Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 18, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 18, 2016

A slow day today in Salem, as Philip & Belle finish up some supposedly wild sex, for which he apologizes, but she realizes something is bugging him. And so, lots of conversation about his dad in hospital, being mad at Philip, wanting him to earn forgiveness by bringing down Deimos. Zzzzzzz. Oh, Belle is supportive, gives him pep talks, yada yada. They talk about the new record label, making a success of it, etc.

Meanwhile, Lani is doing her best to get Shawn to lock doors and get hot & heavy at the cop shop on the conference table there, but...Shawn declines. and round and round they go in that conversation.

Ciara is in the park with Theo, school out early because of a septic backup, he asks her to go to prom with him, she doesn't want to go at all, but finally says yes, making Theo happy. He asks about her job, she tells him all that happened, he thinks the job will be good for her, and for Abby as well. She kisses him, Abe comes upon them, but backs away. Claire has texted Ciara to come to the club, she leaves, Abe comes out, talks to Theo (very nice conversation) about Ciara. Theo doesn't really want to talk about her, but does stay. Abe is glad they are such good friends, is happy to hear they will go to prom together, but tries to gently warn Theo not to think Ciara kissing him is anything more than good friends.

Claire is singing and playing her guitar in the darkened club, nice song. Ciara arrives, claps when Claire finishes, it was a wonderful song. She gives Claire a pep talk, Claire finally tells her about the offer from Philip for the new record label company. they talk about prom, how Ciara is finding it hard to look forward to happy times, etc.

Shawn & Belle meet up at the Pub, she has signed the divorce papers, gives them to him, talks of both having moved on, she knows he is seeing that detective. Shawn says they only had a couple dates, nothing serious. But she is happy for him. They are about to say more, but there is Lani, standing behind Shawn, Hi Belle, how are you? Belle is fine, just leaving, grabs her purse, and takeout order and it gone. Outside, she looks in the window at Lani, who now occupies the chair Belle had been sitting in, and is holding Shawn's hand.

Rafe sits in the square, remembering telling Hope he loved her, but not expecting anything. He texts her to see if she is o.k., since she called in sick today. But Hope is sitting on the sofa (she seems to be in her own home now), a shawl on her shoulders, taking some meds or something. Her phone rings, she answers, thinking it is someone else who she was just going to call. But, it is Andre', with his slow talking, threatening voice, calling from the jail, his lawyer sure he is going to get off the charges (he is to appear in court soon) & when he does, he is coming after Hope, and her partner as well, getting justice for his father.

He then mentions having seen Chase, who told him all about his unfortunate encounter with Hope's daughter. Why would Chase talk to you....oh he just needed someone to talk to, so it was me. He goes on about that aspect (sorry, I did not catch it all) Hope hangs up. The phone rings again, she answers, snapping into it "leave me alone", but it is Rafe. She apologizes, says Andre just called from jail. Rafe will be right over. She tells him all about Andre's call, and while it did not bother her at all, when he began talking about what happened to Ciara, she lost it.

They get to talking about last night, what he said, what she said, and she lets him know that she just is not ready yet to get into another relationship. Ciara & Claire come in, realize they may have interrupted, are going to leave, she tells them not to, to stay. They talk of prom, 80s theme, Hope & Rafe are throwing out the suggestions of "big hair, mullets for the guys, fanny packs were a big thing. LOL. Then, she is seeing Rafe out (sorry, guess I was wrong, they ARE still at the Horton house) out, they are outside, he has given her a lot to think about.......and suddenly she grabs him, kissing him.
I agree, this was boring. So here are my thoughts :

- Lani : something is very off with that woman. Could she have come on any stronger, today ? First in the scenes at the cop shop (I guess I'm old, but I see nothing exciting about the possibility of having sex in the work place, especially in that room, used by every cop in the Salem PD), then with Belle at the end. Lani putting her hand on Shawn's shoulders like that. Nope, I see a woman going all crazy over a man, yet again. :beat:

- Note to Abe and Ciara : A kiss that represents friendship is not given on the lips, in my book. Enough said. So if Ciara wants to be just friends with Theo, she should remember that.

- Other note on kisses : I still like Hope and Rafe together, yes I do, and I'm not ashamed to say it. But when one is sick, one doesn't kiss someone else. Or, don't write in that a character is sick with a bug, in this case Hope, then write her kissing Rafe. That's a big no no to me. On that subject, and maybe that's because I'm somewhat of a germaphobe myself, why would Ciara kiss Theo with that voice ? The actress did seem like she had a sore throat. (Not to mention she was holding the baby too the other day). Oh, well...

- I don't care about the prom.

- I don't care about Belle.

- I don't care about the new record label and all that filler stuff.

- I don't care about Philip either.

I am glad, though, that we got a break from Abigail and Chad. Though their acting and storylines are great, too much is just too much. I don't want them to replace the "Sami and Ej" show we had. I don't want the "Abigail and Chad" show. Oh, and nice break from Summer, Theresa and clueless Brady also.
I liked when Hope acted so offended by Ciara and Claire saying the 80's were her teen days. (PS: Rafe, fanny packs only started gaining traction in popularity in the early 90's)

Would like to see Claire say to Ciara: "So gross to see my old Uncle Rafe sparking on Grandma."
Today's episode was so chopped up, sloppily edited (in my opinion) that it was like being on Jennifer's pain meds. I know it was necessary to cut scenes, but geez.

Dear Days, stop taping so far ahead and these problems are more easily fixed.
Would like to see Claire say to Ciara: "So gross to see my old Uncle Rafe sparking on Grandma."
Yes, it would. It would also be the first entertaining line in ages by a member of Salem's dreary teen set. As for the episode itself: 1) Hope must be a glutton for punishment -- why did she stay on the line with Andre so long?; 2) unprofessional Lani must go -- doesn't she realize that sex on conference tables has a bad history in Salem; 3) Philly K. now thinks that he can accomplish anything with trampy Belle? He's already performed miracles without her -- growing two new faces and regrowing his leg; 4) If Hope has a bad cold, why was she giving Rafe a big kiss -- is swapping the cold virus the latest expression of love in Salem?; and 5) why isn't Mayor Abe looking into the causes of the sewage back-up at Salem High instead of chatting with Theo? His office better get ready for angry phone calls from Salem High parents.
Andre: Satan called and asked if you would mind turning it down a couple of notches? You're really creeping him out.

Philip and Belle: Did anyone else keep thinking there has to be something more interesting than this they could be spending time on. For instance I believe there was some mention of the high school septic tank.

Shawn and Lani: Where did she think they were, the Titan boardroom? Maybe if they hadn't cut so many of their scenes I might care a little bit. But they did and so alas I don't.

Ciara and Theo: Here's the thing, I don't hate this pairing. Ciara has really grown on me over the past couple of months. And the idea of a teen with autism navigating the already complicated world of teenaged hormones and relationships provides a potentially interesting new wrinkle to the standard high school romance. But I'm just not interested. Whenever they are on I can't help thinking of characters and relationship I would rather see. *Three guesses who I might be referring to and the first two don't count.*

Claire's song: That girl has a beautiful voice. She reminded me of Jewel when she first came on the scene. And she had a rather cute scene with Ciara's mom, Mrs. Brady. Seeing the scene with Hope, Rafe and the two girls it occurred to me that if they are going forward with Hope and Rafe we are never going to hear the G-word come out of Claire's mouth in regard to Hope.
Yawn, no need to watch any of this. I was all excited for more of Jennifer's sex hair slash walk of shame, I guess that's tomorrow? But they were at the cop shop Friday, and if Lani and Shawn are there today they must have left off screen?

Edited to add... wait, did Belle teleport from the court directly to Philip's bed? Where does Philip live anyway?
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So the super nosy, eavesdropping Lani suddenly turns into this horny younger version of Kate, who is always horny. I swear it seemed that this episode was a conglomerate of disconnected scenes, removed from other episodes, and nothing made sense (except the conversation between Hope & Rafe at the end). Tells Shawn to lock the doors, shut the blinds and have at it on the table, and when he says NO, she follows him to the Pub??? Egads.

Guess I don't mind Claire singing, if she wasn't ALWAYS singing some song I never heard before, so assume either she or some part of those in charge of music on Days wrote the song. (Sorry, but I find it hard to follow the lyrics to these songs, and I also know it is just me)

And Hope is acting all astonished that the 80s were her "hey day", but it seems to me that is about when Hope............and together, etc. Around 1983 or 84. And pulleeze, Rafe talking of mullets.......what was he 4 or 5 years old at most? Hope has a son who is in early 30s, maybe mid 30s. Oh, well.......

I noted that the script writer was a name I had not seen before......Edwin Klein.
But for a Monday in particular, which usually sets up the week, this was a real mish mash of scenes, some of which went on just toooo long.

Yep, the cop shop stuff, Phil & Belle in bed could all have been easily cut and we never would know or care. LOL
I'm torn because I was really happy to see most of the characters who were on today but agree that some of the scenes were just way too drawn out.

Lani: I'm starting to wonder if she is working for someone. Andre perhaps? Deimos? I don't know but there is definitely something off. Even last week's SOD said that Shawn and Lani don't have chemistry which I agree with, however, I do think it would have been relevant to have seen the lovemaking or shower scene. Today's scenes seemed way out of left field. Maybe she will hurt Shawn somehow and this is what wakes Belle up? A girl can dream.

I felt really sad for Shawn and Belle who clearly still love one another but are the latest victims of crappy writing. FIX THIS COUPLE PLEASE WRITERS!!!

Belle/Philip: Yawn. I like both characters but not together. I hope they try Philip out with Jeannie T.

I actually thought Claire was going to call Hope "Grandma" today after she said "Hi Girls" but of course I was wrong. :rolleyes: I did love her reaction about the 80s though. Maybe Hope is going to pass on her cold to Rafe? I didn't really understand the point of that whole calling in sick bit. Who wants to take bets that she will be back at work the same Salem day?

I'm all for Shawn not approving of Rafe and Hope. Someone needs to be against it. I hope it sticks longer than JJ disliking Daniel did.

Ciara and Theo just make no sense right now. I didn't understand the kiss. Nice to see Abe though. But why didn't he offer to help Theo shop for his supplies?

More Claire please and lots of her!

The bedding didn't coordinate well with the walls in Philip's hotel room.:rolleyes:
Claire's song: That girl has a beautiful voice. She reminded me of Jewel when she first came on the scene. And she had a rather cute scene with Ciara's mom, Mrs. Brady. Seeing the scene with Hope, Rafe and the two girls it occurred to me that if they are going forward with Hope and Rafe we are never going to hear the G-word come out of Claire's mouth in regard to Hope. struck me as less than subtle when Ciara said she'd be able to say "[she] knew [Claire] when..." instead of saying she'd be able to say "THAT'S MY NIECE!!!!!"

Slow...but not a bad episode. I can live with the Rafe/Hope/Ciara scenes...that's how they should have been working on the couple for us.
I felt really sad for Shawn and Belle who clearly still love one another but are the latest victims of crappy writing. FIX THIS COUPLE PLEASE WRITERS!!!
Why would Chase talk to you....oh he just needed someone to talk to, so it was me. He goes on about that aspect (sorry, I did not catch it all) Hope hangs up.
An important scene...André was needling Hope about "poor Chase" and how Ciara "led the boy on." This drove Hope nuts, and she said she hoped he'd get the death penalty and she'd not lose sleep over it. A stellar scene from Kristan Alfonso (Hope) and it was nice to see André again (I thought he'd gone the way of Dr Baker, Vargas, and Gus) in mild villain mode, doing the psychological stuff with Hope. Nice scenes all around.

Lani is reminding me of early Eeeej, and how he knew scads of stuff about Salemites, much of which never went anywhere. I honestly feel like she was reading from Sami's playbook or something. (I'm not stating that Lani was doing this to copy Marlena/John, or anything of that nature. It just seemed odd, tacked-on, and tacky.)

The Rafe/Hope kiss came from nowhere. I didn't hate it, though. Let's just go where this is going. LOL
she wasn't ALWAYS singing some song I never heard before, so assume either she or some part of those in charge of music on Days wrote the song.
I believe this song is on the EP/album she recently released. It sounded familiar to me.
More Claire please and lots of her!
Hear, hear! I'd much rather see our jaunty songbird than any of the other teens (save perhaps Henry and a non-murderous Joey). She's 10x more interesting and has met all the requirements for an interesting soap character. (Yet she's recurring...go figure.)
And she [Claire] had a rather cute scene with Ciara's mom, Mrs. Brady.
I keep waiting for Hope to say to Ciara sometime: "You and you little friend Claire should run along now".

Don't know about anyone else, but when I call off work sick, I'm in sweats, fuzzy slippers and a blanket wrapped around me; no makeup and my hair either disheveled or pulled into a ponytail. But Hope calls off sick, looks like she stepped from the pages of a fashion magazine and plants a big ol' smoocheroo on Rafe.
I like Claire's voice, but I don't like her songs.

Couldn't they have thought of something better to have kids out of
school than the sewage backup. We heard last week they haven't
had spring break yet.

I'm glad Shawn kept telling Lani no. Was she trying to trick Shawn into doing
something he shouldn't be doing it in the office or is she just oversexed???

Do we know why Lani left Miami? Did she do something wrong there or did
she come to meet Abe?

I thought it was strange Hope kept looking at her phone when it rang. Why did
she think Rafe was on the phone when it was Andre? Then Rafe was on the phone
when she thought it was Andre.

I laughed when Andre called Rafe "Dudley Do Right" It's been awhile since
he was called that.
Thank you for the summary. I had the tv on but muted while I was getting lunch together today, so was pretty sure there was nothing in this episode I would want to watch. Now I'm sure of it. I appreciate being able to read it and all of the comments too.
And Hope is acting all astonished that the 80s were her "hey day", but it seems to me that is about when Hope............and together, etc. Around 1983 or 84. And pulleeze, Rafe talking of mullets.......what was he 4 or 5 years old at most? Hope has a son who is in early 30s, maybe mid 30s. Oh, well.......

Guess I don't mind Claire singing, if she wasn't ALWAYS singing some song I never heard before, so assume either she or some part of those in charge of music on Days wrote the song. (Sorry, but I find it hard to follow the lyrics to these songs, and I also know it is just me)

Galen Gering (Rafe) is 45 and Kristian Alfonso (Hope) is 52.

Nope the songs are not that great. I am a vocal music teacher and this is really being shoved down our throats and meant for the younger "Adele" type crowd. She has a pretty voice and the style is more of a pop smooth jazz. It doesn't have rhyme or form, so it isn't everyone's cup of tea. The actress is doing a good job but the music is kind quirky and not for everyone.

edited to add characters' names - please remember that not everyone knows the actors' real names - JS
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I realize the ages of the actors.....but the characters' ages are what I was talking about. Heck, In real life, Eric Martsolf, who plays Brady, is 45, while the CHARACTER is in mid-30s, being just a year or two older than Belle, Shawn, Philip, Chloe, etc.

In re: Hope/Rafe.......she is already a grandmother, though it is never acknowledged, of a teen age daughter, and yes, that happens to folks in real life, I know. But the show wreaks a great deal of havoc, when every new generation has to be attached in some way to existing family. Soaps want to SORAS kids, but not their parents, who "stand still". It is ridiculous. Glad they let Alice Horton age. LOL
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After today's episode whoooah I had no idea anyone can upstage Kate in the nympho category but Lani sure outdid her. I'm starting to believe Lani is not who she says she is and I speculate she is working for Andre DiMera to spy on the police department. Andre randomly calling Hope today hmmmm I wonder how? Then Lani's undesirable behavior like a loose harlot on Shawn. Lani kept saying "What are you scared someone will walk in?". Perhaps this whole thing is meant to somehow get Shawn Douglas in trouble with the police department ruin his career and reputation. For all we know of Lani's past in Florida she could have been a hooker with her behavior shown today wow!

Rafe and Hope blah I had no interest in any of it quite frankly. Was nice to hear Claire sing again the actress has a amazing voice. I also agree Claire does sound a lot like early Jewel. I just wish Ciara and Claire would refer to each other more as relatives instead of just friends.