope some people (Victor, Nicole, Eric, Sami, etc.) treat Brady like crap for awhile. He deserves it. Can't wait for him to actually turn on his brain for once and realize exactly what his precious Kristen did to his brother.