Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 8, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 8, 2019

Replay of snafu at Jack's rally, no tape, and Eve announcing she & Jack getting married. Jack gives a sick grin, unhappy expressions on JJ and Jen's faces. Jen comes up, rather disbelieving, asking where the ring is. Eve looks uncomfortable, but after the commercial break, manages to produce a ring from somewhere, which she slips on her finger, claiming they did not want to give anything away. She chatters at the so called crowd, Jen wonders why call this huge rally just to announce engagement. Eve is right up there, saying that while Carver campaign is offering fake marriage, Deveraux campaign offering real one. Claire is clearly upset, takes off. Eve excuses herself, goes after her. JJ, Tripp & Haley talk, when Tripp notices Claire missing, wonders where she went.

Replay of Abe thanking Sheila for her support, them seemingly getting close, maybe gonna kiss, but Abe pulls back, accusing Sheila of being about to kiss him, she denying, saying he was about to kiss her, both accuse the other of closing in on the other. (Silly!) Eli & Lani come in with Jordan's baby, fill Abe in. Sheila is at the bar, returns to the table hearing the baby's name is David, blurts out “I thought David was dead”. Cue awkward. Lani is clearing enjoying the baby, all gets explained. Sheila goes to bar to get some drinks, Eli comes to help carry, they talk about Abe/Sheila relationship. She denies anything happening, both hate the other, blah, blah, blah.

Replay of Ted kissing Hope, ending kiss, going in for another, Hope stops him. He knows she is married woman, maybe time to end the marriage. She seems slightly indignant, sorry she had confided in him about her problems. He criticizes Rafe, running off to help exes, declares his love again, he would never do that. She says he knows nothing about her, he starts going thru a list of little things Hope does, he has paid close attention, tho how one can twist a paper clip into shape of a cat is beyond me. LOL. He knows her frustrations, been married himself, thinks she deserves better than what she is receiving from her husband.

Rafe is with Jordan, who is so glad to see him, where is her baby? Rafe explains he did find him, brought him back, but could not bring him to her. Not til he talks to her doctors. He pulls out the birth certificate, says father's name is missing, she refuses to give it to him, father has not been, nor ever will be a part of David's life. Rafe says he cannot bring baby there, Jordan not well, and until she is, baby has to be cared for........asks of blood relatives, mentioning Ben. She about has a fit, claims Clyde turned Ben into monster, she doesn't want Ben to have any influence on her son whatsoever. Nope, no other relatives, only person she trusts is Rafe. She agrees she has to concentrate on getting well, meanwhile, he is who she wants to care for David.

When Eli talks with Sheila, Abe asks Lani if she is getting too attached to David. She tells him her Davis is with her all the time, she still loves him. But this David is just too cute. The baby plays with table stuff, Sheila & Eli return with drinks, Lani pushes her to the side, since she is holding the baby. Eventually Rafe comes in, tells of seeing Jordan, and that he will be the one caring for David, even has his favorite blue blanket. He snakes the blanket around him, David begins chewing on the end, as he takes David from Lani.

Eve explains the video being gone to Claire, but assures her they will think of something to stop the wedding. Claire is upset, this all did not work out, what now? Eve goes on and on about missing Paige, missing being a mom, loving to support and guide Claire, yada, yada. Not to worry, they will stop Tripp & Haley from getting married.

Meanwhile Jen has confronted Jack, cannot believe he really is going to marry Eve. She saw his deer in the headlights expression when Eve made the announcement, mentioning Eve doing all the talking, listing how she talked Jack into running for mayor, talked him into using that poor gal to further his campaign, talked him into going against the man who had been their dear friend, and now talked him into this engagement. Jack denies being Eve's puppet, Jen wonders when he is going to stand up for himself. Eve comes rushing over, enough questions from the press for the candidate, and pulls him away. Jen sits on a bench, JJ comes over, asks how she is. She wrote the story, sends it. Done. He holds her.

Tripp & Haley are back at the loft, talking over what happened, and then their wedding tomorrow. Claire opens the door, right behind them, and somehow they don't see the door open. They talk of vows, Haley all for traditional, Tripp gonna write his own, like in movies. Claire listens to them a bit, they get up to go upstairs to check out you tube videos of vows.

Back in their room, Jack seems not a happy camper, did not like Eve making her announcement. However, his nephew & Haley are getting married with a lie, way to go is even bigger lie. He & Eve will marry tomorrow. Eve thinks there is something between them, so not exactly a lie. Jack sarcastically refers to them being the All American love story.

Ted thinks Hope will eventually admit her feelings, and is willing to wait til then. He gets up, kisses her on top of head, walks out. Hope seems a bit unsure, sips her drink.
As I noted in another thread, I will not be able to do the summary tomorrow. I will see it, but no time then to write it up. far no one has notified me they could help out, so there will probably be no writeup on Tuesday.
They do like replays. Seriously Shelia! What the hell!!! "I thought that baby was dead?" What a horrible thing to say!! Plus that baby was black! I thought Abe was worrying needlessly about Lani and the baby until she pushed that drink away so quick.

I love how Jack was telling I do what I want. No one tells what to do. Then Eve comes up and says he has no more time. Let's go Jack. And away he goes. Plus back at the room he goes from do you really think I'm going to marry you to let's get married tomorrow! So tired of amnesiac Jack.

So Tripp and Haley are sitting at the table and do not notice at all the door half opening?

I can't believe that Ted and Hope were just making out in Doug's Place. But more than that I can't believe no one saw them!! Why Ted would be in love with Hope I have no idea. I really wish they would bring on totally new character for Hope for a love interest. Maybe I'd like her then. Right now I can't stand her. As a love interest or as a mother.
Jen comes up, rather disbelieving, asking where the ring is. Eve looks uncomfortable, but after the commercial break, manages to produce a ring from somewhere, which she slips on her finger, claiming they did not want to give anything away.
She said she was wearing it on her right hand as not give anything away (regarding their "engagement") until they made their announcement. :rolleyes:
Thank you, Poirot.

Am I the only one who thinks Ted is creepy ? It is as though he is "grooming" Hope to do as he wishes just as my cousin's abusive husband did to her. Once he had her believing that he was the only one who understood her and loved her, the isolation and abuse began.

All in all, I think this episode deserves a D+ grade. The only good parts were when the baby was on screen.
The Wages of Sin: Smarmy, creepy Ted is risking his life by moving in on Hope. As for the police commissioner, if she succumbs to Ted's cheesy blandishments, it would serve her right if she picked up an STD.

True Colors: The Jack campaign should give Claire a "I'm With Jack" cap and t-shirt so that everyone can see what a two-faced snake she really is.

Road Kill: Why should Eve care about Claire's relationship with Little Trippy? After all, the bratty YouTube flop is just useful road kill as far as the Jack campaign is concerned.

Honor Thy Daughter?: Eve honors her beloved deceased daughter by getting involved in one under-handed scheme after another? This would be akin to Hope "honoring" Bo Brady by cheating on Rafe with Ted.

Who's the Daddy?: Ben, Eli, and Rafe can safely be ruled out as the father of Baby David. However, the jury is still out on other possible fathers, including:
  • Andre -- met Jordan on a California business trip;
  • Dario -- met Jordan at some California beach bar;
  • Ted -- met Jordan while at an attorneys' convention in L.A.;
  • Jack: ran into Jordan on the West Coast before falling into Eve's clutches.
  • EJ -- while on an outing from Kristen's resurrection factory, he ran into Jordan in Nashville;
  • John: why not? He seems to be the surprise father of half the male newcomers to Salem.
  • Xander: again, why not? As his encounter with Sarah illustrated, he does have some animal magnetism.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. Sheila blurting out about baby David being dead is one more example of why I don't like her. She has no social sense whatsoever.

Ted has been creepy to me from the very beginning. I can't stand watching him.

Jack just doesn't make any sense. Something needs to be done about him. As long as he's hanging around Eve, I don't want to watch him either.
Thanks, Poirot. Thank you, Embrb for helping out tomorrow.

Jack seemed creepy to me when he told Eve they would get married
to promote a bigger lie. If they get married, will it last longer than the
marriage they had before with each other?

I wonder how long we'll have wait to find out who David's
daddy is.

Tripp is getting too excited for his fake marriage.

Why oh why isn't Julie working in the Doug's Place when Hope is there?
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Ignoring how Ted was when he first came to Salem, I thought his conversation with Hope today was very interesting. It was convincing that he is crazy in love with Hope and how he has gotten to know little details about her that make him love her even more. It is admittedly romantic and I normally like this kind of thing. But I do not trust these Days writers. I know them too well. They want you to believe that this is a man that loves Hope and will be perfect for her. Then once she falls for him, it will be revealed he is working for someone and is being paid to get Hope to fall in love with him in order to break her and Rafe up or to hurt her for some other reason.

If Ted were a good guy from the start I would want Hope to leave Rafe for him because I see more chemistry with Ted. And I have never been a Rafe fan, especially with Hope. It’s not going to happen though. The writers have something up their sleeves with Ted and their ultimate goal is to strengthen Hope and Rafe’s marriage, despite the troubles they are having lately.
I don't think someone is paying Ted to make Hope love him, but I do think that if/when she gives in to it, his long lost wife will somehow find her way from Paris to Salem and appear in the shadows for awhile before showing her face at the most awkward time.

I've said all along that I think Ted is working for someone. After watching this episode, I'm wondering if he and Jordan could be working together? I'm not sure that Jordan wants Rafe but since we know she's unstable, I could her doing it to hurt Hope on account of what she did to Ben.

Abe and Sheila. Just no. Why must all the black characters be automatically paired together either romantically or in scenes together? Eli and Lani at least interact with others but Abe and Sheila are going down the isolation path. Why not try Kayla and Abe again? They tried that years ago and it didn't work at the time but it wasn't as bad as Kayla and Shane.

Loving Jennifer's light blue pants suit

Somebody really needs to advise Kassie DePaiva(Eve) to wear proper undergarments or at least wear them in the first place. I'm not trying to be snarky but it's very noticeable when she wears those clingy dresses and it isn't the first time I've noticed it.

I'm so glad Claire has a mother figure in Eve since she doesn't have any relatives in Salem :rolleyes:

Wow this episode was baaaddd. I'm getting tired of the same old campaign announcements followed by JJ, Jennifer, and everyone else suddenly confronting Jack and Eve. It's just a merry-go-round at this point. The same goes for Ted talking to Hope and Claire watching Haley's interactions with Tripp. The writers couldn't get more creative with how to advance these storylines?

Sheila and Abe is both awkward and unnecessary. Why not just leave them as friends? I'm also down for a Kayla and Abe pairing--I was back in 2012 also. If Patch is going to be gone, might as well give it a try. It's more age-appropriate and they have a long friendship together.

Rafe, Jordan, and this baby thing could be interesting if written correctly. Sadly, I have no faith in the writers to do so.