Days of Our Lives - Friday, Oct. 8, 2021


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Nov 2, 2012
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Open (Possession storyline day)
Gabi asks Jake about murdering a man in Philly and insists Ava is behind Philip's blackmail. He wants to talk about it at home.

Replay of Chloe hugging Brady after he agrees to back off on irritating Philip with Philip looking on from the trees.

Marlena is on the couch reading a tabloid story about Doug on her iPad. The devil breaks in through static to communicate to her, startling her.

(Spinning hourglass)

The devil gloats about how easily they got rid of Doug, but Marlena cast him out again. She's in a daze as the demon tries to entice her to let him in again. She screams no, looking frightened, as John rushes in. She starts to say something about the tablet, but John interrupts and asks if the article made her upset. She redirects from her confusion over the voice and says it was article that has her upset. (It's very confusing whether she's possessed or not. Whether she's under his control or not. If not, then why doesn't she say something?)

Brady hopes Chloe appreciates her. Chloe thinks Philip is over the jealousy. Brady leaves to go get Rachel. Meanwhile, Philip is magically back at home and grabs a drink. Flashback to their talking about a new start at the tree farm. He downs his drink, looking crazed.

Maggie is at Horton House, talking with Julie about Summer's death, then Doug's troubles and commitment to Bayview. He was so desperate as he was taken away. Julie is worried she made a mistake. Maggie hugs her.

Back in Gabi's room at home, Jake fills her in about his conversation with Ava. Gabi says someone named Carmine saw Jake commit murder. Jake recognizes the name, and Gabi asks if it's true. He says he didn't kill Jed Zanetti but is evasive. Gabi needs to know everything if they're going to fight Philip. It was Jake's job to exert pressure to get businesses to cooperate. He and Carmine were supposed to rough Jed up to scare him, but Carmine lost control and beat Jed to death.

Ben and Ciara talk about his going to see Marlena to get help. He calls her about an appointment. Marlena agrees to meet him immediately in her office. Ben kisses Ciara goodbye and leaves for the hospital. Ciara gets a call from Shawn about Grandpa Doug.

John seems uncertain about Marlena working. She says she couldn't help Doug but she can help Ben.

On the phone, Philip demands Henderson bring him a saw. Flashback to him chopping down the tree. He's about to leave, but Chloe arrives and asks where he's going. He's on his way to water their tree, he says. Chloe doesn't tell him she was just there. Philip goes on and on about not under or overwatering a tree before confronting her with what he saw.

Brady walks out to John and Marlena's living room after putting Rachel down for a nap. They talk about Marlena and Doug. John mulls over Doug's insistence that Marlena was the one to hurt Julie and that she tried to kill him.

Ben sits down in Marlena's office. She wants to record the session and pushes record, then spaces out. Ben asks if she's okay. She claims to be fine, and Ben catches her up on his and Ciara's baby plans and concerns.

Ciara arrives at Horton House and hugs Julie and Maggie. Julie has called Hope and told her there was no point in rushing back. Doug can't have visitors and is in isolation. (Oh, just recast Hope already.) Ciara doesn't believe Doug would harm Julie. Julie thinks it's clear that Doug isn't her Doug and has lost touch with reality. Maggie gives Julie a pep talk and leaves. Ciara knows what it's like to look at a man you love and have doubts about their mind. They talk about fighting for love. Ciara is glad they're finally happy.

Jake doesn't think Gabi could understand, but she tells him about Nick, the near rape, his near death, his blackmail, and how she shot him. (How is he just learning that his girlfriend killed a man and went to prison?) She says if someone is that obsessed, they won't stop until they ruin your life.

Cut to crazy Philip asking if Chloe and Brady had sex in front of their Charlie Brown pine tree. She cuts him off and explains how she was telling Rachel about their love and their tree, which helped Brady see the light. But Chloe sees that Philip's obsession has gotten worse.

Gabi says it's Carmine's word against Jake's. But Jake says the best-case scenario is that he's an accessory after the fact. Gabi declares she's not losing Jake. He talks about how they joke about who's going to be CEO if they take over Titan—when, Gabi says—but he can't let her throw away all she's built. He won't let her sacrifice Gabi Chic. They'll find another way to stop Philip.

Chloe screams that Philip should have asked her what was going on instead of jumping to conclusions and not been a jealous (alternate word for donkey). Philip is trying to defend his lunacy, and Maggie returns.

Marlena asks if Ben wants to have kids with Ciara. Ben explains his hesitation because he's fought his demons and so did his dad and his sister. He describes his dream about having a murderous son and how he doesn't want to bring a soul into the world to do evil. Marlena seems like herself for a bit as she's talking with him.

Chloe explains Philip's problems to Maggie. She's sick of him not trusting her and takes off. Philip repeats the same line about trusting her, but not trusting Brady. He tells Maggie he's not going to let Brady steal her again. (Like she's an object instead of a person. She needs to end things.)

John thinks it's easier for Doug to blame Marlena. Brady thinks it must be hard for Julie. John agrees. After all, how terrible is it to have the person you love more than anyone be a threat to you?

Ciara tells Julie about the baby plan and Ben's hesitation. Julie understands. The good news is that Ben is in a session with Marlena. Ciara doesn't trust anyone in the world more than her.

Marlena starts giving good advice about the lifelong commitment of having kids and how they deserve to be wanted without reservation. Ben is convinced now that he's never going to lose all his shame. He can't chance that his kid would suffer or make others suffer or that he would spend his time obsessing over something being wrong with the child. Ben starts to leave, and the devil pipes in through the recorder (Ben doesn't hear): Don't let him leave. Convince Ben that he and Ciara must have a baby. (THE END)
Thank you TinaY

I was very proud of Chloe today..... She told Philip exactly what was going on...... will this change anything... Nope.... but at least Chloe stood up for herself.....
Jake crying over a guy dying in front of him??? Really?? not buying it..... bring mob Jake back..... not whipped Jake....
So many Anvils dropping and missing every one.... it's not clever it's annoying....
I agree that a guy who beats people up for the mob and breaks knee caps for years isn't going to be so sensitive about a guy dying. I mean, maybe, but if you're disturbed by that, maybe don't be a mob enforcer. I figure maybe, for some reason, this was a breaking point and the thing that made him leave. I'm glad he didn't let Gabi give up her company. That would be stupid.

I agree about Chloe, but I don't want her with Brady either. None of the above is always an option.
OK and here we go with "Rosemary's Baby" story line. It's never going away. So this story will run a minimum of 9 months from when Ciara becomes pregnant with the demon seed. Do you see how moronic Ron is? Again it's not he is stealing from The Exorcist and its disgusting storyline, now we have a woman (probably) impregnated by the devil (Rosemary's Baby). That's all the signs that are waving currently. Do the actors and actresses just choke on lying to us about how they are mere actors and the writers are geniuses? They have to say nice things or lose their jobs. You would think the actors who are legendary vets on this show have accumulated enough to retire.

This show is not in the least romantic. Its people are in heat all the time or have stories with science fiction such as brain chips, clones or doppelgangers or horror stories just because it is October. I wish they devoted more time to stories around family holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter. There no longer is romance except John and Marlena, Julie and Doug or Steve and Kayla. (Think about the aggregate age of those six people). Kristian Alfonso is looking brilliant for packing it in and saying, "You know, I have had a good run and it's time". If they are keeping Ciara a frontrunner, they need to recast Hope - even in a minor capacity. They recast EJ to a lesser actor and people seem to be accepting him as the love of Sammy's life.
I don't think this will go on for 9 months. I know that in basic horror films, the devil baby usually develops extremely fast, so it will probably be quicker. Of course, that SHOULD tip off the parents that there is something wrong, but we don't know how long it will be until people know that the devil is back.

I really wish they would just get rid of Chloe. She serves absolutely no purpose other than to be tossed around like an object. Philip is also useless - and nuts. Brady is just Brady and doesn't annoy me as much. They either need to bring someone new in for her or let her go. Philip will never change and she either wants Brady or she doesn't. What exactly does she see in adult Philip that has her so much in love? He's a joke. But, if she goes with Brady, they will probably bring Kristen back and ANYTHING is better than that. (We would see if he is truly over Kristen's spells). Let's hope that there is no Chloe mask!

These mob stories are so boring. The writers can't really do justice to them to make them make sense. Again, we ALL saw that Nicole and Rafe were going to be together, so we have just been waiting for Ava to revert to her mafia ways.

Interesting that they mention Hope every once in a while and that people have been talking to her, so everyone knows where she is.

I didn't see the show yesterday - about how old is Rachel supposed to be now?
I liked most of the show today. The best of the week in my opinion.

Loved to see Ciara with Julie and Maggie(even if it was short). Ben and Marlena was good. I was surprised that she wasn't possessed during the session. I really don't want a baby to come out of this story. Come on John figure it out soon.

I like Gabi and Jake. Jake the enforcer is out of nowhere, but who knows it might turn out interesting. At least it gives Brandon Barash a chance to play something else than the idiot we've seen for the last few months.

Chloe should drop both Philip and Brady.

Thanks for recap. :)
I'm so different. I like scary stuff & was raised in a quirky household. My grandmother was Lon Chaney jr's 1st cousin & my grandfather a mortician. When I was little we all lived in a big haunted Victorian, several gens under 1 roof. I met Boris Karloff once. So the possession storyline is fun for me. I told a few friends about Days storyline & now Days has at least 5 new viewers. ;) yah, I'm pretty old but have watched Days since it started with my mom. I figured the baby would be written in.
I predict that the baby is going to be born February sweeps, and hopefully will be the climax of the possession storyline. Ron is dragging the possession out like he did the Charlie raped Allie story. It started out with a lot of potential but dragged on too long to the point where it will no longer be interesting.
I'm okay with the possession storyline, but I don't want a demon baby. I'm still hoping John or Julie catches on soon or that Marlena is able to signal her distress. It seems like she falls into some kind of daze and doesn't know that the devil has talked to her when she comes out of it. The one thing I absolutely didn't want was for this go on and on with people being clueless because that makes everyone look dumb. It gets old.

Chloe was good today. They should give her more to do. Where's Parker? They should have him in Salem even if they don't show him. It's not like we ever see Holly, and we didn't see Rachel until yesterday. Wouldn't that be something she and Philip could bond over? He was Parker's father for a while until they re-wrote the story. There's so much unmined material for these characters, and instead, we get Philip going psycho and planning to chop down that tiny tree. He plays unhinged well, but it's not romantic.

As much as how we got here doesn't totally make sense, the mob storyline made Jake and Gabi human and interesting again today. The "we're going to rule Titan and the world" stuff was getting stupid. I liked seeing them talk about how they feel about each other and what they'd sacrifice for each other.
Thanks, TinaY

I wasn't surprised when Gabi told Jake she knew how he felt after Jed died. I knew she would bring up Nick.

Nice to see Maggie, Julie and Ciara together. Family stories are missing in Salem.

How long will it be before we see Doug again since he can't have visitors?

Is Philip possessed? He wanted Henderson to find a saw to cut down the tree.

Chloe sure told Philip off, but then he had to think again he had to stop Brady.

Ben decided it would be best not to have a baby.... Wait the devil told Marlena not to have him leave.

What will happen next time? How many people will keep watching to find out
Have to admit I fast forwarded through most of this week’s episodes. Today was I guess the best of the bunch.

What ever happened to charming Philip? It’s like that scowl is permanently fixed on his face now.

Loved Chloe sticking it to him. I hope she drops him like a hot cake. Agree we should see her being a mother and bring in Parker. Give her some scenes with Nicole and Holly and let them play together. They could be the strong single mom club.

Brady is a pointless character lately. Bring Theresa back with Tater Tot and let them be a happy family of 4. Those 2 made sense together.

I was definitely excited to relive the nostalgia of the possession story, but aside from the first episode reveal with Doug it’s been pretty disappointing so far. And can they PLEASE get rid of that awful high pitched strings soundtrack they keep using to make things sound ominous?! So annoying!
As Jack Parr said eons ago, there is nothing wrong with calling someone a *bleep* or an *bleep*. If it's good enough for the Bible, we can surely say it here. As for the current storylines, if that's what you call them, I may quit watching except on days I can see Nicole, Rafe or a very few others I can stand. I like Jake, but tired of Gabi leading him into stupidity. This is supposed to be about family and not mobs and possession.
As Jack Parr said eons ago, there is nothing wrong with calling someone a *bleep* or an *bleep*. If it's good enough for the Bible, we can surely say it here. As for the current storylines, if that's what you call them, I may quit watching except on days I can see Nicole, Rafe or a very few others I can stand. I like Jake, but tired of Gabi leading him into stupidity. This is supposed to be about family and not mobs and possession.
I don't appreciate the editing.
I'm so different. I like scary stuff & was raised in a quirky household. My grandmother was Lon Chaney jr's 1st cousin & my grandfather a mortician. When I was little we all lived in a big haunted Victorian, several gens under 1 roof. I met Boris Karloff once. So the possession storyline is fun for me. I told a few friends about Days storyline & now Days has at least 5 new viewers. ;) yah, I'm pretty old but have watched Days since it started with my mom. I figured the baby would be written in.
Fanofdayz, although I won't watch the possession storyline myself, I must say you have an interesting background. When I was young I did like to watch horror movies with people like Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney and Vincent Price, although I wouldn't watch those same movies now. :)