Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 29, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 29, 2019

Replay of Eric & Sarah arriving at his apartment, Rex saying there is something he has to tell, and the appearance of Nicole, shocked faces! Eric is unsure this is real, it is really her, he kisses her, she kisses him, they do not stop. Sarah looks on, almost in tears, but mostly just shocked...tho as she watches them she recalls telling Eric her feelings, and their decision to go tell Rex. It is all awkward, to say the least. Sarah pretends to be happy for them, Eric realizing he came there to tell Rex about him & Sarah, who tells Eric they should go, give Eric & Nicole time to themselves. Rex tells them to eat the dinner he made for him and Sarah, everything fine. They leave, Eric & Nik are so into each other. He asks how she got out of the fire, she doesn't really know, lots of smoke, she thinks she passed out, woke in ICU not even knowing who she was. She had no ID on herself, they did not know who to call, so, there she stayed, til finally she was able to leave, find her way back to Eric & Holly. Eric wants to take her to Holly, she says no, too late, Holly asleep, doesn't want to scare her, Holly might think she is ghost. They sit on sofa, more kissing, holding, nearly getting carried away...but Nicole calls a halt. She is not ready for Eric to see her without her clothes.

Seems she was burned pretty badly, and still has to come to terms with how she looks. Eric doesn't care, she knows that, he loves her for herself. But she is tired, exhausted, he is taking her to see Holly in a.m. He has already mentioned how he & Chloe thought it would be better for Holly to be with her & Parker. Nicole knows, Rex explained. After dinner, they sit on sofa, she is so tired, what if she falls asleep. Tis fine says Eric, you will lay in my arms all night, and wake up tomorrow, and we will go see Holly. Nicole notes they have never ever been able to talk “tomorrow”. She nestles into his arms, closes her eyes.

Chloe yells for Stefan, Holly is gone, they look around call her, Chloe says call the cops. He has his men searching the grounds, etc. but calls.

Hope is with Ted, who is making all these excuses and apologies for buying the jewelry, but Hope admits she does have some feelings for him, however, she is married, and not ready to give up on her husband yet. She gets the notice about Holly, tells him and is about to rush off. Ted seems surprised to learn that Chloe is not the bio mother, but was surrogate for Nicole Walker. She goes out, Ted gets a call, says Yeah? Then...”Mission accomplished. “

Eli sees Abe, tells him about Lani having a new man in her life..little David, and about staying with Rafe. Abe is a bit surprised, Eli gets call about Holly, takes off.

Hope & Eli arrive at DiMansion, gets the lowdown, will go see Hector. She returns later, Hector swears his men not involved. She tells Stefan to call his men off, let cops handle it. (yes, it is said about his wonderful “security”) Eli is dusting for fingerprints.

Sheila sits in the square with a box of flyers & envelopes, licking them all to seal. Along comes Abe, they chat about her working during her time off (yeah, sure!), she said he has to get going, he is down in the polls. She asks if her heard about Holly Jonas, he did, she says Jack D. will be all over that. They begin chattering about her kissing him, whether it meant anything, he praises her abilities, she notes they are complete opposites, even mentioning age difference.......but only way to find out ...she jumps up, gives him a kiss, both agree like kissing your sister.

Rafe & Lani are eating chowder, talking of the baby, & then of Hope, Rafe's problems. He talks of Ted being at the root..mentions Aiden, and how he tried to kill her (wasn't that a lookalike?). Lani thinks they will work it out, we see her feeding the baby, later holding him as she sings “hush little baby, mommy's gonna buy you a mocking bird...etc.”.

At one point we see the figure in black carrying Holly into a room. Guess they must have exited thru the tunnels. And then a lot later, Ted opens the door to a room, looks at a crib, then turns, as Xander comes out into the room.
Why has no one mentioned Nicole's letter wanting Chloe to have custody of Holly? They just keep saying they decided it would be better.

Yes, that was a lookalike not Aiden. I think Hope and Aiden were awesome. Still so mad they ruined them. I actually liked Hope with him!

So apparently Nicole had very temporary amnesia and she's burned but not on her face at all? I'm sure it's gonna be Xander that got her out. I hope she and Eric can be happy for a bit and that Holly is found quick!! Ted, what a sleaze. Why did he want Chloe's kid? He was quite shocked to learn she wasn't the biological mother. Is Ted gonna play hero?

I wonder are we gonna know David's father? I'm trying to think of missing characters. Philip?

Is Rex a chef? They are at K mansion. He doesn't live there but goes to kitchen to make food, instead of them going out to get maybe the famous Brady pub chowder? Just seemed weird.
mentions Aiden, and how he tried to kill her (wasn't that a lookalike?)
Yes, that was a lookalike not Aiden.
It was the lookalike who attacked Hope, but originally it was supposed to be Aiden, who realized he couldn't go through with it. Somehow the DiMeras knew he'd wimp out, so they apparently had the lookalike on standby for when Aiden dropped the ball and backed out of the plan at the last minute.
He was; he was literally snatched from Hope's dark living room by the DiMeras when he realized he couldn't go through with the plan to kill Hope (right after they had sex on their wedding night), and the lookalike was sent in to complete the job. The DiMeras then held Aiden in that cage for months, and he befriended the little bird.

Bo got into Hope's house just as the lookalike was trying to strangle Hope in the living room, fought with him and killed him.
Thanks for the summary. I too was wondering about the letter Nicole left for Chloe. It's really irritating if they don't mention it.

Do people still lick envelops to seal them? Although I haven't done it with any mail in a very long time, I can see somebody doing it for one or two envelopes, but a whole box of them for a campaign? Ick!
Oh, the heartbreak: So loudmouth Sarah has lost sourpuss Eric and is now stuck with cheating Rexy, a man who serves red wine with chicken-salad sandwiches. (Purists like James Bond would be appalled.) What a shame. :sarcasm:

Miracle escapes and miracle cures: Having miraculously escaped from Kristen's flaming resurrection factory, Nicole shouldn't worry about any burn scars. After a week in Salem, they will instantaneously vanish just as they have for so many other locals.

Clean-up: Why did Zero have to ask who'll clean up after Eli? Of course it will be the long-suffering Harold, the man who was once tasked with the awful task of sanitizing the infamous DiMera love couch.

Fractured thinking? Why did slimy Ted have Holly kidnapped? Is he trying to make Hope look bad so she'll be fired and turn to him for solace? Even Andre and EJ's screwy plots made better sense than this.

Get a better job: Can't Xander find something to do other than working for creepy Ted? Snatching a sleeping child from the DiMansion is way below the X-Man's usual levels of criminality. (And how did he know about living room entrance to the DiMansion tunnels? If memory serves, he and Ted had no way knowing about them and to the viewers' knowledge Xander hasn't acquired X-ray vision.)
I've never seen a DA jump into so much police work. I. Can't. Deal. With. Ted. And. Hope. It's too bad because I like the actor that plays Ted.

I've never seen the DiMera mansion so vulnerable to infiltration. Stefano is rolling over in his grave.

I've never seen Eric switch affections so fast. And he flips on a dime all the time. However, I've also never laughed so hard as I did when they showed Sarah's face as Eric is making out with Nicole.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I'm a terrible person.

I really hope they don't put Lani and Rafe together in yet another poorly conceived love triangle. I want Rafe to have his own woman who loves him first.
Thanks, Poirot.

Does anyone remember if Xander knew about the secret DiMera tunnels? Maybe
there's a villain guide to Salem and all the tunnels are listed. Hopefully, someone
looks in the tunnel to see if it was used to take Holly.

Poor, poor Sarah. She and Eric said how they feel about each other. They kissed
and then found Nicole at the apartment. It's the Salem way.

Interesting to see the pub open again after Eric and Sarah left.

Nice to hear Rafe finally mention Grace and Sydney.

Line of the day goes to Sarah when she and Rex are at the K mansion "Weird
stuff happens in this town"
Thanks for the summary!

I've also never laughed so hard as I did when they showed Sarah's face as Eric is making out with Nicole.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I'm a terrible person.
I must be a terrible person too - I just laughed and laughed!

I want Rafe to have his own woman who loves him first.
Hope the writers are reading this! I fully agree!

Maybe Eric will have more smiles now that Nicole is back! One can hope - right?

I guess I misunderstood - I thought Xander was the mastermind and Ted was just along for the ride for some reason. Ted is the mastermind? WHY? WHY take Holly?:huh:
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Today's episode showed that Xander is the mastermind; Ted is working for him. But Xander has a partner, although we don't know who.