Days of Our Lives - Friday, Oct. 18, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 18, 2013

JJ continue to prove he has not learned a lesson, doesn't care, and seems very willing to put himself in jail. Jen stops him from leaving the house, but only for a few minutes. He is belligerant, and nasty to his mother. He is going out, nothing she can do about it, her admonishments to stay away from his troublesome friends, and especially Theresa fall on deaf ears, only making him get in her face. "I thought I made this clear. You cannot tell me what to do or who I can see". He storms off.

Over at Daniel's apt., he is getting Parker ready for Chloe to pick him up. But at the door is none other than pushy Maggie, come to deliver news about JJ, which Daniel has already heard. Later, Parker is gone, and Maggie is going to Jen's, wants Daniel to come along. He refuses, but Maggie just pushes about it, ignoring his refusal, his reasons, and that his presence would make things worse for Jen. She STILL is insisting, but Daniel is adamant. Later, he sits alone , sort of playing with a couple of Parker's trains, suddenly decides to leave, grabs his keys, and goes.

Theresa is meeting Karin at the Pub for lunch, with Anne eating at another table, drinking it all in. Theresa moans about some bag being heavy, Karin is oblivious, is reading the menu, so Theresa gives the bag a shove, the bad falls over. Theresa talks of taking clothes to the clothing drive at the hospital for a friend, but Karin notes the photo of Dr. Jonas & Jen, broken frame, etc. Theresa says someone must have thrown it away, but does a lot of insinuating that she & Dr. Dan are getting it on. Theresa manipulates the conversation so that Karin offers to take the clothes for her to the hospital, Theresa goes to the ladies' room, Karin takes the bag and the pic and leaves. Anne is grinning like a Cheshire cat as Theresa returns and Anne says "well done". Theresa notes the picture is gone, gets a bit upset, but both women figure Karin will return to the hospital, spread the gossip, Jen will be upset and maybe even quit her job!

Cameron is arguing a bit with Chad about the fake tumor thing, with Cam wondering when he will tell Abby, who, of course, walks in just then. Cam pretends they were talking of how Chad almost died, etc. He leaves, Abby anuggles up on the bed, next to this man who has not been out of surgery 24 hrs. yet. ! She tells him she told her mom about them, and how much she cares about him, never thought back when he had lied to her that they would be at this place right now. She leaves. Cam returns, argues with Chad about the non-tumor, and why Chad did it. But Chad lets him know how he thought at first he was going to die, never have a chance with Abby, but when he got his clean bill of health, he finds Cam kissing Abby. So the idea to lie was just spontaneous after that.

Jen hurries to the door, but it is Maggie. Jen cries on her shoulder how JJ is just lost to her, she doesn't know where he is, his attitude, etc. etc. She is crying, has been a terrible mother, because she has just been unable to reach him. She decides she cannot do this any more, takes her keys, is going to work.

Rafe is walking the bars in the therapy room, Jordan really giving him a tough workout. He is upset over Chad being shot, blames himself. Kate is watching and listening outside the door as he goes on about this starting with his affair with Kate. (who takes off at this point). Rafe goes on about Marge Bernardi being upset, and then Chad being shot. The whole chain started with him. Jordan won't let him have this pity party, asks when Marge takes responsibility for what she did. She is the one who got a gun, loaded it, went to a club full of people intending to shoot someone. She did not even try to cope with what happened. Not Rafe's fault. She is ready to wheel Rafe back to his room, he suggests getting some air outside, she agrees.
Kate has been out in the hall, trying to pump Cam for info about Jordan, she wants to get a little token of appreciation for her. Cam declines, medical staff cannot accept gifts. She is persistent, so is he, and walks off. Now she tries Maxine, who just says...."what he said" and turns her back. LOL. Kate returns to the therapy room, glad all is going well, will see Rafe back in his room. Jordan leaves with Rafe, and Kate gets on her cell, calling someone. She wants a full background check on Jordan Ridgeway, wants the person to dig really deep.That the previous one was not as thorough as she wants. The door slams, Kate turns and there stands Jordan.

Sami & EJ argue about the events. She is worried about the kids, herself, his promise to his father. She really rants, noting he promised they would live there, she didn't and neither did the kids. She yaps about his father, he says maybe we should postpone the wedding, she says maybe cancel it. No, of course she still loves him, but she has to rethink all this. EJ has been angry, but calms down, and leaves to see Chad, telling her she should just think about things. When he is gone, she looks at the picture of Stefano, flashes back to arguing with Stefano one time, something about Sydney being missing. And Stefano puts a chess piece in her hand, telling her that is who she is. (I think it is a pawn, no idea)
Sami is still pondering, goes over to where a few laptops are open, sees a picture of her and EJ, smiles as she remembers the recent romp on the bed just before the engagement party.

Karin has returned to the nurse's station, telling Maxine the bag of clothes is for the clothing drive there. She mentions the picture of Jen & Dr. Jonas, finding it, wondering if she should return it. Maxine tells her to just put it under the desk there.

JJ meets up with Bev and Rory, who gives him some weed, telling him not to let lhis mother find it on him. JJ is not worried about his mother, she has nothing to say about what he does. They ask about court, the tough judge, asking if he was given leniency because of the reason for breaking the window, what his dad did. JJ has a fit, how do they know what happened. Bev says her cousin is a court reporter, so she heard a couple things, and then....things just get around. JJ is not too happy about that, hurries off, ignoring them calling after him. He calls Theresa, leaving a message he wants to see her.

Abby finds EJ sitting on a bench, stops, talks of how Chad is doing well. He comments how all Chad can talk about is her, she wishes he would concentrate on getting better and healing. EJ says worrying about someone is what you do when you love someone.
Jen has arrived at the hospital, and runs into Theresa, who asks where JJ is, that she just missed a call from him, and he is not answering when she is calling back. Jen slams her up against the wall, telling her to stay away from her son.

JJ is in the square, turns around and is standing in front of Daniel. "We have nothing to say to each other", he says with his sullen expression, starts to go past Dan. But Daniel says he thinks they do, and it could be a game changer.
How convenient that the show only showed partial flashbacks of Sami and Stefano. Rafe was also there with Sami during some of those scenes yet he wasn't shown. And no scenes whatsoever of all the bad stuff EJ has done to Sami. It amazes me that this show can portray a realistic situation so well with Rafe's recovery and JJ acting out yet they then turn around and alter history to promote this phony couple.

I will say that I was happy that while Sami and EJ were on today, they did not dominate the episode. So that's a plus.

EJ still has great chemistry with Abigail.

Kate needs to really find something else to do with her time. Rafe didn't even seem the least bit interested when he saw her.

I feel like Theresa is Sami 15 years ago with Carrie and Austin.
Thank you for the summary. You just avoided me to waste time watching today. I really don't want to see nosy Maggie, screeching EJ/Sami, rude JJ, martyr Jennifer, Dan The Man, boring Abigail/Chad/Cameron and immature gossiping Theresa, Anne and Karin. Seriously, nope, not today. It's Friday, time to relax and enjoy the weekend, not time to watch "gloom and doom" Days. Oups : Edited to add : Not even Rafe can save this one for me. :eek: Plus, hovering Kate ruins him.

So... Have a nice weekend everyone ! :wine:
Surly JJ is engaged in a race to the bottom when it comes to companions. Bev and Rory are just a pair of amiable, pothead slackers, but Theresa is an out-and-out criminal. If JJ foolishly continues to associate with her, he could very well end up joining the Salem Club at State Prison -- Vargas, Dr. Baker, Ian McAllister, Officer Dean Hartman, and Gus. As for Chad, he seems to have remarkable recuperative powers -- shot twice in the abdomen and having a near-death experience -- and he already has the energy to argue with Cameron. Either it's his DiMera genes (evidenced by Stefano's many resurrections and EJ surviving a gunshot would to the head) or Daniel the Love Doctor truly is a miracle surgeon.
Abby thanks Cam for saving Chad's life. Now I know she already thanked Daniel, who DID save Chad's life.....what did Cam do? And he answers something about it is part of the job, or some dumb answer like that.
I had the same thought about Cameron but then I realized he helped stabilize Chad at the club although it sure took long enough for him to tell someone to call 911
How convenient that the show only showed partial flashbacks of Sami and Stefano. Rafe was also there with Sami during some of those scenes yet he wasn't shown. And no scenes whatsoever of all the bad stuff EJ has done to Sami.

:OT:This week I went to another board to lookup something about a character and decided to look at Sami's SL, they erased everything about Rafe/Sami they had Grace dying jumped to junior/Sami proposal in 2013.

:back:Nope I didn't watch today after last Friday when everyone had to prop up the golden couple it turned my stomach forever, like another viewer said not even Rafe is going to help this situation!
I too wondered just how quickly Chad recovered..... at least Will made grimaces as he tried to move around the bed after being shot in the abdomen.... Chad just allows for some snuggle bunny time..... any chance I could: A move to Salem with their wonderful Money tree and limited work hours and or
B have some of the rapid healing medical services (however they don't seem to be working on Rafe)
I am so sick at heart that a few Sami/Ej Fans have claimed on twitter that it was so HOT when Ej sexually assaulted Sami un the car.. Too sick to believe!! Have a weekend gangs
Watched an episode of law and order SVU where a young boy raped 4 girls and said it was OK because that is what he sees on the TV and they make it OK. Lessons Learned? AlSo said statistics prove the media has an overwhelming hand in this sort of action. DOOL had better be careful about what they are promoting.

When he could have done it himself, since he had Abigail compressing the wound... Amazing that nobody's first instinct in Salem is to call 911 when something like that happens.
No when Kate found Rafe in the alley she immediately called 911
Poirot you are a saint for having put up with this episode to write the summary. I have to agree with TheWriter's sentiments as well as Daysdegrassi. I watched this on the DVR this afternoon and fast-forwarded much of it. Sami/EJ arguing: FF. JJ acting like an unrepentant little tool: FF. Annoying Theresa and Anne scheming: FF. Maggie harping on Daniel about Jennifer: FF. Cameron/Abby/Chad nonsense: FF. Seriously the only tolerable scenes were Jordan/Rafe and then Jordan walking in on Kate ordering a background check on her. What a miserable episode. I followed up this episode by watching today's General Hospital. Wow. Night. And. Day. GH has been thoroughly riveting lately. Days, not so much.

Just a note about the EJ/Sami stuff. Anyone else notice the apparent disappointment on Sami's face when EJ left after their little argument. He kissed her goodbye but I think she wanted some angry sex. Thank God we weren't subjected to that. It's interesting that Sami only thinks about what Stefano has done and seems to have conveniently forgotten what EJ has done. And that one flashback had to do with Sydney being missing. Really, Sami?? Apparently you forgot that your smoochy-moochy du jour orchestrated the kidnapping and fake murder of your daughter. But no, you flash back to a confrontation with Stefano. And then remember a recent sexcapade with your rapist.

I am quickly losing patience with this show and these writers. I'm at the point where the only characters I care about are Nicole, Rafe, and Jordan. Everyone else can eat some bad chowder and go jump off the now non-existent pier.
End Rant. :beat:
The show really is just marking time, it seems. They just won't move anything along, ....well, except Chad's amazing recovery. Guess when they cleaned him up after surgery, they used that miraculous Salem water. I love changing of dressing, doctors walks in, look at a clipboard and walk out. Girlfriends crawl up on a bed, who worries about sanitation, right?
Actually, I thought Sami was up for kissing EJ, and he got pretty close, but backed off and left. That accounted for that "look" on her least it is what I thought.
I am really over JJ's pouting mouth, Kate's jealousy, Sami's cavorting with EJ. If she is worried about her children, what her life with EJ would be like under the thumb of Stefano, then stop the nuzzling, kissing, etc. in the middle of serious and possibly life changing discussions.
Jordan was the best part of the show talking to Rafe.

Other than that I kept thinking where is the happy stuff.
I miss it :(

So Abby thinks she and Chad have an honest relationship.
Sort of..Chad wasn't honest with Cameron. So Cameron decided
to let Abby be with Chad... I think Abby should throw
both of them under the bus.

Looks like Anne and Theresa found the person who will
take the blame for the gossip that is going to get started.

Nice to know Parker is spending time with Chloe. I guess
later when Parker isn't on as much we know where he is.

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie... leave your son alone he's a grown man.
I haven't watched it yet, and from the sound of things, I think I will skip it. I am tired of Days totally revolving around Daniel and Jennifer and the Dimeras. All the stories revolve around these people and all the characters are somehow tied into them and their main objective is to prop them. The fact that they have Sami totally forgetting all that EJ has done to her and only focuses on her sexcapades with him makes me want to hurl. He is her rapist, for heaven sake.. not just some guy she dated once upon a time. These writers are really sick individuals.