Days of Our Lives - Friday, October 21, 2022


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
We'll call this one repeated lines. A few lines are said by more than one person, almost word for word. Haha.

Jada arrives at Eric's door to invite him to lunch. He can't because he has a photo shoot for work. Then he gets an email on his phone and says "Speak of the devil! Oops, I probably shouldn't say that in Salem!" He opens the email on his phone to read it and becomes very concerned. Jada wonders what is wrong and Eric says he has been fired.

Eric says he was fired because of downsizing and budget cuts. Jada thinks that's weird since they just hired him. Was it corporate higher up? He says no, it was Nicole.

Eric wonders if EJ forced her hand. Jada says sarcastically "Fired by email, classy! At least it wasn't a text." Eric starts saying maybe it was his lack of experience or being out of the business for so long or something. Jada has a flashback of Rafe and Nicole's fight that she walked up on. Then looks at Eric and says she thinks she knows what happened.

Eric says "how?" Jada tells him of walking up on a big fight between Rafe and Nicole and heard Rafe say (insert soap stare here). Jada tells of Rafe being upset that Nicole had hired Eric. Eric says maybe he was jealous and Nicole fired me to safe her marriage. Eric thanks Jada. Then says "well, I don't have work after all, still want lunch?" Jada says she can't as her lunch break is now over. Eric says dinner then? She says yes, they hug, and he adds "but you'll have to pay."

Nicole closes her laptop as Chloe walks in saying she is sorry for being late. She begins to cry as she explains that Brady has dumped her. Chloe is crying and going on and on about the break up. Nicole says that she may be next and it's all her fault. Nicole tells Chloe of the fight between her and Rafe, how her dreams of Eric and her lies got out of hand and were the reason he ended up working there.

Chloe can't believe she fired him over email. Nicole sighs in agreement, explains how she made up something about downsizing and budget cuts. Chloe wants the real reason, was she feeling guilty or was it more? Or is she trying to fix her marriage to Rafe?? Rafe walks in and wonders the same thing.

Chloe says she will leave so they can talk and walks out the door. Nicole is glad Rafe is there, she doesn't know where to start, missed him since he didn't come home last night. Rafe says he is sorry, sorry he lost his temper. Nicole is sorry, too. Sorry for pushing back. They discuss how each other was feelings, and fairness. Nicole agrees Jada should be the one that is there for Eric, not her, as Jada is his girlfriend. She heard Rafe loud and clear about Eric working there with her, so she fixed it and fired him. Rafe sighs and says she shouldn't have done that.

Nicole says she thought she was doing the right thing. Rafe doesn't want Eric fired on his account. Nicole is frustrated. Where do we stand? What is it that you want, then? Rafe just wants them to be ok. Nicole wants the same. But since Rafe didn't come home, she didn't get to talk it out then and they didn't get to have incredible make up sex after. Rafe laughs, says yeah, he will be there tonight for that. Promise! Rafe leaves to go back to work. Nicole sits down and looks pensively over at her laptop.

Brady is sitting in a chair at John/Marlena's place looking at a picture of Chloe on his phone. John walks in annoyed that he has to pick up files for Doc so she can work rather than rest. Brady wasn't really paying attention, says sorry he was distracted. John wants to know what's going on with him.

Brady tells him off screen he broke up with Chloe, John is confused why he would break up with her? Brady says it's because of Rachel. She's been through so much and he can't put her through more even if it's unfair to Chloe. John says that's out of the blue, then questions Brady why so sudden. Brady has a flashback to Kristen's demands so she will hand over the serum to save Kayla, Kate, and Marlena. Back to reality, Brady snaps he didn't have a choice.

Brady is sorry for getting angry, he's just trying to do what's best no matter the cost, be a great dad like John always was. John says sure, he just feels sorry for Chloe. John is sorry he pushed, he knows Brady is doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. Brady asks how Marlena and the others are doing. John says she is getting better, it's a miracle, and the serum is working so well. He is just worried if it will continue to work. Brady assures him it will.

John goes to leave and as he opens the door, sees Chloe standing there with hand raised to knock on the door. She asks about Marlena, and says she is so happy she is feeling better. John thanks her and leaves. Chloe walks in and soap stares at Brady who soap stares right back. Chloe awkwardly and sadly explains through tears that she needs to pick up her things. Brady puts his hands on her shoulders, sadly says he feels terrible. She says that she does too. She gets it, he needs to do what's best for Rachel.

Chloe walks to the back to get her things from Brady's room. Then there's a knock at the door. Brady opens the door to Kristen with her suitcase, asking her why she is there? Brady says he just broke up with Chloe and needs some time. Kristen doesn't care. Then Chloe walks into the room holding a box of her things, Kristen says hello and that she's moving in. A very hurt Chloe soap stares at Brady and Kristen.

Kristen is day drinking saying cheers to the health of Kayla, Kate, and Marlena who are pictured in an article on her tablet. Stefan arrives and is frustrated, angrily asks her to be straight with him. He asks her "Did you mess with my brain?!" Kristen squints in a soap stare that looks weird. Stefan says he can't explain it, but it frustrates him, he has some sort of mental block, feels like it doesn't make sense to hate Gabi and want Chloe.

Kristen loves her brother, why would she want to mess with his feelings for Gabi? Says she likes Gabi. He says he guesses that makes sense. Then he has an AHA moment and says "you did this for me to get Chloe away from Brady for you". Kristen laughs at Stefan thinking she could do that. Stefan says why not, it makes sense. Kristen twists it and talks her way out of it, says it doesn't matter, Brady dumped Chloe. So Chloe is free. Bewildered soap stare from Stefan.

Stefan is angry. How does he know she didn't mess with that? Kristen says who cares?? You love Chloe, so go get her. She twists his story that after 4 years in a coma, he awoke knowing his true feelings are for Chloe, so he should just go get her. She helps him put on his coat and walks him out. After he leaves, she whispers "sorry little brother. I do feel bad for you, but better safe than sorry."

Gabi is sitting in Rafe's office. Rafe tells her of walking up on Nicole and Eric, losing his temper and explains why. He and Gabi talk about his frustrations and blow up. Gabi thinks he should go find Nicole and work it out.

Rafe thinks that is a bad idea, would just end in a fight. Gabi says he is overreacting, much like she did about the whole Stefan thing, but that it doesn't matter now, Stefan served her divorce papers and she loves Li, so that's that. Rafe says that must have been tough. Gabi is still confused why Stefan hates her so much. Rafe agrees and thinks it's crazy because she is smart and beautiful and adds more compliments for his sister.

Gabi is appreciative. She just has this nagging feeling that Rolf had something to do with this. Rafe says he can tell her where to find him. Rafe tells Gabi about Rolf's secret lab. Gabi jumps up to go to it, Rafe stops her saying he wants someone to go with her for protection. Gabi doesn't need it, she isn't scared of that creepy old dude. She just needs the truth out of him.

Rolf is cleaning his destroyed lab. Li walks in and says he has a better solution, just leave it like it is! Li says he needs a new lab with improved equipment anyway. Rolf sarcastically says he will ask Santa Claus for a new lab. Li responds with "Ho Ho Ho!" and offers him a brand new lab with all the latest technology, only it's 10,000 miles away from Salem.

Li is still going on about the new lab. Rolf doesn't want to leave Salem, says he just wants to get rid of him! Li argues that it's the fact that Gabi is searching for him and so will her brother Rafe, etc. Rolf agrees to leave, just feels like he's running away. Li says yes, running from Gabi and them who will want answers to things. Rolf agrees to collect his things.

Li says "better safe than sorry". Rolf says that he can handle Gabi. Li argues that Gabi is a lioness and would get the better of him. Repeats that Rafe will also be looking for him. Rolf says he will go. Li says you're doing the right thing. Rolf looks like he isn't so sure about that.

Jada arrives back at police station. She tells Rafe that she accidentally walked up and heard him and Nicole's fight yesterday. Rafe says it wasn't his best moment. Jada then says she didn't mean to, but he should know that she told Eric and was there when he got the email that he was fired. So she told him about the fight. Rafe is flustered, but it's ok. Rafe says he didn't tell Nicole to fire Eric and that he thinks she should rehire him.

Back at Eric's place, after Jada left, Eric falls on bed with a sigh. There's a knock at the door, it's Nicole. She needs to talk to him about the email. He says he knows why she did it.
Thanks for the write up. I liked the Rafe and Gabi scenes so that's about all I watched. Why is Chloe so stupid about what's going on? And why doesn't Brady just tell her? Honestly it would be sort of interesting to have a story where Chloe and Brady are working against Kristen behind her back while she think's she's won Brady back.
Thank you, DL.......did not see the show today

Jada seem to have got around town today, telling all she '

So Li wants to send Rolf far far away, huh? Gee, is Li trying to make sure no one learns of his duplicity?

And I agree with oldschool. I really was expecting Brady to let Chloe in on it, then work with her behind Kristen's back.

And really, ReRon just keeps giving all the Salemites stupid juice. I just do not accept they are all so clueless as ReRon makes them.
Thanks, DaysLady.

Today a lot of the girls were peeking or trying to peek out of the dresses and blouses.

Brady told two people he had no choice when he broke up with Chloe. Who will figure out the real
reason Brady broke up with Chloe? John, Stefan, or someone else.

Stefan was smart today figuring out it was Kristen who messed up his brain. Too bad he believed her when
she said she didn't do that.

Sad at the end when the witch arrived at the townhouse when Chloe was leaving. Is it wrong to want
Chloe scratch Kristen's eyes out? And did the witch arrive on her broomstick?

Nicole and Rafe talked about their marriage. Nicole asked Rafe where they stood. First thing I thought of
was the floor :)
I couldn't believe Nicole fired him by email! But I am so done with Nicole and Eric!

No one is going to believe Brady went back to Kristen voluntarily!! I was hoping Chloe would stay back and hear Kristen say something incriminating. I know the actress isn't but Kristen has to be 60 by now so her obsession with the much younger Brady is just sad!!
Once a character graduates from high school, they are in the magic age range of 18 to 80. We're not supposed to remember that Kristen tried to pass off EJ as baby John Jr., or that she bounced Brady on her knee. We're not supposed to remember that EJ was born after Will, and Sami babysat him for Susan a few times. We're not supposed to remember that Jennifer babysat Sami and Eric when they were babies.
Brady has a flashback to Kristen's demands so she will hand over the serum to save Kayla, Kate, and Marlena.
I hope they're learning to skip these scenes for when the show's being written for Peacock. They need to write faster, snappier episodes without flashbacks from last week.
it's 10,000 miles away from Salem
Is it orbiting the Earth?
it would be sort of interesting to have a story where Chloe and Brady are working against Kristen behind her back
That's why they're not doing it. Ron's rule is always do the boring, predictable thing. He tried being unpredictable with the time jump, but filled it with tired, predictable plots.
Stefan was smart today figuring out it was Kristen who messed up his brain.
I really like smart Stefan. He was always supposed to be a smart character, but his first incarnation was too busy being creepy and smarmy, and we barely got to know the second before he was shot in the neck.
Thanks for the write up. I liked the Rafe and Gabi scenes so that's about all I watched. Why is Chloe so stupid about what's going on? And why doesn't Brady just tell her? Honestly it would be sort of interesting to have a story where Chloe and Brady are working against Kristen behind her back while she think's she's won Brady back.
I totally agree on the Chloe and Brady teaming up. I was actually hoping Re-Ron would have enough insight to shock us with this in your face Kristen conspiracy. But alas I’m sure my hopes will be for naught.
Eric: Salem's sad sack was fired by email. How tacky. For once, the famous "hurt look" on his face was justified.

Stefan Zero: He actually expected a straight answer from the Kritter? He's been away too long and badly needs a serious tutorial on the DiMera family circus.

Rolf: He appears to have agreed to relocate to Hong Kong. This could be a really big mistake. If he runs afoul of the authorities, it will be with the Chinese police, not Rafe's Keystone Kops.

Kristen: The Kritter thinks that she and Brady can now happily play house? She's as delusional as she is immoral.
Thanks for the write-up.

I want Chloe to get suspicious and work with Stefan, Marlena and John to learn the truth and get back at Kristen. That would be an interesting story and group of characters, so I know it'll never happen. But I would love to see it.

Li and Rolf's interactions are getting old...enough already. I did like seeing the sibling interaction between Gabi and Rafe.

Jada should have a gossip group consisting of her, Maggie, and Julie. The way they nose into other people's affairs, it would make sense.

Not caring about Eric and Nicole still. Ridiculous writing.
I’m finally caught up after missing a week of shows, and with how Kristen has behaved, anyone with a brain should instantly know why Brady dumped Chloe. She’s the one signaling the truth all over the place. Who is going to believe Brady actually wants Kristen to move in right after breaking up with Chloe?

When I see Eric and Jada, I get mad the writers can’t let him develop a new romance and leave Nicole and Rafe alone. Imagine if Nicole wasn’t obsessed with Eric and was instead working on her marriage and integrating with his family. Nicole and Gabi started a fashion company together. That’s how Gabi built her business. Have them team up to thwart Rolf or to get control of Basic Black and Gabi Chic away from the dysfunctional Dimeras. Nicole and Gabi could be a great team. So could Brady and Chloe. Then maybe the four of them join forces. They all have plenty of motivation to be done with EJ, Kristen, etc. If we have to have corporate intrigue, that’s better than more Dimera share votes that don’t make sense—especially if Gabi got suspicious of Li and didn’t tell him.

There are tons of ways to take this in better, fresher directions without more love triangles or putting a couple back together that had a nice, should-have-been-final goodbye.
There was no reason for them to bring Eric back outside of the actor wanting to return. Their breakup scene was one of the best things they've done in a while and if Eric was going to return I think the only way to handle it was to have him sad and her totally happy and committed to her marriage.

This show really doesn't need new people. They barely have the resources to do this show and adding actors doesn't help. Just come up with better stories for less people. And it would be nice if Nicole and Rafe could be the stable couple in that age range since there really isn't one.